  • 8/9/2019 Banking Intelligence Series: "The road towards popular banking"


    The Latin American banking industry

    is acing a complicated challenge. In

    the last decade and a hal, which has

    included various crises, liberalization

    and capitalization, the fnancial systems

    in the region have consolidated and inthe process they were able to separate

    out the best o the market. Their road

    to growth is going to have to involve

    serving the medium-low income public

    who orm up the majority in the

    region. This is not merely a commercial

    objective. Both governments and

    international organizations are also

    interested in promoting access to

    banking serv ices in the region as a goal

    o social development.

    However, this has not been an easy task. The

    traditional banking services models are not

    well adapted to the eatures o this market,

    which is highly dispersed and is also closely

    linked to the inormal economy in a good

    number o the countries in the region.

    Nevertheless, this is not an impossible

    task. Some solutions are starting to be

    used in the region such as mobile banking,

    which has been proven successul in other

    parts o the world, like Arica, and the use

    o banking agents to multiply the numbero bank service centers without the need

    to expand the network o branches. The

    combination o these two models, which

    produces a orm o branchless banking,

    is undoubtedly a much more powerul

    ormula than is actually being used in

    some countries already.

    Nonetheless, these alternatives are not ree

    rom limitations. Outdated regulations and

    cultural dierences between the dierent

    industries are two o the most noteworthy

    problems. In this report we will examine

    the potential that these models oer

    the Latin American banking industry to

    expand business into lower income sectors

    o the population. We will look at certain

    cases implemented and we will ocus on

    the barriers and opportunities that are

    presently being aced.

    To subscribe to BNamericas, please contact:David Billard at [email protected] or call +56 (2) 941 -0370

    For sponsorship opportunities, please contact Ana Surez at [email protected] +56-2 941 0404.

    May 2010

    EXECUTIVE SUMMARYthismonthsseries:

    The road towardspopular banking

    Mobile penetration vs fnancial penetration 2009

    Source: BNamericas, based on data from regulatory entities







    Mobile penetration

    Financial penetration













    The current situationA variety o actors relatedmostly to supply and regulationexplain why the majority opeople in Latin America donot have access to fnancialservices.

    Branchless bankingMobile telephony hasundergone explosive

    development in Latin America,and telecommunicationscompanies broad base ousers creates an interestingopportunity or both mobileoperators and the bankingsector.

    Stumbling blockEven with so much market ormobile banking, this modelhas not been developed inthe region and in the area oregulation we fnd one o themajor stumbling blocks or thisto take o.

    Winning formulaThe real task in the regionis combining the provisiono fnancial services via cellphones with a network obanking agents.

  • 8/9/2019 Banking Intelligence Series: "The road towards popular banking"


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