
Biomass and Habitat Characteristics of Epiphytic Macroalgae in Sibuti Mangroves, Sarawak,


1Hasmidah Md Isa*, 1Abu Hena Mustafa Kamal, 1Mohd Hanafi Idris, 2Zamri Rosli and 1Johan Ismail

1Department of Animal Science and Fisheries, Faculty of Agriculture and Food Sciences, Universiti

Putra Malaysia Bintulu Sarawak Campus, Nyabau Road, 97008 Bintulu, Sarawak, Malaysia

2Borneo Ecosains, Universiti Putra Malaysia Bintulu Sarawak Campus, Nyabau Road, 97008 Bintulu,

Sarawak, Malaysia

*Corresponding author: [email protected]

Running head: Biomass of Mangrove macroalgae in Sibuti estuary Sarawak.

Abstract: Mangrove supports diverse macroalgal assemblages as epibionts on the root and tree

trunk. This alga provides nutrients to the primary consumers in the aquatic food web, and reported as

substantial contributor in the marine ecosystems. The species diversity, biomass and habitat

characteristics of mangrove macroalgae were investigated from three stations of Sibuti mangrove

estuary, Sarawak, Malaysia from November 2012 to October 2013. Three groups of macroalgae were

recorded and found to be grown on the mangrove prop root namely Rhodophyta (Caloglossa

ogasawaraensis, C. adhaerens, C. stipitata, Bostrychia anomala and Hypnea sp.), Chlorophyta

(Chaetomorpha minima and Chaetomorpha sp.) and Phaeophyta (Dictyota sp.). Biomass of

macroalgae was not influenced (p>0.05) by season in this mangrove forest habitat. Macroalgae

Hypnea contributes higher biomass at both the Station 1 (210.56 mg/cm2) and Station 2 (141.72

mg/cm2), while B. anomala (185.89 mg/cm2) in Station 3. Study shows that the species distribution

and assemblages of mangrove macroalgae were influenced by environmental parameters like water

nutrients, dissolved solid and salinity in the estuarine mangrove habitats of Sibuti, Sarawak.

Key words: Macroalgae, Bostrychia anomala, biomass, mangrove, Sarawak


Mangrove forest is considered as one of the most productive coastal intertidal ecosystems in the

world (Hoque et al. 2015a). Usually, in the mangrove habitats, litter production is the main source of

energy and the indicator of primary productivity, which subsequently contributes to the adjacent

estuarine ecosystems. Macroalgae associated within mangroves could also contribute similar to the

annual litter production of coastal forest (Rodriguez & Stoner 1990). Mangrove macroalgae is unique

and it could only be found growing epiphytically on pneumatophore, prop root, stem, sediment and

other substrates (Zucarello et al. 2001). Generally, this substrate is very important for mangrove

macroalgae to attach and they grow differently in different substrates (Aikanathan & Sasekumar


In coastal mangrove habitats, the grazing of small marine and estuarine invertebrates are

depended on macroalgae for food source and shelter (Melville 2005; Aikanathan & Sasekumar 1994).

Macroalgae grow within mangroves are important to estuarine ecosystems and supply additional

source of energy into the nutrient cycling (McClesky & Elliot 2004; Davey & Woelkerling 1985) and

contributes as an important source of carbon (Roddriguez & Stoner 1990). Studies found that the

distribution, tolerance and adaptation of mangroves macroalgae are influenced by the abiotic and

biotic parameters (Oliveira 1984). Environmental parameters such as transparency, salinity, dissolved

oxygen and pH has been considered as contributing factors that influence the presence or absence of

macroalgae in mangrove ecosystems (Fernandes & Alves 2011)

Studies on biomass and habitat characteristics of mangrove macroalgae are not adequate in

Malaysia (Laursen & King 2000; Saifullah & Ahmed 2007). Previously, taxonomy and morphology of

mangrove algae have been described from Pakistan (Tanaka and Shameel 1992; Saifullah & Taj

1995). Sasekumar and Aikanathan (1994) reported ten mangrove macroalgae in Malaysian marine

waters. It is assumed in Sarawak, Malaysia there could be a wide variety of the benthic epiphytic

macroalgae in the mangrove habitats and ecological potential. Therefore, this study was carried out to

assess the macroalgal community structure and habitat characteristics of Sibuti mangrove forest,

Sarawak, Malaysia.


