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You've Beenin ScoutingWay Too Long When:Yorn favoritecolor is "olive drab". the You decideto lashtogether newdeck onthe back of your house. You plan to servefoil mealsat your next dinnerparly. in You walk the sfreets broaddaylightwith a coffeecnp andflashlight hangingfiom your belt. business meeting. You raiseyour handin the scoutsrgnat a heated you by You were arrested airport securitybecause wouldn't give up your "tbank yotf'. nightuntil the cop said official BSA pcicket "You didn't mind losurgpowerto your housefor threedays. Your sonhideshis copyof Boy's Life from you the includedigsng the hole deeper. Your plansfor remodeling bathnoom little 15 fishingboat in on tlrat great You tade yor:r 25 foot centerconsole foot canoe. Your favoritemovieis "Follow Me Boys" staringFredMacMuryYou managed find ttrat 8e day in the week. to dishwasher favor of the in You disconnect automatic *re "3 pot method".

You sneaka cup of "bugjuice" afterthe unit turnsin for the night. You can starta fire by rubbing2 stickstogether. oomfortable. Lafiines at canp startbecoming You felt you won a moralvictory whenBSA broughtbackkneesocks.

for Resources OutdoorPrograms SuggestedMuseums Local:weekdays. Extended Riverbanks 7,oo znd Botanical Garden - RegularHours 9arn-5pm - 6pm on Saturdays Sundays.Closedf[anksgiving and and hours 9am suillmerweekend availablefor 15 or morewith pre-regisfation (atleast 2 Christnas day. Grouprates programsfor your den.Phone: notice required).Ask abouteducational weeksadvanced programs 1601for groupsales. or (803) 779-8717 1113for educational ext org htto://www.riverbanks. except New Year'sDay, Easter, Saturday StateMuseum- OpeneveryTuesdaythrougb eve,and Christnasdayfrom 10A.M. - 5 P. M. Also open Ttranlsgiving,Cbristmas Phone:(803) 301 St. from 1 to 5 P.M. Address: Gervais ColumbiaSC 29201. Snndays Star 898-4921.Additional programsavailable:StingerDiscoveryCe,lrter, Lab, Scie'nce Natr:reSpace. Call for information. Additional costmaybe required. Theaterand Columbia Museum of Art - Downtownat Main andHamptonin Columbi4 South and 10am- 9pm on Thursday Satrnday, Hours 10am- 5pm V/ednesday, Carolina 29202. excepton (803)799-2810. required Fee Fridayand 1pm- 5 pm. Sunday.Phone: Saturdays. ore htb ://www.colmusart. exhibitionsandpublic of McKissick Museum - in its third decade collecting,research, ro programs. The Museumwas established serveas a general Universitymusatmand to and as development well as campus public research,and collections in engage education, - Friday8:30am 5pm. Saturday 1lam to 3pm. Closeon all to setrytce. OpenMonday Phone:(803) 777-7251. Universityholidays. cas. edu[VICKS/ http://www. sc. science elrvironmeot where simulatedspace Challenger Learning Center - a hands-on and work in tearnsto solvereal-life math, science technology and educators students for problenrsdwing a simulatedspaceflight. Cal1929-3951 moreinformation. Contact and centerforprogram information"hoursof operation cost. Grouptours are the available. serlindex.htn ordde'partments/challen http://www.richlandone.

