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BELLYOFF! 2 0 1 1THE BELLY OFF! METABOLIC MATRIX This is an intense 8-week program designed to build muscle and elevate metabolic rate for extreme calorie burn. You will do three home workouts a week using two effective training techniques that keep exercise time short by increasing speed and intensity. The techniques are circuit training, which you are probably familiar with, and Escalating Density Training or EDT, a concept popularized by renowned trainer Charles Staley owner of Staley Training Systems ( The gist of EDT is progres-sively training to perform more work in less time. There are multiple ways to program EDT, but the style chosen for the Belly Off! Metabolic Matrix is performing workout blocks of contrasting exercises, a chest exercise and a back exercise, for example, where you will seek to manage fatigue and exercise efficien-cy. We’ll explain our version of EDT in further detail below. But we know you’ll find it to be challenging, effective and fun. In addition to your three resistance workouts, we recommend doing some interval training one day a week, preferably on the weekend. What you’ll need for the Metabolic Matrix Workout: • dumbbells • exercise bench • exercise bands • stability ball How to do the workout: * Begin each workout with a warm-up. You can do your favorite dynamic warm-up or try the one we’ve outlined below—9 dynamic moves designed to elevate your heart rate, warm your muscles, and prepare your entire body for the workout to come.

* Choose three days a week for the circuit and EDT workouts, leaving a day of rest in between work-outs. For our purposes here, we’ll do workouts on Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays. Plan for 30 to 45 minutes for each workout. As you become fitter and more familiar with the workouts, you can choose to add sets and circuits to make the 45 minutes more challenging or reduce workout time to 25 minutes, or even less, while boosting workout intensity.

* Each week, you will push yourself a little bit harder for a little bit longer as your strength and endurance improves. We outline how each workout changes over the course of the program below.

* For the first time, the Belly Off Club offers more extensive variation in the workout protocol and provide you with several exercise substitution options as you get up to speed in later weeks.

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Shoulder RollStand tall with your feet shoulder-width apart. Without moving any other part of your body, roll your shoulders backward in a circular motion 10 times then repeat forward 10 times. Next, hold your arms straight out to your sides so that they are parallel to the floor. Start by making small circles with your arms progressing to larger circles. Do 10 reps forward with thumbs pointing back and 10 reps backward with thumbs pointing forward. Standing Ankle Glide Stand facing a wall and place both hands on it at shoulder level. Assume a split stance by placing your right foot 4 to 6 inches from the wall and the other behind you. With a smooth and relaxed movement, drive the right knee toward the wall. Be sure to keep your heel in contact with the ground and your knee drives a far forward as possible. Return to the starting position and without pausing, repeat for a total of 12 reps on each leg. Then, switch foot positions and repeat the move with your left leg. Glute BridgeLie face up on the floor with your knees bent and your feet flat on the floor. Place your arms out to your sides at 45-degree angles, your palms facing down. Press your lower back against the floor and squeeze your glutes hard. Now raise your hips so your body forms a straight line from your shoulders to your knees. Pause for up to 5 seconds in the up position for the first rep, then lower your body to the starting position and proceed to do 5 more reps with a one second pause at the top and a touch and go pace at the bottom.

Half Kneel Torso RotationKneel on your right knee with your left leg forward bent at 90 degrees, left foot flat on the floor. Interlock your fingers and have your arms straight down your midline. Keeping arms straight, raise them over your head while driving your hips and left knee forward. Lower the arms and return to the starting position doing 5 total reps. Now, with arms straight up over each shoulder, turn from the upper back and chest to look over your left leg. Return to center and repeat for a total of 5 reps. Next, drop your left arm down outside the left leg and reach your right hand overhead and to your left, stretching the right side of the body. Hold the stretch for a few seconds and repeat for 5 total reps. Switch legs and repeat the drill.

Reverse Snow AngelLie on your stomach in a straight line, toes on the ground and hands on top of your backside with palms facing up. Keeping your chest down and your chin tucked sweep your straight arms out to the sides and up as if you were making an angel’s wings in the snow, ending with the arms straight out in front of your head and your palms facing down. Activate your abdominals and glutes throughout the movement. Move your arms up and back for 12 total reps.

