
Before Summoning Spirits

Before Summoning Spirits

Veos and I, and our students (of which Schlagzeug is one), subscribe to a system of methodic development before beginning evocation. The mind is trained first, focusing on developing powers of concentration and visualization, and the ability to quiet the thoughts so that your mental energy can be fully devoted to a single task. Once the mind has been trained to a point that magical development can be had in a timely fashion, the student moves on to gradually working with spiritual energies directly, strengthening his control over them, and battling his own internal imbalances by using those energies as well. This makes him a more well-rounded figure, and creates a sort of spiritual fortress out of his mind and his aura. When that is done, then when you actually begin to work with spirits, they will have no imbalances within you that they can use as leverage to attack you or gain advantage over you. For many spirits, simply being in their presence can throw you psychologically out of stability because of this. For example if you are working with the Undines, the sexual spirits of the water sphere, you must have your lust and sexual desire under full control. If you don't, then they will greatly amplify your sexual energies and cause the sex-desire to rule over every aspect of your life. They will not do this consciously; it will simply happen as a natural side effect of being in their presence. You will become a nervous wreck, your thoughts will be scattered, and gradually your sanity will begin to break apart.

So in the system we follow, by the time you begin practicing evocation you have already made yourself "immune" against those kinds of interferences, and can command the spirits with the highest confidence that they will and must obey you. In exchange for that, you can have a full dense-astral or physical evocation into the room where you are performing the evocation. You also have the option of astral or mental projecting and performing the evocation in a different place, if you can not do so where your physical body resides for whatever reason. Or, if you had made absolutely sure that you had finished all previous training exercises and were therefore safe, you could travel to the sphers wherein those spirits naturally resided.

Even if you decided not the pursue evocation, the training system would have already developed within you certain key magical abilities involving control over the elements on an astral and eventually physical level, astral and mental projection, healing, telepathy, mind-reading, etc. If those same techniques are invested with particular interest and practiced over an even longer period of time, then levitation, mesmerism, resurrection of a dead body, telekinesis, bilocation, invisibility, and other such abilities become obtained. For the eventual purpose of our system, which is union with the personal Deity (no particular one), spending that much time on the training exercises so as to develop those later, more potent abilities is seen primarily as a distraction, and only to be done later on in life once that union has already been accomplished. If the individual has no personal Deity, that is fine also, since the Deity only represents the underlying field of consciousness and bliss which this system teaches unifies all things.

In our system, the spirits are evoked for three reasons:

1.) To raise your vibration gradually to the vibration of the sphere which the spirit represents.

2.) To command the spirit to perform a certain task

3.) To gain knowledge of the universe and/or of how to attain certain magical abilities or life situations under the guidance of that spirit.

By the time one really begins the evocation of the higher planetary spirits, he usually does not pay attention to the second reason, since he could accomplish nearly anything he wanted in his life just using the powers he will have already developed. Not the mention that by that time he will be mature enough to have his desires in check, and so would likely be perfectly content with how things were in his life. So then the principle reasons become the first and third reasons I mentioned. From a mystical point of view, the first is of the most importance. From the "scientific" view of expanding knowledge and understanding, the third is of great importance. For example, you could learn how to make the body immortal, or how to achieve great longevity. You could learn precise and distinct methods of levitation of the physical body, or for furthering your clairvoyance to a higher level. If you were treating someone who had cancer, you could evoke a spirit who has particular knowledge of the human body and its ailments in order to learn how best to proceed for a quick healing and full recovery. There are spirits which can teach you how to dematerialize something, carry it astrally to another location, and then rematerialize it. Even how to do that with your own body. So you can learn how to do nearly anything; it depends on what you are interested in. However, the spirits will only bestow knowledge in accordance to your maturity. And once you learn how to do those things, you may discover you have no desire to. For example, physical teleportation might sound "cool." But if, after learning how to do so, you realize it is going to take about forty years of training five or six hours every single day without fail, using elaborate alchemical tinctures which might cost hundreds of dollars to make, you may decide not to follow through with it. Not to mention that if you did follow through with it, then by the time you were able to do it, you might have lost many of your other abilities due to having not kept them up with training.

Now not all systems are like this, by any means. Some systems focus on evocation from the very beginning, and since I did not grow up on that path, nor know anyone else who did and who can show something for it, I do not know how effective that might be. Sometimes ritual is focused on, and sometimes the contacts are only made mentally, leaving the reality of the "evocation" experience at the whims of one's own inclination towards imagination and creativity, versus any actual training done. There are groups out there which focus only on rigorous ceremonial magic from the very first day, under the close guidance of a magician who has successfully used that system. Their rituals are usually very long, and the tools required are now very expensive or hard to find. So there are many approaches and many ideas. I don't know all about them, maybe others do. I know that there are a few different systems represented here at Veritas.

You are at a slight disadvantage if you are looking around online though, admittedly. It takes a real leap of faith to believe anything that anyone says online, because you have not met them personally, and can not see what kind of example they serve as for the paths that they follow. You can read words, but there are plenty of beautifully worded articles out there written by people that don't have a single day of experience, and that base all of their ideas either on their own idle thinking or the words of others taken from books. So there is a great deal of possible deception! Even if someone else here proposes that I am a good, solid authority on magic, you would still have no actual personal experience validating that idea. For all you know, I'm piled high and deep with utter nonsense, and anyone who believes me has simply fallen under the influence of my nicely arranged sentences and vocabulary. No doubt there are a few people here you believe that very thing! And it will be that way with anyone or anything you decide to pursue. There will be a group that is for it, and a group that is against it, and the loudest group is not necessarily the correct one. It is like that anywhere. Even with this system, which is a particular branch of the modern Hermetic Science based largely on the tantric practices of the Himalayas and Tibet, you will have differing opinions. To some here, the sound of the name "Hermetic Science" is no doubt a beautiful chord, to others it is just a word, and yet to others it might be the sound of fingernails on a chalkboard.

If you want to investigate the system that I practice and teach, it is very similar to a book called "Initiation into Hermetics" written by Franz Bardon. So buy the book, or download it online (you can find it seveal places for free with a quick google search), give it a quick read, and see what you think. Do some research on Bardon too. Once you do, you can at least check off Hermetics from your list of possibilities, either positively or negatively, and move on in your search.,14726.0.html