Study Area

This study was carried out in Sibuti mangrove estuary, Sarawak, Malaysia (Figure 1). Three stations

were selected i.e., Station 1 (03º 25' 00.5" N & 113º 23' 13.5" E), Station 2 (03º 58' 55.4" N & 113º 44'

18.8" E) and Station 3 (03º 59' 28.7" N & E113º 44' 35.3" E). The distance within the stations was

about 1 km. This is considered as an undisturbed mangrove forest dominated by Rhizophora

apiculata followed by Xylocarpus granatum and Nypa fruticans. The forest is regularly inundated by

normal high tide and on an average the inundation reached up to 34 times per month (Saifullah et al.

2014). Hence the forest can be classified is under class 3 according to Watson (1928). The estuary is

semi-diurnal and tidal range varied between 0.2 to 2.0 m during neap and spring tide, respectively

(Kaleem et al. 2015 and Hoque et al. 2015b).

Collection of Macroalgae

Macroalgae was collected randomly from three stations on monthly basis for one year from November

2012 to October 2013. Prop root of Rhizophora apiculata was selected for collecting macroalgae as it

was the most common and dominant species in this estuary. Prop roots (20 cm long) covering with

macroalgae were cut randomly from the 3 stations. Samples were put into ziplock polyethylene bags,

labelled and transported back to the laboratory for further processing (Melville and Pulkownik 2007).

All macroalgae from the pneumatophores were sorted and cleaned and put into the dryer prior at 80°

C to have constant weight for biomass measurement. Biomass was expressed as algal weight per

unit area (mg/cm2) following the procedure described by Saifullah & Ahmed (2007). For the

indentification macroalgae were preserved in 4% formalin solution (Bouzon & Ouriques 1999).

Identification was done based on the works of King and Puttock (1994); Zeng et al. (1983); Qian et al.

(2005) and Zhao (2012) and some of the samples were sent to Victoria University, New Zealand for

the confirmation of identification.

Observation of Ecological Parameters

Ecological parameters of Sibuti mangrove estuary were recorded monthly from three stations. The

physico-chemical parameters of estuarine water i.e., pH, temperature, salinity, turbidity and dissolved

oxygen were detected in situ using multi-parameter probe (Model WQC-24). The total rainfall and air

temperature of Sibuti estuary were obtained from the Meteorological Department of Sarawak. To

observe the estuarine water nutrients, water samples (three replicate from each station) were

collected from 3 stations with pre-cleaned plastic bottles and brought back to laboratory using ice

boxes. Pore water was collected from the forest floor after digging the soil, making small holes and

waiting for the water to fill the holes. Pore water also be observed at the basin of ditch. Once the

holes are filled with water. Three replicates of pore water have been collected from each station with

pre-washed bottles and brought back to the laboratory with the ice boxes. Ammonium, nitrate, and

phosphate of water were detected using the methods of Weatherburn (1967), Kitamura et al. (1982)

and Parsons et al. (1984), respectively. Three replicates of mangrove soil sample were was collected

from each station using ice boxes and brought back to the laboratory for analysis. In the laboratory,

soil sample were placed in oven at 70° C until dry and sieved through 250 µm to detect total

phosphorous, nitrogen, sulphur and carbon following Kim (2003), Bray and Kurtz (1945) using CNS

analyzer (LECO Truspec micro elemental analyzer CNS, New York).

Statistical Analysis

Factorial analysis and one-way ANOVA were used to determine if there is any significant difference

among the nutrients with respect to sampling locations. Statistical significance was set at p<0.05 and

the stability of the estimate reflected by 95% confidence intervals. All tests and analyses were

performed with SAS 9.2 for windows by SAS Institute Inc., Cary, NC, USA (2002-2008). The

correlation among species diversity and physico-chemical parameters was tested using Multivariate

Analysis of Ecological Data (CANOCO for windows 4.5 for Redundancy Analysis (RDA) following

Jongman et al. (2003).


Macroalgal Species Composition and Biomass

Macroalgae in Sibuti mangrove estuary was covered by three groups namely, Rhodophyta,

Chlorophyta and Phaeophyta. Eight species of macroalgae from three division entitled Rhodophyata

(C. ogasawaraensis, C. adhaerens, C. stipitata, B. anomala and Hypnea sp.), Chlorophyta (C. minima

and Chaetomorpha sp.) and Phaeophyta (Dictyota sp.) were recorded to be grown on prop root at

Station 1. Rhodophyta (Hypnea sp.) and Chlorophyta (C. minima) were the common species at

Station 2, while Rhodophyta (B. anomala and Hypnea sp.) was common at Station 3 in this estuarine

mangrove habitat.

