Page 1: Bethel Banner Northfield - August 2012

Bethel Lutheran


1321 North Avenue

Northfield, MN 55057


[email protected]

Befrienders 7

Calendar 8-9

Children 6-7

Council 12

Finance 12-13

God's Wall 11

Living Faith 4

Mission & Justice 14

Nursery 11

Scrip 11

Thank You 14


Worship Servants Insert

Youth 10

Bethel News 5


Pastor 3

Creation Care 11

Inside this issue:

The Bethel Banner

The Bethel Banner

The Bethel Banner

The Bethel Banner

Volume #493 August 2012

… and much more!

Welcome To Our New Staff!

There's Still More Fun Brewin'! The root beer floats and fellowship for the whole family continues for one more Wednesday, August 1, 7 p.m. in the CLC. The program will be The Politics of Religion and the Religion of Politics with Bethel members and St. Olaf Political Science professors Dan Hofrenning and Doug Casson presenting.

Darla Dahl has accepted the position of Church Accountant, replacing Gloria West (see below). Darla has already begun her position, as Gloria stepped down in mid-July (but will come back to assist with a few duties this summer). Darla will carry on the duties Gloria has so admirably performed these past eight years: maintaining all financial records, payroll, paying bills, creating budgets, etc. Darla is a long-time member of Bethel and will continue to volunteer as head of our Library Committee. She and her husband Dean have 5 children and 6 (!) grandchildren.

Welcome, Darla and Catherine, and may God bless the many ways you minister among us!

Catherine Engle was chosen for the newly created position of CYF (Children, Youth, and Family Ministries) Assistant. Catherine will be assisting Pam Vig and Barb Farmer with a wide variety of duties, including registration for Sunday school, sending information to families, and other tasks as needed. She began her work in mid-July to assist in the preparation for the coming school year. (Yes, it’s just around the corner!). Catherine is a relatively new member of Bethel, having joined with her husband Stephen in 2011. They have two young sons, Asher and Shea. Catherine is a graduate of St. Olaf College and a member of the Bethel Adult Choir.

Thank You, Gloria! Gloria West served as Bethel's church accountant for eight years, serving also as WELCA treasurer and starting the Scrip program during her tenure. Gloria was a valuable member of church staff, both for her sense of humor and her tireless dedication to Bethel's ministry. Gloria will be joining her husband, Joel, in Oceola, WI, where Joel is serving as City Administrator. Gloria was recognized during worship and coffee hour on July 8 and presented with a gift from the congregation.

You will be missed, Gloria. Many thanks for your years of service, and God bless you and Joel in Wisconsin!

Page 2: Bethel Banner Northfield - August 2012

Page 2 The Bethel Banner

What Should I Do if I Want

to Give a Non-Monetary

Special Gift?

If you wish to provide a special gift to Bethel Lutheran Church other than a monetary contribution to the designated special funds listed above, we will put you in touch with the Steward or one of the pastors, who will guide you so that your special gift is integrated into Bethel’s overall mission to serve one another.

We believe a special gift is a unique contribution given with special meaning by the giver and received by Bethel in honor or in memory of a loved one, a family member, or a friend. It is special for you because it celebrates a special memory, and it is special for us in that it is used to meet a special need or to celebrate a special purpose. It is different from the contributions given for weekly offerings or for fund appeals.

Gifts of Money

You may make a financial contribution to special funds (listed below) by contacting our Church Accountant. Some items might require more funds than you are wishing to give at a particular time. You need not donate funds to cover the entire purchase price on any item. Please know that we welcome and celebrate gifts of any amount.

When gifts of money are given as memorials from a member’s family, the surviving family members can choose which fund they would like the money to be directed to. The following list of funds has been approved by the Bethel Church Council.

Memorial Ideas Currently

Approved by the Church


Operating Fund

Handbells Fund

Music Fund

Library Fund

Flower/Landscaping Fund

Youth Scholarship Fund

ISLA Scholarship Fund

Audio/Video Fund

Nursery Fund

Archives Case Fund

Building Campaign Fund

Good Samaritan Fund

Paschal Candle Fund

What is a Special Gift?

For more information on special gifts, ask the church office for the Special Gifts brochure.

We recognize that choosing to honor a loved one with a memorial gift is a deeply meaningful decision. Thank you for all that you give.

[Ed. Note: This is the design for the new Paschal candle holder, which should have appeared in the July issue. We regret the error.]

visited Beirut several times. They described this exquisite city as a thriving, diverse marketplace of amazing artisans.

During one of their visits, my parents were attracted by the simple beauty of a particular hand-made brass pitcher. They brought it with them when they returned to the United States, and 25 years ago our family polished it for Bethel’s baptismal ceremonies. We are delighted that this beautiful brass pitcher from the Holy Land continues to bring water and baptism, seen and

heard, to Bethel as our young join God’s family.

What a wonderful gift to share with your Bethel family. Thank you for sharing the story, Bruce!

After the dedication of the new baptismal font in June, long-time Bethel member Bruce Roberts sent this reminiscence:

Jan and I were pleased to see in the May Bethel Banner the picture of Bethel’s new baptismal font enveloping the brass pitcher used to hold baptismal water. Given the turmoil in the Holy Land these days, the journey of the pitcher has special significance.

In the mid-1960s, my mother and father, Ray and Etta Roberts, lived in Cairo, Egypt, for several years while my Dad worked on a team investigating the geology and soils of the underground Nile River that runs more or less West-Southwest from Cairo. While living in Egypt, they

The Story of One Special Gift

Page 3: Bethel Banner Northfield - August 2012

we can live out the lives God wants for us? What a wonderful foundation you have provided for our children, and what a blessing they are to us and to the world.

You'll have another chance to hear from our teens on Celebration Sunday, August 26, when participants in the 8th grade mission trip, the 9th grade trek to Christikon, and the Hi-League trip to the National Youth Gathering in New Orleans share their experiences with us in worship. (You can get your car washed at the Absolutely-Free-No-Strings-Attached Car Wash, too.)

During this last third of summer, our graduates will be heading out to "real" jobs, off to college, or onto adventures in far-off lands. Our prayers go with them — and remain with their parents, too!

Yes, there is still plenty of summer left. Sometimes it's easy for me to reach August and think, "Summer is almost over. Where did it go?!" But whether you count summer in terms of temperature or days until school starts, there is still about one-third of summer left. There's no need to put the fishing poles away in favor of rakes, no rush to pack up the lawn chairs and get out the school backpacks.

