  • Appendixes:

    BIYAHERO DVD; Collection of Videos Used in this Manual

    and Religious Songs

    THE RECOLLECTION DIARY; A Writing Booklet for the

    Participants. It contains all the activities of this manual for

    easy writing.


    The New American Bible

    Kalakbay, The Directory for Catholic Youth Ministries in the


    Youth Encounter Manual,

    Job My Hero, Kathryn M. Cunningham, MAPS | Source:

    The whole reflection on Jobs Troubles is from Kathryn M.

    Cunninghams article, Job My Hero.


    I Rationale and Dedication 1

    II Recollection Overview 3

    - The Concept & Topics 3 III Recollection Considerations 5

    - Venue 5

    - Facilitators and Speakers 7

    - Participants 8

    - Suggested Schedule 8

    IV Umpisa ng Paglalakbay

    Station 1: Lets Buckle Up - Preparatory Talk & Orientation 13

    - Jobs Troubles; What Comes in a Journey 17

    - House Rules 24

    - Tara Biyahe Tayo 27

    Activity 1: Bola-Gaan Game 27

    Activity 2: Mapat Bagahe, Expectations and

    Commitments 28

    Station 2: The Bumpy Ride - Cycle 1: Me, Myself and I; Misconception

    and Personality Communication 37

    Activity 3: Ako? Hindi, Sila, Sila! 37

    Activity 4: Please Listen, This is Me 45

    - Cycle 2: Its All that I Have? Counting Blessings

    Not Sheep. 47

    Activity 5: My Likes and Dislikes 47

    Activity 6: Theres More than I Have 55

    - Cycle 3: God, Me and My Every day; Finding God

    In Every Day 57

    Activity 7: Kabataang Pinoy 57

    Activity 8: My Daily Schedule

    Station 3: The Final Stop - Activity 9: At the Crossroad with Jesus;

    An Encounter with God 70

    - Activity 10: The New Journey; My Commitment to God 80

    My Redeemer Lives 84


    Martha burdened with much serving, came to Him and said,

    Lord do you not care that my sister has left me by myself to do the

    serving? Tell her to help me. The Lord said to her in reply, Martha,

    Martha, you are anxious and worried about many thing. There is only a

    need for one thing. Mary has chosen the better part and it will not be

    taken from her. Luke 10:40-42

    Martha and Mary are sisters, youth and active. Both of them share the

    same love and passion in serving God that they gained the friendship of Jesus

    that is as what many scholars suggest even to a personal level. They had been

    so close to the Lord, that when He is travelling nearby He sees to it that He pass

    by their house to take His rest. Maybe because the Lord feels comfort in the way

    the two women extend love to Him that He likes to dwell in their presence.

    But in the story, a clear contrast appears between the two siblings, and

    the Lord seemingly favors one. One, Martha busy herself with the domestic labor

    whereas her sister, Mary reclined by the foot of the Lord to listen to Him teach.

    Mary becomes overwhelmed that she complained yet the Lord persuaded her.

    The story of the two siblings is a manifestation of the two divided world

    of the youth nowadays. Many young people though living in the same

    generation, portrays two or more distinct way of life. Some get so sucked up by

    modern technologies that it controls them in ways unimaginable even to their

    parents; others are so influenced by the ideas of liberalism that it consumes their

    morality and values; yet many still brought by the growing gap between them

    and the older generations around them ends up confused and unguided

    resulting to a life with no direction at all; vises and many mundane pleasures

    also grip the youths way of life that their future is being compromised. Only a

    handful youth could be seen with deep self-realization and a strong spiritual

    foundation making them resilient with the factors that destroys the life of their

    fellow youth.

    In this changing times, it is but stringent that the youth are redirected to

    the path of righteousness, morality and spiritual stability. The youth should be

    given an utmost attention and dedication to be guided with the values that the

    church, as in Christianity, uphold in order to make them once again disciples of

    the Lord Jesus. Like the story of the sisters Martha and Mary, the youth should

    be reminded that there are things in life that are more important than what

    many of them perceive.

    The topics are divided into three stages called Stations. The First Station is

    composed of four minor topics that opens up the retreat and lays the mood for the

    main cycles. The second station on the other hand contains the main body of the

    retreat and is again divided into three topics called Cycles for each topic has a

    revolving nature ending with the same idea that it begun but with a challenge for

    redirection for the participants. Each cycle prepares are connected to one another,

    with the next much deeper than the previous leading to the final stage of the

    recollection. The third and final stage is the climax of the retreat, it will start with a very

    high atmosphere preceded by three cycles and will end with a summing up activity

    that serves as a call for commitment for the participants.

    The stages are as follows;

    Stages Topic Title and Subtitle Description Duration

    Stage 1: Lets Buckle Up 1 hour

    Talk 1

    JobS tROUBLES:

    What comes in the Journey?

    - A preparatory discussion laying the foundation

    for the succeeding cycles. It uses the story of

    Job as a jump off point.

    45 Minutes

    Talk 2 House Rules - The participants will be oriented with the dos

    and donts during the entire retreat. 10 Minutes

    Talk 3

    Magkasama Tayo - The getting to know each other activity. The

    participants will be paired at this stage before

    the retreat formally start.

