Page 1: Basics of pointer, pointer expressions, pointer to pointer and pointer in functions

• A Pointer is a derived data type in ‘C’ .

• It is built from one of the fundamental data types available in

‘C’ .

• Pointers contain the memory addresses as their values .

• Memory addresses, being the location of computer memory,

can be accessed & used to store data via pointers .

Introduction to Pointers

Page 2: Basics of pointer, pointer expressions, pointer to pointer and pointer in functions

Understanding Pointers

• During the whole program execution

the variable num is associated with the

address 6843. This value of address,

being a simple integer, can bee stored in

another variable which is called pointer.

• Pointer, again, is stored in some

another memory location 6894 which

too is accessible.

• The link between address & value of

variable can be visualized with the help

of pointer in figure.

Page 3: Basics of pointer, pointer expressions, pointer to pointer and pointer in functions

The term instructs the system to find a location for

integer variable ‘a’ and assign 100 value in that location.

Pointers, on the other side, spot the address or location area of the

variable and not directly on the intermediate value of that variable.

The coding…

…reflects how to declare a pointer variable.

1. Using asterisk ‘*’ with the data type before the variable name

declares it as a ‘pointer’ .

2. The address operator ‘&’ assigns the address of the specified

variable to the pointer variable.

3. Variable that hasn’t been assigned any value may contain garbage

and make the pointer point to unknown locations.

Page 4: Basics of pointer, pointer expressions, pointer to pointer and pointer in functions

• Pointer variables can be initialized either in their

declaration part OR in between a couple of

(The variable must be function statements

declared before the

initialization. Also the

data type of pointer variable

& the variable to which

it is assigned should be the same.)

• Pointers, being flexible, can be used in different ways

A single pointer A single variable to

to many variables in different many pointers


Page 5: Basics of pointer, pointer expressions, pointer to pointer and pointer in functions

• Pointers may be used to assign a value to a variable based on the

other one like…

…assigns 223 to ‘n’ in two ways

1. By using the pointer to extract the value stored in ‘a’ .

2. By directly using the address of ‘a’ .

NOTE : A value stored in address 4243 or any other

can’t be accessed by ‘ *4243 ‘ .

Page 6: Basics of pointer, pointer expressions, pointer to pointer and pointer in functions


Understanding Pointers by Examples

4892x :

4904ip :

int x = 70, y = 80, z[4] = {10, 20, 30, 40 };

int *ip; // int pointer ip

ip = &x; // ip is assigned to address of x

*ip = 200; // content of ip is assigned to 200

y = *ip; // y is assigned to content of ip

ip = &z[2];

*ip = *ip + 20; // same as *ip += 20;

y = *ip+1;

4894y :

4896Z, Z[0] :

4898Z[1] :

4900Z[2] :

4902Z[3] :














Page 7: Basics of pointer, pointer expressions, pointer to pointer and pointer in functions

• Pointer itself are variables whose locations are specifies on memory

and their storage address too can be known by assigning a pointer.

• We can access a target value indirectly pointed to by a pointer by

applying the indirection operator or the asterisk mark twice.

… ‘a’ is assigned a value ‘100’ and it’s location stored in ‘p1’

whose location in turn is stored in ‘p2’ . ‘*p1’ refers to ‘100’ so does

‘**p2’ .

• REMEMBER to assign similar data types to chain pointing variables.

Pointer to Pointer

Page 8: Basics of pointer, pointer expressions, pointer to pointer and pointer in functions

• Arithmetic operations between two or more pointer is not possible.

• But pointers can be used to perform arithmetic operations on the value

they point to.

e.g.: …same as ((*p1) * (*p2)) / (*p3)

…same as (10 * (-(*p3))) / (*p2)

Note to keep a space between / and * to not to make compiler interpret

it to be a comment.

• Pointer incrementation is valid in ‘C’ .

e.g.: p++; OR p=p1+2; are valid statements .

• A pointer, when incremented, it increases it’s value by the length of the

data type it points to.

1. characters – 1 byte 3. Float – 4 bytes

2. integer – 2 bytes 4. double – 8 bytes

Pointer Expressions

Page 9: Basics of pointer, pointer expressions, pointer to pointer and pointer in functions

Illustration Of ‘Pointer to Pointer’ + ‘Expressions using Pointer’

1. int a,b,c,*p,**q;

2. a=10;

3. b=20;

4. c=30;

5. printf(“%d %d %d”,a,b,c);

6. p=&a;

7. q=&p;

8. b=b/ (( *p * **q ) / 10);

9. c=c+ ( 2 * *p) - **q;

10.printf(“\n%d %d %d”,a,b,c);


10 20 30

10 2 40

b= 20/ ( ( ( value indicated by pointer p) * (

value indicated by chain pointer q ) )

/ 10 )

c=30 + (2 * (value indicated by pointer p) )

- ( value indicated by chain pointer q )

Page 10: Basics of pointer, pointer expressions, pointer to pointer and pointer in functions

• The compiler, by default, allocates sufficient amount of storage to

contain all elements when an array is declared.

