Page 1: Because of the Balfour Declaration, following WWI, Jews began immigrating to Palestine in large numbers. As the size of the Jewish community increased,

Because of the Balfour Declaration, following WWI, Jews began immigrating to Palestine in large numbers.

As the size of the Jewish community increased, friction and violence between Jews and Arabs increased.

After WWII, UN discussed need to create a Jewish homeland

Britain volunteered to create a state in their mandate, Palestine and UN created a plan to divide the land between Jews and Palestinians (Muslim and Christian)

Plan gave 56% of land to Jews and 43% to the Palestinians. Jerusalem was set aside as an international zone.

Palestinian leaders rejected the plan

The day after Israel’s independence was announced, the armies of Iraq, Jordan, Syria, Lebanon and Egypt invaded. Israeli troops fought off the attack and established a territory larger than originally intended in the UN plan.

Formation Formation of Israelof Israel

Page 2: Because of the Balfour Declaration, following WWI, Jews began immigrating to Palestine in large numbers. As the size of the Jewish community increased,

Arab – Israeli Arab – Israeli RelationsRelations

1956 Suez War – Gamal Abdel Nasser nationalized Suez Canal; GB & FR asked for Israeli help in recovering it; UN ordered invaders out & Nasser gained power

1963 PLO formed – group led by Yasser Arafat dedicated to the destruction of Israel

1967 Six-Day War – Syria, Egypt, Jordan & Lebanon planned an invasion of Israel; Israel attacked first and within 3 day had tripled size of territory

1973 Yom Kippur War – Egypt attacked Israel to regain land lost in Six-Day War

1978 Camp David Accords – Begin, Sadat, Carter negotiate agreement"Our basic objective will be the

destruction of Israel. The Arab people want to fight," - Gamal Abdel Nasser

Our goal is clear -- to wipe Israel off the map."( -President Abdur Rahman Aref of Iraq

Page 3: Because of the Balfour Declaration, following WWI, Jews began immigrating to Palestine in large numbers. As the size of the Jewish community increased,

The Occupied TerritoriesThe Occupied TerritoriesIn the past twenty years, conflict between Arabs and Israelis has focused on the “occupied territories” taken in the Six-Day War.

Major areas of disagreement include:

•Jewish settlements in West Bank

•Water rights

•Refugee camps

•West Bank Wall

Page 4: Because of the Balfour Declaration, following WWI, Jews began immigrating to Palestine in large numbers. As the size of the Jewish community increased,
Page 5: Because of the Balfour Declaration, following WWI, Jews began immigrating to Palestine in large numbers. As the size of the Jewish community increased,

Nile River

Suez Cana


Red Sea

Saudi Arabia






Sinai Peninsula

Jordan River

Gaza Strip

Golan Heights

West Bank

Dead Sea




aGulf o

f Suez

Page 6: Because of the Balfour Declaration, following WWI, Jews began immigrating to Palestine in large numbers. As the size of the Jewish community increased,

Organization of Petroleum Exporting Countries

• Founded in 1960• Members control ~80% of world oil reserves

• Set prices and production schedules for sale of petroleum

• Have manipulated oil supplies for political reasons

• 1973 oil embargo b/c of US support of Israel in Yom Kippur war. Gas price quadrupled.

Page 7: Because of the Balfour Declaration, following WWI, Jews began immigrating to Palestine in large numbers. As the size of the Jewish community increased,

Indian Indian IndependenIndependen


Britain had controlled India for almost 200 years.

1939 –Britain committed Indian troops to fight w/out consulting the Indian National Congress

Muhammad Ali Jinnah resigned in protest; demanded the formation of independent Muslim state.

