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BecomeTomorrow’s Leaders


Preparing Community Leaders Since 1979


Page 2: Become Tomorrow’s Leaders TODAY. - LWF - Leadership · Become Tomorrow’s Leaders TODAY. Preparing Community

Leadership Wichita Falls Past PresidentsPlease take no ce of the past presidents of Leadership Wichita Falls, Inc. We truly thank those who gave of themselves. We honor the past presidents as we prepare of the future.

1979-1980 Co-sponsored by the BCI and United Way1980-1981 Co-sponsored by the BCI and United Way1981-1982 Roby Chris e1982-1983 Roby Chris e1983-1984 Edward Barret1984-1985 Sco Baker1985-1986 Ed McClain1986-1987 Ed McClain1987-1988 Mike Henry1988-1989 Mike Henry1989-1990 Ralph Dunkelberg III1990-1991 Ralph Dunkelberg III1991-1992 Ken George1992-1993 Ken George1993-1994 Doug Sandridge1994-1995 Jan Stricklin1995-1996 Jan Stricklin1996-1997 Howard Farrell1997-1998 Howard Farrell1998-1999 Dave Clark1999-2000 Colleen Mills2000-2001 Troy Secord2001-2002 Janice Sons2002-2003 Michael Boyle2003-2004 Linda Knox2004-2005 Sam Wilkerson2005-2006 Gayle Morrison2006-2007 Sally Mills2007-2008 Betsy Edwards2008-2009 Rhonda Poirot2009-2010 Nancy Vannucci 2010-2011 Christy Ridinger2011-2012 Rick Hatcher2012-2013 Michelle Wood

MARLA MALONE2013-2014 Chair

2 Leadership Wichita Falls

A Message from the President

Are you from Wichita Falls? Are you new to the area? Even those who hail from here miss the obvious and unless presented with a unique opportunity may never see the special behind-the-scenes snapshots of what makes Wichita Falls such a great place to live and work. I am amazed by how many of us never see the breadth of ac vity…there is always something to do, somewhere to go. Even as a na ve Wichitan, I learned things about my hometown that I never knew.

I am privileged to be a member of the Class of 2010 – the “best class ever” – and consider that investment of me and treasure to be one of the best decisions I ever made! The incredible friendships and community bonds forged had a profound impact on me…so much that I serve on the board to ensure its con nuance.

Born out of a disaster in 1979 with a mission to create community leaders, the legacy of LWF is in every aspect of our community. Over a jam packed 16-week program classmates will:

• Learn more about our economic engine and city infrastructure

• Learn leadership skills, discover strengths and fi nd ways to apply them

• Grow professional and personal spheres of infl uence

• Immerse into the nonprofi t community which refl ects the generous heart of our city

The Mane Event painted horses; THOR; Ho er’N Hell Hundred – these city beau fying and revenue genera ng projects were conceived and executed by LWF. This year’s Class of 2013 project, Falls Fast and Furious, is yet another innova ve way to give back to our collec ve home.

I am personally invi ng you or a go-ge er in your business to step up and into ranks of this powerful and life changing journey of discovery. Grow your business and contacts, broaden your industry opportuni es and stake your fl ag into the ground of what it means to be a Wichitan – get your Bachelor’s degree of Wichita Falls!

Get involved in LWF; I guarantee it will yield dividends as a community and business investment, and you may learn a thing or two about yourself. Step out of the bubble.Breathe in the journey. Join me…join the 1,000 plus alumni…join the Class of 2014 !

Learn what it meansto be a Wichitan

Page 3: Become Tomorrow’s Leaders TODAY. - LWF - Leadership · Become Tomorrow’s Leaders TODAY. Preparing Community

Spotlight: Class of 2013 ProjectLWF class of 2013 wanted to leave an impact in the community in a big way. A er researching many amazing nonprofi ts, the class decided to support the Whispers of Hope Horse Farm. Whispers of Hope Horse Farm is a nonprofi t organiza on with 100 percent volunteer staff . It is a facility designed to assist physically and mentally challenged youth through therapeu c riding at no cost. Whispers recently started a Wounded Warriors program that uses therapeu c riding with wounded soldiers or soldiers with PTSD. Whispers of Hope Horse Farm’s goal is to provide a safe, educa onal and therapeu c environment for the horse and rider in a Chris an-based atmosphere.