• These memory locations are contiguous as shown below.

• The memory address increases by the bits of data the data type of

the variable occupies.

Pointer & Arrays




a[0] a[1] a[2] a[3] a[4]

31 24 43 6 13

1030 1032 1034 1036 1038

Page 11: Basics of pointer, pointer expressions, pointer to pointer and pointer in functions

• These memory locations, being contiguous, can be used by pointers

to access the exact locations of any specific variable of an array.

E.g. :-

int a[5],*p;

p=a; /* by default p is the address of a[0] */

p+1=4; /* assigning ‘4’ to a[1], shown by ‘p+1’ */

p+2=12; /* assigning ‘12’ to a[3], shown by ‘p+2’ */

p+3=10; /* assigning ‘10’ to a[2], shown by ‘p+3’ */

• Also a[1], a[2],etc. can be directly referred by using *(p+1), *(p+2),


Pointer & Arrays

Page 12: Basics of pointer, pointer expressions, pointer to pointer and pointer in functions

Examples of ‘Arithmetic Operation On Pointer’

as well as ‘Pointers & Arrays’

float a[4];

float *ptr;

ptr = &(a[2]);

*ptr = 3.14;


*ptr = 9.0;

ptr = ptr - 3;

*ptr = 6.0;

ptr += 2;

*ptr = 7.0;

Data Table

Name Type Description Value

a[0] float float array element (variable) ?

a[1] float float array element (variable) ?

a[2] float float array element (variable) ?

a[3] float float array element (variable) ?

ptr float * float pointer variable

*ptr float de-reference of float pointer variable


float a[4];

float *ptr;

ptr = &(a[2]);

*ptr = 3.14;


*ptr = 9.0;

ptr = ptr - 3;

*ptr = 6.0;

ptr += 2;

*ptr = 7.0;

Data Table

Name Type Description Value

a[0] float float array element (variable) ?

a[1] float float array element (variable) ?

a[2] float float array element (variable) ?

a[3] float float array element (variable) ?

ptr float * float pointer variable address of a[2]

*ptr float de-reference of float pointer variable


float a[4];

float *ptr;

ptr = &(a[2]);

*ptr = 3.14;


*ptr = 9.0;

ptr = ptr - 3;

*ptr = 6.0;

ptr += 2;

*ptr = 7.0;

Data Table

Name Type Description Value

a[0] float float array element (variable) ?

a[1] float float array element (variable) ?

a[2] float float array element (variable) 3.14

a[3] float float array element (variable) ?

ptr float * float pointer variable address of a[2]

*ptr float de-reference of float pointer variable


float a[4];

float *ptr;

ptr = &(a[2]);

*ptr = 3.14;


*ptr = 9.0;

ptr = ptr - 3;

*ptr = 6.0;

ptr += 2;

*ptr = 7.0;

Data Table

Name Type Description Value

a[0] float float array element (variable) ?

a[1] float float array element (variable) ?

a[2] float float array element (variable) 3.14

a[3] float float array element (variable) ?

ptr float * float pointer variable address of a[3]

*ptr float de-reference of float pointer variable


float a[4];

float *ptr;

ptr = &(a[2]);

*ptr = 3.14;


*ptr = 9.0;

ptr = ptr - 3;

*ptr = 6.0;

ptr += 2;

*ptr = 7.0;

Data Table

Name Type Description Value

a[0] float float array element (variable) ?

a[1] float float array element (variable) ?

a[2] float float array element (variable) 3.14

a[3] float float array element (variable) 9.0

ptr float * float pointer variable address of a[3]

*ptr float de-reference of float pointer variable


float a[4];

float *ptr;

ptr = &(a[2]);

*ptr = 3.14;


*ptr = 9.0;

ptr = ptr - 3;

*ptr = 6.0;

ptr += 2;

*ptr = 7.0;

Data Table

Name Type Description Value

a[0] float float array element (variable) ?

a[1] float float array element (variable) ?

a[2] float float array element (variable) 3.14

a[3] float float array element (variable) 9.0

ptr float * float pointer variable address of a[0]

*ptr float de-reference of float pointer variable


float a[4];

float *ptr;

ptr = &(a[2]);

*ptr = 3.14;


*ptr = 9.0;

ptr = ptr - 3;

*ptr = 6.0;

ptr += 2;

*ptr = 7.0;

Data Table

Name Type Description Value

a[0] float float array element (variable) 6.0

a[1] float float array element (variable) ?

