Page 1: BELLPORT NEWS ITEMS Adult Classes Set · Michael Kalinowski, Stan-ley Kulinowski. Walter Kaiiriow-ski. Stephen Kalinowski, Anthony Kalinowski, Joseph Yablonski, Sr., Anthony Yablonski,

BELLPORT NEWS ITEMSMary < '. Ilftd?. Tel. IIEIIport T-0SJ3

Miss Xan Gibbons will returntomorrow to Colby Junior col-lege , New London, N . H.. whereshe teaches in the Science depart-ment, after spending the summerwith her mother . Mrs. Alice M.Shaw of South "Country road.

October lis and :>!) arc schedul-ed as the dates of the annualfall rumm:ige- sale n[ the-Woman 'sauxiliary of Christ churc h intht- parish house

Miss .Marion I'olitanski ofSouth Country road was given abridal shower at the Iron Horsein i 0:1 Septembe r S. with Mrs.St mley Oobrie. Mrs. David Marl-bo oiiti h and the Misses Lucilleand * I'atr.cia Lento and LucilleI'o itan ^ki as hostesses. AfterMl- s I'olitanski openeti her manylovely gifts a buffet supper wasserved. She v.-il l be married toJoseph Yablonski , Jr., of Patch-ogue October 2.'! in Mary Im-maculate R. C. church. Thosepresent were Mesdames S. Poli-tanski . Michael Kalinowski , Stan-ley Kulinowski . Walter Kaiiriow-ski . Stephen Kalinowski , AnthonyKalinowski, Joseph Yablonski ,Sr., Anthony Yablonski , BernardYablonski. Edward Yablonski ,Stephen Yablonski . Edward Gu-?ik Alice Pasw.iter. CharlesHawkins , Edward Kanas , RichardValentine. Alice Lanyi , ArnoldVan. Avery, Clifford Budd, fMi-chael Mingino, Joseph Permo,Gustave Pagels, H. B. Jarvis , Jo-seph Sagcrer , Joseph Lotkof Rich-ard McDermcd, Jerry Melito ,Geoge Neuhoff , Roger Overton ,Rose Byne, Robert Martin, VictorPolonski and Fred Richt and theM'sses Isabel Baldwin. Fay Owen,Dorothy Stafetas, Barbara Mo-Garry. Barbara Lukowski, Lind-sey Valentine, Roaemarie Scotto,Rosemarie Pagels. Kathleen Lot-ko, Gertrude Neuhoff and JanetJanis.

Maude Jones of Bellport wishesto thank everyone who helped tomake the Fashion Show such ahuge success.—Adv.' .

The Deucy Bridge club is meet-ing this afternoon with Mrs.Worth Austin of Academy lane.

William Wingerath. son of Mr.and Mrs. William Wingerath ofAcademy lane, has returned toTaft school after spending thesummer with his parents.

The Parent-Teacher associationwill hold its first meeting at 8:15P. m. today in the high schoolauditorium.

A "crazy mixed-up dinnerparty" was the program for theSeptember meeting of the Hearthclub Sunday night. Members metat the home of Mr. and Mrs.Elvfri L. Page for cocktails, thenwent in "shifts" for salad a»the homo—of -Mrr¦ arid Airs.- -Harri-son Weber, soup at the home ofMr. and Mrs. Worth Austin, acasserole at the home of Mr. andMrs. Willis H. Hawkins. Jr. Allreturned to the Page home fordessert and coffee provided byMr. and Mrs. E. Floyd Hassell.The club presented Mr. and Mrs.Page with a brass log holderfor the hearth of their new home.

For the best in wedding photoalbums — Joseph Adams, Bell-port 7-0184J. — Adv.

Village Police Justice and Mrs.Donald W. Shaw of South Coun-try road returned home Mondayafter attending the forty-sixthannual New York State Magis-trates conference in Cooperstownfrom Tuesday through Friday.Before the start of the conventionthey motored to Niagara Fallsand Canada and after the con-vention returned home throughthe New England states.

Mrs. E. E. Testa has gone toRockville Centre for a visit withrelatives and will also visit rela-tives in Manhasset before return-ing to Brooklyn. Mrs. Testa, whospent the summer with her son-in-law and • daughter, Mr. andMrs. Andrew 'Olsen of Stationroad, has sold her house on Sta-tion road to Joseph DeSantis.