What will you do with your third?

Our family will undoubtedly camp at least once more, and go to the

August 2012 Page 3

Dear Partners,

Were you in church on Senior Sunday? Or did you have a chance to read the Senior Reflections in the July Banner?

It's obvious to all of us that children and youth are valued members of our congregation, but perhaps never more obvious than on that day, when we honored our graduating seniors and their families. Three brave seniors gave us a snapshot of what Bethel has meant to them:

From Sonia Berdahl: All of us come from different school activities or friend groups, but together at church we can all be included and have a great time together while serving others.

From Aaron Stets: It is a comforting thought that Bethel's door will always be open, warm, and inviting when we find ourselves stuck in the cold.

From Emily Torbenson: It is crazy how much the experiences and memories created at Bethel have affected my life, and asking me to pick just one treasured memory from Bethel to write about is impossible. I believe that while our graduating class has grown so close together over the years at Bethel, God has given us a foundation to his plan for our lives by bringing us together, and now it is our turn to go out and follow that plan, always remembering where we came from.

Haven’t they summed up well what we hope the Church is for all of us? A place of welcome and comfort and an equipping launching pad from which

Northfield pool, our favorite spot when the temperatures climb. Many of our Bethel kids will have fun at VBS. Some of you will head back to the cabin, or to your backyard barbecue.

Bethel church staff will continue planning for the beginning of the program year. Rally Day is set for September 16, and there is much work to be done in preparation. We'll be looking for Adult Ed teachers, signing up Sunday School leaders, and asking for your help with the crazy but fun Rally Day Festival. Some of you may be doing back-to-school shopping, or thinking about the projects you must accomplish before you close the cabin.

However, if like me you are starting to look ahead a little too much, remember these words from the Gospel of Matthew:

Do not worry about tomorrow -- Today's concerns are enough for today. (Matthew 6:34)

I pray today's concerns for you include enjoying the abundance of summer. And I hope to see you at Sunday worship — and at the pool, of course!

Your Partner in the Gospel,

From the Senior Pastor...

Marilyn Sharpe at Bethel! Renowned Christian educator, speaker, and columnist Marilyn Sharpe will present an adult forum on nurturing the faith of children on Sunday, September 30. She will also preach on Mark 9:36-50 at both worship services that morning.

Bethel is frequently described as a church where ministry to children and youth is part of our DNA. Marilyn's reputation, experience, and wisdom will help us build on that foundation by encouraging, engaging, and supporting all of our members in seeing themselves as "faith parents" for our children and teens. Look for more details in the September Banner.

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Living Faith

Pam Santerre,

Pastoral Minister 786-8951

[email protected]

We are again planning a summer retreat in August led by Barb Holm, using the summer Bible study in the Gather magazine called "Along the Way." We will journey with some Biblical travelers and explore our own journey of faith. Join us at 9 a.m. on Thursday, August 16, for all or part of the day. Morning coffee and lunch will be provided. Last year's event was well


I was part of a casual conversation this past weekend, when someone asked “How would you define spirituality?” This question comes up more often than one would imagine, in part I think because so many people in today’s world define themselves as “spiritual but not religious.”

I’ve been collecting definitions of spirituality and will offer a few of my favorites. If you have a definition you would be willing to share in an upcoming issue, please send it to me at [email protected].

Ed Sellner, theologian, author, and professor at the University of St. Catherine, offered this definition in a class I attended: “Christian spirituality is the many ways that Christian individuals and communities have responded and continue to respond to

Page 4 The Bethel Banner

received, and we look forward to an even better response this year. A sign-up sheet will be on the information table in the narthex.

The S.E. Minnesota Synod Women are planning a day at Assisi Heights in Rochester. The day includes a tour of the facility, meeting the Bishop and his staff, lunch, a session on human trafficking, and a

brief worship service, all for $10. The date is Monday August 20. There will be a sign-up sheet with information; carpooling will be available. The deadline for registration is August 1.

their awareness of God’s transforming presence, embodied in Jesus Christ and manifest in the Spirit.”

In a Star-Tribune article several years ago, Rev. Jan Skogstrom, minister of Spirit United Interfaith Church in Robbinsdale offered that “Spirituality is the expression of the natural God-consciousness within us. We can express it or receive it in many forms – through sheer joy, ritual, meditation, prayer, a connection with nature, music, art, movement, dance, or service, to name a few. It is highly individualistic and free, although it may be expressed in a group setting. It is non-dogmatic, non-authoritarian, and ruled by conscience.”

In that same article, Rev. Richard Rice said, “Spirituality is, at best, the full response of a person to the spirit of a living, loving God in the challenge of

CareNotes are Available

Bethel’s CareNotes display is newly restocked with helpful titles about depression, anxiety and stress, memory loss, cancer, grief, addiction, peer pressure, caregiving, and marriage. CareNotes for kids, teens and adults are small brochures that offer help and hope and compassion through life’s tough challenges.

These and other devotional materials are free for you to read and share with your family and friends. Look for the Bethel CareNotes display on the west side welcome table in the narthex (nearest the Christian Life Center).

environment. At worst, spirituality is a relativistic “whatever” without form or substance or community. That is why I encourage a spirituality that enlivens one’s religious life and the religious expression that gives one’s spirituality form and community.”

If you are looking for a condensed, one –sentence definition, I like this one. “Spirituality is a way of life that reveals sacred reality in our lives.” Now that’s a weighty reflection…how is the sacred reality revealed in my life, or in yours?

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"dunkee" for the dunk tank, food server, or any other option from our list of opportunities. This year we will be adding fun entertainment to the mix. There’s something for everyone, not just our young families!

It’s the 9th



Free – No


Attached – Thanks a

Bunch Carwash! Please allow our Bethel youth to say “thank you” for your prayers and monetary support of this year’s summer trips. Bring your car to the parking lot at the south side of the Sunday school wing during either service on Sunday, August 19, and we’ll make it sparkle by the time you leave – at absolutely no cost! Thank you, Bethel!

In August, Bethel Women

Having Fun will have a salad and dessert potluck at Judy Code's house on Tuesday, August 21, beginning at 11:30 a.m.; we will discuss ideas for BWHF's next year. Put on your thinking caps-- knowing this group, even a brainstorming and planning session will be fun!

Thank you to all who served at Thursday's Table in June. Bethel's next date for service is October 25. Look for details in the October Banner.

