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Myth of a Monolithic Church and Dissenting Movements

Thesis and Definition

There have always been dissenting movements

Catholicism holds there has always been one voice for Christianity

This material will give brief traces of the dissenting movementsthrough Church history

- Church United- Attempts at Roman supremacy

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Dissenting Movements

Before AD 800 Montanism Novatianism Donatists Jovianists Paulicians

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Dissenting Movements (cont)

After 800 AD Cathari Albigenses Joachimites Petrobutians Henricians Arnoldists Waldensians John Wycliffe Jan Hus (Moravians)

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Conclusion: Free Church movements

Commonalities Common Elements

Rejection of external influence on local congregations Rejection of tradition as equal to Scripture Belief in Scripture in common vernacular Common man stands equal to priests before God Salvation by grace alone Complete rejection of state influence in spiritual matters Believers church – only saved members Rejection of developmental Catholic doctrines

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Baptist History Notes

The Magisterial Reformation(lecture 4)

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Magisterial Reformation

Roman Catholic Corruption

Church at dawn of Reformation

German Reformation (Luther)

French-Swiss Reformation (Calvin)

English Reformation (Henry VIII)