Whispers of Hope Horse Farm’s goal for the immediate future is to upgrade the horse facili es by building a new 20-stall horse barn on the south side of the arena. This modern barn will provide an environment that is safer for the horses, riders, and volunteers.

To help fund the project, the Class of 2013 played host to Falls Fast & Furious at the Wellington in October 2013. Tickets were sold at $100 each and the event sold out when all 750 were purchased.

The event featured an elimina on drawing, with 740 ckets being drawn throughout the course of the night. Once the cket was drawn, the owner was no longer eligible for the

grand prize but had the opportunity to win door prizes. Once they were down to 10 ckets, the last 10 par cipants were called to the stage for a live auc on, where the remaining par cipants had the chance to sell their remaining ckets un l the fi nal cket was drawn, revealing the winner. Tom Henderson of Byers, Texas, was our grand prize winner and chose the Ford F150. Leadership Wichita Falls 3

In a year that is most often associated with Terrible Tuesday, 1979 also marked the establishment of

Leadership Wichita Falls (LWF). Since that time, LWF has trained almost 1,000 participants for community leadership and involvement.

Leadership Wichita Falls shares the common belief that the single most important ingredient in building

a successful community is an investment in leadership. Each year 40 individuals from the private and public sectors are selected to

participate in a 14-week program that covers a broad spectrum of goals set by the organization.

Whether an established business professional or a newcomer to Wichita Falls, the program is designed to

be a valuable opportunity not only to increase leadership skills but also to network with other participants and leaders and to assist in volunteer placement.

After completion of the program, alumni are prepared to serve on community boards and commissions, and become more involved in key decision-making positions throughout the community.

According to a study by Independent Sector and highlighted in The Chronicle of Philanthropy, one volunteer hour in 2008 was worth $20.25. If, upon completion of LWF, each member of the 2011 class volunteers 10 hours a month for a year, the class will contribute 4,800 hours at a worth of $97,200.

But those are things that can be measured. What can not be measured is the spirit of unity, the lifelong friendships, and the renewed commitment to make Wichita Falls and the surrounding area a better place for all of us.

Past Class Projects

1981 Ho er’N Hell Hundred2000 Glow-in-the-Dark Golf Tournament2002 Painted Mural at Rest Home2003 Habitat for Humanity Work Day,

Monthly Ads for Various Nonprofi t Organiza ons

2004 Wichita Falls City Golf Championship

2005 Volleyball Tournament benefi ng the Children’s Aid Society

2006 Bicycle Ride benefi ng the Children’s Miracle Network

2007 The Mane Event benefi ng Faith Mission, Patsy’s House, Wichita Falls Downtown Development

2008 Character Banners benefi ng Wichita County Humane Society and Wichita Falls Adult Literacy Council

2009 47 Miles Project: Rememberingthe 1979 Tornado

2010 Legacy Gala benefi ng Cunningham Elementary School

2011 THOR (Texoma’s Hellacious Obstacle Run) benefi ng Women’s Refuge and area fi rst responders

2012 Freedom Fest Ac vi es benefi ng THE Kitchen and Big

Brothers Big Sisters2013 Falls Fast & Furious benefi ng

Whispers of Hope Horse Farm

A Community Orientationand Leadership Training Program

Visit us onlineVisit our website: There you can also view and print

a 2014 application.

About Leadership Wichita Falls

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Adam Wright, Wells Fargo BankAngela Cuevas, Union Square FCUAshley Mills, United Regional Health Care SystemChris Aday, Union Square FCUClaudio Rodriguez, Midwestern State University Cosme Ojeda, Be er Business BureauDaniel Nix, City of Wichita FallsDebi Walters, Northwestern MutualDJ Dickey, First Na onal Bank of Wichita FallsHolly Allsup, Kell West Family Prac ce ClinicJessica Benne , Vernon CollegeJulie Ayres, All American Car Wash/ Terremark