    30 Minutes

    Talk 4 Mapa at Bagahe - discussion of the expectations and

    commitments of the participants. 20 Minutes

    Stage 2: The Bumpy Ride

    Cycle 1

    Me, Myself and I:

    Misconception vs Personality


    - A discussion of how deep is the self-realization

    of each participants leading to the deepening

    on how ones action and the perception of

    others will create bitter misconception.

    1 Hour 45

    Minutes to

    2 Hours

    Cycle 2

    Is it All that I Have?

    Counting Blessings not Sheep.

    - The personal evaluation part of the retreat on

    a much wider coverage. In here the

    participants will discover the grace and

    blessings given by God in their Life.

    1 Hour 30


    Cycle 3

    God, Me and My Every Day:

    Finding God in Every Day.

    - The last of the cycles, it serves as the pre climax

    activity. Slightly mellow in gravity of thoughts for

    it deals with the ways on how to live with God in

    a daily basis using the story of sisters Martha and

    Mary as the jump point.

    1 Hour 45

    Minutes to

    2 Hours

    Stage 3: The Final Stop



    At the Cross Road with God!

    Face to Face with Jesus

    - The highlight and climax of the retreat. The

    participants will be given the chance to talk

    face to caf with God through a controlled

    Taize Prayer Activity.

    1 Hour 45




    Ang Bagong Byahe:

    Committing to Walk with


    - A culminating and evaluation activity. Through

    a ceremonial dance, Pilgrims Dance the

    participants will be asked to commit for a new

    journey with Jesus.

    45 Minutes

    Page 4 Page 1

  • In this changing times, it is but stringent that the youth are redirected to the

    path of righteousness, morality and spiritual stability. The youth should be given an

    utmost attention and dedication to be guided with the values that the church, as

    in Christianity, uphold in order to make them once again disciples of the Lord Jesus.

    Like the story of the sisters Martha and Mary, the youth should be reminded that

    there are things in life that are more important than what many of them perceive.

    A growing life, rooted in Christs teachings and is fueled by the grateful

    heart for Gods blessings. A life that has a deep understanding of ones self, family,

    life situation and goals able to withstand test and condemnation.

    It is of this regard and the love for the authors fellow youth that this

    manuscript is created. To serve as a simple and humble guide in providing an

    arena for the youth of today to once again look deep into themselves and

    evaluate their very existence. May this guide, together with the wise counsel of

    those who are to interpret them and with the intercession of the Holy Spirit be able

    to make those who are to be part in it realize that the Grace and Mercy of God

    abounds in their lives. And that may with the loving compassion of Jesus, the youth

    once again find true friendship in the one true God, for He says,

    You are my friend if you do what I command you. I no longer call you

    slaves for a slave does not know what his master is doing. I have called you friends,

    because I have told you everything I heard from my Father. It was not you who

    chose me, but I who choose you John 15:14-16

    Biyahero a Tagalog term for traveler sums up a personal context of being

    on a journey. A Biyahero is constantly on a move to reach his target destination.

    Along the way he experiences a lot of obstacles, challenges and

    discouragements but pushes onward.

    This term, Biyahero profoundly supports the type of lifestyle that the youth

    of this generation must take. To be on constant movement to reach their goals,

    their dreams and aspirations and most importantly, live a life rooted with God.

    That is why, this book bears that title. Considering that a recollection

    activity involves journeying towards the deepest confines of the participants life

    towards realization and renewal. A journey that welcomes every youth to take

    and join and move on towards a life with God.

    May this manuscript reach the youth who needs the induction to take a

    journey to find life and be a Biyahero, Kabataang Naglalakbay Kasama si Kristo.

    Growing Through Gods Blessings.



    The next day John was there again with two of his disciples, and

    as he watched Jesus walk by, he said, Behold, the Lamb of God. The two disciples

    heard what he said and followed Jesus. Jesus turned and saw them and said to

    them, What are you looking for? they said to him, Rabbi (which translated to

    teacher), where are you staying? He said to them, Come and you will see. John


    Many of us says, that life is nothing but a journey. That is true, for life involves

    real journey, be it geographically, anthropologically, socially, spiritually and many

    more. We take our first step in life the moment we were conceived and only ends

    the moment we breathe our last. Thus, it is important that along the journey that

    each of us take we are prepared and is accompanied by trustworthy guides.

    In the journey of the youth through this recollection, they are to be

    introduced to the one true guide that is the Lord Jesus. Like the two disciples of

    John the Baptist, the moment they heard their master proclaim that Jesus, who

    passes by them is the Messiah, they followed Jesus. Though they are of little

    understanding with the nature of Jesus, they took the effort to just follow. In time,

    when the Lord noticed their pursuit of Him, He asked them, What are you looking

    for? Their reply is but a question still, Rabbi, where are you staying? so Jesus

    replied, Just come and see.

    This is how the Lord guides us, the moment we decide to follow Jesus, He

    doesnt tells us where to go, or go to this place at this address and there you will

    find me. Instead, Jesus simply tells us, Come, you will see. This means that God

    Himself will be with us in that journey, He will be our guide. He will lead us in ways

    we might find uncomfortable or even unconventional but still, it is the way to go.