Resources OutdoorPrograms for SuggestedParks. Camping.Nature and GeologvtoTam-.9pmduring daylight StatePark - Hours:8am-6pmexte,nded Sesquicentennial (803) 788time. Address: 9564Two NotchRoa{ Colunbi4 5C29223. Phone: savings 2706 (selectstateparksandscroll down to Sesquicentennial) Dreher Island State Park - Hours: 6am- 6pm extended 6am- 9pm duringdaylight to (803)3644152. Address: time. Phone: savings 3677StrteParkRoad,Prosperity, SC 291,27 (selectstateparksandscroll dovm to DreherIstand) CongareeNational Park - Address:100NationalParkRd-,HopkinsSC 29061. Phone: (803)776-43961-ocated miles southeast Columbia 20 of offSC Route48. Thelast significanttact of old-growthbottomland hardwoodforestin the U.S. Covers22,200 acres. Opendaily 8:30am Spm.Offers18milessfhilcing hails, fishing,ganosing to and primitive campingwith permit.Artmissionfree. gov/cosdindex.hfrn http://www.nps. Harbison State Forest - Boundedalongits northeastem edgeby the BroadRiver, HarbisonEnvironme'lrtal EducationForestencompassesZ,LTT of forestlandonly acres nins pilss from downtownColumbia.Its uniquer:rbanlocationmakesHarbisonone of the largestpublic greenspaces inside thecrty limits of a metropolitanareain theeastem UnitedStates.Address BroadRiverRd. ColumbiaSC. 29210.Call (803)896-8890 5500 for information on programs. http://www.state. us/foresVreft sc. arb.htm JonesGap State Park - Trailsidecampingin one of SouthCarolina's most pristine wildemessareas the Upcounty canbe enjoyedat this 3,3fifuanepark.Iocated in in the 10,000-acre MountainBridge Wildemess Are4 this park encompasses Mddle tbe River, designated state's Saluda the first scenicriver. In addition,the park is an access point to the Foothills Hiking Trail. More than400 species flora includingrareand of plants andstate e'ndangered recordtrees,arealsofound here.Thepark'sEnvironmental EducationCenteroffersnatue exhibitsanda lab area.Portionsof the old Cleveland Fish Hatcheryhavebee'lr restored are stocked and with tout for obse,lvation only. A river ecologyprogramis available.This program the bola in the streamcollectingthe has local aquaticspecies thenlearningaboutthemvia theParkNatrualistBill Ma:rell. and Bill Marell canbe contacted 864-836-0554 864-836-6115 setupa visit. at or to (selectstateparksandscroll downto JonesGap)

Suggested Resources Outdoor for ProgramsOrangeburgNational Fish Eatchery - NearColumbia, Orangeburg. Open Monday in through Fridayfrom 8am- 3:30pm. Iocatedon higbway21 in Orangeburg. Picnic are4 Aquarium,ponds,tours,naturewalks. Phone:803-534-4828 gebure. eov/ http://oran fws. PoinsettStatePark - located alongtheedge theWateree ParkHor:rs:9 a.m.of SwamF. 6 p.m exte,nded 9pmduring daylightsavings to time for Friday-Sunday.Address:6660 (803) 494-8177 Poinsett ParkRoad,Wedgefield, 29168 SC Phone: (selectstareparksand scroll down to http://www.discoversouthcarolina-com Poinsett) part Sumter National Forest- The SumterNational in Forest located the northwestem is of SouthCarolina. is comprised 360,115 of acres.A listing of campgrounds, hiking It trails, andmore is availableat the web site. http://www.eom. com/dodsouthern/sumt.htrn (803) Phone: South Carolina Geological Survey - 5 GeologyRd. ColumbiaSC. 2921,0. program 896-7708. missionof tle Geological The Suney is to providea serviceoriented pertainingto the geology which collects,studies, interprets,andreportsall infornration andmineralresources affectingthe daily lives of the citizensof this state. Greatsourceof info for GeologistBadge. Rocksand rockcollectionsavailable. 1o http://www. gy/index. htm U.S.Fish and Wildlife - SERegion s/sc.htn http://southeast. gov/map fws. 1 SC StateParks Guide - A list of SC State Parks (selectstatepark and scroll downthe list)

Heritaee and Historical SitesConfederate Relic Room - Locatedinthe ColumbiaMlls Building at 301 Genrais Street in ColumbiaSC. TheMuseumis located the sams in fuilding asthe SouthCarolina StateMuseumbesidethe historic GervaisSt. Bridge andjust a few blocks westofthe StateCapitol in downtownColumbia- Weapons tappings from the American and Revolutionforward, with an emphasis the Confederate including clothing,flags, on era" pictures,moneyand otherartifacts. Call (803) 737-8095for infonnation. newspapers, OpenTuesday-Saturday 10:00-5, First Sunday everymonth lpm-Spm.Admission of $4, Sunday $1. http://www.state. us/crrl sc. The CayeeHistorieal Museum - 180012thSfeet Extension, Cayce.Thetown of Cayce sits on the site of Ft. Ganby, one of the earliest of inland villages andthe scene two Revolutionary battles. is House,a trading postof Themuseum areplicaof the old Cayce