Juniper Wheeler, Hospice of Wichita FallsKerri Eichorn, Midwestern State UniversityKrista Zimpel, Allred Thompson Mason DaughertyLee Berend, Berend Turf & TractorLindsey Wopschall, KFDX Marah Fanning, U.S. Air ForceMarcie Williford, Alcoa HowmetMeghan Byram, Wellington Conference CenterMicah Chitwood, U.S. Air ForceMichael Grassi, Classic BuildersNick Graham, Albert Records ManagementPatrick Sco , Altman Legal Group

Phil Golden, General DynamicsRicardo Sandoval, Wells Fargo Home MortgageRosalyn Walker, U.S. Air ForceShane Wood, U.S. Air ForceTamara Barfi eld, Sharp IronTammy Guerra, City of Wichita FallsTerri Ri er, Community Healthcare CenterTobie Crossland, Community Healthcare CenterTony DiSanto, SterileTecValerie Halverson, MWH GroupVictoria Donahue, United Regional Health Care System

4 Leadership Wichita Falls

Class of 2013

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Tom Natale was a man dedicated to serving this community. His wife Gail Natale sums up a great deal about Tom Natale with the following tribute.

Tom Natale’s work experience was in industrial management at

Howmet. His public understanding was in his rapport with the community he lived in – Wichita Falls.

Tom and I were fortunate to receive the “Outstanding Community Service Award,” as a couple, on May 23, 1989, from Leadership Wichita Falls and the following year, Tom was awarded the

“Dateline Award” for the citizen who did the most to bring positive publicity and/or acclaim to Wichita Falls.

Admiral Grace Hooper said, “You don’t

manage people; you manage things. You lead people.” And that is what Tom did the best. He served on the Red Cross Board, The United Way Board, BCI Board, YMCA Board, and was instrumental in starting “Drug Free North Texas.”

Tom felt that the arts were important and was an avid supporter of the symphony. It is indeed an honor to Tom and his family to have had this award named after him. This community was the place Tom called home – he loved and was so proud of Wichita Falls, and that is a legacy within itself.

Gail Natale

Leadership Wichita Falls Alums who have received the Tom Natale Award

Past Tom Natale Award Recipients Leadership Wichita Falls Alumni

1993 Roby Chris e1994 Janice Sons1995 Henry Zimmer1996 Gail Natale1997 Dave Clark1998 Howard Farrell1999 Janice Sons2000 Louis J. Rodriquez2001 Jack Mezzo2002 Troy Secord2003 David Farabee2004 Laura Ramsey2005 Linda Knox2006 Brenda Kays2007 Rick Hatcher2008 Bobby Albert2009 Dail Neely2010 Michaelle Kitchen2011 Ralph Dunkelberg III2012 Rhonda Poirot

About the Tom Natale Award: Who is Tom Natale?

2013 Tom Natale Award Winner


“What Tom Natale did was something few of us seem to do: He lived life to the fullest wherever he found himself at a given me.”

Times Record NewsSunday, December 1, 1991

(The day a er Tom Natale’s death.) Leadership Wichita Falls 5

Tom Natale Award

Glenn Barham was named recipient of the 2013 Tom Natale Award during the annual gradua on and celebra on in May.

The Honorable Glenn Barham, Mayor of Wichita Falls, is a graduate of the Leadership Wichita Falls Class of

2008. Glenn has a long and distinguished history of community service and continues to support those causes which up-build and serve our fair city.

Glenn has served Wichita Falls as Mayor since May of 2010, fol-lowing his stint as a councilor from 2007 to 2009. He serves as a member of the Nortex Regional Planning Commission, Wichita Wilbarger 911 District, MPEC Advisory Board, Sheppard Military Affairs Committee, and chairs the Transportation Policy Commit-tee; and he is liaison to the Economic Development Corporation (4A) Board as well as the Housing Authority of Wichita Falls. Af-ter graduating from Midwestern State University in 1976 with a Bachelor of Science in Criminal Justice, he joined the Wichita Falls Police Department, where he retired as a sergeant in June 2005.

His service to our community continues, extending to service on the Salvation Army Board of Directors since 2004 and on the Leadership Wichita Falls board. In addition to other civic interests, he has been an active member of Mavericks of Wichita Falls since 2004.

Glenn has been married to his bride Mary Lynne since 1977. They

have been blessed with a daughter, Erin, and a son, Brad, followed by three grandchildren — all of whom are highlights of his life.