The macroalgae, Hypnea sp. was found all the year around in all stations studied (Table 1).

However, the distribution and presence of Caloglossa spp., Bostrychia spp. and other macroalgae

were in irregular pattern in this study area. The biomass of Hypnea sp. was found to be higher in both

Station 1 (210.56 mg/cm²) and Station 2 (141.72 mg/cm²). In Station 3, the higher biomass (185.89

mg/cm²) was derived from B. anomala (Table 2). Macroalgae biomass was not significantly different

(p>0.05) during the study period (Figure 2).

Ecological Parameters

Physico-chemical parameters of soil and water showed significant difference (p<0.05) among the

months and stations during the study period (Figures 3 and 4). The range of total soil carbon

concentrations was found to be 0.45-18.89% from this mangrove ecosystems and higher value was

recorded from Station 3 and lower in Station 1. The total carbon content in soil did not vary during the

sampling period and related to the total nitrogen of soil.

Pore water had higher concentration of ammonium, nitrate and phosphate than the river water

(Table 3). Monthly ammonium and nitrate concentration were slightly higher in Station 1 than Station

2 and 3, while phosphate was marginally higher in Station 3 (Figure 4). Water pH, total suspended

solid (TDS) and salinity were found higher at Station 1, and lower at Station 3. Rainfall was recorded

higher in December, February-May and September with the mean value of 10.90 -15.50 mm.

Macroalgal Biomass and Habitat Characteristics

Redundancy analysis (RDA) for biomass and environmental parameters showed that all canonical

axes were significantly correlated (p<0.05; Monte Carlo simulations at 499 permutations) for three

stations of Sibuti mangrove estuary.

The ordination diagram of RDA showed strong correlation among the species (dependent

variables) and the environment parameter (independent variables) in all stations (Tables 4-6; Figures

6-7) of the study area.

In Station 1, first axis showed that Hypnea sp. was correlated with total phosphorous, nitrogen

and carbon content in soil. While, the second axes showed that Dictyota sp., B. anomala, C. stipitata

and C. minima were correlated with soil sulphur, pore water phosphate, nitrate (river and pore water).

The biomass of C. ogasawaraensis was correlated with water temperature, air temperature, rainfall,

river phosphate and heavily affected by pH, total suspended solid (TDS) and salinity. Chaetomorpha

sp. and C. adhaerens were correlated with turbidity and dissolved oxygen and heavily affected by

ammonium from pore and river water.

Station 2, first axes one showed no macroalgae species was correlated with environmental

parameters. While, second axes showed that the C. minima and Hypnea sp. were surprisingly

affected by soil sulphur.

Station 3, first axes one showed Hypnea sp. was correlated with sulphur, phosphate from

river water, soil carbon, soil nitrogen, pH, total soil phosphorous and nitrate from river and pore water.

The concentrations of sulphur govern the existence of Hypnea sp. while, second axes showed that

the presence of B. anomala was influenced by ammonium in the river water.


Macroalgae species recorded in this study, are normally abundant in the mangrove habitats and

rarely found in other habitats (Melville et al. 2005). Generally, Bostrychia and Caloglossa are the

common species that found in mangrove ecosystems, and similarly it was reported in Australian

(Melville & Pulkownik 2007; King 1995; Davey & Woelkerling 1985), Asian (1988; Sasekumar 1994;

Lin et al. 1997) and African mangrove habitats (Coppejans & Gallin 1989; King 1990; Phillips et al.

1994). The Bostrychia–Caloglossa association has been considered globally as representative of

macroalgal assemblage composition in mangrove ecosystems in the tropical coasts (Tanaka &

Chihara 1987). B. anomala, was the first reported species of mangrove macroalgae in Malaysian

waters (John et al. 2013).

The presence and absence of macroalgae showed non-significant (p>0.05) monthly

fluctuation during the one year study period. It was also observed in other marine and coastal habitats

worldwide (Melville & Pulkownik 2007; Melville et al. 2005; Laursen & King 2000). In Brazil, majority of

epiphytic algae had their maximum growth during the spring and autumn (Bouzon & Ouriques 1999),

and dry season (Fernandes et al., 2011). Researcher also found higher amount of mangrove

macroalgae during summer season (Steinke and Naidoo 1990) which was influenced by nutrients

availability, temperature and light intensity. In contrast, studies by Perez-Estrada et al. (2012),

Nedumaran & Perumal (2009), Liu et al. (2001), El-Sharouny et al. (2001) and Lin et al. (1997) found

that mangrove macrolagae grow all over the year and seasonal influence on its growth were not

noticed. It has been observed that the three stations in Sibuti mangroves had their own biotic and

abiotic factors that influence on the species abundance of macroalgae (Broderick & Dawes 1998).