    Such is the guiding inspiration in the topics that are herein presented. Inspired by

    stories in the Bible that gives profound lessons in life especially for the youth. Stories

    like that of Job and the sisters Martha and Mary. The topics will revolve in the lessons

    behind their lives and is redirected to the connections in the participants own life.

    But just as the Lord uses many visible references we find in our day to day life, the

    topics will be supported by video clips created by individuals with the intention of

    opening up someones mind. The author does not claim ownership in these videos

    but highly recognizes their publishers. Also, to further provide a personal reflection

    setting, the participants will be active in writing down tasks that aims to extract from

    them deep and stored thoughts that is just treated with conventional reflection

    methods of meditation, would not be fully achieved.

    These together with other dynamic activities aims to provide the

    participants a continuous journey through themselves with God.

    Page 2 Page 3


    when you pray, go to your inner room, close the door, and pray

    to your Father in secret. And your Father who sees in secret will repay you.

    Mathew 6:6

    The Lord Jesus teaches us that prayer as a form of communication with

    God should be done with utmost caution. It should be treated with solemnity and

    respect even of the simplest form. For, if done otherwise or with no respect and in

    the intention of adoration from other people, just as the Pharisees is Christs time,

    those prayers are but uttered chants.

    Such is the treatment to a retreat activity, of which the intention if to

    provide an avenue wherein the participants could connect with God as they take

    their journey deep into their selves. The entire retreat or recollection activity,

    regardless of how small or great, short of span or lengthy should be treated with


    That is why, in this activity, there are some listed considerations to be

    executed in order to create a holly atmosphere all throughout the affair. It is but

    important, especially for the facilitators to impose them strictly at all cost.

    1. For the Venue

    The success of the activity lies in the venue in as much as it

    does with the speakers who will talk. For a well prepared place can

    set the mood and outcome of the entire activity. Though it is not

    necessary that the venue should be of a high class retreat facility

    such as resorts, retreat houses hotels and the like, with all amenities

    already available for the comfort of the participants, although it

    would be advantageous. But nonetheless, any venue will do

    provided that the following considerations are taken into account;

    1, Privacy; There should be intimate privacy in the vicinity. If

    the venue is held within a school compound, see to it that the

    participants will be contained that contact with other individual

    not involved in the activity is limited or if not, totally cut off during

    the entire activity. A compromised privacy can result to the

    participants to have reservations and not being totally open to the

    intentions of the retreat.

    1. For the Participants

    The success of a retreat also depends on the volume of participants

    and the way they are oriented and prepared. Aside from the house

    rules that they must observe, the following considerations should also

    be accounted for.

    a. A good and effective retreat is a game of numbers. The

    greater the participants are in number, the more that they

    turn out to be a crowd. Thus, the number of participants

    should be controlled in a number that is easy for the

    speakers and facilitators to handle. An ideal group of 50

    participants should be observed with a maximum of 80.

    More than that, the participants should be divided into two

    or more batches.

    2. Other considerations

    The considerations presented above are not fixed. They can

    be modified or added by the organizers depending on the situation of

    the retreat to be conducted.

    3. Suggested Schedule of Activities

    The entire retreat is scheduled for a 12 hours activity but can

    be extended depending on the situation. Ideally, it should begin in the

    morning and run until the early evening. Here below are two suggested


    Set 1: One Day Retreat

    Time Topics/Session Venue Persons


    07:00 07:30 AM Arrival and Registration Receiving

    Area Secretariat

    07:31 08:00 AM Settling Down Designated


    Stage 1: Lets Buckle Up

    08:01 08:15 AM Job and Me: What comes in the Journey?

    Lecture Room


    speakers &


    08:16 08:20 AM House Rules

    08:21 08:40 AM Bola-gaan Game

    08:41 09:15 AM Tara, Byahe tayo! Expectations and


    09:16 09:30 AM Snacks and Toilet Break

    Page 8 Page 5

  • 2, Solemnity; Solemnity is the consideration for silence. The

    venue should be at an area wherein there is limited or if not totally

    secluded from outside noises such as vehicles, loud music from

    neighbors and other distracting noises. If cant be assured, the

    organizers should cover up these noises by playing low tone calming

    songs, melodies and music during intimate activities. This will

    enhance the mood keep the participants in focus.

    Aside from the above considerations, the following physical requirements should

    also be provided.

    a. Lecture Room; any room wherein all of the participants can be

    accommodated comfortably and treated to set the mood for

    retreat. If possible, the room should have no visible eye-catching

    decorations that would distract the participants. Classroom

    decorations should be temporarily hidden or concealed and

    replaced with visual cues that would enhance the mood such as

    religious paintings etc. Chairs can be provided but not necessarily


    b. Prayer Room; a separate room, that will be used for the taize prayer.

