Page 1: Beneficial The Celestial Spring Season

The Beneficial factors of the spring time for devotees

(1)During spring time, the disciples should get up early and meditate “Naam” and also

go and have darshan of ¨Sain Teonram´s darbar¨. They should also chant the ¨Satnam

Sakshi¨ mantra for at least twenty four minutes in order to do chanting (¨jap¨) of

between seven to eleven rounds of the malas whilst saying the mantra.

(2)During the two months of spring time we should go for a morning walk of around

two to three kilometers daily. If it is possible try, to walk to the “Sain Teonram Darbar”

and immerse yourself in the ganges of ¨satsang¨.

(3)During spring time try having less tea and less citric food. Do not eat meat, fish, and

eggs. Do not consume alcoholic drinks, tobacco, and other prohibited substances. This

way the mind will become ¨satvik¨.

(4)During spring, massage your head with oil using khaskhas, almonds and kaddu oil at

night. You should then cover your head with a thin cloth and sleep. As a result, the

mind with become strong and the power of meditation will increase. The mind will

strengthen and thinking power will increase.

(5)During spring time, keep the body healthy everyday by taking five to seven almonds

and soak them in an earthen pot at night. After brushing your teeth in the

morning,peel the almonds and have them with sugar, candy, butter or with honey.

Doing so non- stop for 40 days the body will glow and remain healthy. One´s eye sight

will also improve.

(6)The body depends on water and air for existence so we should go for a walk in the

gardens every morning. This way, fresh air touches our body and as a result we avoid

sicknesses. The morning air is more beneficial than lakhs of medication. The body

remains healthy and the mind becomes more peaceful. Usually we should walk around

3 to 4 kilometers daily but during these two to three months it is even more beneficial

for our health.

(7)Every morning as we get up and before we sleep at night, we should chant our

¨Satnam Sakhi¨ mantra of around seven rounds of the mala. Doing so will purify the

mind. One will get good sleep and not have nightmares.

Compiled by Shri Amrapur Darbar,Jaipur.