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EHP3 for SAP ERP6.0

September 2008English

761: BI Retail:Connectivity

SAP AGDietmar-Hopp-Allee 66!!0 "all#orf 

$%il#ing $lo&' (onfig%ration G%i#e

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SAP Best Practices  761: BI Retail: Connectivity: Configuration Guide 


* (op)right 2008 SAP AG. All rights reser+e#.

,o part of this p%bli&ation ma) be repro#%&e# or transmitte# in an) form or for an) p%rpose itho%t theepress permission of SAP AG. /he information &ontaine# herein ma) be &hange# itho%t prior noti&e.

Some softare pro#%&ts mar'ete# b) SAP AG an# its #istrib%tors &ontain proprietar) softare &omponentsof other softare +en#ors.

i&rosoft1 "in#os1 E&el1 %tloo'1 an# PoerPoint are registere# tra#emar's of i&rosoft (orporation.

$1 D$21 D$2 4ni+ersal Database1 S521 Parallel S)sple1 S5ESA1 A71 S53!01 AS5001 S53!01S5001 iSeries1 pSeries1 Series1 9Series1 S)stem i1 S)stem i:1 S)stem p1 S)stem p:1 S)stem 1 S)stem 91S)stem 9!1 95S1 A;P1 ntelligent iner1 "ebSphere1 ,etfinit)1 /i+oli1 nformi1 i:5S1 P"ER1 P"ER:1P"ER:<1 penPoer an# PoerP( are tra#emar's or registere# tra#emar's of $ (orporation.

 A#obe1 the A#obe logo1 A&robat1 PostS&ript1 an# Rea#er are either tra#emar's or registere# tra#emar's of A#obe S)stems n&orporate# in the 4nite# States an#5or other &o%ntries.

ra&le is a registere# tra#emar' of ra&le (orporation.

4,71 75pen1 S;51 an# otif are registere# tra#emar's of the pen Gro%p.

(itri1 (A1 Program ,eighborhoo#1 eta;rame1 "in;rame1 i#eo;rame1 an# %lti"in are tra#emar's orregistere# tra#emar's of (itri S)stems1 n&.

H/=1 7=1 7H/= an# "3( are tra#emar's or registere# tra#emar's of "3(>1 "orl# "i#e "eb(onsorti%m1 assa&h%setts nstit%te of /e&hnolog).

?a+a is a registere# tra#emar' of S%n i&ros)stems1 n&.

?a+aS&ript is a registere# tra#emar' of S%n i&ros)stems1 n&.1 %se# %n#er li&ense for te&hnolog) in+ente#an# implemente# b) ,ets&ape.

SAP1 R531 Apps1 App1 SAP ,et"ea+er1 D%et1 PartnerE#ge1 $)Design1 SAP $%siness $)Design1 an#other SAP pro#%&ts an# ser+i&es mentione# herein as ell as their respe&ti+e logos are tra#emar's orregistere# tra#emar's of SAP AG in German) an# in se+eral other &o%ntries all o+er the orl#. All otherpro#%&t an# ser+i&e names mentione# are the tra#emar's of their respe&ti+e &ompanies. Data &ontaine# inthis #o&%ment ser+es informational p%rposes onl). ,ational pro#%&t spe&ifi&ations ma) +ar).

/hese materials are s%b@e&t to &hange itho%t noti&e. /hese materials are pro+i#e# b) SAP AG an# itsaffiliate# &ompanies BSAP Gro%pBC for informational p%rposes onl)1 itho%t representation or arrant) ofan) 'in#1 an# SAP Gro%p shall not be liable for errors or omissions ith respe&t to the materials. /he onl)arranties for SAP Gro%p pro#%&ts an# ser+i&es are those that are set forth in the epress arrant)statements a&&ompan)ing s%&h pro#%&ts an# ser+i&es1 if an). ,othing herein sho%l# be &onstr%e# as&onstit%ting an a##itional arrant).

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F777 à  ariable entries

'XXX' à  ;ie# entries

[XXX] à  P%shb%tton

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SAP Best Practices  761: BI Retail: Connectivity: Configuration Guide 


Icon !eaning



,ote or /ip



"ypographic Convention

"ype #tyle $ecription

Example text  "or#s or &hara&ters that appear on the s&reen. /hese in&l%#e fiel#names1 s&reen titles1 p%sh$%ttons as ell as men% names1 paths an#options.

(ross-referen&es to other #o&%mentation.

Example text Emphasi9e# or#s or phrases in bo#) tet1 titles of graphi&s an# tables.