    Just as the lecture room, any form of distracting decorations should

    be concealed and hidden out of site. Within the room, there should

    be an altar with a photo of Christ, (see attachment), with either the

    Holy Eucharist or an average size Crucifix. The room should be dark

    and lighted only be candles set strategically around. There should be

    a sound system set inside that can be used for the voice over. This

    room will be restricted from the participants until the prayer activity

    and be open until the moment the recollection ends.

    c. Facilitators Quarters; a room located not so distant from the lecture

    room to serve as the facilitators rest area, preparation room and etc.

    d. Mess Hall & Kitchen; In cases that it will be the facilitators who are to

    provide for the food of the participants it is necessary to allot a space

    for cooking and dinning. Again, the location must still conform to the

    two primary considerations.

    If the venue of the recollection is a chapel or a church, the organizers must

    see to it that it still conform with the two primary considerations. If not, an alternate

    venue is prescribed. It is not necessary that the retreat is held within the church,

    this is in respect also for the not catholic participants.

    2. The Facilitators and the Speakers

    A perfect venue can be spoiled by an un-organized group of

    facilitators. Thus, it is important as the organizers, they must uphold the

    utmost character during the entire event. The following reminders

    should be considered by the facilitators.

    a. There should be a limited number of facilitators with an ideal ratio of 1

    facilitator is to 6 participants. This is in order to minimize the crowd

    within the group. The logic is that, for the listening activity, that involves

    sharing, the more private it gets the better it is for the participants to

    open up. If there are too many strangers looking at them and

    watching, listening, the more reserved that they become.

    b. There should be an organized working group in structure headed by a

    Team Leader acting as the chief facilitator. Under him/her are the rest

    of the organizers. The team leader is both the over-all in-charge and

    the time keeper. He can also be one of the speakers in cases may be.

    c. Committees like, secretariat, logistics, finance and kitchen committees

    must be created within that limited number of facilitators although,

    can be modified in the wisdom of the team leader. The tasking shall

    be assigned also by the team leader.

    d. During the entire duration of the retreat, the facilitators must refrain

    from doing unnecessary noise, actions and etc. All preparations, like

    that of the food, next talks and activities and others must be done far

    and away from the visual notice of the participants. More so, it should

    only be the speaker for that moment that should only be exposed to

    the participants except of that facilitator he need. Other facilitators

    can only be exposed to the participants and join the group in the

    activities that requires their presence. This is in order to maintain

    sanctity and privacy in the retreat.

    e. For the speaker, it is ideal that there should only be one or two speakers

    handling the entire retreat. This is in order to maintain a continuity of

    ideas from one topic to the next. The two of them must collaborate,

    meaning both of them should know how to deliver all of the topics and

    activities that are to be executed. Collaborative speaking means that

    at any given part of the talk, the other speaker can continuo the talk

    with the consistency of the idea not compromised but elaborated. This

    needs training and practice and mastery of the topics.

    Page 6 Page 7

  • Stage 2: The Bumpy Ride

    09:31 11:30 AM

    Cycle 1: Me, My Self and I; Misconception

    and Personality Communication. Lecture Room

    Speakers &



    11:31 12:00 NN Lunch Break / Rest

    12:00 01:45 PM Cycle 2: Its All that I Have? Counting Blessing

    not Sheep. Lecture Room Speaker

    01:46 02:00 PM Snacks and Toilet Break

    02:01 04:00 PM Cycle 3: God, Me and My Everyday: Finding

    God in Every Day Lecture Room Speaker

    Stage 3: The Final Stop

    04:01 05:45 PM At The Cross Road with Christ Prayer Room The

    speakers &

    facilitators 05:46 06:30 PM Ang Bagong Byahe. Lecture Room

    06:31 PM Pack Up and Home-Sweet-Home

    Set 2: One Day Retreat with Overnight

    Time Topics/Session Venue Persons


    12:00 12:30 NN Arrival and Registration Receiving

    Area Secretariat

    12:31 01:00 PM Settling Down Designated


    Stage 1: Lets Buckle Up

    01:01 01:15 PM Job and Me: What comes in the Journey?

    Lecture Room


    speakers &


    01:16 01:20 PM House Rules

    01:21 01:40 PM Bola-gaan Game

    01:41 02:15 PM Tara, Byahe tayo! Expectations and


    Stage 2: The Bumpy Ride

    02:16 04:00 PM

    Cycle 1: Me, My Self and I; Misconception

    and Personality Communication.



    ated Area

    Speakers &



    04:01 04:15 PM Snacks and Toilet Break

    04:16 06:15 PM Cycle 2: Its All that I Have? Counting Blessing

    not Sheep. Lecture Room Speaker

    06:16 06:45 PM Rest, Dinner and Toilet Break

    06:46 08:30 PM Cycle 3: God, Me and My Everyday: Finding

    God in Every Day Lecture Room Speaker

    08:31 08:40 PM Toilet Break

    Stage 3: The Final Stop

    08:41 10:00 PM At The Cross Road with Christ Prayer Room The

    speakers &

    facilitators 10:00 10:45 PM Ang Bagong Byahe.