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6 Leadership Wichita Falls

THOR is a nonprofi t 5ishK race benefi tting local charities.

The off-road insanity begins at Camp Fillers in Wichita Falls and rages on to the fi nish line. Fierce obstacles, a grueling pace and harsh elements will push you to the limits you’ve never done before.

Why Run in the Mud?• Over the last few years, the popularity of Mud Races

and Obstacle Runs have been growing worldwide.• You’ll help raise funds for local charities and

volunteer organizations!

Interested in sponsoring an obstacle? Or do you want to tackle the course?

Visit us today at to fi nd out more!


APRIL 12, 2014APRIL 12, 2014APRIL 12, 2014

ABOUT THOR Returning to Wichita Falls, TX for its third year, THOR is 5K (ish) outdoor obstacle endurance event, which begins at the downtown Multi-Purpose Events Center and Kay Yeager Coliseum. THOR features a grueling off-road insanity course followed by a finish

line village filled with vendors, fun, and entertainment for all.Nearly 1,000 registrants from the North Texas and surrounding

region participated in THOR 2013, with a total attendance,including spectators, of over 2,000!

A portion of the proceeds from THOR 2014 will benefit:

The mission of Communities In Schools is to surround students with a community of

support, empowering them to stay in school and achieve in life.


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Michelle WoodClass of 2008

Immediate Past ChairVernon College

Tina TaylorClass of 2009

TreasurerTexoma Credit Union

Donna VaughnClass of 2001

Adult ProgramsAmerican National Bank

Clayton HeinClass of 2011

Marketing & Fund DevelopmentU.S. Adjusting Services

Stephanie GorhamClass of 2012

AlumniNorth Texas Area United Way

Julie AyresClass of 2013

Adult ProgramsAll American Carwash/Terramark

Vicki DonahueClass of 2013

Youth ProgramsUnited Regional

Missy SeayClass of 2008

Adult ProgramsNorthwestern Mutual

Shelly AgeeClass of 2012

Marketing & Fund DevelopmentHospice of Wichita Falls

Marla MaloneClass of 2010

ChairNonprofi t Management Center

Matthew ParkClass of 2004Chair Elect

Midwestern State University

Cynthia LaneyClass of 2009

Adult ProgramsDowntown W.F. Development

Stewart HarveyClass of 2012Governance

Nonprofi t Management Center

Michael MillsClass of 2005

Marketing & Fund DevelopmentMidwestern State University

Ricardo SandovalClass of 2013

Marketing & Fund DevelopmentWells Fargo

LeAnn ScharbroughClass of 2010

SecretaryVernon College Leadership Wichita Falls 7

2013-2014 Board of Directors

Carla RogersClass of 2012

Youth ProgramsRealtor

Chris AdayClass of 2013

Marketing & Fund DevelopmentUnion Square FCU

Jan VelaClass of 2012

Youth ProgramsWichita Falls ISD

Jessica BennettClass of 2013

Youth ProgramsVernon College

Gene StrouthClass of 2003

AlumniSheppard Air Force Base

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8 Leadership Wichita Falls

Youth Leadership is an investment in the future of our community! It provides an opportunity for a diverse group of talented high school students to learn what makes our community work and develops an understanding of their responsibili es as future community leaders.


In the early ‘90s, Mr. and Mrs. Bill Ford from Leadership Wichita Falls, Inc. a ended a conference while near simultaneously, Partners in Educa on (PIE) coordinators Nancy Marks and Pa y Young, a ended a diff erent conference. Both groups came back with the same idea – to explore the possibility of implemen ng a youth leadership and community orienta on program for high school students in Wichita Falls. Hence, a las ng partnership was formed and the Youth Leadership Wichita Falls program began in 1993. As a parallel to the long-standing adult program, Youth Leadership has been going strong for 20 years!

At fi rst, the program alternated between the three high schools on a yearly basis, but the program was so popular that each campus wanted to take part. Now all three high schools, Hirschi, Rider, and Wichita Falls High School, par cipate on a yearly basis. Ten students of the junior or sophomore level are selected from each school, yielding a total class size of 30.

