  1. 1. BATTLESTAR GALACTICA RELOADED Clonage imaginaire et srialit Colloque international Imaginaire sriel , 28-29 mai 2015, U. Stendhal-Grenoble 3
  2. 2. Introduction Pour une gnration, comme Starwars, la srie BSG est une matrice imaginaire Elle constitue un point dentre dans le questionnement des mthodes de production srielle des puissantes TV networks des annes 70 Son inscription dans un genre et ses avatars donnent rflchir sur ce quest une srie (sa nature, ses limites) Les images quelle impose proposent des reprsentations heuristiques de la srialit-mme
  3. 3. 1/ une srie dans une srie Battlestar Galactica 1978
  4. 4. 1/ une srie dans une srie Genre du space opera et production srielle
  5. 5. 1/ une srie dans une srieRsurgence du space opera dans les 70s
  6. 6. 1/ une srie dans une srie Unit et diversit du space opera BSG Extra-terrestres Qute de la Terre Hros Ennemis Lieux : vaisseaux
  7. 7. 1/ une srie dans une srie Aux limites de la srialit: le plagiat
  8. 8. 1/ une srie dans une srie Aux limites de la srialit: le plagiat Appellant Fox argued in its brief that a comparison of the two works discloses at least 34 similarities. For illustrative purposes only, we list 13 of the alleged similarities: (1) The central conflict of each story is a war between the galaxy's democratic and totalitarian forces. (2) In Star Wars the young hero's father had been a leader of the democratic forces, and the present leader of the democratic forces is a father figure to the young hero. In Battlestar the young hero's father is a leader of the democratic forces. (3) The leader of the democratic forces is an older man, displaying great wisdom, and symbolizing goodness and leadership, with a mysterious mystical ability to dominate a leader of the totalitarian forces. (4) An entire planet, central to the existence of the democratic forces, is destroyed. (5) The heroine is imprisoned by the totalitarian forces. (6) A leading character returns to the family home to find it destroyed. Source: mca-inc
  9. 9. 1/ une srie dans une srie Aux limites de la srialit: le plagiat (7) The search by the totalitarians and the liberation attempt by the democratic forces are depicted in alternating sequences between the totalitarian and democratic camps. (8) There is a romance between the hero's friend (the cynical fighter pilot) and the daughter of one of the leaders of the democratic forces. (9) A friendly robot, who aids the democratic forces is severely injured (Star Wars) or destroyed (Battlestar) by the totalitarian forces. (10) There is a scene in a cantina (Star Wars) or casino (Battlestar), in which musical entertainment is offered by bizarre, non-human creatures. (11) Space vehicles, although futuristic, are made to look used and old, contrary to the stereo-typical sleek, new appearance of space age equipment. (12) The climax consists of an attack by the democratic fighter pilots on the totalitarian headquarters. (13) Each work ends with an awards ceremony in honor of the democratic heros. Source: mca-inc
  10. 10. 1/ une srie dans une srie Aux limites de la srialit: le plagiat
  11. 11. 1/ une srie dans une srie Mythes et imaginaire commun
  12. 12. 1/ une srie dans une srie La tl clich de Glenn A. Larson
  13. 13. 1/ une srie dans une srie La tl clich de Glenn A. Larson
  14. 14. 2/ Quel rapport la srie? BSG 1980
  15. 15. 2/ Quel rapport la srie? 1978 vs 2004 / mcanique vs numrique
  16. 16. 2/ Quel rapport la srie? Deux modles de productions srielles Reproduction physico-chimique W. Benjamin, T. Adorno, M. Horkheimer Casablanca Reproduction numrique H. Jenkins Matrix
  17. 17. 2/ Quel rapport la srie? TOS vs GINO: the Galactica herself TOS: Galactica is a 500 year old pride of the fleet commanded by a high ranking member of the colonies, including a sitting council member. Ship travels by Hyperspeed and has laser cannons and missiles. Can take on a cylon basetar alone. GINO:Galactica is a 100 year old relic ready to be mothballed into a museum. Commanded by a second rate captain who is ready to retire. Ship travels by FTL Jump, has guns and missiles. Cant handle a few cylon raiders without massive damage.
  18. 18. 2/ Quel rapport la srie? TOS vs GINO: The Colonials TOS: Goofy hair cuts, capes and gold trim everywhere. Portrayed as Good guys GINO: Jarheads in Space. Portrayed as deeply flawed individuals who dont know right from wrong.
  19. 19. 2/ Quel rapport la srie? TOS vs GINO: The Cylons TOS: Alien created war machine gone awry, at war with humans for 1000 years due to the humans helping a neighboring species that is about to be exterminated. Silver tin can machines that fire Laser Rifles GINO: Pissed off Robo- butlers seeking revenge. They shoot machine guns and nukes at people. Human cylons who found god
  20. 20. 2/ Quel rapport la srie? TOS vs GINO: The Struggle TOS: Fleeing cylon tyranny after loosing a major battle that cost the colonials their homeworld, the Colonials search space for Earth in hopes that they can get some support against the cylons. The colonials are caught in an eonnic war for their very existence. Colonials = Good Cylons = Bad GINO: Idiotic humans allow their ex-butlers to completely surprise attack them, nearly wiping them out. By some quirk of luck they managed to get one old wreck of a ship back into duty. They are caught in an ideological religious war. Colonials = ?? Cylons = ??
  21. 21. 2/ Quel rapport la srie? TOS vs GINO: The Setting TOS: Aliens galore GINO: Not one stinking alien.
  22. 22. 2/ Quel rapport la srie? They evolved
  23. 23. 3/ Mtaphores de la srialit Catastrophe et cycle
  24. 24. 3/ Mtaphores de la srialit Rompre le cycle We are no longer enslaved by the ramblings of Pythia, no longer pecking at the breadcrumbs of the 13th tribe. We are now free to go where we want to go.
  25. 25. 3/ Mtaphores de la srialit Rompre le cycle Im not going. You know, all this is just gonna happen again and again and again. So Im getting off this merry-go-round. Im gonna die here with the bones of my ancestors [...] Dont you ever want to stop fighting [...] Colonel? Dont you just want to stop all of this? And just ride the tide out to sea.
  26. 26. 3/ Mtaphores de la srialit Les clones
  27. 27. Conclusion Srie des sries BSG permet de concevoir la production srielle culturelle dans son historicit Met en avant une rupture profonde entre la reproduction physico-chimique et le clonage numrique Questionne les conditions de la pertinence dune production srielle lre du clone numrique