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Trust the LeaderMore than 200.000 choices

Jamones Badía (Badía Hams in English) is, nowadays, a leading company in terms of comercialization and distribution of iberian pork-derivated products. Selling 200,000 hams and shoulders a year, Jamones Badía has generated nearly 250 job positions.

His vision led Juan Badía Valenzuela, with more than forty years of experience in this sector, to stand for the primacy of the best quality and prices. Since 1985, when he opened the first Badía store, he has managed to be the leading iberian meat wholesaler in the country, with 16,000 squared metres of sales space and parking lots among twenty-two establishments including chash stores, butcheries, wine bars and event rooms.

It’s the first iberian pork wholesaler to receive the righteous quality proof ISO 9001.

Besides these exclusive iberian pork-based products, Jamones Badía offers a huge variety of products, including white pork, beef, chicken, turkey and lamb.

Our mission is, basically, to offer exclusive and high-quality products with the best prices available in the market.

According to this philosophy, we carefully select our products righteously controlling its quality in order to guarantee that our costumers enjoy a large variety of extraordinary products at surprising price.

Our company’s slogan, and the one we’re known for, couldn’t be any different:Jamones Badía, the Power of Quality.

Our Company

Our Mission

Badia Business Group sells 934,073 kg of fresh meat, including 367,720 kg of iberian pork and over 200,000 hams and shoulders a year.

It relies on a list of 4,900 registered purchasers among wholesalers and private clients. Moreover, its establishments help a dai ly average of 2,900 costumers.

Our Numbers

Our Establishments

Badía Group began its career in 1985, with the opening of a butcher’s shop in Tomares (near Seville). Since then, there have been many more of them, including our beloved shops in Gines or Triana (Seville). With the new century, Jamones Badia inaugurated its first cash-and-carry store in Camas (also near Seville), followed by four more of them, often including wine bars and taverns where our clients can have a very special taste of our products.

Our History

Alongside with our online catalogue, Jamones Badía owns a total amount of twenty-two establishments and an event room in Store Area (Seville).

There, our clients can find custom advice provided by our experts, whose mission consists of assisting our customers in this journey through some of the greatest gastronomic treasures of the entire world.

The world-known iberian pork lives by the south of the peninsule.

Its physical aspect is pretty unmistakable. Black open hoof, sharp snout, small head, short and brawny neck, little hair and long thin legs.

This species also presents one unique genetic feature that makes it distinct from any other: the hypophysis. It allows the presence of interspersed fat in their muscle that generates the appreciated white veins that guarantees the origin of such an exquisit variety.

Iberian Breed

Acorn-fed Iberian Pork: Exclusively fed with natural grass and acorns. This type of treatment guarantees the best quality.

Mixed-fed Iberian Pork: Fed with grass, acorns and also fodder.

Fodder-fed Iberian Pork: Fed with natural grass and fodder.

Country Fodder-fed Iberian Pork: Fed with natural grass and fodders outdoors.

Montanera: Period in which the pork walks and grazes freely. Takes place between late october and early april.

Iberian Pork Classification (according to its feeding)

- External appearance: The yellowish layer that covers the ham is the unmistakable sign of its curation at the pantry. Must be tight, thin and lightly extended.- Its flavour is liberated during the cutting process.- The fat melting at a temperature of 24-25ºC causes its special shine.- Unique taste and juiciness.

*Vetas (veins): Interspersed fat between muscle fibers.

Iberian Ham Features

Our Slicing Process

In order to offer the best tasting of our products, Jamones Badía has developed through the years the nicest slicing process. Obviously, the ritual of ham knife-cut stands out for its singularity, tradition and authenticity.

Performed by qualified personnel and following strictly every quality measure established by the law, our ham cut is considered an art by many.

After the obligatory cleaning of the piece, the first cuts will allow the expert to map the following sections once he reaches the correct depth. His moves must be caferully executed, with the knife blade resting over the cutting area and slowly swinging without making almost any pressure over the ham.

The cut will generate an approximatey one-milimeter-thick slice that must combine fat and lean meat to get the most of its flavour.

Once cut, these slices are vacuum packed using wrappers specially designed to keep all the essence of a high-quality ham intact and perfect for the achievement of our final objective: taking its quality and properties to our customers’ kitchens.