    Prayer Room

    and Open


    10:45 11:30 PM TAPS (Time for All Person to Sleep) Preparation

    11:30 PM TAPS / Lights Off

    05:45 AM Rise and Shine

    05:45 06:15 AM Morning Prasie

    06:15 PM Pack Up and Home-Sweet-Home

    Speaker: A Reading from the Holy Gospel according to St. John.

    All: Glory be to you Oh, Lord.

    Speaker: (Read John 1:35-39) The Word of the Lord.

    All: Praise to you Lord, Jesus Christ.

    1. After the reading, the speaker shall place the Bible, open, in the pedestal

    in the altar and offer a prayer. (Below is a suggested prayer)

    Heavenly Father, Our God. Through Your Son, Our Lord Jesus Christ,

    have proclaimed to us that Anyone who gathers in the name of Your

    Son, Jesus, You shall be among them Father, we acknowledge You

    today as we gather by the name of Your Son. A humble gathering of

    young hearts aiming to reconnect with you in your mercy. Dear God,

    before you stand your children. We are your children Heavenly Father

    once again coming and calling before you. As we conduct this

    activity, we start a journey towards deep within ourselves aiming to

    find its roots in you. A journey towards you, Our Father, aware of the

    uniqueness that you made every one of us, thankful of the gifts You

    bestow upon as and anxious to start a day t day life with you as our

    constant companion. We know Father that you had been with us

    ever since, but our weakness and proud hearts drives us away from

    your side often times. With this Lord, we ask for your forgiveness.

    Forgive us dear lord, our faults, our shortcoming, our malicious

    thoughts and our sinful perverted ways. Father, in you life begin and

    in you life finds its fullness.

    Dear Lord, as we share to one another our life and our

    experiences, allow Father that it be heard with respect and

    understanding. As we offer this activity to you lord, grant that its goals

    are achieved. Bless Father our families we left at home hoping that

    through this activity, change will come to our ways. Father bless our

    speakers and facilitators that they may be filled by your Holy Spirit

    and be able to guide us in truth. Father, bless all the participants,

    touch their hearts Lord and open up their souls for you and reside

    inside it. Lord, let this activity fuel the entire journey of life that each

    of them are about to take soon. Father, be with them all the way and

    show them how great it is to live by your presence day by day.

    Heavenly father, this we pray, through the name of Your Loving Son,

    Our Lord Jesus Christ, together with the Holy Spirit, the Blessed Virgin

    May our Mother, all the saints and angels. To You be the Glory,

    Forever and Ever, AMEN

    2. The Activity concludes after the prayer.

    Page 12 Page 9


    How to start:

    1) Before all the participants arrive, the facilitators should have already

    prepared everything, venue, etc. As they arrive, it is advised that songs and

    music be played in order to prepare the mood of the participants. (See

    General Songs on DVD)

    2) They must first register, indicating on the form their full name, their nickname,

    age, section (if necessary) address together with the name and contact

    number of their parent/s or guardian/s to be notified in case of emergency.

    (See Forms Annex)

    3) After a participant register and be given the recollection paraphernalia, he

    should be directed to the holding room or area wherein he/she can drop

    his belongings and wait for the start of the activity. Upon, registration, NO


    recollection. This is for security purposes, tricky participant can leave without

    notice after registering and not actually join the activity.

    4) A few minutes before the start of the activity, the participants can now be

    directed to proceed to the lecture room if the holding area is a separate


    5) In case of a late participant, as long as the lectures are not yet on the main

    cycles, he can still join but he must be oriented of the topics he missed.

    6) The narrative written here are suggested words for the speaker. He can use

    them as if his own bringing the manual into life. But again, the speaker can

    use his own words based on the ideas herein presented in order to elaborate

    the points. MAY GOD BLESS YOU, he who shall speak on behalf of this book.


    Welcome and good morning, we are here gathered today for a special event

    in your life. This is your recollection day, or retreat. Did anyone of you have an idea of

    what is a recollection or a retreat? Any One? Or did anyone of you attended a

    recollection already? Yes some of you do attended a recollection or retreat so some of

    you know already what we are going to do. But for the benefit of those who do not know

    and have not yet experienced a recollection, let me tell you first what a recollection is.

    From the word itself, recollection or recollect it means

    remembering, gathering, re-collecting or reminiscing memories and parts of

    our life. It is an opportunity for anyone to once again look back into the past

    and evaluate the things that had happened along that way. So a recollection

    is basically evaluating our life hoping to understand more the things that we

    do in order to start new. That is a recollection in its simplest explanation.

    But nowadays, a recollection had become synonymous with a religious

    activity wherein one, can be given the chance to evaluate his spiritual life and

    know possible corrections and advancements. This type of activity is what we

    are going to do in the next few hours. In this recollection, you are going to

    connect to your inner self and extend it to God. Later, I will discuss to you the

    coverage of our recollection activity. But for the meantime, allow me to ask

    you first. Are you ready? Are you excited? Well, if you do, then let us start.


    Before we begin, it is but right and fitting to start any activity with a

    prayer. But since this is a spiritual recollection wherein we will be encountering

    God, we are to elevate our prayer. We will ask God to join us here in our

    humble hall. What we are going to do is a Bible Enthronement, it is a symbolic

    ritual wherein we shall acknowledge Gods presence through His words that is

    the Bible. As the ritual is being done, please observe silence and be one with

    the activity.