E7AP=E /E7/ ,ames of elements in the s)stem. /hese in&l%#e report names1program names1 transa&tion &o#es1 table names1 an# in#i+i#%al 'e)or#s of a programming lang%age1 hen s%rro%n#e# b) bo#) tet1 foreample1 SE=E(/ an# ,(=4DE.

Example text S&reen o%tp%t. /his in&l%#es file an# #ire&tor) names an# their paths1messages1 so%r&e &o#e1 names of +ariables an# parameters as ell asnames of installation1 %pgra#e an# #atabase tools.

EXAMPLE TEXT e)s on the 'e)boar#1 for eample1 f%n&tion 'e)s s%&h as F2C or the

ENTER 'e).

Example text Ea&t %ser entr). /hese are or#s or &hara&ters that )o% enter in thes)stem ea&tl) as the) appear in the #o&%mentation.

 <Example text>  ariable %ser entr). Pointe# bra&'ets in#i&ate that )o% repla&e theseor#s an# &hara&ters ith appropriate entries.


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SAP Best Practices  761: BI Retail: Connectivity: Configuration Guide 


 (onne&t $ an# Retail S)stems (onfig%ration G%i#e....................................................................6

P%rpose........................................................................................................................................ 62 Preparation................................................................................................................................. . 6

2. SAP ,otes.............................................................................................................................6

3 (onne&ti+it) ................................................................................................................................

3. =o&al Settings........................................................................................................................

3.. Define (lient A#ministration I SAP E((5SAP $............................................................

3..2 Define =ogi&al S)stems I SAP E((5SAP $.................................................................. 8

3..3 Assign =ogi&al S)stem to (lient I SAP E((5SAP $......................................................!

3.. (reate R;( 4ser I SAP E((5SAP $............................................................................!

3..: (reate R;( Destinations I SAP E((5SAP $..............................................................0

3..6 A&ti+ate /e&hni&al (ontent I SAP $...........................................................................2

3.. Define R;(4SER as Defa%lt I SAP $.........................................................................3

3..8 aintain proposal for %sers in the So%r&e s)stemA=E &omm%ni&ationC................... ...3

3.2 (ross (onne&ti+it)...............................................................................................................

3.2. (onne&t SAP $ ith SAP E(( I SAP $....................................................................

3.2.2 (onne&t ;ile S)stem in SAP $ I SAP $.....................................................................:

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SAP Best Practices  761: BI Retail: Connectivity: Configuration Guide 

Connect BI and Retail #yte%: Configuration


1 &urpoe/his &onfig%ration g%i#e pro+i#es the information )o% nee# to set %p the &onfig%ration of thisb%il#ing blo&' man%all).

/he &onfig%ration g%i#e &ontains a lot of #epen#en&ies beteen the #ifferent se&tions. So it is+er) important that )o% go step b) step thro%gh the &onfig%ration g%i#e. therise a &orre&tinstallation of the $ S)stem is not g%arantee#.

&reparation$efore )o% start installing this b%il#ing blo&'1 )o% m%st install prereJ%isite b%il#ing blo&'s. ;orinformation on the prereJ%isite b%il#ing blo&'s1 see the K%i&' G%i#e for installing Retail lo&ate#on the DD in RetailL4SMDo&%mentationMRetailLK%i&'LG%i#eLE,L4SL603.#o&C.

(1 #)& *ote

/he folloing notes are important for this &onfig%ration g%i#e.

*ote $ecription

83386 S%ppl) 0R/LSEASNR an# 0R/LSEAR== from 0A/ERA=LA//R

0!0:: R%ntime errors hen a&ti+ating nfob@e&ts

02:62! A#@%stment to the RSL$(/L(LREADL(D/ f%n&tion mo#%le

0326 /he D7 parser #oes not start

036636 n#e of 0R/L/D=(AS is rea# in&orre&tl) for AP

00802 /erminations o&&%r hen a&ti+ating te&hni&al (ontent

06!60 SAP $est Pra&ti&es for Retail DE .6001 $ =a)o%ts

0628 RS(R ffset in left si#e not a&&epte# for 

0!::8 Error b) release of /$ b%#get

0832: Error in the slo seller an)al)sis

nl) the SAP notes 0!0::1 02:62!1 0326 an# 00802 &an be installe# at the beginningof the installation. /he installation of the other notes is #es&ribe# in the &orrespon#ing &hapters.

Sap ,ote 00802 installs the report ZZRS_TECH_CONTENT_ACTIVATE . "hen ee&%ting thereport )o% ha+e to enter as pa&'age RS_TCO_TT .

