  • 1. Vitor Domingos BOFH

2. vd Vitor Domingos 3. BOFH for 10 years with telecom, bank & public administration background vd Vitor Domingos 4. Codebits AWS ground zero: EC2 & S3 hands-on 5. 39 6. What I'm not going to talk > AWS account > Install linux, xen or any other tool mentioned > Generate ssh key pairs or manage ssh keys > EC2 for torrents or pr0n > S3 for infinite backups > AWS Security * 7. What I'm going to talk > Cloud Computing > AWS advantages > EC2; create, upload, manage, backup, assign ip address, available tools > S3; create, manage, put/get, sync, available tools > Bonus 8. Cloud Computing > grid-utility 2.0 > software as a service 2.0 > clients (firefox) > application (google apps) > platform (google app engine, heroku) > service (openid, mechanical turk, gmaps) > infrastructure > storage 9. from wikipedia 10. AWS advantages > Full cloud stack > Cost effective, pay for what you use > Dependable, use it as your work horse > Flexible, scale up or down, on demand > Use the services Luke > Perfect for your codebits projects 11. Why do you buy and manage hardware ? Why are spending your investor money ? Werner Vogels, Amazon CTO 12. Lease, don't buy 13. SLA ? 14. Yes! But things can fail ... 15. from 9to5 16. EC2 > hardware on demand > small, large, extra large, high-cpu medium or large > billed by core hour use and bandwidth > fixed ip address > xen based system > runs almost everything (linux, solaris, win) 17. from amazon docs 18. EC2 > > 19. EC2 Lingo > AMI; Amazon Machine Image (stored on S3) > Instance; your machine running > Instance Store; limbo > Elastic IP: fixed ip address > SWBF; shutdown without backup and you're fucked > MuKnO; mess up keys and you're out 20. EC2 command line > ec2-add-keypair ec2-keypair > ec2-describe-images -o self -o amazon > ec2-run-instances -k > ec2-describe-instances > ec2-authorize default -p {80,22} > ssh -i root@ 21. EC2 bundling > install ruby & ami-tools > image ec2-bundle-image -i .img -k -c -u > snapshot ec2-bundle-vol -k -c -u > upload ec2-upload-bundle -b -m image.manifest.xml-a -s > register ec2-register mybucket/image.manifest.xml 22. EC2 extra stuff > backup running instance bundle-vol; upload-bundle > assign ip address ec2-associate-address -i > reboot ec2-reboot-instances > terminate (remember SWBF) ec2-terminate-instances > register ec2-register mybucket/image.manifest.xml 23. EC2 Tools > Amazon AMI Tools > Enomalism > RightScale > ElasticFox > Your own ? 24. S3 > infinite storage > free between EC2 instances > billed by storage, data transfer & requests > unique buckets > up to 5GB per file > metadata and serves itself 25. S3 lingo > bucket; file containers prtsc/photo.png -> > objects; fundamental entity, consists of data and metadata > keys; unique identifier for the object > service endpoint; service host and port 26. S3 do & don'ts > respect restrictions and limitations!!! > don't fuckup access control list for the bucket neither for the object > don't delete unless you're sure > sync; sync; sync > export now & then 27. S3 > (ruby) > S3 Firefox Organizer > AWS S3 Key + ID 28. ruby used as curl interface ???? 29. S3 command line > s3cmd.rb listbuckets > s3cmd.rb createbucket > s3cmd.rb list > s3cmd.rb delete > s3cmd.rb get|put > s3sync.rb -r progress 30. S3 tools > thousands, just google it > s3bash FTW > curl > create your own ? 31. AWS is the starbucks of hardware 32. Bonus!!!! > Xen how-to for freetards saying that AWS is not opensource > EC2 sandbox > AWS UG 33. Xen > CentOS (5.2) + xen 3.0.3 > libvirt, lvm, virt-manager > AWS xen kernel xvda vs sda > persistence & time 34. EC2 sandbox > OpenNebula > Nimbus > Haizea > DTC-Xen 35. AWS Portuguese User Group > Why not > Share experiences > Gather up > Workshops > Contact me: [email protected] > I'll be around