    For the Facilitators:

    Bible enthronement is a symbolic ritual done in religious activities. It is holy and

    sacred for it replicates the Liturgy of the Word during a Holy Mass. This is how it is done.

    3. The Facilitators must prepare within the venue/lecture room a simple altar

    wherein the Bible can be honored. It must be lit by a candle throughout

    the activity.

    4. Entrance of the Bible: the facilitators will play/sing Thy Word while an

    assigned facilitator will carry the Holy Bible, opened to John 1:35-39, high

    up in his head. He will be accompanied by another facilitators with a

    candle. They shall walk in a slow pace across the room, preferably, if the

    participants are sited in a U shape, the two shall trace their sits.

    5. After covering the entire hall, the two shall proceed to the altar wherein

    the Bible bearer shall give the Bible to the speaker who will read the theme

    Gospel of the recollection.

    Page 10 Page 11


    At this point, we are now ready to begin our recollection activity, or

    should I say, your Recollection activity. I will ask you now, to settle down, be

    quite and listen attentively to everything that I will say and be participative on

    what we are going to do.

    Who among you here loves to travel? To go on a trip? Like picnic,

    Outing, shopping, vacation? Most of us loves to travel right. Actually, we all

    travel from time to time or even regularly. All of you travel almost every day.

    From your house going to school. From your house to your friends house, or to

    the market when asked to buy goods, or to do some errands, we often travel.

    But those are usual travels, or the travels we do in a regular basis. There are

    those travels that we do occasionally for some, or seldom to others. These are

    travels involving long distances. Like going to manila or somewhere during

    Christmas breaks or summer vacations. These are long distance travels. Who

    among you here do that?

    Lets talk about those trips. Long distance trips. When you are going to

    a trip, what do you do first? (ask the participants and work out their answers).

    The first thing you do, is of course make choices? Right? What kind of choices?

    (For the speaker, note and write on the board the numbered points using the

    arrangement on figure 1) 1) We choose where to go first. 2) Then what mode

    of transportation to take. Choosing where to go is always the easiest part, yet

    it is the most vital. Often, our destination is fixed. Pre-determined by either of our

    self and by the one who obliged us to travel. So its fixed, seldom do we travel

    with no direction at all. It always starts with choosing where to go.

    After knowing where to go, we then decide what mode of

    transportation to take. Yes? We choose from an array of transportation system

    and services. But basically there are two forms. First is either we commute or

    take the public transport or we travel privately by our own vehicle. Either of

    which, we arrive at our destination.

    Talking of public transportation, what are they? (ask them for their most

    common transport service taken) we have three basic categories. By land, by

    sea or by air. What are the examples of land transportation system? (note their

    answers) Yes, we have busses, trains, jeepneys and many more. How about sea

    travel? We have boats, cruise ships, hydrofoils, hovercraft and the like, right.

    And by air, we have airplanes, helicopters, balloons, jet planes and many more.

    These are all modes of travel available to us nowadays.

    Next is we had also identified the possible problems. The same problems

    here written on the board will be the same problems that you will encounter in this

    journey. Now that we identified them, we will prepare for them so that even if you

    do experience it, it would not be irritating for you.

    There is one thing though that we missed to identify? What is that? Or

    should I say, who are they? One is, the Driver. Right? The Bus driver or the plane

    pilot or the ships captain. Then, there are the crew. Or in a bus, the kundoktor,

    or in a plane, the stewardess and on the ship, the staff. All of them are essential

    parts of our travel right? Without them, the journey could not begin. So in our

    journey, who are they? They are us. The Facilitators, speakers and crew.

    The speakers will be the drivers. We hold the direction of this trip of yours.

    Although the destination is fixed, later we will know where it is, the directions, how

    fast to get there, the turns and cross roads depends on the speakers.

    In this nature, the same way that you put your trust on the abled hands of

    the driver of the bus when you are travelling, we also would like to request from

    you that you place your trust on us. Remember and consider that, the mere fact

    that we stand here in front of you signifies that we know something that you dont

    but you must know. Be assured that, we are going to do our best in bringing you

    to the destination of this recollection.

    Also, the facilitators shall be the stewardess or crew of our trip. The same

    way that they ensure the comfort of the passengers will be the same way that they

    will ensure that you are comfortable in your journey. They are here to assist you in

    the vital parts of our travel wherein you would be needing they help.

    Also, they are here to be your friends. What we ask from you is respect.

    They will ensure that you will enjoy your journey and that altogether, we will arrive

    at our destination contented. Will that be ok?

    So let us now proceed. As what we had talked about just a few minutes

    ago, what is the first thing that we should choose before starting a journey? A

    destination. Right. So we will now know where our destination in this recollection is.






    Page 16 Page 13

  • Again, whatever mode of transportation we take we will arrive at our

    destination. There are only a few, variations. One is time. Have you ever consider

    that, travelling by buss takes longer than that of riding by plane. A 12 hours ride

    by buss only takes 45 to 50 minutes by plane. And travelling by the sea takes

    much longer than that. An hour plane ride is often a day of sea travel. So this is

    the third option we consider. 3) Time. How long do we want our travel be?