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SAP Best Practices  761: BI Retail: Connectivity: Configuration Guide 

+ Connectivity

+(1 ,ocal #etting/his &hapter #es&ribes all lo&al settings that are ne&essar) for ea&h &omponent li'e SAP E((an# SAP $.

Please perform the folloing steps in all rele+ant s)stems.

+(1(1 $efine Client )d%initration - #)& .CC/#)&BI


/his a&ti+it) allos )o% to &hange (%stomi9ing settings. No% ha+e to maintain this step in SAPE(( an# SAP $.


. A&&ess the a&ti+it) %sing one of the folloing na+igation options

/ransa&tion (o#e S((

SAP $ en% Toolsà AdministrationàClient Administrationà ClientMaintenance

2. n the Displa Vie! "Clients"#O$er$ie!   s&reen.

a. ;ollo the men% path Displa  → Chan%e.

b. (onfirm the arning message Ca&tion# The ta'le is cross client .

&. Sele&t )o%r &lient.

#. (hoose Details.

e. (hange Cit  to )o%r &it) e.g Palo AltoC.

f. (hange Std c&rrenc  to )o%r &%rren&) for eample1 4SDC.

g. A%tomati& re&or#ing of &hanges

h. (hanges to Repositor) an# &ross-&lient (%stomi9ing alloe#

i. e(A// an# (A// alloe#.

3. (hose Sa$e.

. Go ba&' to the SAP Eas Access men%.

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SAP Best Practices  761: BI Retail: Connectivity: Configuration Guide 

+(1( $efine ,ogical #yte% - #)& .CC/#)& BI


/he p%rpose of this a&ti+it) is to &reate a logi&al s)stem for )o%r s)stems. /o enable

&omm%ni&ation beteen s)stems ithin )o%r s)stem lan#s&ape1 )o% m%st. Define the s)stems as logi&al s)stems.

2. Assign the logi&al s)stem to )o%r &lient.

/his enables the s)stems to re&ogni9e the target s)stem as an R;( #estination. f the logi&als)stem has alrea#) been &reate#1 s'ip this a&ti+it).

No% ha+e to maintain this step in SAP E(( an# SAP $.

=ogi&al s)stems are #efine# &ross-&lient.


. A&&ess the a&ti+it) %sing one of the folloing na+igation options

SAP G en% SA( Net)ea$er →  Application Ser$erà IDoc Inter*ace +

 Application ,in- Ena'lin% .A,E/→ 0asic Settin%s→ ,o%ical  

sstems → De*ine ,o%ical  Sstem

2. (onfirm the arning message Ca&tion# The ta'le is cross client .

3. (hoose Ne! entries.

. n the &ol%mn ,o% Sstem1 enter a name for the logi&al s)stem that )o% ant to &reate.

:. n the &ol%mn Name1 enter a #es&ription of the logi&al s)stem.

,og( #yte% *a%e

F=ogi&al s)stem1 for eample R"C,*"211 No%r S)stem

/o #esignate logi&al s)stems1 appl) the naming &on+ention


here XXX is the s)stem name

an# *** is the &lient.

6. Sa+e )o%r entries.

 A transport reJ%est for )or-'ench appears.

. Sele&t an eisting reJ%est or &reate a ne reJ%est1 if ne&essar).

 A transport reJ%est for C&stomi1in%  appears.

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SAP Best Practices  761: BI Retail: Connectivity: Configuration Guide 

8. Sele&t an eisting reJ%est or &reate a ne reJ%est1 if ne&essar).

+(1(+ )ign ,ogical #yte% to Client - #)&.CC/#)& BI


/he p%rpose of this a&ti+it) is to ma'e an assignment for the logi&al s)stem. S'ip this a&ti+it) if alogi&al s)stem is alrea#) assigne# to )o%r &lient.

No% ha+e to maintain 5&he&' this step in SAP $ an# SAP E((.


. A&&ess the a&ti+it) %sing one of the folloing na+igation options

/ransa&tion (o#e S((

SAP G en% Toolsà Administrationà Administrationà Client AdministrationàClient Maintenance

2. ;ollo the men% path Displa  → Chan%e.

3. (onfirm the arning message The ta'le is cross client .

. Sele&t )o%r ECC client .

:. (hoose Details.

6. Enter the name of the logi&al s)stem of )o%r &lient.

. Sa+e an# &onfirm the arning message 0e care*&l !hen chan%in% the lo%ical sstem.

8. (hoose 0ac-  ti&e.