On Friday night Mrs. WilliamMartin , Mrs . Thomas Wallen andMrs. William Rowland were host-esses at a surprise stork show.-rin honor of Mrs. Michael Ste-phani at Mrs. Martin's home onMaple avenue. Besides the guestof honor and hostesses, guestspresent were Mesdames PeterTallarine, Salvatore Lotito, FrankLotito and John Gamaldi ot Pat- 'chogui-; Mrs. ,George Stephani ,Kast Patchogue ; Mrs . SamuelIvey, Middle Island; MesdamesFdmund Rowland , John Walle.i .Jr.. John Wallen, Sr.. Arthur La- !Branche , William Patanio. Mi- jchae! Wallen . Robert Barthelmeand Joseph Wallen and Miss Jo-jmine Wallen of Bellport. Mrs. jStephani received many lovely:gifts arranged in a basinott . Dec- 'orations were of • pink and blue jand a stork fwas the centerniece'at the refreshments table.

For )»ur Insurance .leeds con-sult S t r i c k l a n d Agency Inc.KF.llport 7-0312.—Adv .

Mary Lee Loughlin left Sun-day to begin her studies at Mar-iorie Webster Junior college inWashington . I) . C. and (MonaLoughlin is sit Ladv Cliff academyat Hi gh Falls. Thev are thedaughters of Mr. and Mrs. Ed-ward V. Loughlin of South)Howell's Point road. EdwardLoughlin , Jr.. is in the Armv at 'Fort Dix. N. J. I

The WSCS of the Methodistchurch has set October 12 and13 as the dates of its annualfall rummage sale. Donations maybe left at the church or will benicked up if Mrs James Hawkins,BEMpor '- 7-O0O1-W , is-- called .

The Rosary Altar Society ofMary Immaculate R. C. churchheld its first meeting of the sea-son last. Tuesday night in theauditorium. Mrs. Joseph Pcnder-gast. president, conducted themeeting and the Rev. Donald R.Shane, moderator, spoke to thegroup. Two new members, Mrs.Elsie Geiger of Bellport and Mrs.Dolores Ferrer of Brookhaven,were welcomed. October 3 wasannounced as the date of the nextarea meeting of the Suffolk Coun-ty council of Catholic Women,to be held in St. Sylvesters Com-munity center in Medford . Mrs?Michael Grant and Mrs. GeorgeC. Wagner. Jr.. were hostesses.

Mrs. Charles E. Gould. II, washostess to her bridge club at herhome on North Brewster laneMonday night. •:

"Winter garbage schedule ef-"fective October 3. Eastern partTuesdays and Fridays, westernpart Mondays and ' Thursdays.

— Adv.Peter Collins, son of Mr. and

Mrs. George B. Collins of Bell-natt-Jane, left last-Thursday forhis first year of 'studies atSwarthmore college, Swarthmore,Pa .

The Junior league of the Meth-odist church had its first businessmeeting of the season ' Tuesdaynight in the Wesley house. MissEvelyn Moger, chairman, Mrs.Edward Bishop and Mrs. AllanWood have been appointed as anominating committee to presenta slate of officers at the Octoberbusiness meeting.- Mrs. HaroldPenny and Mrs. Richard Stockwere hostesses Tuesday night.

Margaret Warner. Tel. BEllport 7-065,1

Mr. and Mrs. Charles Porterand children of South Countryroad returned last Wednesdayfrom a two week vacation spentin St. Paul and Minneapolis ,Minn., visiting with their families.They attended the wedding ofMrs. Porter's sister, Miss , SallyGraner.

A daughter, Christianne Louise,was born September 8 to Mr.and Mrs. Georges Deschamp ofNew York city. The ^Deschampssnent part of the summer in theCarleton cottage on - Brown'slane.

Continued on page 2, this section

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Adult Classes SetTo Open Monday

BELLPORT—Adult Education classes wi ll be held four nightsof the week this term Mondays through Thursdays, at Bellport Highschool.

Registrations will be taken at tonight's meeting of the Parent-Teacher association and also at the first class instruction period., j £-j asses w ;j| start next week and

are open to any adult , particular-ly those in the area served bythe high school. A fee of $1 forall courses except driver educa-tior , for which the fee is $5,is to be paid at the time of regis-tration, and for some coursesthere will be extra costs for ma-terial and equipment. Twelve peo-ple must register for a courseor it will not be offered.