August is Bethel's month to serve at the Northfield

FoodShelf. Lots of Bethel volunteers are needed for two-hour shifts, helping clients get the food that helps clients and their families lessen their food insecurity. Members who showed an interest in volunteering at the Northfield FoodShelf on the time and talent sheet have received an email from Sandy with an opportunity to signup using Doodle. If you didn't sign up on the time and talent sheet and would like to volunteer, please call Connie DeGrote at 645-7091.

August is also Bethel’s month to help at the Northfield

Community Action Clothes

Closet. We need volunteers for every Monday and Saturday in August from 10 a.m. to noon. If you can help for a couple of hours, please call Elaine Deim at 645-9285 or Caryl Vohs at 645-6009. Thank you for your help!

Calling all Habitat for Humanity workers! Bethel is signed up for a work day at the Dundas house on Saturday, August 11. We need people to help with various tasks as well as people to provide a meal for the workers. If you are able to help for all or part of the day or you are willing to help with the meal, please call Sandy in the church office.

We are looking for volunteers for our Rally Day

Festival! Food, games, fellowship, and fun for all ages — we will have it all to kick off the year, on Sunday afternoon, September 16.

Lots of volunteers will be necessary for this fun event. If you would like to help, please contact the church office at 786-6674 or [email protected]. This is your opportunity to be a bingo caller,

Bethel News

August 2012 Page 5

Hospice to celebrate 30

years with butterfly

release Northfield Hospice is celebrating its 30th anniversary with a butterfly release at a special commemorative event Tuesday, August 21, 6:30 p.m., at the Long Term Care Center patio at Northfield Hospital. The butterfly release is a special event designed for the Northfield community to honor the memory of loved ones who have died. People from the Northfield community or surrounding areas who want to honor and remember a loved one in this way can reserve a butterfly with a $15 donation to Northfield Hospice. To order, call Kerry at 646-1106.

We have a team of people looking at our current Constitution and Bylaws and working on updates that are necessary because of mandated changes from the Synod as well as a few other changes we feel are necessary to keep us current. It has been many years since we have done a thorough update and the Synod has asked that we bring this document up-to-date. There is a long process to complete the task. We will begin by presenting the mandated and suggested updates at a Constitution Update meeting on Thursday, August 16, at 7:00 p.m. here at Bethel. If you want to be a part of the process, want to know the changes, or just are curious about the whole thing you are welcome and encouraged to attend this meeting. The process will continue with the proposed changes and then be sent to the SE Minnesota Synod to make sure they are in line with their guidelines, followed by a mailing to everyone in our congregation with the changes presented. A general meeting of our Bethel congregation to further discuss these changes will then take place and once all of this has been accomplished the new constitution would be voted on by our congregation at a Congregational Meeting. Yes, there are so many steps, but it all starts with the meeting on the 16th. Please feel free to join us in the process.

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BAM begins on Wednesday, September 12.

*Read the September Banner and watch your email and regular mail for details on both of these ministries.

Pool Party!

The evening is geared towards grade 5 and younger students and their families but all friends, family, and neighbors are welcome. Sponsored by The Northfield Area Children’s Ministers.

August 7 – 4-8 p.m. Northfield Memorial Outdoor Pool

$2.75 per person or use your pool pass

The Knight’s of Columbus will once again be cooking from their food truck. Cost of the food is covered by the sponsoring churches. Please RSVP by contacting Pam Vig so that we have an idea of how much food to provide.

Getting to Know

our Bethel

Children ~ Bethel has been blessed with many children. You don’t have

to look very far on a Sunday morning or Wednesday afternoon or evening to figure that out. Maybe your own children are grown, or maybe you don’t have children. Either way, if you would like to have children in your life, opportunities abound at Bethel. There are many opportunities at Bethel for adults of all stages of life to serve and interact with our children. Think about how you might plug into our Sunday School and BAM ministries this fall. See the related articles in this Banner for more details. Contact Pam Vig to volunteer or for more information.

Fall Start Up Dates

Sunday School begins on Rally Day, September 16. Classes begin at 9:45 and end at 10:30.

Page 6 The Bethel Banner

to move through us. Just as a sail boat needs a sail to move forward, we too need a spiritual sail, so that the Holy Spirit can move us forward – closer to God.

We tell our children that four things help to make up a strong spiritual sail – Worship, Service, Study, and Prayer. When we have these things in our lives, the Spirit is able to blow through them and move us closer to God.

Spend this month before school resumes talking with your family about how you can each have a stronger spiritual sail. What are some ways you can bring Worship, Service, Study, and Prayer into your daily lives? Which of these components are strongest in your

The Holy Spirit has been referred to as the wind in our sails.

When we think of the Spirit in this way, we tend to focus on the power of the Spirit in the same way we view the power of wind. We can’t see the wind but we can see its results. We see leaves moving gently in the breeze, we feel air moving over our skin, or witness the sometimes devastating effects of a strong storm.

The same can be said of the Holy Spirit. We can’t see it but we see its results in the things it moves through. In our 3rd grade Holy Baptism Retreat and our 5th Grade CAT Class, we talk to our students about the things we can put in our lives in order for the Spirit

life? Which could be strengthened? What activities/resources would help to strengthen any or all of these components? What do you like about wind? What don’t you like? Can you think of times in your life when the Holy Spirit has moved in or through you? How did it feel?

Our children are wonderfully bright and curious and very capable of a deep and meaningful faith. All we need do is engage them in conversation, lead them in practice, and trust the Spirit to enter in.

The wind blows wherever it wants. Just as you can hear the wind but can’t tell where it comes from or where it is going, so you can’t explain how people are born of the Spirit. John 3:8

Pam Vig, Director of

Children’s Ministries 786-8878

[email protected]

Children’s Ministry Update

Church and Home Ministry ~ Partners in Faith By Pam Vig, Director of Children’s Ministries

Children, continued on Page 7.

2011-12 Service

Opportunities in our

Children’s Ministries

Sunday School – We still have openings in the following areas for our fall Sunday School ministry:

Age 3-Grade 1 Sunday School

Each class will have one team of four adults who rotate teaching duties each Sunday depending on individual schedules. We will have one three-year-old class, one four-year-old class, two kindergarten classes and two first grade classes.

We are also looking for high school students who would be interested in serving as classroom assistants in our age 3-grade 1 classrooms.

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August 2012 Page 7

Grade 2-5

Faith Quest Guides lead a group of 10-12 students to stations each week and participate with them but do not need to do any prep or presenting.