a[2] float float array element (variable) 3.14

a[3] float float array element (variable) 9.0

ptr float * float pointer variable address of a[0]

*ptr float de-reference of float pointer variable


float a[4];

float *ptr;

ptr = &(a[2]);

*ptr = 3.14;


*ptr = 9.0;

ptr = ptr - 3;

*ptr = 6.0;

ptr += 2;

*ptr = 7.0;

Data Table

Name Type Description Value

a[0] float float array element (variable) 6.0

a[1] float float array element (variable) ?

a[2] float float array element (variable) 3.14

a[3] float float array element (variable) 9.0

ptr float * float pointer variable address of a[2]

*ptr float de-reference of float pointer variable


float a[4];

float *ptr;

ptr = &(a[2]);

*ptr = 3.14;


*ptr = 9.0;

ptr = ptr - 3;

*ptr = 6.0;

ptr += 2;

*ptr = 7.0;

Data Table

Name Type Description Value

a[0] float float array element (variable) 6.0

a[1] float float array element (variable) ?

a[2] float float array element (variable) 7.0

a[3] float float array element (variable) 9.0

ptr float * float pointer variable address of a[2]

*ptr float de-reference of float pointer variable


Page 13: Basics of pointer, pointer expressions, pointer to pointer and pointer in functions

Pointer & Functions : Pointer as function


• By using pointer as parameter, addresses of variables is passed to the called

function. This process of calling a function to pass address of variables is

called ‘Call By Reference’ OR ‘Pass By Pointers’ .

• The function called by ‘reference’ can change the value of the variable used

in the call.

• E.g. :-

The function value() receives the address of

variable a & not the value. Inside value(), a is

pointer & therefore it increments the value of

variable a by 50.



Page 14: Basics of pointer, pointer expressions, pointer to pointer and pointer in functions

• As pointers are a data type in ‘C’ , a function can return a pointer to the

calling function.

• E.g. :-

The coding aside shows the function

addvalue() receiving address of a as a

parameter. It increments the value stored in

the address of a & then returns that specific

address to the calling function, which is

then assigned to pointer variable p.



Pointer & Functions : Function Returning


Page 15: Basics of pointer, pointer expressions, pointer to pointer and pointer in functions

• Function too has an address location as well as a type in the memory. So, it

is thereby possible to use pointer to point to a specific function, which can

then be used as argument in another function.

• The declaration of pointer to a function takes place as follows:

data_type (*pointer_name) (data);

Here, the data type specifies must be the same the function, which the

pointer points to, is going to return.

Moreover a pointer can be assigned to a function by simply equating the

pointer name to the name of the function.

e.g. :-

float add(int, int);

float (*p) (int, int);


A function can also be called using pointer like :-

(*p)(a,b); /* equivalent to [ add(x,y); ] */

Pointer & Functions : Pointers to Functions

Page 16: Basics of pointer, pointer expressions, pointer to pointer and pointer in functions

• An Illustration to add two integral numbers :-




int (*p)(int, int); /*declaration of function pointer ‘p’ which points function ‘add ‘*/

void print(int (*p)(int, int)); /* declaration of function ‘print’ */

int add(int, int); /* declaration of function ‘add’ */

void main()


p=add; /* initializing pointer */

print(p); /* calling function ‘print’ which receives the address of

function ‘add’ through pointer ‘p’ */

} /* Continued */

Pointer & Functions : Pointers to Functions

Page 17: Basics of pointer, pointer expressions, pointer to pointer and pointer in functions

• An Illustration to add two integral numbers (continued) :-

void printf(int (*p)(int, int))


int a,b;

scanf(“%d %d”,&a,&b);

printf(“\n%d”,(*p)(a,b)); /* passes values of ‘a’ & ‘b’ to ‘add’ through ‘p’ */


int add(int a, int b)


return(a+b); /* adds ‘a’ & ‘b’ */


/* program over */

Pointer & Functions : Pointers to Functions

30 50



Page 18: Basics of pointer, pointer expressions, pointer to pointer and pointer in functions

i. Pointers can be used to return multiple values from a function

via function arguments .

ii. They prove to be an efficient tool for manipulating dynamic

data structures such as Linked Lists, Queens, Stacks & Trees.

iii. They reduce the program execution speed as well as their

altitude of complexity .

iv. Pointers save a lot of data storage space in memory when

used with character strings

Uses of Pointers

Page 19: Basics of pointer, pointer expressions, pointer to pointer and pointer in functions

Pitfalls Of Pointer

• Since Pointer holds addresses of memory

location, it must never be used without proper


• An uninitialized pointer may hold addresses of

some memory location that is protected by the

Operating System. In such cases, de-

referencing a pointer may crash the program.

• Pointer can’t track the boundaries of an array.