Resources OutdoorPrograms Suggested forthe mid-1700s, with an authentic kitchen,smokehouse dairy. Ope,n and Tuesday-Friday andSunday Phone796-9020 3030or 739-5385 more 9-4. Saturday 2-5. ext. for information.Admission$2 for adults $.50for kids under12. Admission Sundav and on groupsis free. andforpre-arranged'yc etlmuseun. esc.n aspx The Fort Jackson Museum - JacksonBoulevard, Jackson, Fort across from post headquarters. Displaysandextribitsrecount history of taining theArnericansoldier. the Open Monday- Friday9-4. Closed weekends all Federal and Holidals.Phone751-7419 for moreinformation. http:l/www..i ackson. army.miVfuealFtJMuseurns.htu Lexington County Museum- Fox SteetandU.S. 378,kxington Fifteenantebellum buildingshousevaried collectionsof theperiod'sarts andcraftsof self-zufficiency, including locally-madefiuniture, textilesanddecorative pieces.(Tu-Sa10-4;Su l-4. 3s9-8369) Historic HouseMuseumsin greater Columbia - Visit the Harnpton-Preston Mansion andGardens at1615BlandingSteeL orthe Marn-simonsCottage 1403RichlaadStee! . or the RobertMills House& Fark 1616 Blanding Sfreetor the WoodrowIVilson Family Honre 1705HamptonStreet. Seethewebsite below for additionalinformationand hours of operationand admissions fees. http://www.historiccolunrbiaorg/ Winnsboro SC Railroad Museum- 110IndustrialParkRoad,Winnsboro, SC. Spend an afte,l:roon the SouthCarolinaRailroad at Museum.There's something everyone. for Seefreight cars,passenger cars,andevena real steamengne on display. Best of all, you just minutesfrom the Interstate, join in the fun at the Soutl canride the tain. Iocated so CarolinaRailroadMuseum,the official railroadmuseumof the state. Opeir9am- 4pm. Call 803-63 -4242or 803-63 5 5-9893for moreinformation http://www.scrm. org/main. asp CamdenRevolutionary \ilar Park - Camden SC.


The Intemetis a greatsource informationfor skits, cere,monies, of songs, crafts,etc. A few of the better onesare listedbelow. For otherjust useyoru favoritesearch engineand enterscoutasthe searchcriteriaandyouwill be surprised tle numberof sitesyou get! at Pack 215'sVirtual Leader Handbook - Don Deyounghassetup a coversall aspects Cub Scouting. mosthelpful setofpagesin his siteis theVirtual of The

Suggested Resources OutdoorPrograms for Cub Leader Handbook,IIere you ll to] up] date infoF .LAatOn On Cub handboOk changes ttOst before dleyhit tte shaves.He ttso compares the new an "art,acti mott us linfomtton when you need i.And Don ttso has c so tes,and verymuch more. hg D://\ .{\ e 215/home.hml DX

MacScouter] mostthorough ofan the sites,there are links here tt sitt The er uni games,0 ,other scoutt sites."well,justtoo much to enterhere.You have see it for yoursem check here ttst. httpu /wttAv.macscouter.ok VS SCOuting SenriceIhe u.So ScOumg Service PI fOr shortj Prttect] SSSP ,cct G g a t h e r s a s m u c h r e f e r e n c e m a t e r i a l a s f Oo sp ub lh c a b o u t s p r si b e c e s t t G o h ee rfe ,rf o n t s ,o lk g s , gr a p h i c s , a n d m uAt g r e t m o r a o s s l i t . t mut ] site for to] up] infomado date . t |Ww.usscouts,orS IV

Boougleo Welcome tt Bugle,your oM scout Roundt l B B ooR he Cub le fez whg monthlyprogra7n hints for Cub is a great resollrce for Cub Scouts,Tiger Scouters!!_ s Cubs,WObelos,and other youn groups,tOB q ,h1lmOr,and songs. .Fu1l of s L gameS,| You must go herel x :// Scouttg Ollttle" s is a commercialalso usefu.Anodltt great leA is sie, ery all] around resollrce wttdh links to other sollrces u /wX