Faith Quest Station Leaders for Unit #1, from September 23-October 14. Station leaders work with a partner to prepare one 30-minute lesson and then give the same lesson to a different group of students each week. (Due to the fact that our 2nd graders will be participating in their “How to Use the Bible” class with their parents during Unit #1, station leaders during this unit will only need to present their station three of the four Sundays.)

BAM – Wednesdays for Grades K-5

We still have openings in all areas of our BAM Ministry:

Middle School Bus Shepherd for Prairie Creek Students – 2:50-3:00

Snack Prep and Serving – 3:00-4:00

Children’s Ministry, continued from page 6.

Snack Monitoring – 3:30-3:50

Dean – 3:20-5:45 – Take attendance and monitor halls

BAM BLAST – (BAM Leaders and Servants Together) – 4:15-4:45 – This is a servant/leadership activity time for our Grade 4 and 5 students when their grade is not in CAT Class.

TNT Recreation - 4:15-5:15 – Lead two 30 minute activity sessions

TNT Arts – 4:15-5:15 – Lead two 30-minute sessions on art, crafts, dance, music, or any other artistic activity of your choice

KClub - 4:45-5:15 – Lead two 15-minute sessions for kindergarten students

*You can volunteer once a week, once a month, once every other month or even less in our BAM ministry.

Please contact Pam Vig for more information or to volunteer in any of our Children’s Ministries.



Recitals The community of Northfield is again sponsoring noontime organ recitals this summer. Each recital will be held on a Wednesday from 12:15 to 12:45 p.m., enabling business persons and others to hear fine organ playing over their lunch hours. This is the sixth summer of noontime recitals.

Wednesday, August 1: Wyatt Smith, student at University of South Dakota, in Studio A, Skifter Hall, Christiansen Music Building, St. Olaf College.

Wednesday, August 8: Rosalie Alcoser, Organist and Choir Director at St. Luke's Episcopal Church in Rochester, at United Methodist Church, 1401 S. Maple St.

Wednesday, August 15: Catherine Rodland, Artist-in-Residence at St. Olaf College, at St. John's Lutheran Church, 500 3rd St. West.

All recitals are free and open to the public. (A free-will offering will be taken at some recitals.) For more information, please contact Richard F. Collman at 645-1357 or [email protected].

Recently I was privileged to hear several stories of Bethel members as they Befriended an elderly Bethelite. In

addition to monthly visits from the pastor, a member mailed a copy of the church bulletin each week - often with a personal note. Another called regularly to “fill this member in on the news,” Other faithful Befrienders sent encouraging notes written on handcrafted cards. Some Befrienders dropped in for a visit as often as possible. Still others intentionally called to visit with this member and allowed the conversation to flow

Befrienders By Marci Groenewold

without judgment, but with grace and love.

These stories serve as a reminder of all the wonderful caring Befrienders at Bethel. It is indeed a blessing to be part of such a wonderful group.

Blessings from Bethel's Befrienders

A core Befriender principle: “Active Listening." For more information, call Marci Groenewold, (649-0760), Knight Stanley (612-877-0893 ), Jean Miller (645-5353), or the Bethel office (786-6674).

Befriender Calendar at a


The next Bethel Befriender meeting will be held Thursday, September 20, at 7 p.m. in the Bethel Fireside Room.

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1 12 p.m. Amazing Race

of Grace

1:30 p.m. Stewardship

Committee meeting

7 p.m. Brewin' at


2 8 a.m. Bethel Women's


5 p.m. Personnel

Committee meeting

7 p.m. HS Seniors

Planning meeting

3 4

5 Good Earth Village on

the Road

8:30 a.m. W



9:30 a.m. Coffee &


10 a.m. W



11 a.m. Hackney

Baptismal Lunch

6 9 a.m. G

ood Earth

Village on the Road

9 a.m. Pre-School

Vacation Bible School

7 9 a.m. G

ood Earth

Village on the Road

9 a.m. Pre-School

Vacation Bible School

2 p.m. Bethel Staff


7 p.m. Finance

Committee meeting

7 p.m. 9th Grade

Mission Trip Picture


8 9 a.m. G

ood Earth

Village on the Road

9 a.m. Pre-School

Vacation Bible School

12 p.m. Amazing Race

of Grace

5 p.m. Children's

Ministry Pool Party

9 8 a.m. Bethel Women's


9 a.m. G

ood Earth

Village on the Road

9 a.m. Pre-School

Vacation Bible School

7 p.m. Church Council





8:30 a.m. W



9:30 a.m. Coffee &


10 a.m. W




12 p.m. Election Setup


6 a.m. Primary

2 p.m. Bethel Staff


6:30 p.m. Liberty Park

Townhome Assn.

7 p.m. Scout Den

Parent meeting

7 p.m. N

ew Orleans

Trip Picture Party


12 p.m. Amazing Race

of Grace


Magical Mystery Tour

8 a.m. Bethel Women's


9 a.m. W





Calendar — August 2012

Page 8 The Bethel Banner

Page 9: Bethel Banner Northfield - August 2012


Youth Celebration


8 a.m. Thanks-a-bunch

Car Wash

8:30 a.m. W



9:30 a.m. Coffee &


10 a.m. W




7:45 a.m. Leave for

WELCA Day at Assisi



11:30 a.m. Bethel

Women Having Fun


2 p.m. Bethel Staff


4:30 p.m. N


Youth Choir




8 a.m. Bethel

Women's Study



8:30 a.m. Youth

Orchestra Auditions


8:30 a.m. W



9:30 a.m. Coffee &


10 a.m. W





2 p.m. Bethel Staff



8 a.m. High School

Link Crew Training


8 a.m. Bethel

Women's Study

8 a.m. High School

Link Crew Training


September 16 ~ Rally Day!

September 30 ~ Marilyn Sharpe adult forum

October 14 ~ Confirmation

August 2012 Page 9

Look for more inform

ation about events at Bethel on our


site at:

Mark Your Calendars

Page 10: Bethel Banner Northfield - August 2012

� Confirmation Kick-off Retreat ~ A confirmation retreat is being planned for Saturday, September 15, from 9 a.m. – 2 p.m. for all youth entering 7th, 8th, and 9th grade confirmation classes. This 5-hour retreat at Bethel will be a great chance to learn more about your confirmation journey and get to know your confirmation teachers in a fun, relaxed setting. We’ll meet at Bethel at 9 a.m. on Saturday morning for fun, faith talk, and food (of course!). Parents will be asked to join us at 2 p.m. for a short wrap-up. Details will be sent in the mail; parents, please contact Barb Farmer if you are able to help make & serve lunch or lead activities.