Mohandas Gandhi led nonviolent movement of noncooperation to force the British to leave India

Britain offered dominion status after war

Bloody riots between Muslims, Sikhs and Hindus after WWII

Muslims feared that their needs would not be respected in a united India

India divided into Muslim Pakistan and Hindu India

Largest forced migration in history 8-10 million moved; ~1 million killed; Gandhi killed

Page 8: Because of the Balfour Declaration, following WWI, Jews began immigrating to Palestine in large numbers. As the size of the Jewish community increased,

Independent IndiaIndependent IndiaJawaharlal Nehru-first prime minister of India

Influenced by Marxism

Wanted to create wealthy, industrial society by blending socialism and capitalism; more rights for women, lower castes

Emphasized anti-colonialism, antiracism, self-reliance and nonalignment

Indira Gandhi took over, expanded social programs, including birth control; developed nukes; killed by Sikhs

India and Pakistan have fought repeated wars over Kashmir; still in dispute today

Page 9: Because of the Balfour Declaration, following WWI, Jews began immigrating to Palestine in large numbers. As the size of the Jewish community increased,

Religious Map of India





Page 10: Because of the Balfour Declaration, following WWI, Jews began immigrating to Palestine in large numbers. As the size of the Jewish community increased,



KenyaKenyaDemocratiDemocratic Republic c Republic

ofof thethe CongoCongoAngola

South South AfricaAfrica


Page 11: Because of the Balfour Declaration, following WWI, Jews began immigrating to Palestine in large numbers. As the size of the Jewish community increased,

GhanaGhanaFirst African colony to win independence following WWII (1957)

Kwame Nkrumah was leader of independence for Gold Coast from Britain; 1st prime minister & later 1st president of Ghana

Influenced by Marx and Lenin

Created Pan-African Congress

Leader of Pan-African movement

Began many public works and education projects but was more focused on Pan-Africanism

Government became more authoritarian and corrupt; went into debt and began to rely on aid from communist countries

Overthrown in coup d’etat in 1966

Page 12: Because of the Balfour Declaration, following WWI, Jews began immigrating to Palestine in large numbers. As the size of the Jewish community increased,

Democratic Republic of the Democratic Republic of the Congo (Zaire)Congo (Zaire)

Gained independence from Belgium in 1960 after rioting and social unrest

Patrice Lumumba elected 1st Prime Minister

Lumumba wanted to nationalize mining (copper, cobalt, diamonds) in the Congo, which was still controlled by Belgian companies

Lumumba was assassinated in 1961 shortly after being overthrown in a military coup

•Belgium formally apologized for assassination in 2002

•US denies any involvement, although CIA Director Allen Dulles had said, "Consequently, we conclude that his removal must be an urgent and prime objective."

Mobutu Sese Seko seized control of government in 1965; renamed country Zaire (1972); ruled until overthrown in 1997; country was plagued by violence, famine & disease; government was corrupt and brutal; ranked as poorest country in world

Mobutu Sese Seko Nkuku Ngbendu Wa Za Banga (The all-powerful warrior, who, because of his endurance and inflexible will to win, goes from conquest to conquest, leaving fire in his wake.)

Page 13: Because of the Balfour Declaration, following WWI, Jews began immigrating to Palestine in large numbers. As the size of the Jewish community increased,

ZimbabweZimbabwe1965 Rhodesia declared its independence from Britain, but British government refused to recognize their independence until black residents were given equal voting rights.

A guerrilla uprising in 1979 led to free elections and independence for Zimbabwe in 1980.

Robert Mugabe was first Prime Minister (later president) and only ruler Zimbabwe has had.

His land redistribution program in 2000 led to an exodus of white farmers and caused widespread shortages.

He is regularly accused of election fraud and persecution of opposition (2005 Operation Restore Order – destroyed homes and businesses of ~700,000 supporters of opposition)

HIV/AIDS ~14% of population; life expectancy 52 years

Page 14: Because of the Balfour Declaration, following WWI, Jews began immigrating to Palestine in large numbers. As the size of the Jewish community increased,

KenyaKenyaNatives in Kenya fought a bloody struggle for independence 1952-1959

Mau Mau tried to drive white settlers from Kenya using violence & terror

Kenya gained its independence in 1963 led by Jomo Kenyatta, who established a one-party system based primarily on tribal connections

Considered one of the most stable of the African states until 2007, when allegations of voter fraud led to two months of violence and 1,500 deaths

HIV/AIDS – 6% of population; life expectancy 63

Page 15: Because of the Balfour Declaration, following WWI, Jews began immigrating to Palestine in large numbers. As the size of the Jewish community increased,

South AfricaSouth Africa1931 South Africa became an independent state – constitution denied most rights to black citizens