+(1(3 Create RC 0er - #)& .CC/#)& BI


/o enable &omm%ni&ation beteen the SAP s)stems1 )o% ha+e to &reate an R;( %ser.

/he R;( %ser in the appli&ation &lient enables m%ltiple R;( &onne&tions. S'ip this a&ti+it) if anR;( 4ser has alrea#) been &reate#.

No% ha+e to maintain 5&he&' this step in SAP $ an# SAP E((.


. A&&ess the a&ti+it) %sing one of the folloing na+igation options

/ransa&tion (o#e S40

SAP en% Tools à  Administrationà 2ser Maintenance 3 2sers

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SAP Best Practices  761: BI Retail: Connectivity: Configuration Guide 

2. n the 2ser Maintenance# Initial screen1 enter the folloing #ata

ield na%e 0er value

4ser R;(4SER

3. (hoose the $%tton Create.

. n the Maintain 2ser  s&reen1 enter the folloing #ata


=ast ,ame R;(4SER

,ogon data

4ser t)pe Dialog

Passor# el&ome


=ogon =ang%age E,


Profiles or .CC:




or BI:




:. Sa+e )o%r entries.

+(1(8 Create RC $etination - #)& .CC/#)& BI


No% m%st maintain an R;( &onne&tion to )o%r E(( s)stem in the $ s)stem.

No% m%st maintain an R;( &onne&tion to )o%r $ in the E(( s)stem.

&rocedure. A&&ess the a&ti+it) %sing one of the folloing na+igation options

/ransa&tion (o#e S:!

SAP en% SA( Net)ea$er →  Application Ser$erà IDoc Inter*ace +

 Application ,in- Ena'lin% .A,E/ → Comm&nication→ Create R4C


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SAP Best Practices  761: BI Retail: Connectivity: Configuration Guide 

2. (hoose the $%tton Create on the Con*i%&ration o* R4C Connections s&reen.

3. n the %p&oming s&reen1 enter the folloing #ata

ield na%e 9alue

R;( Destination /he logi&al name of )o%r E(( &lient or $ &lient.

(onne&tion /)pe 3

Des&ription ;or eample A name in hi&h the &lient an# s)stem appears

. (hoose the ENTER  'e).

:. /he s)stem &hanges a%tomati&all) to the Technical Settin%s ta'5

6. n this tab enter the folloing #ata

ield na%e 9alue

/arget Host Host name of )o%r $ s)stem or E(( s)stem

S)stem n%mber the s)stem n%mber of )o% $ s)stem or E(( s)stem

6. (hoose the ENTER  'e).

. n the ,o%on 6 Sec&rit ta'1 enter the folloing #ata

ield na%e 9alue

/r%ste# S)stem ,o

 A%thori9ation for Destination Empt)

(lient /he &lient n%mber of )o%r E(( &lient or $ &lient


4ser R;(4SER

Passor# el&ome

8. (hoose the ENTER  'e).

!. (onfirm the information message 2ser can 'e &sed *or remote lo%on in tar%et sstem.

0. Sa+e )o%r entries.

. (hoose the 0&tton 

 A log similar to the folloing one shos )o% that the &onne&tion is #efine#.

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SAP Best Practices  761: BI Retail: Connectivity: Configuration Guide 

2. (hoose the $%tton .

+(1(6 )ctivate "echnical Content - #)& BI

0e/he *irst time )o% enter the A#ministrator "or'ben&h the s)stem a&ti+ates in a ba&'gro%n# @obthe Technical Content .


. A&&ess the a&ti+it) %sing one of the folloing na+igation options

/ransa&tion (o#e RSA

SAP en% Modelin%à Data )areho&se )or-'ench# Modelin% 

2. n the Replicate eta#ata #ialog bo1 &hoose Onl Acti$ate.

3. f a message appears that )o% are onl) a%thori9e# to or' in &lient ... $rain 00!C refer toSAP ,ote 36!23 #o not import the s%pport pa&'age1 b%t %se the #es&ription %n#er se&tion)or-aro&nd C.

. ;lag Do not sho! this 7&estion A%ain in the %p&oming s&reen

:. (hoose the $%tton 8es


a'e s%re that the &%rrent @ob has finishe# before )o% pro&ee# ith the net step.(he&' the stat%s of the ba&'gro%n# @ob %sing transa&tion #!+7or #,G1.

f there are problems1 )o% m%st first sol+e them. /hen )o% &an restart the a&ti+ationof the /e&hni&al (ontent b) %sing the transa&tion RSTCO_ADMIN5

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SAP Best Practices  761: BI Retail: Connectivity: Configuration Guide 

+(1(7 $efine RC0#.R a $efault - #)& BI


. A&&ess the a&ti+it) %sing one of the folloing na+igation options

/ransa&tion (o#e RSA

SAP $ en% Modelin%à Data )areho&sin% )or-'ench Modelin% 

2. n the Data )areho&sin% )or-'ench# Modelin%  s&reen follo the men% path Settin%sà 9lo'al Settin%s.