P a c k l 1 4 LBb rra r y t\t t h e I I s h a e np urte u o l r cne ef x c ed e n l e a d e ia b S s t sp a or H mes,word cub scouts.She has g` searches,crans,and much lnore at dis excellen R Scoutv Ss site tlat )ook Mike PearcS has tt great nmber ofsongs dlat you may may no recogttZea httDS://DeODle.Creln bis74318/blueiav/DaCkl 144ibrarv/\ ChinqF Disttict-local site Fom tle COunciI. apin lndah WathI://chncu l dsdct.orf Etowah Creek] siteX local omZan Waters Collncil Where a) ofdle lot 1lhe cttme st . ht|//\ .etOWahcreek.B : om/

Nation Audubo Society hI://\ .audubOll,orf

Suggested Resources Outdoor for ProgramsS.C. Foresty Commission Environment Education htto://www.state. us/forest/edu.htn sc. S.C.Dept.of NaturalResource http://www.dnr. state.

for GroundRules Denand PackTriPsbe should in uniform' andleaders 1. Cub Scouts supervision. 2. Thereshouldbe sufficigniadult to the 3. Be sureto contact placeyou intend visitwell aheadof timeso they can prePareior your.' and let the boysknowwherethey are. as Locaterestrooms soonas youarrive carecanbe obtained' Knowwhdreemergency tirneis involved? muchtravel considerdistance.-how, . .'

yet' tahg. and Let parentsknowwhereyou are going whenyou will return' Better . . : r . . : . . . . , i. , , : . , . . ! along. ,them gets"misplaced'" someone place,in case on Decide a meeting thatboyi remain' the starting trip. Explain the Establish buddysystembefore togetherat all times. phonecall' for boy has enoughmoney an emergency See that eacl't and courteous, followall necessary so Coachboysin advance theyareattentive, rutes. Teli bOys line high!ights of whatthey can expectto F?eEand mustfollow the rules of theirhost. Remindthem that they are guests:

will point out that the boys are representatives Scoutingand that theirbehavior of later' will determinewhetherpther Cub Scouts be welcome at Be sure to flll out a Local Tour Permit leastbwoweeks beforethe trip. This a safe trip. enablesleadersto plan and enjoy Finally,ai-ter trip is over,writeyour hostsand thank them ior theircour-tesy' the


Cub Camping for Suggestions Successful s ing Soouts c to ae youhave persona yR ed. A take Cl Select a site in accordance with BSA guidelines. Apply for a Tour PemitI BALOO Trammg. t take reservations to let the ranger lfnAw to 4) Always cal campground even fdey d7o| qa grOup Ofyollr slze. p tt s c rp R r 5) C a l c a m p g r o u n d G {t t a n atrt k a , } o 6) Don't plan aprograFn lhe Outdoors is your prograEL 7) Phllcampte ceremoales and stone 8) GO regardless ofthe weather. Group mealidcasi a Tttles b.Hamburger,ChickeL or Ham c.Bar]BR Qm d. Omalets tt a bag et Taste ofPack and 1 proofofYouth Protectio u r tO trip



LOCATION: 5 mik west of McCormick SC on US llighway 378. 80 miles fitm Lexington Camground regular sitesconsistsof 2 circulrr drives, the lower one is the best for tent campin& many water ftont sitegon Lake Thumond. Campground is rarely fulL

::T::..:::.::::T::::::l:::.::::::::::::llll:.. DEVILS FORK STATE PARK 8649442639LOCATION: Sixteenmiles northwest of PickensSC, ofr SC Hvay11 on secondary road 25. Park has a great walk-in tent camping arrca,sitesvary ftom 50 to 300 yards from par{ring tot Sitec can be reserved. ACTMilES: Fishing Hiking. Duke P'tryerWorld of Energr 864 885 4600 Excellent display on Nuclear power generation. Geolory museumand SC Botrnical Gardensin Clemson WhitewaterFalls located on SC 130. Also seeactivities forOconee StateParkand Table Rocklllrlrlrrtfllrttrrrrtrlr:trralrrrtrattltaalltrlrrrtrrrrrfrrrrrrrtlllrrlatrrl


543 237 44OA

LOCATION: On US Highwry 17, 3 miles south of Murells Inlet toward Georgetown Primitive camping area is located among huge oak treeswith limbs Coming down to the gnound. Area has running water and toilets, rcservations not accepted. ACTIVTIIES: Huntington Gardens, beach,Sandy Island Hampton Plantation state Historicsl Sitc 843 546 9361; Rice Museum in Georgetown U3 ffi 7423I t l l l l l l l a l l l r t l t t t t t t l l l t l l r t l l l l l l l t | | l t l t | | l l l t r t t l l l t r r t a l t l a t t t a t t l l l l t a t t



