Page 1: >BB< Flex PE-RT / AL / PE-RT compuesto por 5 capas solapadas combina las ventajas del tubo metálico y el tubo plástico y elimina las desventajas

• Eltubo>B<FlexPE-RT/AL/PE-RTcompuestopor5capassolapadas combina las ventajas del tubo metálico y el tuboplásticoyeliminalasdesventajasdeambosproductosalmis-motiempo.

• Tantosucapa interiorcomo laexteriorofrecenunaespecialresistenciaalosproductosquímicos,alacorrosiónyalacon-taminación.

• Lacapadealuminiolehace100%resistentealpasodegasesyoxígeno

• Tuboenrollosdisponibleenmedidasde16a32mmyenba-rrasenmedidasde16a75mm.

• Rangodetemperaturasde-40ªChasta95ºC

• Accesoriosfabricadospartiendodebarradelatóncortadaenfríoyforjadaencalientequeleconfierenunaestructuraydise-ñocompacto.

• Tratamientosuperficialqueledotadeunagranresistenciaalacorrosión.

• SistemafabricadodeacuerdolanormaUNE-ENISO21003

• Casquillodeaceroinoxidablequeseacoplaperfectamenteanuestroperfil>B<

• Lalargavidaútildelsistemaestágarantizadagraciasalaper-fectaestanqueidaddetuboyaccesorio.

• Herramientasespecialmentediseñadaspara conseguir unasunionesfáciles,rápidasyseguras.

• CertificadoAENORNº.001/006001paraelsistema.

Ventajas y Aplicaciones




Page 2: >BB< Flex PE-RT / AL / PE-RT compuesto por 5 capas solapadas combina las ventajas del tubo metálico y el tubo plástico y elimina las desventajas

Push-FitGama >B<Press Carbon con indicador de fugas

>B< Press Carbon

Manguito con rosca H

PC4270GFrom: 12mm x 1/2"To: 28mm x 1"

Manguito con rosca M

PC4273GFrom: 12mm x 3/8"To: 54mm x 2"

Manguito deslizante

PC4275From: 12mmTo: 108mm

Reducción MH

PC5243From: 15 x 12mmTo: 108 x 76mm

Curva con rosca M

PC4001GFrom: 12mm x 3/8"To: 54mm x 2"

Curva con rosca H

PC4002GFrom: 15mm x 1/2"To: 28mm x 1"

Curva 90º MH

PC5001From: 12mmTo: 108mm


PC5002From: 15mmTo: 108mm

Curva 45º HH

PC5041From: 12mmTo: 108mm

CSalto MM corto

PC5087From: 15mmTo: 28mm

Tee with FemaleThreaded Branch

PC4130From: 15 x 15 x 1/2"To: 108 x 108 x 3/4"

Te Recta

PC5130From: 12mmTo: 108mm

Tapón H

PC5301From: 15mmTo: 108mm

Straight Coupler

PC5270From: 15mmTo: 108mm

Codo 90º MH

PC5030From: 15mmTo: 54mm


PC5270FFrom: 76mmTo: 108mm

Codo con rosca H

PC4090GFrom: 15mm x 1/2"To: 28mm x 1"

Curva 45º MH

PC5040From: 12mmTo: 108mm

• Fabricados en acero.

• Junta tórica especialmente diseñada para >B< Press Carbon, indicada para aplicacions de agua fría y caliente.

• Disponible en medidas de 12 a 108mm.

• Tubo del sistema >B< Press Carbon disponible de acuerdo a la norma EN-10305-3

• Resistencia a la corrosión gracias a 7-15µm de galvanizado.

• Diseñado para agua hidrostática hasta 16 bar de presión.

• Diseñado para rangos de temperatura de -35°C to 110°C.

• Totalmente probado a 40 bar.

• Sistema disponible con tubo certificado >B< Carbon. Sistema garantizado por 10 años.

• Accesorios garantizados por 5 años siempre que sigan las recomendaciones de la EN 10305-3.

*Los productos Conex|Bänninger estan Aprobados y Certificados por numerosos Standards. Para mas información sobre esta gama por favor contacte con nuestro departamento técnico en [email protected]

IBP Atcosa, S.L. Polígono Industrial Quintos-Aeropuerto s/n. 14005 Córdoba - EspañaTel: +34 (09)57 469629 | Fax: +34 (9)57 469632 | Email: [email protected] | Website: y


Gama >B<Press Carbon con indicador de fugas

>B< Press Carbon

Manguito con rosca H

PC4270GFrom: 12mm x 1/2"To: 28mm x 1"

Manguito con rosca M

PC4273GFrom: 12mm x 3/8"To: 54mm x 2"

Manguito deslizante

PC4275From: 12mmTo: 108mm

Reducción MH

PC5243From: 15 x 12mmTo: 108 x 76mm

Curva con rosca M

PC4001GFrom: 12mm x 3/8"To: 54mm x 2"

Curva con rosca H

PC4002GFrom: 15mm x 1/2"To: 28mm x 1"

Curva 90º MH

PC5001From: 12mmTo: 108mm


PC5002From: 15mmTo: 108mm

Curva 45º HH

PC5041From: 12mmTo: 108mm

CSalto MM corto

PC5087From: 15mmTo: 28mm

Tee with FemaleThreaded Branch

PC4130From: 15 x 15 x 1/2"To: 108 x 108 x 3/4"

Te Recta

PC5130From: 12mmTo: 108mm

Tapón H

PC5301From: 15mmTo: 108mm

Straight Coupler

PC5270From: 15mmTo: 108mm

Codo 90º MH

PC5030From: 15mmTo: 54mm


PC5270FFrom: 76mmTo: 108mm

Codo con rosca H

PC4090GFrom: 15mm x 1/2"To: 28mm x 1"

Curva 45º MH

PC5040From: 12mmTo: 108mm

• Fabricados en acero.

• Junta tórica especialmente diseñada para >B< Press Carbon, indicada para aplicacions de agua fría y caliente.

• Disponible en medidas de 12 a 108mm.

• Tubo del sistema >B< Press Carbon disponible de acuerdo a la norma EN-10305-3

• Resistencia a la corrosión gracias a 7-15µm de galvanizado.

• Diseñado para agua hidrostática hasta 16 bar de presión.

• Diseñado para rangos de temperatura de -35°C to 110°C.

• Totalmente probado a 40 bar.

• Sistema disponible con tubo certificado >B< Carbon. Sistema garantizado por 10 años.

• Accesorios garantizados por 5 años siempre que sigan las recomendaciones de la EN 10305-3.

*Los productos Conex|Bänninger estan Aprobados y Certificados por numerosos Standards. Para mas información sobre esta gama por favor contacte con nuestro departamento técnico en [email protected]

IBP Atcosa, S.L. Polígono Industrial Quintos-Aeropuerto s/n. 14005 Córdoba - EspañaTel: +34 (09)57 469629 | Fax: +34 (9)57 469632 | Email: [email protected] | Website: y


>B<FlexPush-Fit Range

Push-FitReduced Connector

240From: 15 x 10mmTo: 22 x 15mm

Fitting Reducer

243From: 15 x 10mmTo: 28 x 22mm


090From: 10mmTo: 28mm

Street Elbow

001From: 15mmTo: 28mm

Straight FemaleConnector

270GFrom: 15 x 1/2"To: 28 x 1"

Straight Male Connector

243GFrom: 15 x 1/2"To: 28 x 1"

Straight Tap Connector

240GFrom: 15 x 1/2"To: 22 x 3/4"

Bent Tap Connector


Size: 15 x 1/2"

Wall Plate Elbow


Size: 15 x 1/2"

Tank Connector

350From: 15 x 1/2"To: 28 x 1"

Equal Tee

130EQFrom: 10mmTo: 28mm

Reduced Branch Tee

130RBFrom: 22 x 22 x 15mmTo: 28 x 28 x 22mm

Reduced End Tee

130RESize: 15 x 10 x 15mmTo: 28 x 22 x 28mm

Reduced End & Branch Tee

130REBSize: 22 x 15 x 15mmTo: 28 x 22 x 22mm

Female Branch Tee


Size: 15 x 15 x 1/2"

Stop End

301From: 10mmTo: 28mm

Release Tool & Head Pack

CP-FSET002 Size:10,15,22 & 28mmhead units & case

Tool (excluding heads)


Tool (no heads)

Tool Heads

CP-FPLIERFrom: 10mmTo: 28mm

Internal Liners(for plastic pipes)

PPFrom: 10mmTo: 28mm

*Conex|Bänninger products are approved by numerous Standards Authorities and Certification Bodies. For more details on this product range, please email our technical team at: [email protected].

Conex Universal Limited: Global House, 95 Vantage Point, The Pensnett Estate, Kingswinford, West Midlands DY6 7FT, UNITED KINGDOM.Tel: +44 (0)121 557 2831 | Fax: +44 (0)121 520 8778 | Email: [email protected] | Website:

This is a representation of the full range from Conex Universal. IBP trade marks are registered in numerous countries.