� All 2012-13 10th graders are asked to reserve Sunday, October 7, for their Confirmation Retreat. During the day, we will have time for faith talk, fun, and planning your confirmation service. Parents are asked to join us late that afternoon and evening for the confirmation rehearsal and dinner. You will receive a letter in the mail in August with details.

� All 2012-13 10th graders, families, and friends – Please mark your calendars for Sunday, October 14. That’s the date for our fall 10th graders to be confirmed here at Bethel at 1:30 p.m. Please plan to join us and celebrate the Rite of Confirmation with our youth.

Youth of Yahweh ~ Don’t

miss our last Magical

Mystery Tour! All 2011-12 5th – 8th grade youth are going somewhere unknown again in August. We had a great time in June and July! Join us for our last Magical Mystery Tour of the summer on Thursday, August 16. Parents, please watch for details in the mail and sh-h-h! Keep our destination a secret from your kids – remember it’s a mystery!


Sunday ~ All summer trippers (8th Grade Mission Trip, Christikon, New Orleans Trip), please

put Sunday morning, August 19, on your calendars. We’ll be participating in the Summer Celebration services (8:30 and 10 a.m.). We’ll also show our appreciation to all the Bethel members who helped us raise money for our trips by holding the 8th Annual Absolutely Free – No Strings Attached – Thanks a Bunch Carwash. Further details will be sent by email or regular mail. Please plan to be a part of this big thank you to our Bethel friends!

Looking ahead – Mark

Your Calendars!

� Confirmation Orientation ~ Bethel’s annual Confirmation Orientation for all 7th - 10th grade youth and parents is scheduled in the sanctuary on Wednesday, September 5, at 7 p.m. The meeting will include information about curriculum, schedules, and class locations. Parents, please plan to attend this important informational meeting with your child. Regular confirmation classes will begin at 7 p.m. the following Wednesday evening, September 12, at Bethel.

Summer Trip Picture

Parties –

� The 8th Grade Mission Trip Picture Party is being scheduled for Tuesday, August 7, at 7 p.m. at the home of Katie Geary (Tim & Patty – 1701 Creek Lane).

� The New Orleans Trip Picture Party will be held at 7:00 p.m. on Tuesday, August 14, at 7 p.m. at Barb Farmer’s home (2226 Greenfield Drive, W.)

Please bring your pictures and be ready to share them and prepare a display of your great week! Pizza and pop will be provided at both parties.

The Amazing Race of

Grace ~ Our Bethel high school youth are leading a weekly faith and fun event to help our middle school students reconnect with Bethel friends toward the end of the summer. Four dates are scheduled (all on Wednesdays):

July 25 - Bethel Youth Center August 1 – Northfield Middle School August 8 – Central Park August 15 – Northfield Pool

Times? We’ll meet from 1–3 p.m.

Cost? $5/day

What do I need to bring? Please wear comfortable walking shoes and bring a water bottle. Snacks will be provided. On August 15, bring swimming gear and a towel.

What if I can’t attend all 4 races? Come for those you’re able to attend – one or more!

What do I do next? If you’re not already registered, turn in your consent form or call or email Barb Farmer – you don’t want to miss the fun!

Page 10 The Bethel Banner

Bethel Youth News

Barb Farmer, Director

of Youth Ministries 786-8877

[email protected]

Page 11: Bethel Banner Northfield - August 2012

Parents ~ If you would like a copy of this list - you guessed it! - contact Juley.

August 2012 Page 11

From the Scrip Table... The 2012 summer trips are now behind us, but Scrip continues to work for you each week, building toward your 2013 trip! Now is the time to plan ahead for school shopping, fall sports activities and snacks, college dorm decor as well as hunting gear.

Scrip is also a great way to budget your dollars each month and keep track of what you are actually spending on gas and groceries. As always, these are dollars you are spending anyway, so let Scrip work for you.

Don't have a youth in your family to support? Your Scrip purchases support the summer trip scholarships.

Creation Care Creation Care

Tip ~ Even though Rice County now takes all plastics with number codes, less than 1% of all plastic products are

recycled in the United States. In fact, Americans throw away 25,000,000 plastic beverage bottles every hour! For every one ton of plastic that's recycled, we can save the equivalent of two people's energy use for one year, the amount of water used by one person in two month's time, and almost 2000 pounds of oil.

Attention Teens

and Tweens! If you would like to be on Bethel's Babysitters List, available to

parents of our younger Bethel kids, please contact Juley Jenkinson!

Nursery News

Juley Jenkinson,

Nursery Coordinator 786-6674

[email protected]

God's Wall at Bethel By Bruce Roberts

I have thought of this important Inca ceremony many times as I sit in the pews at Bethel during the second service. What I call God's Wall at Bethel is the north side of our sanctuary. On Sunday mornings it becomes a large tablet displaying the sunbeams coming through the south facing skylights high above the congregation. These iconic symbols of light travel from west to east as our service progresses. During winter solstice (on December 21 in our hemisphere) these sunbeams almost disappear along the very top edge of our God's Wall. But, happily, just as in Machu Picchu, the day after solstice each year, the sun's rays begin their reverse six-month journey — in our case, to the base of our God's Wall. In

A number of years ago, I traveled to Peru to visit our youngest son, Steve, who was spending a year there as a volunteer with the Institute of Cultural Affairs helping the native people of the tiny rural town of Azpetia develop a potable water system. Steve and I took a short vacation and visited Machu Picchu high above the Urubamba River in the Cusco region of Peru. This 15th century culturally intact location of a segment of the huge Inca Empire is the site of Intihuatana ("hitching post of the sun"). The Inca people were excellent astronomers and their "hitching post" predicted winter solstice on June 21 each year enabling them to use a golden disc to "rope the sun" and bring it back "toward earth" for another year's cycle.

this age of instant messaging, I find this "streaming reminder" on our wall to be an amazingly contemporary symbol of God's Genesis promise to each of us of light and life.

What then of cloudy days when we can't see the sunbeams on God's Wall? Ahhhh, good that you ask. Therein lies the most important part of this story. If, on a particular cloudy Sunday morning we Bethelites cannot see on our wall the visual sunbeam evidence of God's promise, does that mean the source of this message-of-light doesn't exist?