Pieces of chopped meat seasoned with aromatic herbs and different spices (pepper, green pepper, garlic, rosemary, thyme, clove, ginger or walnut) and cured inside high quality pork intestines, true responsible for the great taste of our iberian sausages because of its great natural qualities.

These sausages and cold meats must be cut in round slices perpendicular to the piece, which makes the final product more practical and good-looking. They must also be thin to guarantee the highest accuracy in their tasting.

Iberian sausages and cold meats

Iberian “Caña de Lomo”: The back is the most valuable and appreciated part of the iberian pig quartering. Their elaboration process consists of different phases, including marination, wrung out, curation and maturing.

Iberian “Chorizo”: Elaborated with chopped iberian pork meat and marinated with spices, being green pepper the one who provides our “Chorizo” with its particular aroma. No “chorizo” should have less than a thirty percent of fat.

Iberian “Salchichón”: Made with iberian lean meat, fat and spices, and later cured inside natural intestines. After that, the curation process must last about forty days.

Iberian “Morcón”: Elaborated with lean iberian pork meat, but also with sirloin and back meat. It’s marinated and inserted inside natural intestines. Because of its thickness, its maturing process lasts from sixty to ninety days.

Types of sausages and cold meats

Sliced Acorn-Fed Iberian Cured Ham (100 g) 01904

Package with 100 g of Sliced Acorn-Fed Iberian Cured Ham. Vacuum-packaged.sCuration: more than 36 monthssLasts for: 90 dayssNote: We recommend our clients to open the package about 30 minutes before it’s sconsumption, letting the product rest at room temperature.

Sliced Fodder-Fed Iberian Cured Ham (100 g) 01115

Package with 100 g of Sliced Fodder-Fed Iberian Cured Ham. Vacuum-packaged. sHand-cut with knife by experts, with the ideal measure and thickness for its tasting.

Curation: from 24 to 36 monthssLasts for: 90 dayssNote: We recommend our clients to open the package about 30 minutes before it’s sconsumption, letting the product rest at room temperature.

Sliced Acorn-Fed Iberian Cured Shoulder (100 g) 01126

Package with 100 g of Sliced Acorn-Fed Iberian Cured Shoulder. Vacuum-spackaged. Hand-cut with knife by experts, with the ideal measure and thickness for its tasting.

Curation: more than 36 monthssLasts for: 90 dayssNote: We recommend our clients to open the package about 30 minutes before it’s sconsumption, letting the product rest at room temperature.

Sliced Fodder-Fed Iberian Cured Shoulder (100 g) 01112

Package with 100 g of Sliced Fodder-Fed Iberian Cured Shoulder. Vacuum-spackaged. Hand-cut with knife by experts, with the ideal measure and thickness for its tasting.

Curation: from 24 to 36 monthssLasts for: 90 dayssNote: We recommend our clients to open the package about 30 minutes before it’s sconsumption, letting the product rest at room temperature.

Sliced Acorn-Fed Iberian Caña de Lomo (125 g) 01610

Package with 125 g of Sliced Acorn-Fed Iberian Caña de Lomo. Vacuum-spackaged.

Curation: 120 dayssLasts for: 90 dayssNote: We recommend our clients to open the package about 30 minutes before it’s sconsumption, letting the product rest at room temperature.

Sliced Fodder-Fed Iberian Caña de Lomo (125 g) 01107

Package with 125 g of Sliced Fodder-Fed Iberian Caña de Lomo. Vacuum-spackaged. Specially selected for its unique flavour, juiciness and taste.

Curation: 90 dayssLasts for: 90 dayssNote: We recommend our clients to open the package about 30 minutes before it’s sconsumption, letting the product rest at room temperature.

Sliced High-Quality Iberian Salchichón (125 g) 01129

Package with 125 g of Sliced High-Quality Iberian Salchichón. Vacuum-spackaged.

Curation: 80 dayssLasts for: 90 dayssNote: We recommend our clients to open the package about 30 minutes before it’s sconsumption, letting the product rest at room temperature.

Sliced High Quality Iberian Chorizo (125 g) 01124

Package with 125 g of Sliced High Quality Iberian Chorizo. Vacuum-packaged.sCuration: 90 dayssLasts for: 90 dayssNote: We recommend our clients to open the package about 30 minutes before it’s sconsumption, letting the product rest at room temperature.