Besides, the positioning of mangrove trees, canopy gaps and light penetration probably also be

related to the abundance and distribution of macroalgae assemblage.

The mangrove trees were sparse in station 1, while dense in Stations 2 and 3 (Kaleem et al.

2015). This phenomenon could be of paramount importance by affecting the shading of forest floor

through preventing light penetration and eventually promote the homogenous distributions of red

algae (Karsten et al. 1994). Studies by Yubin et al. (2014) revealed that macroalgal biomass and

species diversity are higher in high density canopy than the low density of forest canopy. Air and

water temperature were significantly different among months and stations. Water temperature

especially in the surface water body is the physical factor influencing the macroalgae growth,

abundance and geographical distribution in difference regions (Nedumaran & Perumal 2009).

According to Karsten et al. (1994), warmer air and water temperature and suitable light intensity

support the macroalgae growth and recorded higher species diversity and biomass.

The macroalgal frequency and biomass varied among the study stations in the Sibuti

mangrove estuary. The biomass and the number of macroalgae in Station 1 was found higher

probably due to the suitable salinity (~11.52 psu) range. Furthermore, this station is situated at the

river mouth and has had direct connection with upcoming seawater through tide. It is in agreement

with some other published reports worldwide (Oliveira, 1984; Bouzon and Ouriques, 1999;

Nedumaran and Perumal, 2009; Yarish et al., 1981; Karsten and West, 1993). The species Bostrychia

sp. and Caloglossa sp. was not noticed in the Stations 1 and 2 in the present study area probably due

to lower amount of salinity (6.81 to 8.23 psu) in these stations. Being a hardy species, Hypnea sp.

was found in all stations all over the year at Sibuti mangroves, with the mean biomass ranges from

141.72 to 210.56 mg/cm². It is renowned that macroalgal species are normally long-lived plants, and

they can store huge amount of nutrients during the nutrient limitation and environmental restriction

phase in mangrove habitats (Hein et al., 1995; Pedersen and Borum, 1996, 1997). Hence, it is not

surprising that the abundance Hypnea sp. was not found to be induced by monthly variation of

environmental parameters in present study. However, the excess growth of this species during rainy

season, or mortality during summer was not noticed.


Eights species from three groups of macroalgae namely Rhodophyta and Phaeophyta were found in

this mangrove ecosystem. The species Bostrychia anomala was the first distributional record of

mangrove macroalgae in Malaysian waters. The macroalgal distribution was influenced by some of

the abiotic and biotic factors like water nutrients, dissolved solid and salinity in the mangrove habitat

of Sibuti.


This work was supported by the E-Science, Ministry of Science, Technology and Innovation,

Malaysia, Project No. 04-01- 04-SF1422. Thanks to the Laboratory staff of the Department of Animal

Science and Fishery, UPMKB for their help and cooperation. Special thanks to Dr. Zuccarello, Victoria

University of Wellington New Zealand for the identification of some macroalgae, and Sarawak

Biodiversity Centre (SBC) and Sarawak Forestry Department for their permission to conduct this

research at Sibuti mangrove forest, Sarawak.


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Figure 1: Map of the study area showing location of stations in the Sibuti estuary, Sarawak, Malaysia.

Figure 2: Monthly variations of total biomass (mg/cm2) of mangrove macroalgae in three difference


Figure 3: Monthly variations of physico-chemical parameter in the soil of different stations of Sibuti


Figure 4: Monthly variations of physico-chemical parameters of river and pore water of different

stations in Sibuti estuary.

Figure 5: Monthly variations of physico-chemical parameters of river water at different stations in

Sibuti estuary.

Figure 6: Redundancy Analysis (RDA) showing tri-plots for macro algae species vs environmental

variables at Station 1 in Sibuti estuary.

Figure 7: Redundancy Analysis (RDA) showing tri-plots for macro algae species vs environmental

variables at Station 2 in Sibuti estuary.

Figure 8: Redundancy Analysis (RDA) showing tri-plots for macro algae species vs environmental

variables at Station 3 in Sibuti estuary.