Each and every program has been, and con nues to be, evaluated by the student par cipants, Leadership Wichita Falls board members, and WFISD personnel to ensure Youth Leadership con nues its tradi on of excellence and supports the original mission —to empower the youth of the community by fostering the development of leadership skills, an explora on of community issues, and affi rma on of common cultural quali es and challenges.


Since its incep on, the youth of our community have enthusias cally embraced Youth Leadership as a unique and empowering opportunity designed to:

1. Enhance students’ skills, knowledge, and confi dence related to leadership, interpersonal communica on, teamwork, and problem solving;

2. Foster students’ comprehension and awareness of current and future community issues, needs, and resources whilst developing a sense of informed responsibility and ci zenship; and

3. Experience the Wichita Falls community’s rich diversi es and opportuni es.

The students’ interac ve journey and learning experience with Youth Leadership begins with a Focus Mee ng during which the students and their parents meet the Youth Leadership commi ee and learn about what the students will experience and accomplish during the months ahead. Shortly following, the Orienta on program is an exuberant me for students to begin the process of ge ng to

know each other and establishing a strong founda on for teamwork and group interac on.

During the Special Needs session, students learn about services and local organiza ons suppor ng ci zens facing physical, mental, or fi nancial challenges and the values of equality, responsibility, and opportunity. At Educa on, students develop

awareness of a possible life a er high school in the form of higher educa on, featuring Midwestern State University and Vernon College. City Government and Public Safety provides students with informa on about municipal governance, city opera ons, the police and fi re departments, and the county jail and juvenile deten on system.

At Teen Court, students become acquainted with legal processes and serve as the jury to determine responsibility and sanc oning for fellow community youth charged with minor off enses. The “In the News” session gives students the opportunity to visit local media companies and learn about television, print, and radio. Students visit Sheppard Air Force Base to learn about various aspects of the United States Air Force and the programs and training coordinated at SAFB.

Students learn proper dining and social e que e when a ending the E que e Dinner. The Health program provides an introduc on to the broad spectrum of health-related career fi elds and the care

An Investment in our CommunityYouth Leadership Wichita Falls

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2014 Youth Leadership Schedule(Tenta ve schedule)January 28 Focus Mee ng (5:30 p.m.-7:00 p.m.)February 1 Orienta on (10:00 a.m.-3:00 p.m)February 5 Special Needs (8:00 a.m.-2:30 p.m.)February 11 Educa on (8:00 a.m.-2:30 p.m.)February 18 City Govern. & Public Safety (8:00 a.m.-2:30 p.m.)February 22 Service Project #1 (8:30 a.m.-noon)February 25 SAFB (8:00 a.m.-2:30 p.m.)March 4 In the News (8:00 a.m. - 2:30 p.m.)March 11 Teen Court (5:15 p.m.-7:30 p.m.)March 26 E que e Dinner (6:00-8:30 p.m.)April 8 Health (5:15 p.m.-7:30 p.m.)April 12 Service Project #2 (8:30 a.m.-noon)April 16 Common Ground (8:15 a.m.-2:30 p.m.)April 19 Ropes (7:30 a.m.-4:00 p.m.)May 3 Service Project #3 (8:30 a.m.-noon)May 5 Gradua on (6:00 -7:30p.m.)

YouthClass 2013

Chris an Alcala

Zach Beshear

Rebecca Brewer

Bekah Conley

Carlie Daugherty

Viola Dean

Camden Dipprey

Kevin Ellis

Summer Florida

Shomari Fontenot

Gabriella Garza

Rachel Guilford

Sahira Gusman

David Harawa

Yahaira Hernandez

Will King

Caleb Levell

Holly McCreary

Blanca Miranda

Evan Parker

Currisah Pierre

Jaelen Polk

Aaron Puente

Devaki Radkar

Elia Rios

Landon Ross

CiCi Sauls

Cyerrah Shugart

Ronnie Wherry

Demi Zamora

and services aff orded through the United Regional Health Care System. Common Ground allows students to develop greater awareness of diversity-related issues per nent to their lives as young adults through facilitated ac vi es and discussion in a suppor ve, yet challenging environment.

Students enjoy the Ropes program along with the adult leadership class. Featuring both high and low ropes course elements, the day includes various team ac vi es and personal challenges designed to foster posi ve communica on, problem solving, and self effi cacy. Students also complete three diff erent community service projects throughout the year to embody the values of servant leadership and suppor ng one’s community.

