Page 1: Basic indicators  of living conditions  of young Polish people

Statistical Office in Krakow ul. Kazimierza Wyki 3, 31-223 Kraków, Poland

Basic indicators of living conditions

of young Polish people

Basic indicators of living conditions

of young Polish people

Dorota OlszewskaAnna Żarkowska

Page 2: Basic indicators  of living conditions  of young Polish people

Statistical Office in Krakow ul. Kazimierza Wyki 3, 31-223 Kraków, Poland


First partpresentation of indicators divided into 3

thematic groups: demography, labour market and education referring to young Polish people

in 2003-2007

Second part comparison of chosen indicators from Poland

and selected European countries in 2006

Page 3: Basic indicators  of living conditions  of young Polish people

Statistical Office in Krakow ul. Kazimierza Wyki 3, 31-223 Kraków, Poland

Basic information

• Total area of Poland 312 679 km2

• Total population (as of 31 XII 2007) 38 115 641

• People at age 15-29(as of 31 XII 2007)

9 075 493 = 23,8%

of total population

Page 4: Basic indicators  of living conditions  of young Polish people

Statistical Office in Krakow ul. Kazimierza Wyki 3, 31-223 Kraków, Poland

Demography (1)

Significant decrease of number of live births among women at age 20-24 and increase among women at age 25-29,

30-34 and 35-39.

Live births per 1000 women at age

10.94 10.32 10.10 10.42 11.12

63.44 60.52

57.95 58.96

87.12 88.23 89.63 90.96 91.00

58.64 52.10 54.54

58.22 61.73


21.03 21.98 22.64 23.84 25.53












2003 2004 2005 2006 2007

13-19 20-24 25-29 30-34 35-39

Page 5: Basic indicators  of living conditions  of young Polish people

Statistical Office in Krakow ul. Kazimierza Wyki 3, 31-223 Kraków, Poland

Demography (2)

Bridegrooms and brides per 1000 inhabitants at age

44.54 46.68

50.14 47.48




51.36 46.67 45.76









2003 2004 2005 2006 2007

20-24 25-29

Significant increase of number of bridegrooms and brides at age 25-29.

Page 6: Basic indicators  of living conditions  of young Polish people

Statistical Office in Krakow ul. Kazimierza Wyki 3, 31-223 Kraków, Poland

Demography (3)

Divorced spouses at age 25-29 at the moment of divorce confirmation per 1000 inhabitants at the same age













2003 2004 2005 2006 2007

Significant increase of divorced spouses at age 25-29 from 2003-2006.

Page 7: Basic indicators  of living conditions  of young Polish people

Statistical Office in Krakow ul. Kazimierza Wyki 3, 31-223 Kraków, Poland

Demography (4)

International migration for permanent residence among migrants at age 20-29 per 10 000 inhabitants at the same age

1,77 2,71 2,91 4,58 8,06




- 12,84

- 26,11

- 6,91 - 4,16 - 5,50









2003 2004 2005 2006 2007

Immigrants Emigrants Net migration

Increase of number of emigrants at age 20-29.

Page 8: Basic indicators  of living conditions  of young Polish people

Statistical Office in Krakow ul. Kazimierza Wyki 3, 31-223 Kraków, Poland

Labour market

Economically active population at age 15-29



1 000

1 500

2 000

2 500

3 000

3 500

4 000

4 500

5 000

2003 2004 2005 2006 2007

per 1000

Economically activepopulation employed


Economically inactivepopulation

Significant change of economically active employed and unemployed population.

Page 9: Basic indicators  of living conditions  of young Polish people

Statistical Office in Krakow ul. Kazimierza Wyki 3, 31-223 Kraków, Poland

Higher education

Students at age 19-24

4 400

4 500

4 600

4 700

4 800

4 900

5 000

5 100

5 200

2003 2004 2005 2006 2007

per 10 000 inhabitants






2003 2004 2005 2006 2007

per 10 000 inhabitants






per 10 000 inhabitants

postgraduate education students PhD Students

Significant increase of tertiary students at age 19-24 as well as postgraduate students and decrease of PhD students.

