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Baptism FHE Lesson

by Allison Newitt, Digitized and adapted by Lara Goold Materials needed: Scriptures, bowl of water, black pepper, liquid dishwashing soap, ball of yarn or string

Purpose: The purpose of this lesson is to teach about Jesus’ baptism, what happens when someone is baptized, and the importance of the covenants we make at baptism.

Scripture: “And now; because of the covenant which ye have made ye shall be called the children of Christ, his sons, and his daughters.” Mosiah 5:7

Opening song(s) and prayer: “When Jesus Christ was Baptized,” Children’s Songbook, page 102 “When I Am Baptized,” Children’s Songbook, page 103

Lesson: 1. Lesson Development Opening Activity (need a bowl of water, black pepper, and liquid dishwashing soap): Before the demonstration, put a little soap on your forefinger. Sprinkle pepper into the water as you have the children call out different sins that people commit (the pepper representing sin). Tell them very briefly about Jesus being baptized and how He set the example for us to follow and that we should follow him in baptism. Let your fingers walk up to the bowl and lifting your forefinger as if you’re making that one BIG step. As your finger touches the water the pepper will shoot to the other side of the bowl. This will show them how your sins are washed away. When Jesus Christ was Baptized (with visuals). Use the pictures to tell the story from the New Testament when John the Baptist baptized Jesus. Story: “What Happens When I am Baptized” (with summary and visuals)—use the story figures and enclosed summary to explain the process a person goes through when he or she is baptized. Ask the children if they have any questions. Take care to alleviate any concerns they may have about the process. 2. “Why are we Baptized?” Activity (need a ball of yarn or string) {idea is from} Baptism is the first ordinance that gets us on our way back to our heavenly home. This can be demonstrated using a ball of yarn. Before FHE designate a spot in your house as the final destination of Heavenly Home (you can make a sign saying so). Take a ball of yarn and create a trail throughout many rooms of your home. Leave one end at the heavenly home and one end for the starting point. When you do this activity, each person should follow the yarn trail until they reach their heavenly home. Along the way, talk about how baptism is the first step that we need to take to keep following our way back home to our Heavenly Father.

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3. Baptismal Promises (use the “I Promise…, Heavenly Father Promises…” and the Baptismal Promises pictogram) Teach your child what a covenant is ( a two-way promise), then using the above resources review the promises that we make at baptism and the promises that Heavenly Father makes with us at baptism. Bear your testimony about the importance of baptism and if applicable, how excited you are for a child (or friend’s) upcoming baptism.

Closing song: “I Like My Birthdays,” Children’s Songbook, page 104 “The Fourth Article of Faith,” Children’s Songbook, page 124

Closing Prayer:

Refreshments: See below for a yummy recipe

Enrichment: Based on the ages and attention spans of your children, choose one or more of the following enrichment activities to enhance the message of the lesson. Enrichment activities do not necessarily need to be completed on the same night as the lesson. We often use them as reinforcement/reminders during the week.

Baptism Activity Book: Print off enough Baptism Activity Books (a separate document) that everyone can have their own copy. Let the children color and complete the activities on their own during the week or put it into the church bag for a good Sacrament meeting quiet activity. Craft/Display for Week (Baptismal Mobile) Cut out and put together the mobile. Hang in your house during the week. Baptism Puzzle: Put together the pieces of the puzzle and glue them onto a sheet of paper. Hang up the picture of Jesus getting baptized along with the completed puzzle.

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Rolo Cookies From The ingredients: 1 cup butter 1 cup sugar 1 cup brown sugar 2 tsp. vanilla 2 eggs 2-1/2 cups flour 1 tsp. baking soda 3/4 cup unsweetened cocoa Bag of Rolos Preheat oven to 375°. Unwrap the rolos and set aside. Mix together the first 5 ingredients. Then add the final 3 ingredients (except the Rolos) and mix well. Roll the dough into balls and place Rolo in the center, then form the dough ball around the rolo. Bake for 7-9 minutes. Serve warm. Enjoy!

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