Hamstring StretchLie on your back and drive your right leg up, leaving the other flat on the floor. Grasp the raised, straight leg behind the knee or back of thigh and slowly pull it toward you to stretch your hamstring for 2 sec-onds or so, release the leg to the floor and drive up and repeat the sequence for 8 reps. Then repeat this active-isolated stretch with your left leg. Bird DogOn your hands and knees, extend one arm in front of you and the opposite leg in back of you. Hold the pose for 5-10 seconds, making sure your abdomen and lower back are fully braced. Release and place that knee and hand back on the floor. Next, repeat the move with your other arm and opposite leg. Do 4 holds of 5-10 seconds each with each limb.

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BELLYOFF! 2 0 1 1Fire Hydrant After completing Bird Dog, lift your bent right leg from the hip/glutes out to the side mimicking a dog tak-ing a leak. Do 5 slow leg lifts with your right leg keeping a controlled core. Then repeat with the left leg. Sumo Squat to StandStand tall with your legs straight and your feet shoulder-width apart. Keeping your legs straight, bend over and grasp your toes. (If you need to bend your knees, you can.) Without letting go of your toes, pull your body into a squat as you raise your chest and shoulders up, arms inside the legs, heels down, fight-ing the urge to let the feet turn out. Staying in the squat position, raise your right arm up high and wide. Then raise your left arm. Now stand with both arms raised. If that is too difficult, simply stand back up to the starting position, keeping the hands under the toes and repeat. Perform 5 total reps.


Do this series of workouts three times a week with a rest day in between workouts. For our purpose, we’ll choose a Monday, Wednesday, Friday program.

The weekly schedule: Monday: Tri-set CircuitsWednesday: EDT (Escalating Density Training) Friday: Giant Sets and Monster Circuit Saturday or Sunday: Optional high intensity interval training or rest


Tri-Set Circuits Do the three exercises in circuit one back to back resting 20-30 seconds in between exercises. Com-plete Circuit 1 twice, then rest for 60 to 90 seconds before doing Circuit 2 twice.

CIRCUIT 1 (2 times)

1. Dumbbell Reverse LungeGrab a pair of dumbbells and hold them at your sides. Stand tall, shoulders back and down with your chest up. Brace your core for the entire exercise. Take a deep step back with your right leg, lower your body until your left knee is bent to 90 degrees and your right knee is slightly bent and a few inches from the floor, behind your hips. Keeping your front heel down, drive back up to the top position and repeat the move alternating with the other side. That’s 1 rep. Do 10.

2. Dumbbell Rotational Shoulder PressStand holding a pair of dumbbells outside of your shoulders, your palms facing in. Press the dumbbell in your right hand over your head as you rotate your torso to the left. Lower the dumbbell to your shoulders as your rotate back to center. Then press the left hand up as you rotate to your right, and return to cen-ter. That’s one repetition. Perform 10 total reps. Be sure to avoid arching the low back, keep the dumb-bell over your shoulder and allow the foot connected to the dumbbell arm to open as you turn to press.

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3. Half Kneeling Core Band HoldAttach a heavy exercise band to an anchor at around waist height (a door handle for example). Posi-tion yourself to take up the slack in the band so your right side faces the anchor. Take a knee with your left leg and bend your right leg forward so it forms a 90 degree angle and your right foot is flat on the floor. Grasp the handle of the exercise band with your left hand first, then your right hand over it. Move your body away from the anchor until the band provides enough tension to feel a pull in your core. Now extend your arms out straight against the tension. Hold steady with your shoulders back and your core and glutes braced for 3 seconds, then pull the handle to your chest and repeat for a total of 5 reps. Turn around so that your left side faces the anchor and kneel on your right knee with your left leg forward and bent. Repeat the hold for 5 more reps.Do not allow the band to change a good tall kneeling form. Be sure to keep the anchor point in-line and off to the side of your chest.

Rest 30-60 seconds.


1. Inverted RowSet a bar, straps, or rings at hip height under a squat rack or similar anchor point. (You can also do this on playground rings and bars). Lie underneath the bar with your heels on the floor (toes up) and grab the bar, your hands a few inches more than shoulder-width apart. Keeping your body in a strong straight line, drive your elbows down and back without shrugging your shoulders to pull your chest up to the bar using your back muscles. Slowly lower yourself until your arms are straight. Do 10 reps. Bend your knees if needed to help perform good, full reps.

