Download pdf - Backstage Jan-Feb 2012

Page 1: Backstage Jan-Feb 2012

In This Issue...

A Night of Hectors and Henleys 1-2

Cooperation in the Arts? 3

Dinner Theatre is Cast 3

Membership Form 4

Contacting HCT 5

2012 Season Unveiled! 6

Calendar of Events 7

It is a time of surreal

e x c i t e m e n t a n d

expectat ions ; When

dream and reality meld

into one. It is a Night at

the Hectors.

This year’s event was

again held at Hawkeye

Theatre with all the glitz

and glamour that such an

entity should muster. The

evening started with hors

d'oeuvres and social time

After appetites were sated

the attendees headed to

the main auditorium for a

evening of information

and entertainment.

Every aspect of the

internal and external

operations and plans were

covered by Hawkeye

Theatre board members—

Of Special Note...

Award winners


2012 Season


each covering the area

of their responsible

p o s i t i o n a n d / o r

committee. Financial

aspects were shared as

was updates to various

b u i l d i n g a n d

product ion related


As happens each year

people come and

people go on the two

Boards that govern the

Theatre. Retiring from

the Board of Directors

were Steve Hoesel,

Sarah Smith, Alyssa

Sparks and Michael

Shoopman. Replacing

them were Ashley

Garst, Katie Hazel,

Steve Schwendemann

and Thomas Wilson.


A Night of Hectors and Henleys









/ F





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Randy Kaiser was elected as new

Board of Director President. He

will preside over all matters

during the coming year. Steven

Schwendemann was elected

Treasurer, with Dawn Farr

retaining her position of

Secretary. The new Board

will further fill positions in

the near future for both

offices, and committees.

Comprising the Board of

Trustees is Past President

Sarah Smith, Michael

Shoopman, Brandy Vrchoticky

along with President Kaiser and

Treasurer Schwendemann as ex-

officios (by nature of their office).

Finally the evening came to the

award presentations from both

award groups—the Hectors based

HECTORS & HENLEYS (cont from cover)

upon a panel of judges—and the

Henleys, based upon the people’s

choice votes. Special presenter for

the evening was Hannah


Hectors were awarded


Best Actor Lead Role


Dawn Farr

Kitchen Witches

Best Actor Lead Role


Jim Von Dolteren

When the Reaper Calls

Best Actor Support Role Female

Timi Jordison

Blithe Spirit

Best Actor Support Role Male

Dana Westphal

Blithe Spirit

Steve Farr

2011 Service Award

People’s Choice

Henleys were awarded


Kelli Hamlow

The Smell of the Kill

Timi Jordison

Blithe Spirit

Jim Von Dolteren

Arsenic and Old Lace

Suzzane Schwendemann

Kitchen Witches

Jim Von Dolteren

When the Reaper Calls

Jim Von Dolteren

2011 Season Henley.

L-R, Hannah Drummond, Steve Farr, Suzzane Schwendemann, Jim Von Dolteren, Dawn Farr, Timi Jordison

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In the entertainment industry at any

level competition is the elephant in

the room.

Under the surface of smiling faces

making niceties over congratulatory

praises runs a deep river of internal

haughtiness inexplicably combined

with doubt and wrapped around a

fragile ego. Everything is judged,

cr it iqued, argued and even

ridiculed—fairly or not—based upon

the common denominator of one’s

own opinion. And those opinions can

be as varied (and sometimes about as

stable) as snowflakes; Each is

different, but none are truly unique.

One area where one can find a steady

rhythm across all levels of

competition is the quest for the

viewer. Nielson ratings to box office all comes down to scrapping

for someone willing to attend (and

pay for) something.

Performing to the sound of crickets is

not the ideal circumstance for anyone

in this crazy business. Visions of

Cooperation in the Arts?

sold out crowds throwing roses and

money notwithstanding, a good

attendance plucked from the limited

pool of available entertainment

budgets is absolutely vital to the

cont inued existence of any

performing organization; whether it

be a movie, play, circus, musical

group, or irritating mimes.