    Then this is followed by another consideration. The comfort. If you travel

    by any means, you will be given options of comfort by the travel companies. In

    busses, there are ordinary ride, air-conditioned with onboard wifi, tv and toilet

    and there are the sleepers buss wherein the chairs can be extended to form a

    bed. If by the plane, there are business class for with high budget travelers,

    economy class for average budgeted travelers and the deluxe wherein all

    comforts are given to the passengers. And travelling by sea also have variations.

    All these comfort options comes with a price. Right? The more comfort it

    provides, the more expensive it becomes. This leads us to the fourth

    consideration. 4) Comfort at a Price. How much can we spend, for the ride we


    So those where the first four points that we consider to choose from

    before we take our journey. Lets write it on the board.

    Before Travelling:

    1. Deciding where to go.

    2. By what means do I get there?

    3. How long thus it take?

    4. How much comfort can I take?

    These are the first four points we often consider when we go on travel,

    right? Now, how about if you are already on travel? You decided already and

    youre inside the transport vehicle. What now? We now experience some

    problems or untoward events right? Like what?

    The first one is, 1) Delay. Sometimes the buss takes too long before it drive

    or the plane flight just get cancelled or delayed due to some circumstances.

    These makes some of us grumpy and irritated right?

    Second would be, 2) Uncomfortable seat. Who among you here

    experienced seating in an uncomfortable seat? Maybe, you want to seat by the

    window but youre at the aisle. Or maybe your seatmate is too noisy, smelly, or

    moves a lot. A one wonderful, perfectly planned ride turns out to be a long

    agonizing torture for some isnt it?

    Then, there comes, 3) Hunger, thirst or stiffly bored. Because some of us

    gets too excited travelling, they did not get the chance to bring food, snack,

    water or something to pass time while on the ride. Or how about when you are

    called by nature and you need to do the thing and yet the next stop is hours

    away? What do we feel? Frustrated right?

    So those are the simple troubles we encounter when we are travelling.

    Troubles that could have been prepared for that even if they do happen, we

    wont get so irritated and frustrated and not enjoy the trip.

    So lets write it again on the board next to the first four. Figure 1

    Ok, so now we have identified some points when we are in a journey.

    Now, would you agree that we are now on a journey? This activity that we will

    be doing for the next few hours of this day is a journey. As a matter of fact, our

    recollection is entitled, Biyahero! Kabataang Naglalakbay Kasama si Kristo.

    This is now your journey. To what? To yourself. Deep into yourself. For you to know

    and realize that for 15 or 16 or 17 years of your life, there is more in life than what

    you had been accustomed to. That life itself is a journey and if you think that

    you know all about it, you are wrong. For there is more to life than what you had

    already seen and what you had already experienced. A life with Christ, a life

    with God.

    Are you ready? The same things that you have identified a few minutes

    ago that are inclusive in travelling are the very same things that you will

    experience in this journey. So it is important that we identified them first for us to

    be prepared. Right? Now let us return to what we have written on the board.

    First we identified that we are to make choices. Choices involving where

    to go, what to take us there how long can do we want it to take and how much

    comfort do we want. In this journey, your recollection we will also start it with the

    same questions. We will first settle our self by providing for those considerations.

    Later on, there will be an activity wherein you will do that.

    Before Travelling:

    1. Deciding where to go.

    2. By what means do I get


    3. How long thus it take?

    4. How much can I take?

    Troubles Upon Travelling:


    Uncomfortable Seat

    Natures Call

    Hunger, Thirst or Boredom

    Page 14 Page 15

  • TALK 1: JOBS TROUBLES: What comes in the Journey?

    As what we had talked about a few moments ago, we must first identify

    the destination. Where are we going? Or what do we want to achieve in this

    recollection? To help us get to that, I will show you a video. Of a man, who

    experienced life to the worst that it can offer. This man is named Job. Do you

    know Job? To some, they do. Job is a person whos life is written in the Old

    Testament of the Holy Bible. To some of you who do know Job, you would say

    that it is a story of tragedy, misfortune and tests that we would never wish to


    If you would read the story of Job in the Bible, you would need a few

    days to finish it and still it would be hard to understand fully because of its poetic

    and very long prologue in presenting its points. So to make it easier for us, we

    will watch a short video that sums up that entire story. Here it is. (show Jobs

    Troubles Video on DVD)

    (The speaker can replay the video the second time if the participants

    were not able to grasp the story clearly. After the video, the speaker can give

    some comments, jokes and ad leave about the video and the characters to

    tickle the attention of the participants. )

    Is it not a good story? Yes it is, so now from the video you had just

    watched, what do you see? Can anyone give me a short reflection and

    interpretation of the story, its characters, its plot, the climax and the end? (work

    with their answers)

    Narration of Reflection

    But there is actually more to the story than what you have just seen.

    Lets take a closer look at the Book of Job as well as the man Job himself. Job

    was an oriental chieftain and fabulously wealthy. He had seven sons and three

    daughters who likewise shared in his prosperity. He was not Jewish, a chosen

    one, but his faith, none the less, was a source of pride for the Very God himself.