[Editor's Note: Bruce and Jan Roberts, and their daughter Susan and grandson Tyler are longtime members of Bethel.]


Bike Parking is available

at the southeast corner

of the staff office wing

Page 12: Bethel Banner Northfield - August 2012

Page 12 The Bethel Banner

Highlights of the

June Church Council

Meeting The Trustee reported that we had a repair on one of our AC units, that all the cracks have been sealed in the parking lot, and that several summer projects are in the works.

The Personnel Officer reported that recommendations for hiring will be received within the next week for both the Church Accountant and CYF Assistant positions. The Church Council gave the Personnel Officer the authority to hire for each of these positions. The Personnel Committee is in the process of working on a 5-day-a-week coverage for the front desk plan.

Our Financial Officer reported that the thorough audit is complete and copies of all the reports were distributed to the Finance Committee. The refinancing of our Thrivent load has been completed with an effective date of June 15. As planned we now have two separate loans, one for 10 years at 4.625% and one for 5 years at 3.875%. Any prepayment of principal will be against the 5 year loan. There was also conversation at their monthly meeting about the current capital campaign and what the future may hold when this campaign is complete.

The Steward reported that they have a new member on their committee. This committee reviewed the Good Samaritan Fund policy and recommends no changes at the current time. They are also working on the fall Stewardship Campaign.

At-Large member reported that they are working on changes to the Constitution. The ELCA mandates much of the language in this document.

The current capital campaign is nearing the end and there was discussion about a future campaign. A committee separate from the Finance Committee and the Church Council be formed that will look at this.

The Red Cross would like to use our facility as a disaster site. The Trustee has met with representatives and based on the information they gave, he feels this is a good idea. The Church Council approved use of our facility as a disaster site for the Red Cross.

Marilyn Sharpe will be leading worship and a forum at Bethel on September 30.

Page 13: Bethel Banner Northfield - August 2012

August 2012 Page 13



Enjoy the convenience of electronic giving

Bethel Lutheran Church offers electronic giving, which allows you to make donations on a scheduled, automatic basis. If you are writing checks and preparing envelopes every week, you will especially appreciate electronic giving. It is convenient for you and provides much-needed donation consistency for Bethel. Simply Giving can be used for your regular faith-based giving and/or building fund pledge.

How to get started ~ To set up electronic donations, simply complete the authorization form which can be found on Bethel’s website ( or on the information table in the narthex. Donations can be debited automatically from either a checking or savings account. Return the completed form to the church office, attention Darla Dahl. If you have any questions, please contact Darla at 786-6687 or [email protected].

Financial News and Notes

Darla Dahl,

Church Accountant 786-6687

[email protected]

Capital Campaign Stock Donations If you are considering or planning to donate stock to Bethel, please contact Darla at 786-6687 or [email protected] before you make the transfer. When stocks are transferred to Bethel's brokerage account, the name of the donor is not always available, so it is very important that you contact Darla so she can credit your giving statement correctly and record your contribution per your instructions. If you need the delivery instructions to make the transfer from your account into Bethel's account, Darla has that information also. Thanks for your generosity.

SE MN Synod


Cannon River Conf.-ELCA


Community Action Center


Lutheran Social Services


Global Mission/Justice


Benevolence Contingency


ELCA World Hunger


Sunday School- ISLA


Sun. Sch.- 8th Gr. Mission Trip


Total Sunday School


CAC Food Shelf


Soup Suppers


Total CAC Food Shelf


Easter Offering 2012

Habitat- 50%


Torch- 25%


House of Hope- 25%





Good Samaritan Funds used




of 6



Capital Campaign 07/01/10 - 06/30/13

Results as of 06/30/2012

Pledges 1,746,659

Pledges Received (1,207,972)

Pledges to be Received 538,687

Non-Pledges Received 88,524

1/15/2009 Building Debt 3,500,000

Scheduled Principal payments (287,927)

Additional Principal payments (1,424,361)

06/30/2012 Building Debt 1,787,712

Building Debt

Page 14: Bethel Banner Northfield - August 2012

Page 14 The Bethel Banner

The Christian Consumer: Living Faithfully in a Fragile World by Laura Hartman

Consuming Faith: Integrating Who We Are with What We Buy by T. Beaudoin

The Mission and Justice Committee has several books available that you may borrow to get started with your reading. If you have ideas for learning opportunities on the theme of Faith and Consumerism, please share them with us.

We hope you find these resources and the theme of Faith and Consumerism/Consumption as challenging, stimulating, and exciting as we do as you seek ways to keep your faith and your family’s faith aligned with choices you make in your everyday life.

throughout the year we will continue to have opportunities to learn how to live as people of faith in a world that often seems driven by consumption and consumerism.

We will provide a bibliography that will be helpful to individuals and family members of all ages. For those who want to get a jump on the reading, here are a few suggestions:

Affluenza by John deGraaf

Simpler Living, Compassionate Life by Michael Schut

One Nation Under Goods by Jim Farrell (a book about malls by a St. Olaf professor)

Hundred Dollar Holiday by Bill McKibben

How Not to Be Your Child’s ATM: Prodigal Sons and Material Girls by Nathan Dungan

Great New Opportunities

Coming This Fall

By now you have heard or read about the theme the Mission and Justice Committee has chosen for study and action for this next year. We are calling it Faith and Consumerism/Consumption.

We were excited to choose this theme because all of us on the Committee struggle with lives filled with too much stuff, yet we want to be truly great stewards of all that is entrusted to us while living lives that respect the needs of the people and the environment. We want to learn to improve the efforts we are already making.

We have been reading and meeting with authorities who have expertise in this area. In the fall we will have speakers on this theme, and

From the Mission and Justice Committee Vision Statement: Since we believe that service is both an obligation and a privilege of the Christian life, we seek to provide opportunities for Bethel members to learn about the needs of others in our

world and to put their knowledge into action, heeding Christ's call to "Love your neighbor as yourself."

Throughout the past few months, I witnessed firsthand how Bethel lives out its mission of caring for its own. The R in the acronym CARE says "Respond with God's love to one another." I certainly felt the prayers, and I appreciated the cards, meals, and pastoral visits during my surgeries and hospitalizations. We are so blessed to have a caring congregation and a top notch pastoral care team. Thank you!