The complete schedule is asfollows: Mondays—driver educa-tion , Anthony Macarle , instruc-tor. Room 2<>; folk dancing II ,Mr. and Airs. John" P. Blewett ,auditorium; ' upholstery, AlbertKing, shop room; beginning andadvanced sewing. Mrs. JamesVaughan. home economics room;typewriting and bookkeeping, MissT, :llian Jones , Room 23; ceramics ,Deward Eades. Room 10; basicSpanish. Mrs. Laurance A. Pais-ley. Room 12; home landscaping,Leslie S. MaeRobbie and John J.Murphy. Room 17: physical fit-ness for men. Richard Brown ,gymnasium: Tuesdays—paintingGeorge R. Cox , Room 10; physicalfitness for women. Miss MaryBeaeom. gymnasium: "Do ItYourself ." Frank Manhardt, shop;Wednesdays—hooked rugs, Mrs.Madeline Kelly, Methodist parishhall; individual liberties today,Thomas Feeney. Room 21: Frenchconversation, William J. Rey-nolds. Room 25; Thursdays—silkscreening. Mrs. Albert W. Hal-lock , Room 10; beginning folkContinued on page 2, this section

LWV to DiscussBellport Dock'sFate Next Week

BELLPORT — "Town or Vil-lage Ownershi p of the BellportDock" wil l be " the timely subjecthighlighting the first unit meet-ings of the Bellport- League ofWomen Voters to be held Tues-day, Wednesday and next Thurs-day.

Al l of the meetnifs will be inthe nature ot" orie ntation sessionsfor mi-mbers and prospectivemembers. The discussions are incharge of Mrs . Genevieve Earleand Mrs . Dan Koshland of Bell-port . Members are urged to bringguests. Tea and coffee will be.served.

The morning meeting Tuesdaywill be at 9:30 at the homeof Mrs. Alan Thorndike, SouthCountry road, Bellport. An after-noon meeting will be held at 1 -.ISOTuesday at the home of Mrs.Robert Incv, Burnett lane, Brook-haven; and an evening meetingat 8 at the home of Mrs.Michael McKeown, Mott lane,Brookhaven Wednesday and an-other at the home of Mrs. MarvinFox, Academy lane, Bellport, at8 next Thursday.

Fashions Parade HereGlamour at Gateway:

By Frances JohnsonBELLPORT—In an exquisite garden setting of fall fl owers in

the beautiful Grand ballroom of the Gateway hotel here, charmingmodels showed the latest in eye-filling fall and winter fashions Fri-day night when Maude Jones presented her fashion show.

Enhancing the beauty of the costumes were intriguing acces-sories by Mrs. Juanita Elder of!|he Country Squire in Bellport; !and gorgeous furs by Doris Day, !Inc.. of New York city. A softmusical background for the- af- jfair was furnished by Bill-Kingand his orchestra, who also play- !ed for _ the_ dance which followed."]

Captivating manikins c a m - eldown the grand staircase and .walked the length of the ball-room with the grace of. profes- jsiorlal models. Featured were Ijaunty sportswear, fascinating !afternoon dresses, and encha'nt-ing party frocks and furs whichevery woman longs to add to"her wardrobe, realizing thatthese beautiful clothes help tomake the - "women men remem-ber." i

Sports OutfitsOpening the program were

sports outfits .of Bermuda shortswith accompanying sweaters, andin several cases hats, cardigans,campus coats and station wagonjackets.' Modeling them were MissPeggy Campbell , Miss Judy Mott,Miss Edna Kate Stakes and MissPatricia Bossier. Miss Sally Pom-eran modeled a black watch quilt-ed cotton, complimented by goldearrings and a gold link neck-lace: with this she carried anItalian log basket. Mrs. KennethPetretti wore a striped . wintercotton with a large _ square deeppurole bracelet heavily banded ingold, and matching earrings.

Mrs. Edward Rosa wore a tur-quoise pin corduroy with a largeantioue button bracelet andmatching earrings ; Mrs. DwainWhite appeared in a royal bluewool sheath with a ranch mink


i collar, gold " button earrings and; a banded gold hoop bracelet. Mrs.> Wilbur Stakes wore an interest--injf blue wool dress with a cowlj- neckline and a snake (leather)j belt. Her accessories .were a( beaten medallion necklace stud-' ded with jewels ard a matchingj bracelet; Mrs. Norman Hustonj wore a skirt, sweater and stole,! w;th a turquoise chunk necklace;i Mrs. Rafael del Castillo, III ,j wore a plaid skirt and matching

sweater and Miss Ruth Vickers Iappeared in an imported laven-lder tweed accented by a lavender 'antique button bracelet and dark !opalescent earrings.