3. (hoose the $%tton Displaà Chan%e on the Displa Vie! :RSADMINA MaintenanceVie!;# Details s&reen

. Enter the folloing #ata

ield na%e 0er value

$" 4ser A=E R;(4SER

:. (hoose the $%tton Sa$e.

=ea+e the transa&tion in or#er to a&ti+ate the entries )o% ha+e ma#e.

+(1( !aintain propoal for uer in the #ource

yte%;),. co%%unication<


. A&&ess the a&ti+it) %sing one of the folloing na+igation options

/ransa&tion (o#e

SAP G en% SA( Net)ea$er →  0&siness Intelli%ence → ,in-s to Other So&rce

Sstems → Connection 0et!een SA( Sstems and 0I Sstem → 

Maintain proposal *or &sers in the so&rce sstem .A,Ecomm&nication/

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SAP Best Practices  761: BI Retail: Connectivity: Configuration Guide 

2. n the Chan%e Vie! "0)#2ser in SS *or A,E Comm&nication"#Details s&reen

3. Enter R;(4SER in the SS &ser A,E5

. (hoose Sa$e.

+( Cro Connectivity


/his &hapter #es&ribes all settings that are ne&essar) to &onne&t the &omponents of the SAPs)stem lan#s&ape ith ea&h other. /he settings for ea&h &ombination of to &omponents to be&onne&te# are #es&ribe# in a separate str%&t%re no#e. /he separate se&tion hea#ings ma'e itpossible to i#entif) the a&ti+ities reJ%ire# to &onne&t &ertain &omponents ith ea&h other. /hese&tion hea#ings for &omponents that are not part of the installation &an be s'ippe#.

+((1 Connect #)& BI =ith #)& .CC - #)& BI


. A&&ess the a&ti+it) %sing one of the folloing na+igation options

/ransa&tion &o#e RSA

SAP $ en% Modelin%à Data )areho&sin% )or-'ench Modelin% 

2. (hoose Modelin%5

3. (hoose So&rce Sstems5

. Right-o%se-(li&' in the in#o on the right5

:. (hoose Create5

6. a'e the folloing entries

;iel# name 0er value

 A+ailable Destination =ogi&al name of )o%r E(( S)stem

$a&'gro%n# %ser in so%r&e s)stem R;(4SER

Passor# for so%r&e s)stem el&ome

$a&'gro%n# %ser in $" R;(4SER &an not be &hange# in thisa&ti+it)C

Passor# for $" %ser el&ome

. n the #ialog bo (lease lo% on as an administrator in the *ollo!in% screen &hoose Contin&e.

8. =og on to the SAP E(( S)stem ith )o%r a#ministrator %ser.

!. (hoose the &orre&t &lient.

0. n the Ne! So&rce Sstem Connection #ialog bo1 &hoose Contin&e.

. n the Chec- R4C destination #ialog bo1 &hoose 2se

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SAP Best Practices  761: BI Retail: Connectivity: Configuration Guide 

2. n the Replicate Metadata #ialog bo1 &hoose Onl Acti$ate.

3. Right-o%se-(li&' on the ECC So&rce Sstem 

. ;ollo the &ontet men% path Acti$ate.

:. (hoose the $%tton

+(( Connect ile #yte% in #)& BI - #)& BI


/his se&tion #es&ribes all settings that are ne&essar) for the &onne&ti+it) for an eternal s)stem -P( files on the "or'station for eample E&el filesC or files on the appli&ation ser+er in SAP $.


. A&&ess the a&ti+it) %sing one of the folloing na+igation options/ransa&tion &o#e RSA

SAP $ en% Modelin%à Data )areho&sin% )or-'ench# Modelin% 

2. (hoose Modelin% .

3. (hoose So&rce Sstems.

. n the right-han# frame mar' the entr)

:. Right-o%se-(li&' on

6. (hoose Create5

. Enter the folloing #ata

ield na%e 0er value

=ogi&al so%r&e s)stem ;=E

So%r&e s)stem name ;=E

8. (hoose the $%tton Contin&e.

!. Right-o%se-(li&' on the ;=E So%r&e S)stem

0. ;ollo the &ontet men% path Acti$ate.

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