Page 10: Basic indicators  of living conditions  of young Polish people

Statistical Office in Krakow ul. Kazimierza Wyki 3, 31-223 Kraków, Poland

Summary of the first part

There is a change in living way of young people in Poland. Situation in last few years makes it possible to focus more on carrier/work. That is shown by following facts:

– Young people decide to get married later than it was in previous years.

– Young women decide to have a baby later than it was in previous years.

– Young people willingly emigrate in order to find a job.– Unemployment rate is lower and number of employed people

is higher in comparison with previous years.– Postgraduate studies are very popular among young people.

Page 11: Basic indicators  of living conditions  of young Polish people

Statistical Office in Krakow ul. Kazimierza Wyki 3, 31-223 Kraków, Poland

Cluster Analysis

• Cluster analysis is an exploratory data analysis tool which aims at sorting different objects into groups in a way that the degree of association between two objects is maximal if they belong to the same group and minimal otherwise.

• Joining (Tree Clustering) with Euclidean distance and complete linkage (furthest neighbor) was used.

• Level of dividing data for the groups was the same for all groups of parameters.

Page 12: Basic indicators  of living conditions  of young Polish people

Statistical Office in Krakow ul. Kazimierza Wyki 3, 31-223 Kraków, Poland

Cluster Analysis - parameters

• Demography:– People by age classes, Share of total population (%) 15-24– Live births outside marriage - Share of all live births (%)– Marriages and divorces (per 1 000 persons)– Total fertility rate - number of children per woman– Mean age of women at childbearing

• Education– Median age (Tertiary education)– Students Tertiary education (per 1 000 persons)

• Labour market– People living in jobless households, by age group - % 18-59– Unemployment rate, by age group - % <25– At-risk-of-poverty rate after social transfers, by age group -

% 16-24

Page 13: Basic indicators  of living conditions  of young Polish people

Statistical Office in Krakow ul. Kazimierza Wyki 3, 31-223 Kraków, Poland

Cluster Analysis - countries

Page 14: Basic indicators  of living conditions  of young Polish people

Statistical Office in Krakow ul. Kazimierza Wyki 3, 31-223 Kraków, Poland

Cluster Analysis - results

DemographyDemographyGroup of countries with Poland

was characterized by:

• Share of total population (%) people aged 15-24 was high (the highest was in Poland).

• Number of live births outside marriage and divorces was one of the lowest in this group.

• Number of marriages were one of the highest in this group.

Page 15: Basic indicators  of living conditions  of young Polish people

Statistical Office in Krakow ul. Kazimierza Wyki 3, 31-223 Kraków, Poland

Cluster Analysis - results

• The most similar countries to Poland were Slovakia and Romania.

• Countries in „green” group are characterized by one of the highest percentage of people living in jobless households.

LabourLabour Market Market

Page 16: Basic indicators  of living conditions  of young Polish people

Statistical Office in Krakow ul. Kazimierza Wyki 3, 31-223 Kraków, Poland

Cluster Analysis - results


Group with Poland was characterized by one of the highest indicators of tertiary education students.

Page 17: Basic indicators  of living conditions  of young Polish people

Statistical Office in Krakow ul. Kazimierza Wyki 3, 31-223 Kraków, Poland

Cluster Analysis-results

Page 18: Basic indicators  of living conditions  of young Polish people

Statistical Office in Krakow ul. Kazimierza Wyki 3, 31-223 Kraków, Poland


• The way of living of young people in Poland is traditional. It is shown by one of the highest number of marriages and rather low indicators of divorces and live births outside marriage.

• Living conditions of young Polish people change gradually (it was shown in first part) but still our labour market is far from ideal one.

Page 19: Basic indicators  of living conditions  of young Polish people

Statistical Office in Krakow ul. Kazimierza Wyki 3, 31-223 Kraków, Poland

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