Tubo PERT / Al / PERTen rollos

De: 16/2mmA: 32/3mm


Push-Fit Range

Push-FitReduced Connector

240From: 15 x 10mmTo: 22 x 15mm

Fitting Reducer

243From: 15 x 10mmTo: 28 x 22mm


090From: 10mmTo: 28mm

Street Elbow

001From: 15mmTo: 28mm

Straight FemaleConnector

270GFrom: 15 x 1/2"To: 28 x 1"

Straight Male Connector

243GFrom: 15 x 1/2"To: 28 x 1"

Straight Tap Connector

240GFrom: 15 x 1/2"To: 22 x 3/4"

Bent Tap Connector


Size: 15 x 1/2"

Wall Plate Elbow


Size: 15 x 1/2"

Tank Connector

350From: 15 x 1/2"To: 28 x 1"

Equal Tee

130EQFrom: 10mmTo: 28mm

Reduced Branch Tee

130RBFrom: 22 x 22 x 15mmTo: 28 x 28 x 22mm

Reduced End Tee

130RESize: 15 x 10 x 15mmTo: 28 x 22 x 28mm

Reduced End & Branch Tee

130REBSize: 22 x 15 x 15mmTo: 28 x 22 x 22mm

Female Branch Tee


Size: 15 x 15 x 1/2"

Stop End

301From: 10mmTo: 28mm

Release Tool & Head Pack

CP-FSET002 Size:10,15,22 & 28mmhead units & case

Tool (excluding heads)


Tool (no heads)

Tool Heads

CP-FPLIERFrom: 10mmTo: 28mm

Internal Liners(for plastic pipes)

PPFrom: 10mmTo: 28mm

*Conex|Bänninger products are approved by numerous Standards Authorities and Certification Bodies. For more details on this product range, please email our technical team at: [email protected].

Conex Universal Limited: Global House, 95 Vantage Point, The Pensnett Estate, Kingswinford, West Midlands DY6 7FT, UNITED KINGDOM.Tel: +44 (0)121 557 2831 | Fax: +44 (0)121 520 8778 | Email: [email protected] | Website:

This is a representation of the full range from Conex Universal. IBP trade marks are registered in numerous countries.


Tubo PERT / Al / PERT en tiras

De: 16/2mmA: 75/7,5mm


Push-Fit Range

Push-FitReduced Connector

240From: 15 x 10mmTo: 22 x 15mm

Fitting Reducer

243From: 15 x 10mmTo: 28 x 22mm


090From: 10mmTo: 28mm

Street Elbow

001From: 15mmTo: 28mm

Straight FemaleConnector

270GFrom: 15 x 1/2"To: 28 x 1"

Straight Male Connector

243GFrom: 15 x 1/2"To: 28 x 1"

Straight Tap Connector

240GFrom: 15 x 1/2"To: 22 x 3/4"

Bent Tap Connector


Size: 15 x 1/2"

Wall Plate Elbow


Size: 15 x 1/2"

Tank Connector

350From: 15 x 1/2"To: 28 x 1"

Equal Tee

130EQFrom: 10mmTo: 28mm

Reduced Branch Tee

130RBFrom: 22 x 22 x 15mmTo: 28 x 28 x 22mm

Reduced End Tee

130RESize: 15 x 10 x 15mmTo: 28 x 22 x 28mm

Reduced End & Branch Tee

130REBSize: 22 x 15 x 15mmTo: 28 x 22 x 22mm

Female Branch Tee


Size: 15 x 15 x 1/2"

Stop End

301From: 10mmTo: 28mm

Release Tool & Head Pack

CP-FSET002 Size:10,15,22 & 28mmhead units & case

Tool (excluding heads)


Tool (no heads)

Tool Heads

CP-FPLIERFrom: 10mmTo: 28mm

Internal Liners(for plastic pipes)

PPFrom: 10mmTo: 28mm

*Conex|Bänninger products are approved by numerous Standards Authorities and Certification Bodies. For more details on this product range, please email our technical team at: [email protected].

Conex Universal Limited: Global House, 95 Vantage Point, The Pensnett Estate, Kingswinford, West Midlands DY6 7FT, UNITED KINGDOM.Tel: +44 (0)121 557 2831 | Fax: +44 (0)121 520 8778 | Email: [email protected] | Website:

This is a representation of the full range from Conex Universal. IBP trade marks are registered in numerous countries.


Codo 90° M

De: 16X1/2”A: 50X1.1/2”


Push-Fit Range

Push-FitReduced Connector

240From: 15 x 10mmTo: 22 x 15mm

Fitting Reducer

243From: 15 x 10mmTo: 28 x 22mm


090From: 10mmTo: 28mm

Street Elbow

001From: 15mmTo: 28mm

Straight FemaleConnector

270GFrom: 15 x 1/2"To: 28 x 1"

Straight Male Connector

243GFrom: 15 x 1/2"To: 28 x 1"

Straight Tap Connector

240GFrom: 15 x 1/2"To: 22 x 3/4"

Bent Tap Connector


Size: 15 x 1/2"

Wall Plate Elbow


Size: 15 x 1/2"

Tank Connector

350From: 15 x 1/2"To: 28 x 1"

Equal Tee

130EQFrom: 10mmTo: 28mm

Reduced Branch Tee

130RBFrom: 22 x 22 x 15mmTo: 28 x 28 x 22mm

Reduced End Tee

130RESize: 15 x 10 x 15mmTo: 28 x 22 x 28mm

Reduced End & Branch Tee

130REBSize: 22 x 15 x 15mmTo: 28 x 22 x 22mm

Female Branch Tee


Size: 15 x 15 x 1/2"

Stop End

301From: 10mmTo: 28mm

Release Tool & Head Pack

CP-FSET002 Size:10,15,22 & 28mmhead units & case

Tool (excluding heads)


Tool (no heads)

Tool Heads

CP-FPLIERFrom: 10mmTo: 28mm

Internal Liners(for plastic pipes)

PPFrom: 10mmTo: 28mm

*Conex|Bänninger products are approved by numerous Standards Authorities and Certification Bodies. For more details on this product range, please email our technical team at: [email protected].

Conex Universal Limited: Global House, 95 Vantage Point, The Pensnett Estate, Kingswinford, West Midlands DY6 7FT, UNITED KINGDOM.Tel: +44 (0)121 557 2831 | Fax: +44 (0)121 520 8778 | Email: [email protected] | Website:

This is a representation of the full range from Conex Universal. IBP trade marks are registered in numerous countries.


Te igual HHH

De: 16mmA: 75mm


Push-Fit Range

Push-FitReduced Connector

240From: 15 x 10mmTo: 22 x 15mm

Fitting Reducer

243From: 15 x 10mmTo: 28 x 22mm


090From: 10mmTo: 28mm

Street Elbow

001From: 15mmTo: 28mm

Straight FemaleConnector

270GFrom: 15 x 1/2"To: 28 x 1"

Straight Male Connector

243GFrom: 15 x 1/2"To: 28 x 1"

Straight Tap Connector

240GFrom: 15 x 1/2"To: 22 x 3/4"

Bent Tap Connector


Size: 15 x 1/2"

Wall Plate Elbow


Size: 15 x 1/2"

Tank Connector

350From: 15 x 1/2"To: 28 x 1"

Equal Tee

130EQFrom: 10mmTo: 28mm

Reduced Branch Tee

130RBFrom: 22 x 22 x 15mmTo: 28 x 28 x 22mm

Reduced End Tee

130RESize: 15 x 10 x 15mmTo: 28 x 22 x 28mm

Reduced End & Branch Tee

130REBSize: 22 x 15 x 15mmTo: 28 x 22 x 22mm

Female Branch Tee


Size: 15 x 15 x 1/2"

Stop End

301From: 10mmTo: 28mm

Release Tool & Head Pack

CP-FSET002 Size:10,15,22 & 28mmhead units & case

Tool (excluding heads)


Tool (no heads)

Tool Heads

CP-FPLIERFrom: 10mmTo: 28mm

Internal Liners(for plastic pipes)

PPFrom: 10mmTo: 28mm

*Conex|Bänninger products are approved by numerous Standards Authorities and Certification Bodies. For more details on this product range, please email our technical team at: [email protected].

Conex Universal Limited: Global House, 95 Vantage Point, The Pensnett Estate, Kingswinford, West Midlands DY6 7FT, UNITED KINGDOM.Tel: +44 (0)121 557 2831 | Fax: +44 (0)121 520 8778 | Email: [email protected] | Website:

This is a representation of the full range from Conex Universal. IBP trade marks are registered in numerous countries.


Te igual reducida

De: 16x20x16mmA: 50x40x50mm


Push-Fit Range

Push-FitReduced Connector

240From: 15 x 10mmTo: 22 x 15mm

Fitting Reducer

243From: 15 x 10mmTo: 28 x 22mm


090From: 10mmTo: 28mm

Street Elbow

001From: 15mmTo: 28mm

Straight FemaleConnector

270GFrom: 15 x 1/2"To: 28 x 1"

Straight Male Connector

243GFrom: 15 x 1/2"To: 28 x 1"

Straight Tap Connector

240GFrom: 15 x 1/2"To: 22 x 3/4"

Bent Tap Connector


Size: 15 x 1/2"

Wall Plate Elbow


Size: 15 x 1/2"

Tank Connector

350From: 15 x 1/2"To: 28 x 1"

Equal Tee

130EQFrom: 10mmTo: 28mm

Reduced Branch Tee

130RBFrom: 22 x 22 x 15mmTo: 28 x 28 x 22mm

Reduced End Tee

130RESize: 15 x 10 x 15mmTo: 28 x 22 x 28mm

Reduced End & Branch Tee

130REBSize: 22 x 15 x 15mmTo: 28 x 22 x 22mm

Female Branch Tee


Size: 15 x 15 x 1/2"

Stop End

301From: 10mmTo: 28mm

Release Tool & Head Pack

CP-FSET002 Size:10,15,22 & 28mmhead units & case

Tool (excluding heads)


Tool (no heads)

Tool Heads

CP-FPLIERFrom: 10mmTo: 28mm

Internal Liners(for plastic pipes)

PPFrom: 10mmTo: 28mm

*Conex|Bänninger products are approved by numerous Standards Authorities and Certification Bodies. For more details on this product range, please email our technical team at: [email protected].