2. Reverse PushupStart in a top push up position, hands under shoulders, core, glutes and quads engaged. Pull yourself toward the floor to the bottom position of a push up. Instead of pushing back to top, push back and slightly up toward your heels so you are in a bear crawl like position and immediately drive your legs and slide your hands forward to return to the top starting position and repeat for 10 reps. To add a chal-lenge, proceed to complete as many traditional push ups as possible in 10 seconds immediately follow-ing the reverse push ups with good form. Once form fails, end the set.

3. Stability Ball Roll and Leg CurlDo parts A and B back to back. A. Kneel on the ground and place your forearms on a stability ball. Brace your core and roll the ball out away from the body only as far as you can while keeping your core braced. Upon reaching your safe distance limit, pull the ball back to your body using your core. If you feel any pain in the low back, shorten your range of motion. If pain persists stop the exercise. Perform 8 reps, controlling out and squeezing in. B. Lie on your back on the floor with your calves and heels resting on a stability ball and your arms at your sides. Squeeze your glutes and drive your heels into the ball to raise your hips off the floor so your body is in a straight line from your shoulders to your ankles without arching your back. Pause for a second, then pull your heels toward your butt as your hips rise and glutes stay tight. Slowly return your legs to the starting position by rolling the ball back out away from your backside. Do 10 reps.

Week 3: Perform circuit 1 resting 20-30 seconds between exercises; rest 60-90 seconds after comple-tion and move on to circuit 2. Rest 2 minutes and repeat for a total of 2 rounds.

Weeks 4-6: Perform straight circuits as prescribed in weeks 1 and 2, but alternate the order of the cir-cuits, starting with circuit 2 on week 4, 1 on week 5, 2 on week 5. Repeat for 3 rounds.

Weeks 5-7: Rolling circuits again, performing circuit 1 resting 60-90 seconds, then moving onto circuit 2. Rest 2 minutes and repeat for 3 rounds.

Week 8: Your choice – 3 total rounds.

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Escalating Density Training

This training technique, pioneered by renowned trainer Charles Staley, forces you to work harder in effi-cient time segments, while gaining strength and sparing the nervous system. For this program, exercises are broken into blocks of two on certain days and performed in circuits of 4 on others. For each exercise, you will choose a weight with which you can do 10 good-form repetitions. (This choice is crucial. You should choose a weight that, if you tried to complete 11 or 12 reps without pause, your form would fail.) You will perform ONLY 5 REPS of this exercise using this weight before moving on to the second exer-cise in the block. You will alternate exercises after every 5 reps quickly, your rest being determined by how long it takes for you to recover in order to perform 5 good, powerful reps of the next exercise. You decide. The goal is to fit as many “rounds” as you can into the allotted time. Track your rounds either in your head or with a mark on a sheet and add up when the block is completed. If you’re able to do 10 rounds in the allotted time, that would be 50 reps of each exercise. Chart that number and amount of weight used and refer to it over the 8 weeks to see improvements. When time is up, you’ll rest for 3 minutes and then move to the next block of exercises and do as many rounds as you can in the time allowed. Be sure to rest as needed, use good form, and record your rounds completed, seeking to get in more next week! The challenge will motivate you to push yourself every week. Live by Staley’s mantra, “Manage Fatigue, Don’t seek it.”

Weeks 1-2

EDT Block 1

Dumbbell Step Up Grab a pair of dumbbells (remember to choose a 10-rep weight) and hold them at your sides as you stand in front of a bench or step. Place your left foot firmly on the step, press down with your left heel and push your body up until your left leg is straight. Slowly lower back to the starting position. That’s one rep. Do 5 reps with the left leg, then repeat with the right (if you prefer to alternate reps, that is okay). After completing 5 reps with each leg, move to the next exercise and begin as quickly as possible.

Single-Arm Dumbbell Bench Press Grab a set of dumbbells and lie on your back on a flat bench, holding the dumbbells over your chest with your arms straight. Your palms should be facing away from you, but turned slightly inward. Lower one dumbbell to the side of your chest, pause, then drive the weight back to the starting position as quickly as you can. (Straighten your arm completely.) Repeat with the other arm until you do 10 repetitions, or 5 with each arm. Return to the Dumbbell Step Up.

Continue alternating between exercises for 10 minutes, resting as much as you need to perform 5 good reps of each. Rest 3 minutes and move onto Block 2.