LOCATION: 14 milcs northwest of YorkSC on SC Highway 161. Primitive camping area has 6 siteswith mnning water and chemicalfoilets. Regular campsitesalso available. ACTMIIES: Third weekend in Septemberis American Heritage Days in the park Peopledemonstratemany colonial skills, blacksmithing spinning, dyingyam and black powder weapons

oThe Pafriott rr'sgfilmed' 803 684 Historic Brattonsrille where part of the movie ?327. Kings Mountain National Battlefield Park 803 936 7921 has a program that scoutsstn earn a Patch.t t l r l r t t t r t l l l l l r l r l r l l l l l t l l t l l l t t l l r a t l l l l l l t t r l r l t l l l t l l l l l l l l l l l l l l r r ' l t


864 543 3535

LOCATION: On SC Highw ay 702,6 miles from Ninefy Six SC, Excellent reguhr campsitescan be reserved. ACTNTIES: Fishing Eiking Mountain Biffing Revolutionary War battlefield in parklocated in Ninety Six, battle reenactment November, 864 543 406-8' irark Seedcompanywill conduct tounsis requestedin advance 864 ?23 8555I l l l l . l l r l l t l l l l l l t . l . l r l . l t t l l l l l . I l l l l l l r l r l l l I l t r l ' ' r l r l t r l l l l l l l . t t . l . l r


864 638 5353

LOCATION: 12 miles northwest of Walhallr of SC 28, on SC 107. campground has a small primitive site, but good regular sites. ACTIViTIES: Saturday night hoedown,Iishing hiking interpative center. Falls and Stunphouse funnel locatedoffIlighway SC 28 ,5 miles north Issaquenna of Walhalla. OconeeStation, 864 638 0079,an original block housefort located2.5 mitesoffSC 11 near Tamassee.The Foofhilts Trail mns thlu OconeeState Park Also seeactivities for IlevitrsFork and Table Roclc! r t l a l l r l t ! ! t t r r r l l r l l ! t r l t t t ' l l t t r r r r : ' l t l



LOCATION: On highway SC 261 6 miles past Wedgefield, 18 miles frromSumterGood primitive area and gfeat regUlarsitesfor tent camping. Nice open field for activities or boys to play. Campground is rarely fuIL ACTIVTIIES: mature trail hilring (PalmettoTrail). Church of the Hog Cross, built in 1850rlocated in Stateburg on highway SC261. Swanfake Gardens,in Sumter, 8037753304. ShawAir ForceBaseon US 378. SwampNationalMonument locatedofiHighway SC 48 onway backto Congarree Colurnbia, 803 776 4396.t t r t a l a t I I r l a t t ! t I r l a t a aaJaJr lt a rrll r l I I r I t I t ! t ! t I r M I r r a r r r t I rl r r I I I I r I r "



LOCATION: 3 miles northwest of Santeeon SC Hig[way 6. Good primitive camping area, great regulartent sites. ACTIVTilES: Fishing hiking nature frail, biking. Fisheagle Tours ofiers a swamp tour by boat 803 854 4005t t t l l l l l r l r l l t r r t l r l l l l l t t r t l l l l l l r l r r r l l t l


864 878 9813

LOCATION: Twelve miles north of Pickengon SC Higbway 11. Requestregular sitesin overflow camping area, much better tan regular camping sitesfor tent camping. Hiking link to X'oothillsTrail; climb to Table Rocknfishing' carpet ACTMIIES: goH,nature trail JonesGap StatePark ,8648363647,ofrers rgrat river ecoloEfprrgram that needs to be scheduledin advence. Visit CaesarsHead on Ilighway 276 for a greet view and hike 2 mileg to Raven ClifrFallsr 864 336 6115. Just past CaesarsHead is the YMCA camp, Camp Greenville, which has a beautiful open sidesrock chapdwith a,T,: ::::.::::.:::_" r',, r, r r r r ., r . r, r r r . r r' r r r . r r' r, . r r ., r r