Conex Universal Limited: Global House, 95 Vantage Point, The Pensnett Estate, Kingswinford, West Midlands DY6 7FT, UNITED KINGDOM.Tel: +44 (0)121 557 2831 | Fax: +44 (0)121 520 8778 | Email: [email protected] | Website:

This is a representation of the full range from Conex Universal. IBP trade marks are registered in numerous countries.


Te con rosca H

De: 16x1/2”A: 63x2”


Push-Fit Range

Push-FitReduced Connector

240From: 15 x 10mmTo: 22 x 15mm

Fitting Reducer

243From: 15 x 10mmTo: 28 x 22mm


090From: 10mmTo: 28mm

Street Elbow

001From: 15mmTo: 28mm

Straight FemaleConnector

270GFrom: 15 x 1/2"To: 28 x 1"

Straight Male Connector

243GFrom: 15 x 1/2"To: 28 x 1"

Straight Tap Connector

240GFrom: 15 x 1/2"To: 22 x 3/4"

Bent Tap Connector


Size: 15 x 1/2"

Wall Plate Elbow


Size: 15 x 1/2"

Tank Connector

350From: 15 x 1/2"To: 28 x 1"

Equal Tee

130EQFrom: 10mmTo: 28mm

Reduced Branch Tee

130RBFrom: 22 x 22 x 15mmTo: 28 x 28 x 22mm

Reduced End Tee

130RESize: 15 x 10 x 15mmTo: 28 x 22 x 28mm

Reduced End & Branch Tee

130REBSize: 22 x 15 x 15mmTo: 28 x 22 x 22mm

Female Branch Tee


Size: 15 x 15 x 1/2"

Stop End

301From: 10mmTo: 28mm

Release Tool & Head Pack

CP-FSET002 Size:10,15,22 & 28mmhead units & case

Tool (excluding heads)


Tool (no heads)

Tool Heads

CP-FPLIERFrom: 10mmTo: 28mm

Internal Liners(for plastic pipes)

PPFrom: 10mmTo: 28mm

*Conex|Bänninger products are approved by numerous Standards Authorities and Certification Bodies. For more details on this product range, please email our technical team at: [email protected].

Conex Universal Limited: Global House, 95 Vantage Point, The Pensnett Estate, Kingswinford, West Midlands DY6 7FT, UNITED KINGDOM.Tel: +44 (0)121 557 2831 | Fax: +44 (0)121 520 8778 | Email: [email protected] | Website:

This is a representation of the full range from Conex Universal. IBP trade marks are registered in numerous countries.


Te con rosca M

De: 16x1/2”A: 32x3/4”


Push-Fit Range

Push-FitReduced Connector

240From: 15 x 10mmTo: 22 x 15mm

Fitting Reducer

243From: 15 x 10mmTo: 28 x 22mm


090From: 10mmTo: 28mm

Street Elbow

001From: 15mmTo: 28mm

Straight FemaleConnector

270GFrom: 15 x 1/2"To: 28 x 1"

Straight Male Connector

243GFrom: 15 x 1/2"To: 28 x 1"

Straight Tap Connector

240GFrom: 15 x 1/2"To: 22 x 3/4"

Bent Tap Connector


Size: 15 x 1/2"

Wall Plate Elbow


Size: 15 x 1/2"

Tank Connector

350From: 15 x 1/2"To: 28 x 1"

Equal Tee

130EQFrom: 10mmTo: 28mm

Reduced Branch Tee

130RBFrom: 22 x 22 x 15mmTo: 28 x 28 x 22mm

Reduced End Tee

130RESize: 15 x 10 x 15mmTo: 28 x 22 x 28mm

Reduced End & Branch Tee

130REBSize: 22 x 15 x 15mmTo: 28 x 22 x 22mm

Female Branch Tee


Size: 15 x 15 x 1/2"

Stop End

301From: 10mmTo: 28mm

Release Tool & Head Pack

CP-FSET002 Size:10,15,22 & 28mmhead units & case

Tool (excluding heads)


Tool (no heads)

Tool Heads

CP-FPLIERFrom: 10mmTo: 28mm

Internal Liners(for plastic pipes)

PPFrom: 10mmTo: 28mm

*Conex|Bänninger products are approved by numerous Standards Authorities and Certification Bodies. For more details on this product range, please email our technical team at: [email protected].

Conex Universal Limited: Global House, 95 Vantage Point, The Pensnett Estate, Kingswinford, West Midlands DY6 7FT, UNITED KINGDOM.Tel: +44 (0)121 557 2831 | Fax: +44 (0)121 520 8778 | Email: [email protected] | Website:

This is a representation of the full range from Conex Universal. IBP trade marks are registered in numerous countries.


Manguito H

De: 16x1/2”A: 63x2”


Push-Fit Range

Push-FitReduced Connector

240From: 15 x 10mmTo: 22 x 15mm

Fitting Reducer

243From: 15 x 10mmTo: 28 x 22mm


090From: 10mmTo: 28mm

Street Elbow

001From: 15mmTo: 28mm

Straight FemaleConnector

270GFrom: 15 x 1/2"To: 28 x 1"

Straight Male Connector

243GFrom: 15 x 1/2"To: 28 x 1"

Straight Tap Connector

240GFrom: 15 x 1/2"To: 22 x 3/4"

Bent Tap Connector


Size: 15 x 1/2"

Wall Plate Elbow


Size: 15 x 1/2"

Tank Connector

350From: 15 x 1/2"To: 28 x 1"

Equal Tee

130EQFrom: 10mmTo: 28mm

Reduced Branch Tee

130RBFrom: 22 x 22 x 15mmTo: 28 x 28 x 22mm

Reduced End Tee

130RESize: 15 x 10 x 15mmTo: 28 x 22 x 28mm

Reduced End & Branch Tee

130REBSize: 22 x 15 x 15mmTo: 28 x 22 x 22mm

Female Branch Tee


Size: 15 x 15 x 1/2"

Stop End

301From: 10mmTo: 28mm

Release Tool & Head Pack

CP-FSET002 Size:10,15,22 & 28mmhead units & case

Tool (excluding heads)


Tool (no heads)

Tool Heads

CP-FPLIERFrom: 10mmTo: 28mm

Internal Liners(for plastic pipes)

PPFrom: 10mmTo: 28mm

*Conex|Bänninger products are approved by numerous Standards Authorities and Certification Bodies. For more details on this product range, please email our technical team at: [email protected].

Conex Universal Limited: Global House, 95 Vantage Point, The Pensnett Estate, Kingswinford, West Midlands DY6 7FT, UNITED KINGDOM.Tel: +44 (0)121 557 2831 | Fax: +44 (0)121 520 8778 | Email: [email protected] | Website:

This is a representation of the full range from Conex Universal. IBP trade marks are registered in numerous countries.


Manguito reducido H

De: 18x16mmA: 75x63mm


Push-Fit Range

Push-FitReduced Connector

240From: 15 x 10mmTo: 22 x 15mm

Fitting Reducer

243From: 15 x 10mmTo: 28 x 22mm


090From: 10mmTo: 28mm

Street Elbow

001From: 15mmTo: 28mm

Straight FemaleConnector

270GFrom: 15 x 1/2"To: 28 x 1"

Straight Male Connector

243GFrom: 15 x 1/2"To: 28 x 1"

Straight Tap Connector

240GFrom: 15 x 1/2"To: 22 x 3/4"

Bent Tap Connector


Size: 15 x 1/2"

Wall Plate Elbow


Size: 15 x 1/2"

Tank Connector

350From: 15 x 1/2"To: 28 x 1"

Equal Tee

130EQFrom: 10mmTo: 28mm

Reduced Branch Tee

130RBFrom: 22 x 22 x 15mmTo: 28 x 28 x 22mm

Reduced End Tee

130RESize: 15 x 10 x 15mmTo: 28 x 22 x 28mm

Reduced End & Branch Tee

130REBSize: 22 x 15 x 15mmTo: 28 x 22 x 22mm

Female Branch Tee


Size: 15 x 15 x 1/2"

Stop End

301From: 10mmTo: 28mm

Release Tool & Head Pack

CP-FSET002 Size:10,15,22 & 28mmhead units & case

Tool (excluding heads)


Tool (no heads)

Tool Heads

CP-FPLIERFrom: 10mmTo: 28mm

Internal Liners(for plastic pipes)

PPFrom: 10mmTo: 28mm

*Conex|Bänninger products are approved by numerous Standards Authorities and Certification Bodies. For more details on this product range, please email our technical team at: [email protected].

Conex Universal Limited: Global House, 95 Vantage Point, The Pensnett Estate, Kingswinford, West Midlands DY6 7FT, UNITED KINGDOM.Tel: +44 (0)121 557 2831 | Fax: +44 (0)121 520 8778 | Email: [email protected] | Website:

This is a representation of the full range from Conex Universal. IBP trade marks are registered in numerous countries.