Connie Nelson

Thank you, Bethel church family, for all you have done for Jeff and me, for the notes, prayers, meals, and visits while I was recovering from total knee replacement these past eight weeks. Especially thanks to Jean Miller for the prayer shawl; it may be hot out but I'm wrapped in God's love with it. You

have truly welcomed me with open arms of the Lord! Bless all of you.

Michelle and Jeff Pritchard

Thank you to everyone who has volunteered at Thursday's Table in April and/or June, for table and room set-up, as food servers, as table cleaners and resetters, and for dining room clean-up. Thanks to the following Bethel members: Warren and Karen Broughton, Winnie and Sarah Johnson, Bonnie Gretz, Gary and Connie DeGrote, Lois Stratmoen, Sandy Peterson, Carol Cole, and Bill and Lu Lindstrom. Bethel will serve at this community dinner again on Thursday, October 25. Watch for details in early October.

This is to gratefully acknowledge your recent contribution of $625 to benefit ISLA's programs in Jalapa. Thanks to people like you, ISLA has had success in providing educational opportunities as well as health care and construction improvements to that low income community.

Jon Kerr, ISLA

� Bethel often receives more thank you notes than we have space available. Some of those published are edited due to space constraints. Thank you for all you give!

We have so much to be thankful for...

Page 15: Bethel Banner Northfield - August 2012

August 2012 Page 15

What is a Worship Servant?

yet receive communion. It's a simple and deeply meaningful part of our worship service.

Ushers not only hand out bulletins to all who come to worship at Bethel, but they pass the offering baskets, find seats for people on crowded Sundays, guide people to communion, and assist in emergencies that occasionally arise during worship. They also count attendance and make sure all doors are locked after services have concluded.

Greeters stand by the main doors and by the CLC to greet folks as they arrive for worship. Bethel is a friendly, welcoming place, and greeters are the first impression many visitors have. Families sometimes choose to do this together. Kids are welcome!

Nametag folks get to sit down while they work! Nametag volunteers sit at the welcome stations before either worship service, welcoming folks to Bethel and making sure there are plenty of nametag stickers available. Kids are great at this job, too!

Coffee Servers are the movers and shakers of our fellowship hour, preparing treats to share, making coffee, setting up cups and treat platters, and cleaning up the CLC at the end of the fellowship. It takes at least six people to accomplish this and more are always welcome.

Altar Care and Communion Angels are the two sides of the Altar Guild coin. Altar Care folks set up communion before the worship service (usually on Saturday) and then take the used communion materials to the sacristy between services and set up for communion at the second service. Communion Angels wash all the communion cups from both services, clean the trays,

It takes a remarkably large number of people to "make" a worship service on Sunday morning (see pp. 16-17). Some, of course, are obvious:

Pastor Tim, Pastor

Charlie, and Rhonda sit down regularly to plan the worship services, including choosing liturgies, music, and other parts of the service. Then they lead us through the worship service, helping us to praise our God with ease and enthusiasm.

Rhonda and our other

music staff plan and practice anthems with our ensembles, soloists and assisting ministers, so we can raise our voices with confidence.

Sandy and Paula prepare the Sunday bulletin, so that new and "old" Bethelites can participate in the worship service, without wondering what to do or what comes next.

Assisting ministers lead parts of our worship service and, in preparation for doing so, practice the pronunciation of names for the Prayers of the Faithful and rehearse the sung part of the liturgy.

Readers - duh - go up to the pulpit and read the non-Gospel readings before the sermon. Beforehand, they study the text for meaning, and sometimes they check the pronunciation of tricky Biblical names with the pastors before the service.

Those are the obvious worship servants, but perhaps you have read through the "Worship Servants" page in the monthly Banner and wondered what all those other folks do.

Sacramental Ministers are folks who help serve communion, either bread or wine, with the simple words "Body of Christ, given for you" or "Blood of Christ, shed for you" with gentle blessings for those who do not

and store all of the items for use the following week.

On the third Sunday of the month, Bethel youth are our readers, ushers, and sacramental ministers.

How Can I Participate?

Every adult member of Bethel is assigned to a "service group," headed by a service group chairperson. The chairperson calls the service group members to ask for volunteers to serve as greeters, nametag helpers and coffee servers. Feel free to sign up for more than one task when you are called; if you are unable to serve during your month, please let the chairperson know what month you would be available. If you would like to serve as a service group chairperson yourself, please call Sandy Peterson at 786-6674. If you would like to be an assisting minister, reader, usher, or altar care person, please call Sandy as well.

If you would like to offer an anthem or get involved with our music ministry, please call Rhonda Reece at 786-8874.

There are lots of ways for people of all ages and abilities to be worship servants; thank you for sharing your time and talents with us!

As the popular hymn says, "I am the church; you are the church; we are the church together." This is so very obvious on Sunday morning!

Page 16: Bethel Banner Northfield - August 2012

The Bethel Banner Insert

August Worship Servants

August 5 August 10 August 17 August 24

Assisting Minister (8:30 a.m.)

Carol Lysne Mike Ahrens Lu Lindstrom Noel Stratmoen

Assisting Minister (10 a.m.)

Libby Glimsdal Mike Ahrens Christina Schwietz Knight Stanley

Reader (8:30 a.m.) Sandy Reiman Sarah Nielsen Bethel Youth Ann Etter

Reader (10 a.m.) Barb Farmer Kathy Tezla Bethel Youth Jim Holden

Sacramental Ministers (8:30 a.m.)

Mike & Sandy Ahrens, Wendell Arneson & Beth Christensen, Kitty Runzheimer

Connie DeGrote, Jill Eastman, Sandy Ahrens, Carol Cole, Rose Turnacliff

Bethel Youth Abbie Meierbachtol, Kristi Huettl, Dot Swanson, Marcia Omdahl, Sandy Reiman

Sacramental Ministers (10 a.m.)

