Page 1: Binomial nomenclature and scientific names Review

Binomial nomenclature and scientific names


Page 2: Binomial nomenclature and scientific names Review

1. The first part of a scientific name is the ____________ and the second part is the _______________.


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2. What is the correct way to write the scientific name for humans?

a. Homo sapiens b. homo sapiensc. homo Sapiens d. Homo sapiens

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3. What are 3 rules you must follow when writing a scientific name?

1. Genus is always capitalized

2. species is always lowercase

3. Both underlined or italicized

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4. What 2 classification levels are used for the scientific name? (already had a question like this!)

Genus and species

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6. Which of the following scientific name is written correctly? (African elephant)a. Loxodonta africanab. Loxodonta africanac. loxodonta Africana

Genus is capitalized, species is lowercase and its underlined!