Manguito M

De: 16x1/2”A: 63x2”


Push-Fit Range

Push-FitReduced Connector

240From: 15 x 10mmTo: 22 x 15mm

Fitting Reducer

243From: 15 x 10mmTo: 28 x 22mm


090From: 10mmTo: 28mm

Street Elbow

001From: 15mmTo: 28mm

Straight FemaleConnector

270GFrom: 15 x 1/2"To: 28 x 1"

Straight Male Connector

243GFrom: 15 x 1/2"To: 28 x 1"

Straight Tap Connector

240GFrom: 15 x 1/2"To: 22 x 3/4"

Bent Tap Connector


Size: 15 x 1/2"

Wall Plate Elbow


Size: 15 x 1/2"

Tank Connector

350From: 15 x 1/2"To: 28 x 1"

Equal Tee

130EQFrom: 10mmTo: 28mm

Reduced Branch Tee

130RBFrom: 22 x 22 x 15mmTo: 28 x 28 x 22mm

Reduced End Tee

130RESize: 15 x 10 x 15mmTo: 28 x 22 x 28mm

Reduced End & Branch Tee

130REBSize: 22 x 15 x 15mmTo: 28 x 22 x 22mm

Female Branch Tee


Size: 15 x 15 x 1/2"

Stop End

301From: 10mmTo: 28mm

Release Tool & Head Pack

CP-FSET002 Size:10,15,22 & 28mmhead units & case

Tool (excluding heads)


Tool (no heads)

Tool Heads

CP-FPLIERFrom: 10mmTo: 28mm

Internal Liners(for plastic pipes)

PPFrom: 10mmTo: 28mm

*Conex|Bänninger products are approved by numerous Standards Authorities and Certification Bodies. For more details on this product range, please email our technical team at: [email protected].

Conex Universal Limited: Global House, 95 Vantage Point, The Pensnett Estate, Kingswinford, West Midlands DY6 7FT, UNITED KINGDOM.Tel: +44 (0)121 557 2831 | Fax: +44 (0)121 520 8778 | Email: [email protected] | Website:

This is a representation of the full range from Conex Universal. IBP trade marks are registered in numerous countries.


Manguito recto

De: 16mmA: 75mm


Push-Fit Range

Push-FitReduced Connector

240From: 15 x 10mmTo: 22 x 15mm

Fitting Reducer

243From: 15 x 10mmTo: 28 x 22mm


090From: 10mmTo: 28mm

Street Elbow

001From: 15mmTo: 28mm

Straight FemaleConnector

270GFrom: 15 x 1/2"To: 28 x 1"

Straight Male Connector

243GFrom: 15 x 1/2"To: 28 x 1"

Straight Tap Connector

240GFrom: 15 x 1/2"To: 22 x 3/4"

Bent Tap Connector


Size: 15 x 1/2"

Wall Plate Elbow


Size: 15 x 1/2"

Tank Connector

350From: 15 x 1/2"To: 28 x 1"

Equal Tee

130EQFrom: 10mmTo: 28mm

Reduced Branch Tee

130RBFrom: 22 x 22 x 15mmTo: 28 x 28 x 22mm

Reduced End Tee

130RESize: 15 x 10 x 15mmTo: 28 x 22 x 28mm

Reduced End & Branch Tee

130REBSize: 22 x 15 x 15mmTo: 28 x 22 x 22mm

Female Branch Tee


Size: 15 x 15 x 1/2"

Stop End

301From: 10mmTo: 28mm

Release Tool & Head Pack

CP-FSET002 Size:10,15,22 & 28mmhead units & case

Tool (excluding heads)


Tool (no heads)

Tool Heads

CP-FPLIERFrom: 10mmTo: 28mm

Internal Liners(for plastic pipes)

PPFrom: 10mmTo: 28mm

*Conex|Bänninger products are approved by numerous Standards Authorities and Certification Bodies. For more details on this product range, please email our technical team at: [email protected].

Conex Universal Limited: Global House, 95 Vantage Point, The Pensnett Estate, Kingswinford, West Midlands DY6 7FT, UNITED KINGDOM.Tel: +44 (0)121 557 2831 | Fax: +44 (0)121 520 8778 | Email: [email protected] | Website:

This is a representation of the full range from Conex Universal. IBP trade marks are registered in numerous countries.


Tapón H

De: 16mmA: 32mm


Push-Fit Range

Push-FitReduced Connector

240From: 15 x 10mmTo: 22 x 15mm

Fitting Reducer

243From: 15 x 10mmTo: 28 x 22mm


090From: 10mmTo: 28mm

Street Elbow

001From: 15mmTo: 28mm

Straight FemaleConnector

270GFrom: 15 x 1/2"To: 28 x 1"

Straight Male Connector

243GFrom: 15 x 1/2"To: 28 x 1"

Straight Tap Connector

240GFrom: 15 x 1/2"To: 22 x 3/4"

Bent Tap Connector


Size: 15 x 1/2"

Wall Plate Elbow


Size: 15 x 1/2"

Tank Connector

350From: 15 x 1/2"To: 28 x 1"

Equal Tee

130EQFrom: 10mmTo: 28mm

Reduced Branch Tee

130RBFrom: 22 x 22 x 15mmTo: 28 x 28 x 22mm

Reduced End Tee

130RESize: 15 x 10 x 15mmTo: 28 x 22 x 28mm

Reduced End & Branch Tee

130REBSize: 22 x 15 x 15mmTo: 28 x 22 x 22mm

Female Branch Tee


Size: 15 x 15 x 1/2"

Stop End

301From: 10mmTo: 28mm

Release Tool & Head Pack

CP-FSET002 Size:10,15,22 & 28mmhead units & case

Tool (excluding heads)


Tool (no heads)

Tool Heads

CP-FPLIERFrom: 10mmTo: 28mm

Internal Liners(for plastic pipes)

PPFrom: 10mmTo: 28mm

*Conex|Bänninger products are approved by numerous Standards Authorities and Certification Bodies. For more details on this product range, please email our technical team at: [email protected].

Conex Universal Limited: Global House, 95 Vantage Point, The Pensnett Estate, Kingswinford, West Midlands DY6 7FT, UNITED KINGDOM.Tel: +44 (0)121 557 2831 | Fax: +44 (0)121 520 8778 | Email: [email protected] | Website:

This is a representation of the full range from Conex Universal. IBP trade marks are registered in numerous countries.


Racor móvil con junta plana

De: 16x1/2”A: 32x1”


Push-Fit Range

Push-FitReduced Connector

240From: 15 x 10mmTo: 22 x 15mm

Fitting Reducer

243From: 15 x 10mmTo: 28 x 22mm


090From: 10mmTo: 28mm

Street Elbow

001From: 15mmTo: 28mm

Straight FemaleConnector

270GFrom: 15 x 1/2"To: 28 x 1"

Straight Male Connector

243GFrom: 15 x 1/2"To: 28 x 1"

Straight Tap Connector

240GFrom: 15 x 1/2"To: 22 x 3/4"

Bent Tap Connector


Size: 15 x 1/2"

Wall Plate Elbow


Size: 15 x 1/2"

Tank Connector

350From: 15 x 1/2"To: 28 x 1"

Equal Tee

130EQFrom: 10mmTo: 28mm

Reduced Branch Tee

130RBFrom: 22 x 22 x 15mmTo: 28 x 28 x 22mm

Reduced End Tee

130RESize: 15 x 10 x 15mmTo: 28 x 22 x 28mm

Reduced End & Branch Tee

130REBSize: 22 x 15 x 15mmTo: 28 x 22 x 22mm

Female Branch Tee


Size: 15 x 15 x 1/2"

Stop End

301From: 10mmTo: 28mm

Release Tool & Head Pack

CP-FSET002 Size:10,15,22 & 28mmhead units & case

Tool (excluding heads)


Tool (no heads)

Tool Heads

CP-FPLIERFrom: 10mmTo: 28mm

Internal Liners(for plastic pipes)

PPFrom: 10mmTo: 28mm

*Conex|Bänninger products are approved by numerous Standards Authorities and Certification Bodies. For more details on this product range, please email our technical team at: [email protected].

Conex Universal Limited: Global House, 95 Vantage Point, The Pensnett Estate, Kingswinford, West Midlands DY6 7FT, UNITED KINGDOM.Tel: +44 (0)121 557 2831 | Fax: +44 (0)121 520 8778 | Email: [email protected] | Website:

This is a representation of the full range from Conex Universal. IBP trade marks are registered in numerous countries.