Youth Leadership concludes with a Gradua on ceremony, for which students and their families are invited to a dinner dedicated to the celebra on of the students comple ng the program, hoping that each and every graduate will one day stand before a group of young adults themselves and share their knowledge, talents, and wisdom they achieved to help make their community a be er place.

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Robert FaulknerClass of 2004

Kris FaulknerClass of 2005

Robert FaulknerClass of 2004

Kris FaulknerClass of 2005

Robert was born in Wichita Falls, while Kris moved to the city with her family at the age of 6. A er high school, both moved from Wichita Falls to Denton and a ended the University of North Texas, where both received Bachelor of Business Administra on degrees. While Robert earned his in fi nance, Kris majored in Human Resource Management.

Immediately a er gradua on, both began their careers in the Dallas-Fort Worth area; Robert began his banking career at JP Morgan Chase while Kris worked for The Associates Corpora on (Ci group) before moving to Aetna U.S. Healthcare. While in the DFW area, Robert and Kris married and had their fi rst child, Ryan, who was the fi nal reason for the couple to return to Wichita Falls. They both knew it wasn’t a ma er of “if” but “when” they wanted to come back, and they both decided that Wichita Falls provided a be er place to raise a family and off ered a be er quality of life, so they returned shortly a er Ryan was born. Robert is now the Chief Financial Offi cer at First Bank, where he has been a member of the execu ve team since 2008. Robert loves his job and enjoys working for a locally owned business that makes local decisions and helps the community in so many ways. Kris serves as the Vice President of Organiza onal Development at United Regional. She began her career at United

Regional in 2004 as the Director of Human Resources before her recent promo on to her current posi on. She is passionate about providing excellence in health care and considers it an honor every day to work for such an incredible organiza on.

They now have three sons, Ryan (12), Ethan (10), and Canon (6), and are ac ve members in the community. The family are ac ve members in First Bap st Church where they serve as leaders in the Wild Side Junior High Program. Robert is involved in coaching the boys’ sports teams and has served the North Texas United Way, served on the Boys & Girls Clubs of WF Alumni Board of Directors, and is ac ve on the Board of Governors for the Wichita Falls Country Club. Kris has served on the Straight Street Board, co-chaired the Power of the Purse in 2011 and co-chaired the Power of the Purse/Fashion Night Out in 2012, and ac vely raises money for Faith Refuge and the United Way children programs. Robert and Kris also co-chaired the United Way Young Professionals group in 2007.

When asked about the value of Leadership Wichita Falls, both responded with “It is a wonderful experience. Even though they both grew up in Wichita Falls, they learned so much about the community that they did not know about. They were able to network and meet new people, many of with whom they s ll stay in touch.

Where Are They Now?

10 Leadership Wichita Falls

Keith LambClass of 2000

Keith Lamb, a na ve of Vernon, Texas, a ended college at Texas Tech University where he earned both his Bachelor of Business Administra on and his Master of Business Administra on. Later on, he a ended the University of North Texas, where he received his Ph.D.

Keith came to Wichita Falls in 1999 as the Director of Housing and Residence Life at MSU, and is excited that MSU brought him to Wichita Falls. He experienced the unique challenge of not only running the university housing opera on for MSU students, but also coordina ng and leading housing logis cs during the Dallas Cowboys training camp while it was held on MSU’s campus.

He was not at MSU long before he was promoted to Associate Vice President of Student Aff airs, a job he held un l 2011. He now serves as Vice President for Student Aff airs and Enrollment Management, which the is the Senior Student Aff airs Offi cer and the Chief Enrollment Offi cer at the university. Keith loves the fact that he now gets to work with students both before and a er their decision to enroll at Midwestern State. Keith says that this is the perfect job for someone like himself, who feeds off the energy and ambi on of university students.

Keith serves the local community through his roles as a board member of the Op mist Club of Wichita Falls, the Community Advisor for Young Professionals of Wichita Falls, and has previously served as a Leadership Wichita Falls Board Member, a Partners in Educa on Advisory Board Member, and team leader for North Texas Area United Way. He serves as secretary/treasurer for the Texas Council of Student Services Vice Presidents, and as a member of the Texas Associa on of College and University Student Personnel Administrators, where he served as a mentor in 2011.