Comfort Grody - Mari Newman Glynis Prescott - Katelyn Helgevold

Lady Alicia Goddard - Sarah Smith

Dinner Theatre is Cast

The Annual Dinner Theatre has

been cast with the necessary eight

females and three males. The show is “The Bride of Brackenloch” by

Rick Abbot. The show is a scary

thriller—uh, well—make that a ridiculous farce that takes place in

the nineteenth century Scotland.

The Cast Jabez Thorngall - Jim Von Dolteren

Daphne Dixon - Kiana Vrchoticky

Mavis Beaufort - Martha McColley Janet Magleesh - Brandy Vrchoticky

Fenella - Amanda Von Dolteren

Mrs. Mousely - Phyllis Ann Frohlich

Wilbur Yardley - Nicholas Dosland Andrew MacHanford - Jeff Bluml

The Annual Dinner Theatre 2012 runs for six shows during two

extended weekends in March; a great

way to welcome the springtime season! The production is directed by

Michael Shoopman.

On the more localized level the battle

continues. Who can afford to

advertise, who do you know in media

outlets to help get exposure, etc.

Every group wanting to be noticed,

seen, attended and successfully

reviewed—or realize certain death.

The ugly comes when groups try to

circumvent each other with

scheduling conflicts—a not so nice

chess game with the calendar.

It is great to have cooperation in the

midst of all this jockeying. Recently

t h e W i n t e r s e t S t a g e

( )

approached HCT looking for

costumes. The two groups got

together and HCT helped them with

their need. In return HCT received a

great thank you and donation.

Again, it is so refreshing to see

cooperation between organizations in

the arts. HCT has had many of these

over the years and will continue to

do so in the future. The elephant will

always make room for itself.

The Winterset Stage group in HCT costumes

Editor, HCT Volunteer With a staff of ten digits

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What an



Please mail to: Hawkeye Community Theatre, Box 32, Fort Dodge, IA 50501-0032

If you are interested in participating actively in HCT please check one or more of the following


Work on Make-up



Set Construction

Ticket Sales

Greeter / Usher




City, State, Zip

Email address

NOTE: Single ticket prices: Summer Shows & Dessert Theatre $15; Students and Seniors $10. Dinner Theatre is extra for meal.

Your Gift Supports Quality Theatrical Productions







Hawkeye Community Theatre Memberships

Listed below are the six levels of memberships. Hawkeye Community Theatre (HCT) is a non-profit organization, so your

contribution is IRS tax deductible. Not only do you make a contribution, but you get a bargain in entertainment.

Please fill out the form below and mail it to us. If you have friends or family who would like to join HCT also, send their name(s)

address and type(s) of membership(s) and their donation(s) to the same address. REMEMBER: HCT memberships make great gifts!

Hawkeye is made of people in your community — volunteers giving of their time and talent with one purpose — to keep the art alive in our community. Please join and help this art form live on. Someday a child yet to be born will breathlessly await their cue to walk

out on to the stage for the first time, and experience a feeling like no other — all because of you and people like you, who made it

possible. Hawkeye Community Theatre...the legacy lives on...

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2012 Offices / Committees

Jeff Bluml—Building, Set Design

Kim Dosland—Membership, Front of House

Dylan Drummond—Play Reading

Dawn Farr—Secretary, Business Manager

Dr. Steve Schwendemann—Treasurer

Colleen Kaiser—Historian

Randy Kaiser—President, Building

John Metier—Publicity

Karla Skaggs—Community Service

2012 Board of Directors / Trustees †

Jeff Bluml

Kim Dosland

Dylan Drummond

Dawn Farr

Ashley Garst

Katie Hazel

Colleen Kaiser

Randy Kaiser

John Metier

Steve Schwendemann

Karla Skaggs

Thomas Wilson ========

Michael Shoopman †

Sarah Smith †

Brandy Vrchoticky †

Hawkeye Community Theatre

Box 32

521 North 12th Street

Fort Dodge, IA 50501

Phone: 1.515.576.6061

E-mail: [email protected]


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2012 Season Unveiled!

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Get reservations in early for Annual Dinner Theatre in March!

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January 2012



6:15 pm



6-7 pm



6-7 pm

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February 2012

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Hawkeye Community Theatre Box 32 — 521 North 12 Street

Fort Dodge, IA 50501-0032

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