Codo placa

De: 16x1/2”A: 25x3/4”


Push-Fit Range

Push-FitReduced Connector

240From: 15 x 10mmTo: 22 x 15mm

Fitting Reducer

243From: 15 x 10mmTo: 28 x 22mm


090From: 10mmTo: 28mm

Street Elbow

001From: 15mmTo: 28mm

Straight FemaleConnector

270GFrom: 15 x 1/2"To: 28 x 1"

Straight Male Connector

243GFrom: 15 x 1/2"To: 28 x 1"

Straight Tap Connector

240GFrom: 15 x 1/2"To: 22 x 3/4"

Bent Tap Connector


Size: 15 x 1/2"

Wall Plate Elbow


Size: 15 x 1/2"

Tank Connector

350From: 15 x 1/2"To: 28 x 1"

Equal Tee

130EQFrom: 10mmTo: 28mm

Reduced Branch Tee

130RBFrom: 22 x 22 x 15mmTo: 28 x 28 x 22mm

Reduced End Tee

130RESize: 15 x 10 x 15mmTo: 28 x 22 x 28mm

Reduced End & Branch Tee

130REBSize: 22 x 15 x 15mmTo: 28 x 22 x 22mm

Female Branch Tee


Size: 15 x 15 x 1/2"

Stop End

301From: 10mmTo: 28mm

Release Tool & Head Pack

CP-FSET002 Size:10,15,22 & 28mmhead units & case

Tool (excluding heads)


Tool (no heads)

Tool Heads

CP-FPLIERFrom: 10mmTo: 28mm

Internal Liners(for plastic pipes)

PPFrom: 10mmTo: 28mm

*Conex|Bänninger products are approved by numerous Standards Authorities and Certification Bodies. For more details on this product range, please email our technical team at: [email protected].

Conex Universal Limited: Global House, 95 Vantage Point, The Pensnett Estate, Kingswinford, West Midlands DY6 7FT, UNITED KINGDOM.Tel: +44 (0)121 557 2831 | Fax: +44 (0)121 520 8778 | Email: [email protected] | Website:

This is a representation of the full range from Conex Universal. IBP trade marks are registered in numerous countries.


Codo para radiador

De: 16mmA: 20mm


Push-Fit Range

Push-FitReduced Connector

240From: 15 x 10mmTo: 22 x 15mm

Fitting Reducer

243From: 15 x 10mmTo: 28 x 22mm


090From: 10mmTo: 28mm

Street Elbow

001From: 15mmTo: 28mm

Straight FemaleConnector

270GFrom: 15 x 1/2"To: 28 x 1"

Straight Male Connector

243GFrom: 15 x 1/2"To: 28 x 1"

Straight Tap Connector

240GFrom: 15 x 1/2"To: 22 x 3/4"

Bent Tap Connector


Size: 15 x 1/2"

Wall Plate Elbow


Size: 15 x 1/2"

Tank Connector

350From: 15 x 1/2"To: 28 x 1"

Equal Tee

130EQFrom: 10mmTo: 28mm

Reduced Branch Tee

130RBFrom: 22 x 22 x 15mmTo: 28 x 28 x 22mm

Reduced End Tee

130RESize: 15 x 10 x 15mmTo: 28 x 22 x 28mm

Reduced End & Branch Tee

130REBSize: 22 x 15 x 15mmTo: 28 x 22 x 22mm

Female Branch Tee


Size: 15 x 15 x 1/2"

Stop End

301From: 10mmTo: 28mm

Release Tool & Head Pack

CP-FSET002 Size:10,15,22 & 28mmhead units & case

Tool (excluding heads)


Tool (no heads)

Tool Heads

CP-FPLIERFrom: 10mmTo: 28mm

Internal Liners(for plastic pipes)

PPFrom: 10mmTo: 28mm

*Conex|Bänninger products are approved by numerous Standards Authorities and Certification Bodies. For more details on this product range, please email our technical team at: [email protected].

Conex Universal Limited: Global House, 95 Vantage Point, The Pensnett Estate, Kingswinford, West Midlands DY6 7FT, UNITED KINGDOM.Tel: +44 (0)121 557 2831 | Fax: +44 (0)121 520 8778 | Email: [email protected] | Website:

This is a representation of the full range from Conex Universal. IBP trade marks are registered in numerous countries.


Te para radiador

De: 16mmA: 20mm


Push-Fit Range

Push-FitReduced Connector

240From: 15 x 10mmTo: 22 x 15mm

Fitting Reducer

243From: 15 x 10mmTo: 28 x 22mm


090From: 10mmTo: 28mm

Street Elbow

001From: 15mmTo: 28mm

Straight FemaleConnector

270GFrom: 15 x 1/2"To: 28 x 1"

Straight Male Connector

243GFrom: 15 x 1/2"To: 28 x 1"

Straight Tap Connector

240GFrom: 15 x 1/2"To: 22 x 3/4"

Bent Tap Connector


Size: 15 x 1/2"

Wall Plate Elbow


Size: 15 x 1/2"

Tank Connector

350From: 15 x 1/2"To: 28 x 1"

Equal Tee

130EQFrom: 10mmTo: 28mm

Reduced Branch Tee

130RBFrom: 22 x 22 x 15mmTo: 28 x 28 x 22mm

Reduced End Tee

130RESize: 15 x 10 x 15mmTo: 28 x 22 x 28mm

Reduced End & Branch Tee

130REBSize: 22 x 15 x 15mmTo: 28 x 22 x 22mm

Female Branch Tee


Size: 15 x 15 x 1/2"

Stop End

301From: 10mmTo: 28mm

Release Tool & Head Pack

CP-FSET002 Size:10,15,22 & 28mmhead units & case

Tool (excluding heads)


Tool (no heads)

Tool Heads

CP-FPLIERFrom: 10mmTo: 28mm

Internal Liners(for plastic pipes)

PPFrom: 10mmTo: 28mm

*Conex|Bänninger products are approved by numerous Standards Authorities and Certification Bodies. For more details on this product range, please email our technical team at: [email protected].

Conex Universal Limited: Global House, 95 Vantage Point, The Pensnett Estate, Kingswinford, West Midlands DY6 7FT, UNITED KINGDOM.Tel: +44 (0)121 557 2831 | Fax: +44 (0)121 520 8778 | Email: [email protected] | Website:

This is a representation of the full range from Conex Universal. IBP trade marks are registered in numerous countries.


Adaptador compresión a tubo de cobre

De: 16X15CuA: 25x22Cu


Push-Fit Range

Push-FitReduced Connector

240From: 15 x 10mmTo: 22 x 15mm

Fitting Reducer

243From: 15 x 10mmTo: 28 x 22mm


090From: 10mmTo: 28mm

Street Elbow

001From: 15mmTo: 28mm

Straight FemaleConnector

270GFrom: 15 x 1/2"To: 28 x 1"

Straight Male Connector

243GFrom: 15 x 1/2"To: 28 x 1"

Straight Tap Connector

240GFrom: 15 x 1/2"To: 22 x 3/4"

Bent Tap Connector


Size: 15 x 1/2"

Wall Plate Elbow


Size: 15 x 1/2"

Tank Connector

350From: 15 x 1/2"To: 28 x 1"

Equal Tee

130EQFrom: 10mmTo: 28mm

Reduced Branch Tee

130RBFrom: 22 x 22 x 15mmTo: 28 x 28 x 22mm

Reduced End Tee

130RESize: 15 x 10 x 15mmTo: 28 x 22 x 28mm

Reduced End & Branch Tee

130REBSize: 22 x 15 x 15mmTo: 28 x 22 x 22mm

Female Branch Tee


Size: 15 x 15 x 1/2"

Stop End

301From: 10mmTo: 28mm

Release Tool & Head Pack

CP-FSET002 Size:10,15,22 & 28mmhead units & case

Tool (excluding heads)


Tool (no heads)

Tool Heads

CP-FPLIERFrom: 10mmTo: 28mm

Internal Liners(for plastic pipes)

PPFrom: 10mmTo: 28mm

*Conex|Bänninger products are approved by numerous Standards Authorities and Certification Bodies. For more details on this product range, please email our technical team at: [email protected].

Conex Universal Limited: Global House, 95 Vantage Point, The Pensnett Estate, Kingswinford, West Midlands DY6 7FT, UNITED KINGDOM.Tel: +44 (0)121 557 2831 | Fax: +44 (0)121 520 8778 | Email: [email protected] | Website:

This is a representation of the full range from Conex Universal. IBP trade marks are registered in numerous countries.


Válvula de esfera

De: 16mmA: 32mm


Push-Fit Range

Push-FitReduced Connector

240From: 15 x 10mmTo: 22 x 15mm

Fitting Reducer

243From: 15 x 10mmTo: 28 x 22mm


090From: 10mmTo: 28mm

Street Elbow

001From: 15mmTo: 28mm

Straight FemaleConnector

270GFrom: 15 x 1/2"To: 28 x 1"

Straight Male Connector

243GFrom: 15 x 1/2"To: 28 x 1"

Straight Tap Connector

240GFrom: 15 x 1/2"To: 22 x 3/4"

Bent Tap Connector


Size: 15 x 1/2"

Wall Plate Elbow


Size: 15 x 1/2"

Tank Connector

350From: 15 x 1/2"To: 28 x 1"

Equal Tee

130EQFrom: 10mmTo: 28mm

Reduced Branch Tee

130RBFrom: 22 x 22 x 15mmTo: 28 x 28 x 22mm

Reduced End Tee

130RESize: 15 x 10 x 15mmTo: 28 x 22 x 28mm

Reduced End & Branch Tee

130REBSize: 22 x 15 x 15mmTo: 28 x 22 x 22mm

Female Branch Tee


Size: 15 x 15 x 1/2"

Stop End

301From: 10mmTo: 28mm

Release Tool & Head Pack

CP-FSET002 Size:10,15,22 & 28mmhead units & case

Tool (excluding heads)


Tool (no heads)

Tool Heads

CP-FPLIERFrom: 10mmTo: 28mm

Internal Liners(for plastic pipes)

PPFrom: 10mmTo: 28mm

*Conex|Bänninger products are approved by numerous Standards Authorities and Certification Bodies. For more details on this product range, please email our technical team at: [email protected].