Second AppearancesThe second appearance of the

models featured Miss Campbellin a plaid wool sheath dress witha Lapin lined jacket and an an-tique bracelet and earrings; MissMott, in a black and tweed dresswith wool knit trim; Miss Stakes,tan wool jersey dress with ranchmink collar; Miss 'Vickers, blackimported wool dress and coatwith white satin lining and ablack velvet custom-made clip hat;Mrs. Wilbur Stakes, black watchall wool jumper, black cuff linksand collar pin with gold design;Mrs. Norman Huston, importedplaid three-piece suit with im-ported black knitted trim, goldbracelet and gold ramp earrings;Mrs. del Castillo wore a grayand black winter imported cottonwith necklace ' and bracelet ofgold. Mrs. Edward Rosa wore an

Continued on page 2, this section


ho wore clo'kes from Maude Jones'I / J J IVlV/L/LJ-nJ shop gt the beneBt fashion show Fri-

day at the Gateway in Bellport had all the grace and poise ofprofessionals. Above, several local mannequins await their ap-pearances, on the grand staircase into the ballroom. Left toright, they are Miss Sally Piomeran, Mrs. Dwain White. Mrs.Kenneth Petretti and Miss Patricia Bossier.

NORTH BELLPORT JS„r tactive group in a new community, is headed byNatale G. Marchiano. Shown above with hisofficers , Mr. Marchiano and his group work outthe problems of interest to residents in that

area. Above, left .to right, the civics* officersare Vice Presidejnt George Frederick, Mr. Mar-chiano, Mrs. Rose Stern, acting secretary forMrs. Ann . Masciopinto. and Treasurer SaulHeislcr.

—Advance Photo

Garden Club NamesMrs. Everitt President

BELLPORT—Election of officers was held at the annual . meet-ing of the Bellport Garden club last Tuesday afternoon at the homeof Mrs. Lee E. Farr on Rogers avenue.

Mrs. Theodore T. Everitt is the new presidet tff the club, Mrs.W. Alvord Finn was reelected first vice , president, Mrs. VernonO'Rourke was elected second vice!president, Mrs. Worth O. Aus-tin elected recording secretary,Mrs. G. Norris Glasoe, cm*es-ponding secretary and " Mrs. Fred-erick P."4 Cowan, treasureify~^othreelected. . y

In conducting the election Mrs.Gharries Milne remarked- thatMrs. Everitt's father-in-law, thelate John G. Everitt , was oneof the founders of the Gardenclub. The slate of officers waspresented by Mrs. Henry M. Hal-sted, Jr., chairman of the nomi-nating committee, who was as-sisted in making , the selectionsby Mr?. David Jacobus and Mrs.Peter V. Snyder. Mrs. RichardJ. Heidelberger was announcedas a new member, and a letterof thanks from the Bellport Lionsclub for the Garden club's dona-tion toward the Independence daycelebration was read.

The guest speaker at the meet-ing, Mrs. Warren Berry of StonyBrook. introduced by Mrs.O'Rourke. program chairman,gave the' members the historyand origin of herbs, describinga number of them and passingthem around for the membersto pinch and smell. She also gavea number of recipes with herbswhich the members copied.

Hostesses at the meeting wereMrs. Harold Hafsted, chairman;Mrs. John J. Amory. Mrs. JamesPost and Mrs. C. B. Van Alen.

Girl Scout TownCommittee HoldsTea on Monday

BELLPORT—A tea sponsoredby the Girl Scout Town commit-tee for mothers of. Girl Scoutsand prospective Girl Scouts-washeld -Monday afternoon at theWesley house ¦ of the Methodistchurch.

Mrs. : W. Alvord Finn, chairman,welcomed the group and explain-ed -the organizational setup ofScouting.

After meeting the motherspresent, Mrs. Finn and the lead-ers who have offered their ser-vices this year had a meetingand it was decided to set a cer-tain number to be admitted intoeach troop. When this numberis reached no more girls will beadmitted until additional leadersare obtained and a waiting listwill be set up. Girls who are nowScouts will be sent notices bytheir leaders of the time andplace of their meetings. At thepresent time two leaders forBrownie Troop 33 and two as-sistant leaders for Girl ScoutTroop 16 are needed.

At a meeting of the new Towncommittee and former committeemembers last Thursday night atMrs. Finn's home plans weremade for a uniform exchange.Anyone who wishes to dispose ofa uniform or obtain one may callMrs. Lawrence E. Fuller, Bell-port 7-0323-R.