Henry & Jean Mueller, Dan Foley, Clark Cary

Barb Farmer, Cindy Kreis, Barb Neitzel

Bethel Youth Roger & Vikki VanVeldhuizen, Pam Vig, Marci Groenewold

Ushers (8:30 a.m.) Mike Graff, Ellis Lysne, Dale Turnacliff, Jim Hammer

Judy & Daryl Kuyper, Char & David Jacobsen

Bethel Youth Steve Meierbachtol, Kyle Nordine, Jim Moberg, Tony Huettl

Ushers (10 a.m.) Ryan Blumhoefer, Carol & Gerry Gengenbach, need one more

Rolynn & Nancy Ensrud, Chad & Juley Jenkinson

Bethel Youth Steve & Carol O’Neill, Gary Hanson, need one more

Greeters (8:30 a.m.) Harley Foster, Muriel Waage

Andra & Jerry Hamilton Dot Swanson, Kathleen Hanson

Brad & Diane Minske

Greeters (10 a.m.) Harley Foster, the Selchow family

Brad & Amy Sillanpa David, Chloe & Annika Schweitz

Arlene Neil, Brad & Diane Minske

Nametags (8:30 a.m.) Gary & Karen Meidt Vic Swanson, Steve Meierbachtol

Arlene & Rod Johnson Sam & Cherie Minske

Nametags (10 a.m.) Doug Peterson, Judy Dirks Gil & Elaine Granat Vicki & Kevin Fossum Mary Kay & Doug Peterson

Coffee Servers Arlene & Rod Johnson, Mary Kay & Doug Peterson, Karen & Gary Meidt, Jim & Jan Christensen, Lenore Kaste (treats)

Dot & Vic Swanson, Abbie & Steve Meierbachtol, Andra & Jerry Hamilton, June Herman

Chris Smith, Jim & Jan Christensen, Kathleen Hanson, Muriel Waage, Vicki Fossum (treats)

Brad & Diane Minske, Chris Smith, Darlene Meling, Arlene Neil (treats)

The Bethel Banner The Bethel Banner

Page 17: Bethel Banner Northfield - August 2012

August 2012 Insert

A Measure of Our Commitment

(*Does not include July 22 or 29)

July Worship Attendance average per Sunday

2009 2010 2011 2012

314 318 316 337*

Average Year-to-date Worship Attendance

2009 2010 2011 2012

479 483 475 503*

The Bethel Banner is published monthly as a ministry of Bethel Lutheran Church of Northfield, Minnesota. The congregation is invited to submit articles to the church office. Articles are due by the 15th of each month. Questions, suggestions, or comments? Contact editor Lisa McDermott at [email protected], by phone at 645-0740, or call the church office at 786-6674.

August 2012 August 2012

August 5 August 10 August 17 August 24

Altar Care Jerry & Andra Hamilton Lu Lindstrom Alyce Kivell Tammy & Randy Christel

Communion Angels

Alice Dale, Arlene Neil Sharon Stoeck, Kay Gredvig Carol Cole Elaine Deim, Dick and Orpah Johnson

A/V Room (8:30 a.m.) Seth Hanson V Liam Fisher A

Jordan Ett V Jack Beaumaster A

Seth Hanson V Ruth Nelson A

Jordan Ett V Liam Fisher A

A/V Room (10 a.m.) Nate Dahlen V Andrew Kivell A

David Kreis V Rose Mibus A

Patrick Walker V Ben Coleman A

Nate Dahlen V Joe Kreis A

Service Group Chairperson: Diane Minske (664-3848) and Abbie Meierbachtol (645-4810)

Root for the

Saints with


Join friends old and new as we enjoy the great American and Nicaraguan past-time on Saturday, August 11, at 7:05 p.m.. Pre-game parking lot tailgating begins at 5:30 p.m.

A donation of $25 includes tickets, food, fun! Limited seats are available. Get your reservations in at (password: ISLA) or go to or 612-819-8877 for more information.

Pastoral Care is Available At Bethel, we teach, preach, and live the truth that every one of us is loved, valued, and belongs. Our pastoral care team and supporting ministries, such as Befrienders, prayer ministry, home communion, etc., provide care that is confidential, Christ-focused, and spiritual. We desire to be connected to you while you are experiencing peaks and valleys in your walk with Christ.

Through the good times as well as through the tough ones, whatever your circumstances, Bethel is a loving family that wants to share God’s love for you. Please contact us by phone if you desire pastoral care.

If You Are In the Hospital…Bethel's pastoral staff would like to support you when you are admitted to the hospital or other facility for illness or surgery, but due to privacy regulations, we do not get a call from the hospital when you are admitted. If you would like a pastoral care provider to visit you, please be sure that someone — you or a family member or a friend — calls the Bethel office to let us know of your admission. Thank you for the privilege of sharing the presence of Christ with you in your time of need.

Tim McDermott and Charlie Ruud, Pastors, 786-6674 and Pam Santerre, Pastoral Minister, 786-8951 After Hours Emergency: 649-0323

Page 18: Bethel Banner Northfield - August 2012

Bethel Lutheran Church is a body of believers redeemed by Christ who

Call and welcome all people; Act to serve our neighbors in need; Respond with God’s love to one another; and

Encourage spiritual growth.

Bethel Staff Timothy McDermott, Senior Pastor ................................. 786-6674 .......... [email protected] Charlie Ruud, Associate Pastor ......................................... 786-6674 .......... [email protected] Barb Farmer, Director of Youth Ministries .................... 786-8877 .......... [email protected] Rhonda Reece, Director of Music and Worship ............ 786-8874 .......... [email protected] Sandy Peterson, Office Administrator ............................. 786-6674 .......... [email protected] Pam Santerre, Pastoral Minister ........................................ 786-8951 .......... [email protected] Pam Vig, Director of Children’s Ministries ..................... 786-8878 .......... [email protected] Darla Dahl, Church Accountant ....................................... 786-6687 .......... [email protected] Paula Mathison, Secretary/Receptionist .......................... 786-6674 .......... [email protected] Catherine Engle, CYF Assistant ........................................ 786-6674 .......... [email protected] Bruce Dueffert, Lead Maintenance ................................... 786-6674 .......... [email protected] Ken Hu, Janitor .................................................................... 786-6674 .......... [email protected] Dan Kallman, Adult Choir Director ................................. 786-6674 .......... [email protected] Jill Mahr, Youth Handbell Director .................................. 786-6674 .......... [email protected] Elizabeth Shepley, Children’s Choir Director ................. 786-6674 .......... [email protected] Juley Jenkinson, Nursery Coordinator ............................. 786-6674 .......... [email protected] Tim Freeland, A/V Room Manager ................................. 786-6674 .......... [email protected] Church Library ..................................................................... 786-6674 .......... [email protected] Bethel Banner submissions ................................................ ........................... [email protected] Pastoral Care Emergencies ................................................. 649-0323

Bethel Lutheran Church 1321 North Avenue Northfield, MN 55057 ● ● ● Phone: 507-786-6674 Web:

Email: [email protected]

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