JAMES ISLAIYD COfINTY PARK part of the Charleston County parksystem 843 3s8 8000 LOCATION: Riverland drive ou JamesIsland. Primitive camping is in an open fiel{ regutar campsitesarc available" ACTMIIEST Great water park locoted at parlc Fishing hiking $iking all the Charleeton activities. Francis BeidlerForest is a great stop on the way homc, 843 462284,traalrllalrtatrlttttrtrrllttltrlrlrlarltllarrrrtrrrrlrltrlltirraarrltttlalrl

uss YoRKTown[

843884 2727

LOCATION: US highway 17 in Mount PleasantSC at Fatriots Points Maritime Museum. 'War II rircmft ACTIVTIIES: Scout units can spend16s night on the World cantier, visit submarine and other ships at Patriots Point. Also visit Fort Sumten

;; ;;;;;;;;;"

LOCATION: Brward NC off US highway 64 on Crab CreekRoad. Primitive camping area, can ACTMIIES: Talking tree trail, hands on demonsfretionsand classeo be scheduled. Adjunct is Dupont Forest whieh has treil to 4 waterfalls on the Little River. Locsted on US 276north of Brward is SlidingRock, Cradh of Forrcetry, PinkBeds, end Looking GlassFalls. Pisgah Forest StateF'ishHatchery located on Davidson River Road.

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rrA Scout ls tnr8tvgrth.y, loyel he1pful, frien&lgrr.coprteoua, kl.nd, obedlent, bnve, cleen, and revcreaU. Hlci yords. lrouble te, cbccrful, tbrifty, vc lerra tbed'ao younii ve soaetLues donrt get"alLi'tbe uaderstaadiag thet goaa vitb, then. I teia carc of that i.a nr faps+Jr, A6 cech boy reechcg thc "'thaa Seout ege, I roake sure he lear:ns thc Scout Liw. I brealt lt dorru foi bLu rtth e fev'lfuingo fEvc plcked up la tbe uore than balf ccntury sLa,cc I leened 1t.rl

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238 F

Age GuidelinesThe Boy Scoutsof America hasestablished following the guidelines its members'participation campingactivities: for in . Overnight camping byTiger, Wolf, and Bear Cub Scoutdensas densis not approvedand certificates of liability insurancewill not be provided by the Boy Scoutsof America. . Tiger Cubsmayparticipate in boy-parent excursions, day camps,pack overnighters,or council-organized familycamping. . Wolf and Bear Cub Scoutsand WebelosScoutsmay participate in a resident overnight camping program operating under BSANational Camping Schooltrained leadership and managed by the council. . A WebelosScoutmay participate in overnight den campingwhen supervisedbyan adult. In most cases, the WebelosScout will be under the supervision ofhis parent or guardian. It is essentialthat each WebelosScout be under the supervision of a parent-approvedadult. Joint Webelosden-troop campouts including the parents of the Webelos Scouts are encouraged strengthenties betweenthe pack to and troop. Den leaders,pack leaders,and parentsare expectedto accompany the boys on approved trips. . All Scoutsregisteredin Boy Scout troops are eligible to participate in troop or patrol overnight campouts, camporees, and resident camps. . Boy ScoutsandVarsityScouts 12through 17are eligible to participate in national jamborees.BoyScoutsand Varsity Scouts13through 17 are also eligible to participatein world jarnboreesand high-adventure programs. . All youth registeredinVenturing are eligible to participate in crew, district, council, and national Venturing activities aswell as national high-adventure programs andworld jamborees. If a well-meaningleaderbrings along a child who does not meettheseageguidelines, disservice done to the unit is because distractionsoften caused younger children. of by A disservice alsodone to the child, who is not trained to is participatein suchan activity and who, asa nonmemberof the group,may be ignoredby the older campers.Cub Scout Outdoor progrant Guidelines,No. 13-631 Reference:

Fomily CompingFamily camping:an outdoor camping experience, other than resident camping, that involves Cub Scouting Boy Scouting, orVenturing program elements in overnight settings with two or more family members, including at leastone BSA member of that family. Parentsare responsible for the supervision of their children, and Youth Protection guidelines apply. Re cr eati o n al family cafitp in g

Recreationalfamily camping: when Scouting families camp as a family unit outside of an organized program. It is a nonstructured camping experience,but is conducted within a Scouting framework on local council-owned or -managedproperty. Local councils may havefamily camping grounds availablefor rental at reasonable rates.Other resources may includeequipment,information,and training.Refcrences: ResidentCamping for Cub Scouting,No. l3-33814,


