Page 1: Barack obama and the re-election

Óscar Escudero 4ºB

Page 2: Barack obama and the re-election

My speech is based in this man showed in the image, Barack Hussein Obama, the first BLACK governor of

America and who recently have been reelected in this high position on the

American govern.

He had really difficulties to conquer the people mind for be reelected, it

mainly bases in how has he managed the case of the hurricane “Sandy” and the votes of the states of Ohio

and Florida.

Mitt Romney had much facilities to been elected for first time in his

political career but personally I think that he have gone a lot talking about

Obama and the Black people in public places and some hidden

cameras caught it.

Page 3: Barack obama and the re-election

The hurricane “Sandy”

Barack worried about his nation, visited the city of New York, after the hurricane Sandy made several damage, he have also travelled to New Jersey, Atlantic City, Wisconsin, Nevada and Colorado.It is proved that most part of his votes came form this cities I have mentioned now so we can say that the management of Obama in face of a big catastrophe is really good.

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Page 5: Barack obama and the re-election

In the image upside this text, I show you how do they were the results of the elections in Ohio, always Obama with more votes that mitt.In the right of this text there is the geographic location of this city which take an important paper on Obama’s electoral victory.

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Obama won in this two states thanks to his way of thinking about gays, women liberty and the distribution of nuclear power stations among this two key battleground states.Obama invested more than one thousand millions of dollars in taking care of the people affected by the hurricane

Part of this thousand million dollars were inverted in the gradual recovery of the consumer’s confidence and in upgrading the employment rate.

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Obama have been chosen president thanks of this two important states, California and Michigan. California was really important because it offers 55 electoral votes, being the states which provides more votes.

Michigan, where mitt was born, is the heart of the car industry, and in which Obama send a rescue at the beginning of his mandate, was the principal reason of why Obama takes the electoral victory there.

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Proposals to this new candidature.

• Abortion: the woman will decide with his baby, included the abortion.

• Gay marriage: equality over the sexual pairs, it would not matter that the both are mens or womens.

• Immigration: the undocumented must obey the law, learn English, and pay taxes.

• Sanitary reform: strengthens the sanitary assistance to people in the third-age and gives them better hospital care.

• Work: he would like to expand the work commerce to two million people.

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