Conex Universal Limited: Global House, 95 Vantage Point, The Pensnett Estate, Kingswinford, West Midlands DY6 7FT, UNITED KINGDOM.Tel: +44 (0)121 557 2831 | Fax: +44 (0)121 520 8778 | Email: [email protected] | Website:

This is a representation of the full range from Conex Universal. IBP trade marks are registered in numerous countries.


Cuerpo de la válvula

De: 16mmA: 32mm


Push-Fit Range

Push-FitReduced Connector

240From: 15 x 10mmTo: 22 x 15mm

Fitting Reducer

243From: 15 x 10mmTo: 28 x 22mm


090From: 10mmTo: 28mm

Street Elbow

001From: 15mmTo: 28mm

Straight FemaleConnector

270GFrom: 15 x 1/2"To: 28 x 1"

Straight Male Connector

243GFrom: 15 x 1/2"To: 28 x 1"

Straight Tap Connector

240GFrom: 15 x 1/2"To: 22 x 3/4"

Bent Tap Connector


Size: 15 x 1/2"

Wall Plate Elbow


Size: 15 x 1/2"

Tank Connector

350From: 15 x 1/2"To: 28 x 1"

Equal Tee

130EQFrom: 10mmTo: 28mm

Reduced Branch Tee

130RBFrom: 22 x 22 x 15mmTo: 28 x 28 x 22mm

Reduced End Tee

130RESize: 15 x 10 x 15mmTo: 28 x 22 x 28mm

Reduced End & Branch Tee

130REBSize: 22 x 15 x 15mmTo: 28 x 22 x 22mm

Female Branch Tee


Size: 15 x 15 x 1/2"

Stop End

301From: 10mmTo: 28mm

Release Tool & Head Pack

CP-FSET002 Size:10,15,22 & 28mmhead units & case

Tool (excluding heads)


Tool (no heads)

Tool Heads

CP-FPLIERFrom: 10mmTo: 28mm

Internal Liners(for plastic pipes)

PPFrom: 10mmTo: 28mm

*Conex|Bänninger products are approved by numerous Standards Authorities and Certification Bodies. For more details on this product range, please email our technical team at: [email protected].

Conex Universal Limited: Global House, 95 Vantage Point, The Pensnett Estate, Kingswinford, West Midlands DY6 7FT, UNITED KINGDOM.Tel: +44 (0)121 557 2831 | Fax: +44 (0)121 520 8778 | Email: [email protected] | Website:

This is a representation of the full range from Conex Universal. IBP trade marks are registered in numerous countries.


Embellecedores y cierres


Push-Fit Range

Push-FitReduced Connector

240From: 15 x 10mmTo: 22 x 15mm

Fitting Reducer

243From: 15 x 10mmTo: 28 x 22mm


090From: 10mmTo: 28mm

Street Elbow

001From: 15mmTo: 28mm

Straight FemaleConnector

270GFrom: 15 x 1/2"To: 28 x 1"

Straight Male Connector

243GFrom: 15 x 1/2"To: 28 x 1"

Straight Tap Connector

240GFrom: 15 x 1/2"To: 22 x 3/4"

Bent Tap Connector


Size: 15 x 1/2"

Wall Plate Elbow


Size: 15 x 1/2"

Tank Connector

350From: 15 x 1/2"To: 28 x 1"

Equal Tee

130EQFrom: 10mmTo: 28mm

Reduced Branch Tee

130RBFrom: 22 x 22 x 15mmTo: 28 x 28 x 22mm

Reduced End Tee

130RESize: 15 x 10 x 15mmTo: 28 x 22 x 28mm

Reduced End & Branch Tee

130REBSize: 22 x 15 x 15mmTo: 28 x 22 x 22mm

Female Branch Tee


Size: 15 x 15 x 1/2"

Stop End

301From: 10mmTo: 28mm

Release Tool & Head Pack

CP-FSET002 Size:10,15,22 & 28mmhead units & case

Tool (excluding heads)


Tool (no heads)

Tool Heads

CP-FPLIERFrom: 10mmTo: 28mm

Internal Liners(for plastic pipes)

PPFrom: 10mmTo: 28mm

*Conex|Bänninger products are approved by numerous Standards Authorities and Certification Bodies. For more details on this product range, please email our technical team at: [email protected].

Conex Universal Limited: Global House, 95 Vantage Point, The Pensnett Estate, Kingswinford, West Midlands DY6 7FT, UNITED KINGDOM.Tel: +44 (0)121 557 2831 | Fax: +44 (0)121 520 8778 | Email: [email protected] | Website:

This is a representation of the full range from Conex Universal. IBP trade marks are registered in numerous countries.


Colector niquelado

De: 3/4”x1/2”2-3-4A: 1”x1/2”2-3-4


Push-Fit Range

Push-FitReduced Connector

240From: 15 x 10mmTo: 22 x 15mm

Fitting Reducer

243From: 15 x 10mmTo: 28 x 22mm


090From: 10mmTo: 28mm

Street Elbow

001From: 15mmTo: 28mm

Straight FemaleConnector

270GFrom: 15 x 1/2"To: 28 x 1"

Straight Male Connector

243GFrom: 15 x 1/2"To: 28 x 1"

Straight Tap Connector

240GFrom: 15 x 1/2"To: 22 x 3/4"

Bent Tap Connector


Size: 15 x 1/2"

Wall Plate Elbow


Size: 15 x 1/2"

Tank Connector

350From: 15 x 1/2"To: 28 x 1"

Equal Tee

130EQFrom: 10mmTo: 28mm

Reduced Branch Tee

130RBFrom: 22 x 22 x 15mmTo: 28 x 28 x 22mm

Reduced End Tee

130RESize: 15 x 10 x 15mmTo: 28 x 22 x 28mm

Reduced End & Branch Tee

130REBSize: 22 x 15 x 15mmTo: 28 x 22 x 22mm

Female Branch Tee


Size: 15 x 15 x 1/2"

Stop End

301From: 10mmTo: 28mm

Release Tool & Head Pack

CP-FSET002 Size:10,15,22 & 28mmhead units & case

Tool (excluding heads)


Tool (no heads)

Tool Heads

CP-FPLIERFrom: 10mmTo: 28mm

Internal Liners(for plastic pipes)

PPFrom: 10mmTo: 28mm

*Conex|Bänninger products are approved by numerous Standards Authorities and Certification Bodies. For more details on this product range, please email our technical team at: [email protected].

Conex Universal Limited: Global House, 95 Vantage Point, The Pensnett Estate, Kingswinford, West Midlands DY6 7FT, UNITED KINGDOM.Tel: +44 (0)121 557 2831 | Fax: +44 (0)121 520 8778 | Email: [email protected] | Website:

This is a representation of the full range from Conex Universal. IBP trade marks are registered in numerous countries.


Conector para tubo multicapa

De: 16x1/2”A: 20x3/4”


Push-Fit Range

Push-FitReduced Connector

240From: 15 x 10mmTo: 22 x 15mm

Fitting Reducer

243From: 15 x 10mmTo: 28 x 22mm


090From: 10mmTo: 28mm

Street Elbow

001From: 15mmTo: 28mm

Straight FemaleConnector

270GFrom: 15 x 1/2"To: 28 x 1"

Straight Male Connector

243GFrom: 15 x 1/2"To: 28 x 1"

Straight Tap Connector

240GFrom: 15 x 1/2"To: 22 x 3/4"

Bent Tap Connector


Size: 15 x 1/2"

Wall Plate Elbow


Size: 15 x 1/2"

Tank Connector

350From: 15 x 1/2"To: 28 x 1"

Equal Tee

130EQFrom: 10mmTo: 28mm

Reduced Branch Tee

130RBFrom: 22 x 22 x 15mmTo: 28 x 28 x 22mm

Reduced End Tee

130RESize: 15 x 10 x 15mmTo: 28 x 22 x 28mm

Reduced End & Branch Tee

130REBSize: 22 x 15 x 15mmTo: 28 x 22 x 22mm

Female Branch Tee


Size: 15 x 15 x 1/2"

Stop End

301From: 10mmTo: 28mm

Release Tool & Head Pack

CP-FSET002 Size:10,15,22 & 28mmhead units & case

Tool (excluding heads)


Tool (no heads)

Tool Heads

CP-FPLIERFrom: 10mmTo: 28mm

Internal Liners(for plastic pipes)

PPFrom: 10mmTo: 28mm

*Conex|Bänninger products are approved by numerous Standards Authorities and Certification Bodies. For more details on this product range, please email our technical team at: [email protected].

Conex Universal Limited: Global House, 95 Vantage Point, The Pensnett Estate, Kingswinford, West Midlands DY6 7FT, UNITED KINGDOM.Tel: +44 (0)121 557 2831 | Fax: +44 (0)121 520 8778 | Email: [email protected] | Website:

This is a representation of the full range from Conex Universal. IBP trade marks are registered in numerous countries.