Cub Scouf Overnight OpportunitiesCub Scouts may experience overnight activities in venues other than accredited resident camping. There are two categoriesof Cub Scout overnighters:

Coun cil-Organized Family CampCouncil-organized family camps are overnight events involvingmore than one pack. The local council provides all of the elementsof the outdoor experience, suchas stafifing, food service,housing, and program. Theseare often referred to as ParenVPal or Adventure weekends. Council-organizedfamily campsshould be conductedby trained leaders at sites approved by the local council. In the most cases, youth member will be under the supervision of a parent or guardian. In all cases,eachyouth participant is responsibleto a specificadult. Overnight activities involving more than one pack must be approvedby the council. Council-organized familycamps must be conductedin accordance with established standards as given in National Standards for Council-OrganizedFamily Camping No. 13-408.

Pack OverntghtersThesearepack-organizedovernight eventsinvolving more flran one family from a single padg focused on ageappropriate Cub Scoutactivities and conducted at council-approved locations (councils use PackOvernighter Site Approval Form, No. 13-508).If nonmembers (siblings) participate, the eventmust be structured accordingly to accommodate them. BSAhealth and safetyand youth protection guidelines apply.In most cases, eachyouth member will be under the supervisionof a parent or guardian.In all cases, eachyouth participantis responsible a specific to adult. At least one adult on a pack overnighter must have completedBasicAdult LeaderOutdoor Orientation (BALOO No. 34162A)to properly understand the importanceof program intent, youth protection guidelines, health and safety,site selection, age-appropriate activities, and sufficient adult participation. Permits for campouts shall be issuedlocally. Packsuse Local Tour Permit Application, No. 34426.Reference: Cub Scout Outdoor Program Guidelines,No. I 3-631

Leaders must instruct thosein their groupsto staT together well-established on trails, avoid looserocks (especially on descent), and avoid dangerous ledges, cliffs,and areas wherea fall might occur.Accidentscan occurwhen hikerskick and roll bouldersdown steephills. Wilderness trails haveno caution signsfor looserocks,nor do they have guardrailson cliffs, It is stronglyrecommended that at leastone personin the group be currently certified in first aid through the AmericanRedCrossor any recognized agencv. Trail safetyis a matter of common sense. The response of individual membersof a group in doing the right thing is important. When they understandthe reasonfor rulesof safety, they obeythem more willingly. The Boy Scoutsof America hasan abundance literaof ture relatedto proper procedures and guidelines a group for on a trail.References: ScoutHandbool-O ll NNCtOL If,(o |f,D O . - f - - Y O . C f U r - ( U O


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Req. (Geologist 1) FromRocks WhatComesuse rocks. Ask the scoutsif theycan namea waythat people etc. statues, roads, sidewalks, otherbuilding, i.e.,a housemadeof stoneor brick, whatrocksare madeof. Ask if anyoneknows 1 or moreminerals granite quarE,feldsPar, mica and of to of use many the minerals makea variety products Explain that people quarEin sandstoneglass pennies, electricalwires ore copper in copper - copper Display itemson the list the foil aluminum can aluminum pencil book glass drinking or metal spoon knife car metaltoY plant metalscissors mirror wooden spoon paper

products. products and non-mineral mineral Sortthe itemsbetween products. the that are mineral Readthe cluesthatdescribe items "hunt"for the objectthat fits. Afterreadinga clue,tell themto Glues: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. somethingthat's easyto crumPle somethingthat soda comes in somethingyou write with somethingyou play with somethingyou can see yourself in somethingyou might drink milk from somethingyou cut PaPerwith somethingyou eat ice creamwith bauxite aluminum or bauxite aluminum iron- steel - aluminum iron- steel or bauxite - quarE- glass sand/sandstone iron- steel graPhite

foil aluminum + can metalspoonor knife metaltoycar + glass mirror drinking metalscissors pencil


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How Can YouTell One Mineral fromAnother?

Mineral Detectives @ont )

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@1994Tucfur CreatedMaterials' Inc.