EDT Block 2

Supported Dumbbell Row Grab a dumbbell in your right hand. Place your left hand on a bench, table, or dumbbell rack in front of you and bend over at the hips. Let the dumbbell hang at arm’s length, your palm facing inward. Brace your core and low back and drive your elbow up and back toward your rib cage, keeping the shoulder from shrugging. Lower to the starting position and do five total reps with each arm before moving to the next exercise.

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Goblet SquatHold a dumbbell vertically at chest level, close to the body, cupping one end of the dumbbell with both hands, feet shoulder width or a bit wider apart. Keep your elbows pointed down toward the floor, shoul-der down, core engaged and your torso as upright as possible for the entire movement. Keeping your heels on the floor at all times, squat down as low as possible (at least until your thighs are parallel to the floor) while keeping your low back from bowing and knees tracking over ankles. Drive yourself back up to the start position squeezing the glutes as you stand tall. That’s one repetition. Do five reps, and return to the dumbbell row.

Complete as many rounds of five reps as you can, alternating between these two exercises, for 10 minutes.

Wednesday FinisherRest for 3 to 5 minutes after completing your EDT blocks, then finish your workout with 10 minutes of moderate cardio exercise of your choice: running; cycling; treadmill; rowing; or brisk walking, or a combi-nation of choice.

EDT day going forward: For subsequent weeks, follow this plan:

Week 3 – Complete all 4 exercises in a circuit—one after the next—for 10 minutes. Rest for 3 minutes, then repeat the entire circuit for another 10 minutes starting with the 3rd exercise in the circuit.

Weeks 4-8 --Alternate between the week 1 “super set” style and week 3 circuit style every other week and add 1 minute to each block every week. Therefore…

Week 4 Supersets - 11 minutes each block, 3 minutes rest in between

Week 5 Circuit - 12 minutes each block, 3 minutes rest in between

Week 6 Supersets - 13 minutes each, 3 minutes rest in between

Week 7 Circuit - 14 minutes each block, 3 minute rest in between

Week 8 Your Choice - 15 minutes each, 3 minute rest in between


Giants and MonstersThese are nothing more than big circuits of 4 and 8 exercises. During the first two weeks, you will per-form 2 rounds of Giant Set 1 and 2 with 20- to 30-seconds of rest between each of the four exercises, and 60 to 90 seconds between rounds.

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BELLYOFF! 2 0 1 1Giant Set 1

Single-Arm Dumbbell High Pull Stand tall with your legs shoulder-width (or a bit wider) apart and a dumbbell in your right hand. Keep-ing your chest up and bracing your core, dip your body down by pushing the hips back and bending the knees to a quarter squat while holding the dumbbell with your arm straight. Be sure to keep your toes lined up and heels on the ground. Explosively drive your body up as if to jump coming up on the toes while simultaneously pulling the dumbbell upward to your armpit in one movement. When the dumbbell reaches your shoulder level, lower it back to the starting position and repeat. Do 10 reps, then repeat the exercise with the dumbbell in your left hand.

Dumbbell Plank RowPlace a pair of hex dumbbells at the spot where you position your hands for a pushup or plank. Grasp the dumbbell handles and set yourself in a pushup position, hands slightly wider than shoulder-width apart. Now row the dumbbell in your right hand to the side of your chest, by pulling it upward and bend-ing your arm. Pause, then lower the dumbbell back to the floor and repeat the same movement with your left arm. That’s one repetition. Do 8 with each arm. Be sure to use a light enough weight to keep your body level and keep the hip down on the same side you are rowing. Brace your abs, low back, glutes and legs. Total body tension in this exercise is key.

Wall RunStand about two feet away from a wall and face it. Place your outstretched arms against it at shoulder height for support, leaning in toward the wall and begin running in place, lifting your knees high. Stay on the balls of your feet and lift your legs fast as if you were walking on hot sand. Lengthen your spine and keep your posture straight as you lean forward and run. Run for 30 seconds.

Triceps Dip and Leg RaiseSit on a workout bench or chair and support yourself by placing your hands on each side of your hips. With arms straight, slide your butt off the bench. Your legs should be slightly bent, or straight out in front of you. From this starting position, lower (or dip) your body down by bending at the elbows, without flar-ing them out. As you reach the low position of the dip, raise your right leg off the floor and as high as you can while keeping your body stable. Pause and lower your leg to the floor as you press your body up. On the next dip, elevate your left leg. Keep alternating legs as you complete 10 repetitions, then do as many dips as you can with good form without raising a leg.