1948 National Party came to power and instituted policy of apartheid, or complete separation of the races

1950’s Afrikaner government stripped blacks of citizenship and created homelands (13% of land)

African National Congress and Inkatha Party organized protests and were outlawed (Nelson Mandela)

1980’s global boycotts (Desmond Tutu) crippled economy and forced government to repeal many apartheid laws

Pres. F.W. de Klerk agreed to hold first universal elections in 1994

1996 New constitution guaranteed equal rights to all

HIV/AIDS – 18% life expectancy - 49

Page 16: Because of the Balfour Declaration, following WWI, Jews began immigrating to Palestine in large numbers. As the size of the Jewish community increased,

HaitiFrançois (Papa Doc) DuvalierMedical doctor

Black nationalist

Voodoo practitioner

– Elected president in 1957 promising reform

– Reduced size of military and formed the Tontons Macoutes to terrorize/ assassinate enemies of the administration

– Promoted a cult that believed he was semi-divine

– 1964 declared himself president for life & ruled as dictator until his death

– Succeeded by his son, Jean-Claude (Bébé Doc) Duvalier in 1971

Page 17: Because of the Balfour Declaration, following WWI, Jews began immigrating to Palestine in large numbers. As the size of the Jewish community increased,

Yugosl. created in Treaty of Versailles (1918) and included six provinces & two autonomous regions

Josip Broz (Tito) had ruled Yugo. since 1945, using a firm hand to suppress ethnic conflict.

After his death, ethnic conflict steadily increased

1992 Croatia, Slovenia and Bosnia declared independence, sparking a conflict with Serb-ruled Yugoslav government

Serbs invaded Bosnia, used “ethnic cleansing” to get rid of Bosnians

1995 Bill Clinton helped broker the Dayton Accords between Bosnia, Croatia, & Yugo.

Sarajevo 1992

Devolution of Devolution of YugoslaviaYugoslavia

Page 18: Because of the Balfour Declaration, following WWI, Jews began immigrating to Palestine in large numbers. As the size of the Jewish community increased,

1998 Violence broke out again in Kosovo, where ethnic Albanians were trying to get independence from Yugoslavia

The Yugoslav gov’t, led by Slobodon Milošović sent troops into the region to stop the revolt.

Reports of atrocities committed by Yugoslav troops became serious enough that the UN bombed Yugoslavia in order to force an end to the violence.

In 2001 Milošović was arrested for corruption, abuse of power and embezzlement. He was also accused of crimes against humanity. He was sent to The Hague to stand trial for war crimes, but died during the hearing.

Mass graves continue to be discovered in Kosovo, Serbia & Bosnia

Violence ContinuesViolence Continues

Page 19: Because of the Balfour Declaration, following WWI, Jews began immigrating to Palestine in large numbers. As the size of the Jewish community increased,

al-Qaeda & the War on al-Qaeda & the War on TerrorTerror1988 Formed by Osama bin

Laden to help fight Soviets in Afghanistan; current goals include:

• Establish rule of God on Earth

• Martyrdom

• Purification of Muslims from elements of depravity

1998 bombed US embassies in Tanzania and Kenya

2000 bombed USS Cole, docked in Yemen

2001 hijacked 4 commercial airplane

• Two planes crashed into WTC

• Plane crashed into Pentagon

• Plane headed for White House downed by passengers

Page 20: Because of the Balfour Declaration, following WWI, Jews began immigrating to Palestine in large numbers. As the size of the Jewish community increased,

Effects of Effects of 9/119/11

President George W. Bush responded by:

• Freezing assets of suspected terrorists (80 other countries followed)

• Creating Dept. of Homeland Security – combined Coast Guard, FEMA, Border Patrol, INS and many others

• Began bombing Afghanistan – targeted al-Qaeda and Taliban bases

• Sent aid to Northern Alliance to fight Taliban

• Signing the USA Patriot Act

•Allows fed to access your 3rd party records w/out your knowledge

•Eases requirements for search, wiretap warrants; allows secret searches

•Increases fed. power to detain/deport immigrants

• 2003 US (backed by coalition of 30 other countries) invaded Iraq, fearing Hussein might have WMD and give them to terrorists