De: 16mmA: 32mm


Push-Fit Range

Push-FitReduced Connector

240From: 15 x 10mmTo: 22 x 15mm

Fitting Reducer

243From: 15 x 10mmTo: 28 x 22mm


090From: 10mmTo: 28mm

Street Elbow

001From: 15mmTo: 28mm

Straight FemaleConnector

270GFrom: 15 x 1/2"To: 28 x 1"

Straight Male Connector

243GFrom: 15 x 1/2"To: 28 x 1"

Straight Tap Connector

240GFrom: 15 x 1/2"To: 22 x 3/4"

Bent Tap Connector


Size: 15 x 1/2"

Wall Plate Elbow


Size: 15 x 1/2"

Tank Connector

350From: 15 x 1/2"To: 28 x 1"

Equal Tee

130EQFrom: 10mmTo: 28mm

Reduced Branch Tee

130RBFrom: 22 x 22 x 15mmTo: 28 x 28 x 22mm

Reduced End Tee

130RESize: 15 x 10 x 15mmTo: 28 x 22 x 28mm

Reduced End & Branch Tee

130REBSize: 22 x 15 x 15mmTo: 28 x 22 x 22mm

Female Branch Tee


Size: 15 x 15 x 1/2"

Stop End

301From: 10mmTo: 28mm

Release Tool & Head Pack

CP-FSET002 Size:10,15,22 & 28mmhead units & case

Tool (excluding heads)


Tool (no heads)

Tool Heads

CP-FPLIERFrom: 10mmTo: 28mm

Internal Liners(for plastic pipes)

PPFrom: 10mmTo: 28mm

*Conex|Bänninger products are approved by numerous Standards Authorities and Certification Bodies. For more details on this product range, please email our technical team at: [email protected].

Conex Universal Limited: Global House, 95 Vantage Point, The Pensnett Estate, Kingswinford, West Midlands DY6 7FT, UNITED KINGDOM.Tel: +44 (0)121 557 2831 | Fax: +44 (0)121 520 8778 | Email: [email protected] | Website:

This is a representation of the full range from Conex Universal. IBP trade marks are registered in numerous countries.


Tubo PEX en rollos

De: 16/2mmA: 32/3mm


Push-Fit Range

Push-FitReduced Connector

240From: 15 x 10mmTo: 22 x 15mm

Fitting Reducer

243From: 15 x 10mmTo: 28 x 22mm


090From: 10mmTo: 28mm

Street Elbow

001From: 15mmTo: 28mm

Straight FemaleConnector

270GFrom: 15 x 1/2"To: 28 x 1"

Straight Male Connector

243GFrom: 15 x 1/2"To: 28 x 1"

Straight Tap Connector

240GFrom: 15 x 1/2"To: 22 x 3/4"

Bent Tap Connector


Size: 15 x 1/2"

Wall Plate Elbow


Size: 15 x 1/2"

Tank Connector

350From: 15 x 1/2"To: 28 x 1"

Equal Tee

130EQFrom: 10mmTo: 28mm

Reduced Branch Tee

130RBFrom: 22 x 22 x 15mmTo: 28 x 28 x 22mm

Reduced End Tee

130RESize: 15 x 10 x 15mmTo: 28 x 22 x 28mm

Reduced End & Branch Tee

130REBSize: 22 x 15 x 15mmTo: 28 x 22 x 22mm

Female Branch Tee


Size: 15 x 15 x 1/2"

Stop End

301From: 10mmTo: 28mm

Release Tool & Head Pack

CP-FSET002 Size:10,15,22 & 28mmhead units & case

Tool (excluding heads)


Tool (no heads)

Tool Heads

CP-FPLIERFrom: 10mmTo: 28mm

Internal Liners(for plastic pipes)

PPFrom: 10mmTo: 28mm

*Conex|Bänninger products are approved by numerous Standards Authorities and Certification Bodies. For more details on this product range, please email our technical team at: [email protected].

Conex Universal Limited: Global House, 95 Vantage Point, The Pensnett Estate, Kingswinford, West Midlands DY6 7FT, UNITED KINGDOM.Tel: +44 (0)121 557 2831 | Fax: +44 (0)121 520 8778 | Email: [email protected] | Website:

This is a representation of the full range from Conex Universal. IBP trade marks are registered in numerous countries.


Tubo pre aislado en rollos

De: 16/2mmA: 25/2,5mm


Push-Fit Range

Push-FitReduced Connector

240From: 15 x 10mmTo: 22 x 15mm

Fitting Reducer

243From: 15 x 10mmTo: 28 x 22mm


090From: 10mmTo: 28mm

Street Elbow

001From: 15mmTo: 28mm

Straight FemaleConnector

270GFrom: 15 x 1/2"To: 28 x 1"

Straight Male Connector

243GFrom: 15 x 1/2"To: 28 x 1"

Straight Tap Connector

240GFrom: 15 x 1/2"To: 22 x 3/4"

Bent Tap Connector


Size: 15 x 1/2"

Wall Plate Elbow


Size: 15 x 1/2"

Tank Connector

350From: 15 x 1/2"To: 28 x 1"

Equal Tee

130EQFrom: 10mmTo: 28mm

Reduced Branch Tee

130RBFrom: 22 x 22 x 15mmTo: 28 x 28 x 22mm

Reduced End Tee

130RESize: 15 x 10 x 15mmTo: 28 x 22 x 28mm

Reduced End & Branch Tee

130REBSize: 22 x 15 x 15mmTo: 28 x 22 x 22mm

Female Branch Tee


Size: 15 x 15 x 1/2"

Stop End

301From: 10mmTo: 28mm

Release Tool & Head Pack

CP-FSET002 Size:10,15,22 & 28mmhead units & case

Tool (excluding heads)


Tool (no heads)

Tool Heads

CP-FPLIERFrom: 10mmTo: 28mm

Internal Liners(for plastic pipes)

PPFrom: 10mmTo: 28mm

*Conex|Bänninger products are approved by numerous Standards Authorities and Certification Bodies. For more details on this product range, please email our technical team at: [email protected].

Conex Universal Limited: Global House, 95 Vantage Point, The Pensnett Estate, Kingswinford, West Midlands DY6 7FT, UNITED KINGDOM.Tel: +44 (0)121 557 2831 | Fax: +44 (0)121 520 8778 | Email: [email protected] | Website:

This is a representation of the full range from Conex Universal. IBP trade marks are registered in numerous countries.


Codo 90°

De: 16mmA: 75mm


Push-Fit Range

Push-FitReduced Connector

240From: 15 x 10mmTo: 22 x 15mm

Fitting Reducer

243From: 15 x 10mmTo: 28 x 22mm


090From: 10mmTo: 28mm

Street Elbow

001From: 15mmTo: 28mm

Straight FemaleConnector

270GFrom: 15 x 1/2"To: 28 x 1"

Straight Male Connector

243GFrom: 15 x 1/2"To: 28 x 1"

Straight Tap Connector

240GFrom: 15 x 1/2"To: 22 x 3/4"

Bent Tap Connector


Size: 15 x 1/2"

Wall Plate Elbow


Size: 15 x 1/2"

Tank Connector

350From: 15 x 1/2"To: 28 x 1"

Equal Tee

130EQFrom: 10mmTo: 28mm

Reduced Branch Tee

130RBFrom: 22 x 22 x 15mmTo: 28 x 28 x 22mm

Reduced End Tee

130RESize: 15 x 10 x 15mmTo: 28 x 22 x 28mm

Reduced End & Branch Tee

130REBSize: 22 x 15 x 15mmTo: 28 x 22 x 22mm

Female Branch Tee


Size: 15 x 15 x 1/2"

Stop End

301From: 10mmTo: 28mm

Release Tool & Head Pack

CP-FSET002 Size:10,15,22 & 28mmhead units & case

Tool (excluding heads)


Tool (no heads)

Tool Heads

CP-FPLIERFrom: 10mmTo: 28mm

Internal Liners(for plastic pipes)

PPFrom: 10mmTo: 28mm

*Conex|Bänninger products are approved by numerous Standards Authorities and Certification Bodies. For more details on this product range, please email our technical team at: [email protected].

Conex Universal Limited: Global House, 95 Vantage Point, The Pensnett Estate, Kingswinford, West Midlands DY6 7FT, UNITED KINGDOM.Tel: +44 (0)121 557 2831 | Fax: +44 (0)121 520 8778 | Email: [email protected] | Website:

This is a representation of the full range from Conex Universal. IBP trade marks are registered in numerous countries.


Codo 90° H

De: 16X1/2”A: 50X1.1/2”


Push-Fit Range

Push-FitReduced Connector

240From: 15 x 10mmTo: 22 x 15mm

Fitting Reducer

243From: 15 x 10mmTo: 28 x 22mm


090From: 10mmTo: 28mm

Street Elbow

001From: 15mmTo: 28mm

Straight FemaleConnector

270GFrom: 15 x 1/2"To: 28 x 1"

Straight Male Connector

243GFrom: 15 x 1/2"To: 28 x 1"

Straight Tap Connector

240GFrom: 15 x 1/2"To: 22 x 3/4"

Bent Tap Connector


Size: 15 x 1/2"

Wall Plate Elbow


Size: 15 x 1/2"

Tank Connector

350From: 15 x 1/2"To: 28 x 1"

Equal Tee

130EQFrom: 10mmTo: 28mm

Reduced Branch Tee

130RBFrom: 22 x 22 x 15mmTo: 28 x 28 x 22mm

Reduced End Tee

130RESize: 15 x 10 x 15mmTo: 28 x 22 x 28mm

Reduced End & Branch Tee

130REBSize: 22 x 15 x 15mmTo: 28 x 22 x 22mm

Female Branch Tee


Size: 15 x 15 x 1/2"

Stop End

301From: 10mmTo: 28mm

Release Tool & Head Pack

CP-FSET002 Size:10,15,22 & 28mmhead units & case

Tool (excluding heads)


Tool (no heads)

Tool Heads

CP-FPLIERFrom: 10mmTo: 28mm

Internal Liners(for plastic pipes)

PPFrom: 10mmTo: 28mm

*Conex|Bänninger products are approved by numerous Standards Authorities and Certification Bodies. For more details on this product range, please email our technical team at: [email protected].