Repeat 1 more time in weeks 1 and 2, rest 2 minutes, and then move onto to Giant Set 2 for two rounds.

Giant Set 2

Dumbbell Swing Stand with your feet shoulder-width apart and hold one dumbbell or kettlebell with both hands on the handle. Hold the weight at arm’s length between your legs. Swing the weight down between the legs high on the inside of the thighs as if snapping a football while keeping soft knees, a flat back, hips back, big chest, and arms straight. Keeping your heels down and using the hips, glutes, legs and core, “pop” your hips forward while swinging the weight up to eye height. Focus on controlling the weight. Be sure to brace your core and hold your breath on the down and release a tense breath as you drive it up. Keep your shoulders stable through the complete range of motion. That’s one rep. Do 12.

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Single Leg WindmillStand on your right leg and hold a moderately weighted medicine ball (3 or 4 kg) or object (gallon of wa-ter) with both hands. While stabilizing on the right leg, rotate the medicine ball in a full circle with straight arms starting from below your waist in a clockwise motion. Allow the hips to “follow” the ball, but remain stable on the right leg. Perform 8 circles on your right leg and 8 while standing on your left leg. Touch the opposite foot to the ground for balance only if necessary.

Squat ThrustStand with your feet shoulder-width apart and your arms at your sides. Push your hips back, bend your knees and lower your body as deep as you can into a squat, placing your hands on the floor. Brace your core, create tension and kick your legs backward, landing in a strong and stable pushup position. Quick-ly bring your legs back to the squat position with hands on the floor and stand up quickly and repeat the entire movement. Do 10 reps. Be sure to brace your core, avoid arching your back, and take your time to prevent back, knee, and/or shoulder injury.

Week 3: Perform all 8 exercises back to back in a Monster Circuit resting 20-30 seconds between exer-cises, and 2 minutes between rounds. Perform 2 total rounds.

Weeks 4-6: Do Giant Sets as prescribed in Weeks 1 and 2 but alternate the order of the circuits, that is, start with circuit 2 on week 4 then circuit 1 on week 6. Perform 3 rounds of each.

Weeks 5-7: Do Monster Circuits (all 8 exercises in a row) moving down 2 exercises at the start of the each round. In other words, during round one begin with exercise 1; round 2, exercise 3, Round 3, exer-cise 4. Perform 3 rounds, resting 20-30 seconds between exercises and 2 minutes between rounds.

Week 8: Your Choice – 3 rounds.

Friday Finisher10 minutes of steady-state light cardio (slow running, cycling, or walking) Cool down and stretch.

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A Daily Reminder of How Successful I Am at Hitting my “Prep Week Goals”

Prep Week Food “Rules” Sample Mon Tue Wed Thur Fri Sat Sun

1. Vegetables and fruits were my primary source of carbs

2. Beans were my only other source of carbs

3. I ate 1 gram lean protein/lb of GOAL body weight

4. I ate 0.25 grams healthy fat/lb of GOAL body weight

5. I didn’t drink alcohol

6. I ate ≥ 25 grams of fiber today

7. I drank at least ½ my CURRENT body weight in ounces of water

8. I didn’t drink ANY liquid calories today

9. I didn’t drink ANY diet drinks today

10. I didn’t drink/eat ANY caffeine today

11. I didn’t use or eat any artificial sweeteners today

12. I didn’t use any form of sugar to in foods or drinks

13. If I was still hungry, I only snacked on veggies

Print this chart and post this in a visible location – add a checkmark or other symbol that will encourage you for each of the “Prep Week Rules” you achieved throughout the week.

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The Belly Off! Club Code of Conduct


• Eat a protein-rich breakfast daily.

• Start every day with the Belly Off! 2-Minute Drill and follow one of the Belly Off!

Club Workouts described in the book or online.

• Eat four to six small meals and snacks a day.

• Replace processed carbohydrates like cakes, cookies, white bread, pasta,

and rice with whole grains, vegetables, and fruits, plus proteins and a little fat.

• Refrain from drinking alcohol for at least 4 weeks.

Signed:___________________________________ Date:__________________