One Can tlow YouTell lvlineral Another? t'ron

Just thg Facts gtudents)in are Minerals found the minerals. up are All roclTheword volcano god Vulcon.WhY? c\17


Inside a Volcano i R

Nanrc LESSON 4


bottle,you Whenyou look at the pop in an unopened of can seea few bubbles gasin it, but not many.Shake cap. Out come and take off the pressure the bottle of thousands bubblesbringinga showerof liquid with in kept the gasdissolved the liquid. The pressure them. pressure the gasmade of Whenyou took off the cap,the out comeout of solutionand explode of the it suddenly bottle. "itt" hot magmaunderneath has volcanoes a lot of gas on top pressdown and in dissolved it, too. The rocks takesthe keep the gasdissolved.Then when sornething gassuddenly out comes of solutionand rocks away,the out of the volcano.Rocksand hot lava codre explodes with it.


the than shieldvolcanoes Cinder conesare more dangerous because magmaunder is a cindercones mademostlyof a kind of rock calledANDESITE whichcandissolve lot volcanoes, of gas.This makescindercones very explosive. like The magmaundershield onin Hawaii, is mademostlyof a kind of rock calledBASALT whichcandissolve l.t" gas.This makesshieldvolcanoes explosive. little less erupt, Whenshieldvolcanoes Ur peoplehavetime to get out of the way because magmadoesn'texplode. flows. It the1. Cinder cones are more explosivethan shield volcanoes because a. the magma under them can't absorb much gas. b. the magma under them can absorb a lot of gas. c. the magma under them is hotter than the magma under shield volcanoes. 2. When the magma under a volcano is mostly andesite,the ' lava that comes out during an eruption will a. flow out. b. explode out. c. bubble out. 3. From the story you can tell that a. pop got its name from the way it pops out. b. there are more cinder conesthan shield volcanoes on earth. c. cinder cones are different from shield volcanoes becausethe magma under them dissolvesgas differently.-t I




Some therocks seecome of we fromvolcanoes. There different kinds are of volcanic rock.Thedifferences occur because rocks formed the are differently. Readthedescriptions therocks of below. Thendecide howandwhereeach rockis formed. Writethename therockon theappropriate o{ blank. Basalt: typeof rockforms This when magma.pours slowlyoutof theearth andcools slowly. Basalt small has crystals sometimes small and has hotes' Granite: typeof rockforms This under ground. magma the The cools and hardens between layers rock. of haslarge Granite crystals a coarse and texture. Obsidian: typeof rockforrns This when pours of the earthslowly magma out quickly. lookslikesmooth, butcools lt glass. black pumice: typeof rockforms This when foamylavacools veryquickly, is fullof lt holes, verylight, canfloat. and

veryquickly cooled lava] \ \ \ \ \ o E m @ ] @ \ \ ] \ ] \ ] \ v h ]\ \ \ b \ \ \ \ Q \

quickly cooled lava


cooledand hardened ma g ma


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insidethe Earthpush insidethe Earth. Pressures by is A VOLCANO caused forces the magma(the molten causes crust.Sometimes pressure the up against Earth's a to rockinsidethe Earth) burstthrough weakpointin the crust.As the liquidrock forming mountain. a it pitesup higherand higher,,-

Hypothesisk h E

How many pumpsof air (the pressurein the Earth) will it take beforea balloon (the Earth'scrust) will burst at its weakest point?

pump,balloon, Needed:bicycle Materials string Procedure pump. to 1. Tie the balloon the bicycle untilit bursts. 2. Pumpup the balloon 3. Keepa picturerecordhere.This is what the baa I thinkit will take pumpsof air.

oon iooked like ati

5 pumps

brokeat pumps.

Resultsand Conclusions 1. How, manypumpsdid it taketo burstthe balloon? 2. ls thatwhatyou thought? 3. Whatdid you learn?

pp. 31-32 See feachels Guide to Experiments

, O reatte,creaevMa o7983


H226 Our Changing Eatdt

CbKM r ua cAn EARTHQUAKE causedby forces movement is or

about the force of the earthquake.

measure bigan earthquake how !9tpqscientists was. Theforceof the earthquake movisthe perion the seismographdrawrines. to These lines scientists iell

inside Earth. sElsMOcnnpHa machine the A is that

Can the movements a desk be measured of - like the movementsof an earthquake?


YES N0 MaterialsNeeded:pen, papel flat desk Procedure: 1' Work in g.roups. Eachgrouphas.apersonwho acts as a pen holderto hold the pen. steady, papermoverto guidethe paper, a and a shaker ;quar