Conex Universal Limited: Global House, 95 Vantage Point, The Pensnett Estate, Kingswinford, West Midlands DY6 7FT, UNITED KINGDOM.Tel: +44 (0)121 557 2831 | Fax: +44 (0)121 520 8778 | Email: [email protected] | Website:

This is a representation of the full range from Conex Universal. IBP trade marks are registered in numerous countries.


Junta porta casquillo

De: 16mmA: 32mm


Push-Fit Range

Push-FitReduced Connector

240From: 15 x 10mmTo: 22 x 15mm

Fitting Reducer

243From: 15 x 10mmTo: 28 x 22mm


090From: 10mmTo: 28mm

Street Elbow

001From: 15mmTo: 28mm

Straight FemaleConnector

270GFrom: 15 x 1/2"To: 28 x 1"

Straight Male Connector

243GFrom: 15 x 1/2"To: 28 x 1"

Straight Tap Connector

240GFrom: 15 x 1/2"To: 22 x 3/4"

Bent Tap Connector


Size: 15 x 1/2"

Wall Plate Elbow


Size: 15 x 1/2"

Tank Connector

350From: 15 x 1/2"To: 28 x 1"

Equal Tee

130EQFrom: 10mmTo: 28mm

Reduced Branch Tee

130RBFrom: 22 x 22 x 15mmTo: 28 x 28 x 22mm

Reduced End Tee

130RESize: 15 x 10 x 15mmTo: 28 x 22 x 28mm

Reduced End & Branch Tee

130REBSize: 22 x 15 x 15mmTo: 28 x 22 x 22mm

Female Branch Tee


Size: 15 x 15 x 1/2"

Stop End

301From: 10mmTo: 28mm

Release Tool & Head Pack

CP-FSET002 Size:10,15,22 & 28mmhead units & case

Tool (excluding heads)


Tool (no heads)

Tool Heads

CP-FPLIERFrom: 10mmTo: 28mm

Internal Liners(for plastic pipes)

PPFrom: 10mmTo: 28mm

*Conex|Bänninger products are approved by numerous Standards Authorities and Certification Bodies. For more details on this product range, please email our technical team at: [email protected].

Conex Universal Limited: Global House, 95 Vantage Point, The Pensnett Estate, Kingswinford, West Midlands DY6 7FT, UNITED KINGDOM.Tel: +44 (0)121 557 2831 | Fax: +44 (0)121 520 8778 | Email: [email protected] | Website:

This is a representation of the full range from Conex Universal. IBP trade marks are registered in numerous countries.


Tapón H niquelado

De: 3/4”A: 1”


Push-Fit Range

Push-FitReduced Connector

240From: 15 x 10mmTo: 22 x 15mm

Fitting Reducer

243From: 15 x 10mmTo: 28 x 22mm


090From: 10mmTo: 28mm

Street Elbow

001From: 15mmTo: 28mm

Straight FemaleConnector

270GFrom: 15 x 1/2"To: 28 x 1"

Straight Male Connector

243GFrom: 15 x 1/2"To: 28 x 1"

Straight Tap Connector

240GFrom: 15 x 1/2"To: 22 x 3/4"

Bent Tap Connector


Size: 15 x 1/2"

Wall Plate Elbow


Size: 15 x 1/2"

Tank Connector

350From: 15 x 1/2"To: 28 x 1"

Equal Tee

130EQFrom: 10mmTo: 28mm

Reduced Branch Tee

130RBFrom: 22 x 22 x 15mmTo: 28 x 28 x 22mm

Reduced End Tee

130RESize: 15 x 10 x 15mmTo: 28 x 22 x 28mm

Reduced End & Branch Tee

130REBSize: 22 x 15 x 15mmTo: 28 x 22 x 22mm

Female Branch Tee


Size: 15 x 15 x 1/2"

Stop End

301From: 10mmTo: 28mm

Release Tool & Head Pack

CP-FSET002 Size:10,15,22 & 28mmhead units & case

Tool (excluding heads)


Tool (no heads)

Tool Heads

CP-FPLIERFrom: 10mmTo: 28mm

Internal Liners(for plastic pipes)

PPFrom: 10mmTo: 28mm

*Conex|Bänninger products are approved by numerous Standards Authorities and Certification Bodies. For more details on this product range, please email our technical team at: [email protected].

Conex Universal Limited: Global House, 95 Vantage Point, The Pensnett Estate, Kingswinford, West Midlands DY6 7FT, UNITED KINGDOM.Tel: +44 (0)121 557 2831 | Fax: +44 (0)121 520 8778 | Email: [email protected] | Website:

This is a representation of the full range from Conex Universal. IBP trade marks are registered in numerous countries.


Placa de fijación con codos



Push-Fit Range

Push-FitReduced Connector

240From: 15 x 10mmTo: 22 x 15mm

Fitting Reducer

243From: 15 x 10mmTo: 28 x 22mm


090From: 10mmTo: 28mm

Street Elbow

001From: 15mmTo: 28mm

Straight FemaleConnector

270GFrom: 15 x 1/2"To: 28 x 1"

Straight Male Connector

243GFrom: 15 x 1/2"To: 28 x 1"

Straight Tap Connector

240GFrom: 15 x 1/2"To: 22 x 3/4"

Bent Tap Connector


Size: 15 x 1/2"

Wall Plate Elbow


Size: 15 x 1/2"

Tank Connector

350From: 15 x 1/2"To: 28 x 1"

Equal Tee

130EQFrom: 10mmTo: 28mm

Reduced Branch Tee

130RBFrom: 22 x 22 x 15mmTo: 28 x 28 x 22mm

Reduced End Tee

130RESize: 15 x 10 x 15mmTo: 28 x 22 x 28mm

Reduced End & Branch Tee

130REBSize: 22 x 15 x 15mmTo: 28 x 22 x 22mm

Female Branch Tee


Size: 15 x 15 x 1/2"

Stop End

301From: 10mmTo: 28mm

Release Tool & Head Pack

CP-FSET002 Size:10,15,22 & 28mmhead units & case

Tool (excluding heads)


Tool (no heads)

Tool Heads

CP-FPLIERFrom: 10mmTo: 28mm

Internal Liners(for plastic pipes)

PPFrom: 10mmTo: 28mm

*Conex|Bänninger products are approved by numerous Standards Authorities and Certification Bodies. For more details on this product range, please email our technical team at: [email protected].

Conex Universal Limited: Global House, 95 Vantage Point, The Pensnett Estate, Kingswinford, West Midlands DY6 7FT, UNITED KINGDOM.Tel: +44 (0)121 557 2831 | Fax: +44 (0)121 520 8778 | Email: [email protected] | Website:

This is a representation of the full range from Conex Universal. IBP trade marks are registered in numerous countries.


Tapón M niquelado

De: 3/4”A: 1”


Push-Fit Range

Push-FitReduced Connector

240From: 15 x 10mmTo: 22 x 15mm

Fitting Reducer

243From: 15 x 10mmTo: 28 x 22mm


090From: 10mmTo: 28mm

Street Elbow

001From: 15mmTo: 28mm

Straight FemaleConnector

270GFrom: 15 x 1/2"To: 28 x 1"

Straight Male Connector

243GFrom: 15 x 1/2"To: 28 x 1"

Straight Tap Connector

240GFrom: 15 x 1/2"To: 22 x 3/4"

Bent Tap Connector


Size: 15 x 1/2"

Wall Plate Elbow


Size: 15 x 1/2"

Tank Connector

350From: 15 x 1/2"To: 28 x 1"

Equal Tee

130EQFrom: 10mmTo: 28mm

Reduced Branch Tee

130RBFrom: 22 x 22 x 15mmTo: 28 x 28 x 22mm

Reduced End Tee

130RESize: 15 x 10 x 15mmTo: 28 x 22 x 28mm

Reduced End & Branch Tee

130REBSize: 22 x 15 x 15mmTo: 28 x 22 x 22mm

Female Branch Tee


Size: 15 x 15 x 1/2"

Stop End

301From: 10mmTo: 28mm

Release Tool & Head Pack

CP-FSET002 Size:10,15,22 & 28mmhead units & case

Tool (excluding heads)


Tool (no heads)

Tool Heads

CP-FPLIERFrom: 10mmTo: 28mm

Internal Liners(for plastic pipes)

PPFrom: 10mmTo: 28mm

*Conex|Bänninger products are approved by numerous Standards Authorities and Certification Bodies. For more details on this product range, please email our technical team at: [email protected].

Conex Universal Limited: Global House, 95 Vantage Point, The Pensnett Estate, Kingswinford, West Midlands DY6 7FT, UNITED KINGDOM.Tel: +44 (0)121 557 2831 | Fax: +44 (0)121 520 8778 | Email: [email protected] | Website:

This is a representation of the full range from Conex Universal. IBP trade marks are registered in numerous countries.


Tubo PEX / AL / PEX en tiras y rollos

De: 16/2mmA: 32/3mm