Sliced Iberian Morcón (125 g) 01108

Package with 125 g of Sliced Iberian Morcón. Vacuum-packaged. s

Curation: 90 dayssLasts for: 90 dayssNote: We recommend our clients to open the package about 30 minutes before it’s sconsumption, letting the product rest at room temperature.

Elaborated with lean iberian pork meat, but also with sirloin and back meat. It’s marinated and inserted inside natural intestines.

Sliced Aged Sheep Cheese (150 g) 01122

Package with 150 g of Sliced Sheep Aged Cheese. Vacuum-packaged.sCuration: 90 dayssLasts for: 90 dayssNote: We recommend our clients to open the package about 30 minutes before it’s sconsumption, letting the product rest at room temperature.

Acorn-Fed Iberian Cured Ham 04680

Acorn-Fed Iberian Cured Ham (8 kg. aprox.). Jamones Badia offers the exquisit sflavour and high quality of an undeniable Spanish gastronomic treasure.

Curation: more than 36 monthssLasts for: 24 monthss

Fodder-Fed Iberian Cured Ham 00578

Fodder-Fed Iberian Cured Ham (9 kg. aprox.). Experience its unique taste at the sbest price available with Jamones Badía.

Curation: from 24 to 36 monthssLasts for: 24 monthss

Acorn-Fed Iberian Cured Shoulder 04679

Acorn-Fed Iberian Cured Shoulder (5 kg. aprox.). s

Curation: more than 36 monthssLasts for: 24 monthss

Experience its unique taste at the best price available with Jamones Badía.

Fodder-Fed Iberian Cured Shoulder 00584

Fodder-Fed Iberian Cured Shoulder (4,5 kg. aprox.). One of the most exquisit sproducts of our country. Includes every iberian meat feature.

Curation: from 24 to 36 monthssLasts for: 24 monthss

Cured Ham 00053

Cured Ham (7 kg. aprox.). Its curation process provides it with an exceptional squality. Highly recommended.

Curation: more than 12 monthssLasts for: 12 monthss

Cured Shoulder 00574

Cured Shoulder (4,5 kg. aprox.). Considered by many as the cured ham’s little ssister. Exceptional choice as a snack or deluxe ingredient for a high quality stew

Curation: more than 12 monthssLasts for: 12 monthss


Acorn-Fed Iberian Caña de Lomo 00369

Acorn-Fed Iberian Caña de Lomo (1,35 kg. aprox.). s

Curation: from 120 dayssLasts for: 14 monthss

The back is the most valuable and appreciated part of the iberian pig quartering. Their elaboration process consists of different phases, including marination, wrung out, curation and maturing.

Fodder-Fed Iberian Caña de Lomo -

Fodder-Fed Iberian Caña de Lomo (1,35 kg. aprox.). s

Curation: from 90 dayssLasts for: 14 monthss

The back is the most valuable and appreciated part of the iberian pig quartering. Their elaboration process consists of different phases, including marination, wrung out, curation and maturing.

Acorn-Fed Iberian Salchichón 00477

Acorn-Fed Iberian Salchichón (1,4 kg. aprox.). s

Curation: 120 dayssLasts for: 14 monthss

Made with iberian lean meat, fat and spices, and later cured inside natural intestines. After that, the curation process must last about forty days.

Acorn-Fed Iberian Chorizo 00605

Acorn-Fed Iberian Chorizo (1,3 kg. aprox.). s

Curation: 120 dayssLasts for: 14 monthss

Elaborated with chopped iberian pork meat and marinated with spices, being green pepper the one who provides our “Chorizo” with its particular aroma. No “chorizo” should have less than a thirty percent of fat.

High Quality Iberian Salchichón 00611

High Quality Iberian Salchichón (1,4 kg. aprox.). s

Curation: 90 dayssLasts for: 14 monthss

Made with iberian lean meat, fat and spices, and later cured inside natural intestines. After that, the curation process must last about forty days.

High Quality Iberian Chorizo 00621

High Quality Iberian Chorizo (1,3 kg. aprox.). s

Curation: 90 dayssLasts for: 14 monthss

Elaborated with chopped iberian pork meat and marinated with spices, being green pepper the one who provides our “Chorizo” with its particular aroma. No “chorizo” should have less than a thirty percent of fat.

Aged Sheep Cheese 00890

Aged Sheep Cheese (3,2 kg aprox.). Made with natural sheep milk combined with solive oil, which provides it with an exquisit and unique taste.

Curation: 330 dayssLasts for: 180 dayss