Bellport AmbulanceMade Three Trip *During Past Week

BELLPORT— Bellporters' am-bulance made three trips in. thelast week, two in one day.

On Friday morning, driven byGeorge Hawkins, with NelsonHawkins as helper, the ambulancebrought Mrs. Hannah Reid ofNorth Howell's Point road homefrom Mather Memorial hospital.Port Jefferson. At about 1:30 p.m. Sunday, Mrs. Leonard D. Haw-kins of Cottage place was takento the Patchogue Medical groupfor X-rays and then home, Wil-liam Hermus driving, RobertBrown assisting.

That night about . 6:45 p. ra.the ambulance took Mrs. Haw- :

kins to Southside hospital. BayShore, Edwin F. Pils driving and1John T. Keeley assisting.


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That's why more and more J || Complete Dinners

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D 9 n I" ~ ~l i - SUCH a wee SHOPBrown s Garage ::| r—N :: „ „ . , ,::! / ^SMtP i !:: But s a Lar8cDODGE - PLYMOUTH ;:' If ctUW^JrJ !< > Selection ofSALES — SERVICE « ;1 tcSV Z ^^^^ '\\ r- i • p f:: lv/JL«»* *" •;? Exclusive Fashions at


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School Site in North BellportIs Sought by Taxpayers Ass'n

10-Pt. ProgramSlated for YearAt BHS Meeting

Bellport — A 10-point programfor 1955-56 was established by theNorth Bellport Taxpayers associa-tion September 13 at a meeting;at Bellport High school.

According to Natale Marchino,president of the group, the pro-gram advocates a school site *irithe North Bellport area, addi-tional school transportation , adrive for complete membershipand a traffic light at the intersec-tion of Robinson boulevard andStation road. Also on the group's1platform for the year are a sig-nal at the BeOport crossing; ofthe Long Island Rail Road,amendments to the by-laws of theassociation , a social affair anda charter for the organization.The group is also in favor of ashopping center in the area andsafety signs within Pace Park.

The - meeting was the associa-tion's first of the season, withsome 70 members in attendance.Featured speakers at the 'meet-ing were Ira Sogers and GeorgeVedder. manager of ' area - de-velopment and assistant managerof operations, respectively, of .thePatchogue Electric Light com-,pany. Their topics concerned dif-ferent phases of PELCO's ©per- ,ation. * '¦"

Officers ot the association prom-ised to investigate the possibili-ties ot a' fiuTerent location forschool bus pickup, since Stationroad is considered too dangerousby many of the residents m thatvicinity. Mr. and" Mrs. Thomas *W. Campbell were commended for ;their "work with honse numbers 'The group's next meeting Will beheld October 11.

Hospital LadiesReelect OfficersFor Next Year

BELLPORT — Mrs. Alice M.Shaw,* chairman, Mrs. Perry S.Horenstein, vice chairman, _ Mrs.L. V. Montalbano, recording' sec-retary, and Mrs., li. '-Donald

. Pfeifle, tareaAureir, -were *: all re--elected to their posts atv the anV

I rtual meeting of the 'Bellport unitof the Women's auxiliarjrrof the"

' Brookhaven Memorial hospital inChrist church parish" house lastThursday night.

Mrs. John E. Dibble was elect-ed as the new corresponding sec-retary and Mrs. Wallace W.Brown, membership chairman.

Mrs. Harrison Weber waschairman of the nominating com-mittee, assisted by Mrs. MichaelDege and Mrs. Frank E. Herma,IL

It was voted to change the.regular meeting night 'of the

Continued on page 2, this: section

PORT' JEFFEBSOK--^»elpl;.' little -Norttf BeDpm^Sc /aGre -l, , in -Stjpharies'-'hospftaT'Hete,- ?:'the victims ot naralytic polio. -'

The boys. Dennis Lang, 2, 'ot 656 Hoffman avenue andSteven Wood, 5, at 633 Hoff-man avenue, were both list-ed as "improving" this weelcby the hospital. Neither, ofthe lads, who are neighbors,had received Salk vaccine in-jections, according to theoffice of County • Health Com-missioner Dr. Philip J. Rafle.Dennis, who came down withthe disease September 9, isa respirator case, a hospitalspokesman said.¦ Steven, w h o - contractedpolio September , 12, is theson of Mr. and Mrs. Ray-mond Wood. Dennis is theson of Mr. and Mrs. Robert


Polio Strikes TwoNorth Bellport Boys