Keith has been married to his wife Kelley for 15 years, and has two daughters, Ka e (9) and Kourtney (3). When asked what advice he would share for someone interested in par cipa ng in Leadership Wichita Falls, he responded “Go for it! Leadership Wichita Falls was a fantas c introduc on to the community, and connected me to people that I otherwise would not know. It allowed me to grow my local network, which has been important personally and professionally. I s ll enjoy the friendships made 13 years ago, and I encourage the staff in my division to par cipate.”

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Name: ___________________________________________________________

Go-by name (for name tag): ___________________________________________________________________________

Home Address: _____________________________________________________________________________________

Home Phone: ______________________________________________________________________________________

Employer: _________________________________________________________________________________________

Business Phone: ____________________________________________________________________________________

E-mail Address: _____________________________________________________________________________________

Cell Phone: ________________________________________________________________________________________

Position, Title or Rank: _______________________________________________________________________________

Have you previously applied for the Leadership WF program? _______________________________________________

Why do you want to participate in LWF? (Please check all that apply) � Active Community Involvement � Resume Builder � Networking � Company Requirement � Introduction to Volunteer Boards � Personal Enrichment

Identify three priority issues/areas that you feel require local community attention: _____________________________



Indicate any volunteer activities you have participated in over the past five years: _______________________________



Please list three references: ___________________________________________________________________________



My employer and I understand the time commitment required by the Leadership Wichita Falls Program, and if I am selected, I will devote the time required. 100% attendance at all sessions is expected to complete the Leadership program.

I understand that this program includes group transportation and group activities that may require some physical participation. I hereby agree, as indicated by my signature below, to hold Leadership Wichita Falls harmless in the event of injury.

Applicant’s Signature: ___________________________________________________ Date: _____________________

Employer’s Signature: ____________________________________________________ Date: _____________________

Tuition for the 2014 LWF program is $650.

Tuition costs are usually paid by the participants’ organizations. However, individual payment is also accepted. The complete tuition must accompany the application and will be promptly returned if not selected for the 2014 class. Refunds will not be available after January 3, 2014.

Send to: Leadership Wichita Falls P.O. Box 8344 Wichita Falls, TX 76307

If you would like to pay by credit card, please contact us at [email protected] to set up a PayPal transaction.

What are others saying aboutLeadership Wichita Falls?

“Being a part of LWF opened up opportunities for methroughout our community. The relationships formed

with my class and alumni are a part of thefoundation for my career and

personal development.”–Missy Seay, Class of 2008

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2014 Program ScheduleJanuary 11* ...................... Orienta on & Road RallyJanuary 14 ......................... Health January 21 ......................... Leadership IJanuary 28* ....................... Educa onFebruary 4 ......................... Leadership IIFebruary 11 ....................... What’s Happening in WFFebruary 22* ..................... Community AwarenessFebruary 25* ..................... GovernmentMarch 4 ............................. Public Safety IMarch 11 ........................... Alumni/SponsorsMarch 19 ........................... RopesMarch 25* ......................... SAFB/Nonprofi tsApril 1 ................................ Common GroundApril 8* .............................. Special NeedsApril 22 .............................. Public Safety IIMay 2-3* ........................... RetreatMay 6 ................................. Gradua on

American Na onal BankCoca-Cola

Comet Cleaners/Sunpoint Tanning/Planet FitnessCarol & Darrel Walker - State Farm Insurance

Guarantee TitleHowmet Cas ngs (Alcoa)

KAUZLanham Lyne

Lonestar Highway ProductsMidwestern State University

Olive GardenOp mist Club

Partners in Educa onPa erson Family of Dealerships


State Representa ve James FrankTracey Denson - State Farm Insurance

Union Square Federal Credit UnionUnited RegionalVernon College

Wells FargoWichita Falls Kiwanis ClubWichita Streams & ValleysWork Services Corpora on

*Denotes day program. Schedule subject to change.

2013 Leadership Wichita Falls

Program Sponsors

12 Leadership Wichita Falls

A Last Lookat the

Class of 2013