    But God persists, noting that since Job has been asking all the questions,

    which in reciprocity, God also has a right to question Job; Would you refuse to

    acknowledge my right? Would you condemn me that you may be justified (40: 8-

    9)? More unbelievable questions follow: Have you an arm like God, or can you

    thunder with a voice like his? Can you lead about Leviathan [the crocodile]

    with a hook or curb his tongue with a bit can you play with him as a bird? Can

    you put him in leash for your maidens (40:9-29)? Job finally relents and admits I

    have dealt with great things that I do not understand. He apologizes and

    assumes the action of mourning, covering himself with dust and ashes.

    At this point in the narrative God turns to Jobs friends who approached

    Job with their wisdom about why he should just admit guilt and appease God. He

    instructs them to go to Job and make sacrifice for their groundless accusations. If

    they can get Job to pray for them they will not be severely punished! He does,

    God accepts Jobs prayers and then restores all that he has lost in a double portion.

    As you can see, the story of Job is much more than a narrative about how

    God punishes. As a matter of fact the story of Job is not about punishment at all.

    The story of Job is about relationship with God. By no choice of his own Job

    became a living example, to all, of what it is like to love God unconditionally.

    Nothing that happened to Job could induce him to curse or abandon God. Not

    even his good friends who railed at him to just give up and admit his guilt. Job

    knew that he didnt do anything wrong and that he respected and loved God.

    These two things are consistent throughout the narrative.

    Job did, however question the logic of the whole thing. Amazingly, God is

    so moved by Jobs faith that instead of zapping him with a lightning bolt or simply

    striking him dead he actually dialogs with him! Isnt this the typical behavior of a

    frustrated parent? When a child has committed an act of particularly bad

    judgment, all the while questioning the parents rules or logic, the parent resists the

    temptation to simply ground the kid until the age of 30 and be done with it. A

    loving parent knows that a discussion will bear more fruit. So God discusses.

    Job listens and finally admits that maybe his questioning came from a

    place that lacked understanding. But more than the final discussion and

    restoration, Jobs demeanor during the entire ordeal is amazing. His attitude

    toward the God of the Universe is at all times open.

    Page 20 Page 17

  • When Satan appears before God, fresh from his patrols of the earth, God

    actually asks him Have you noticed my servant Job, and that there is no one on

    earth like him blameless and upright, fearing God and avoiding evil (Job 1:8

    NAB). This obviously is a source of aggravation for the devil and he taunts God

    and supposes that the only reason Job is good is because of the benefits that

    God has given him. So they strike a bargain, the devil intent on proving God a

    fool. Satan may tempt Job in any way he wishes but he may not lay his hands

    on him.

    So we see that Job is not cursed of God but well beloved by him and

    even though he does not know it he will be the instrument that tangibly proves

    Gods generosity and love. As some say, most things are not what they appear

    to be.

    The devil takes family, wealth and health from Job. But perhaps the worst

    thing that happens to him is the people close to him start to make assumptions.

    His wife complains that he must be guilty of something and that he should curse

    God and die. His friends weep at his condition and cant even speak to him

    because they are so shocked at his appearance. But Job does not waiver in his

    innocence and ponders We accept good things from God; and should we not

    accept evil? (Job 2:10 NAB) He simply refuses to speak ill of God. The book

    continues as various other friends dialog with Job, begging him to repent and

    admit his wrong doing.

    Each time Jobs reply is a window into his mind and how he regards God.

    Each of his replies is beautifully poetic and contains not one iota of complaint.

    Job offers nine separate replies to his critical friends who insist that he should just

    admit guilt and make retribution to the Lord.

    Job concludes with a tenth Summary of His Cause. He never waivers,

    he did nothing wrong, but contemplates much regarding the situation he is in

    now compared to what he used to have: Oh that I were as in the months past!

    as in the days when God watched over me, While he kept his lamp shining

    above my head, and by his light I walked through darkness; As I was in my

    flourishing days, when God sheltered my tent (Job 29: 2-3 NAB). His refusal to

    be bitter and blaming of the Lord is simply extraordinary. However, he clearly

    acknowledges that something has changed and that his relationship with God

    is not the same as it used to be and he has no idea why.

    At no time does he vow to cut off communications with God or refuse to

    recognize that God is God, powerful, generous and maker of the universe.

    But in his final summary, he does insist that God make clear to him what

    is the cause of his distress: Oh, that I had one to hear my case and that my

    accuser would write out his indictment. Surely I should wear it on my shoulder or

    put it on me like a diadem; this is my final plea; let the Almighty answer me

    (Job 31: 35-37 NAB)! He does not ask for a solution but states that knowing

    what he did would be good enough for him and maybe even a source of pride.

    Remember that Job was most beloved by God. Jobs fervent request to

    hear from his accuser is answered! God enters into an amazing dialog with

    Job. Gods immediate address to Job lays out the fact that God Himself knows

    things and has experienced things that it is impossible for any human to

    experience. God points out the extraordinary experiences that are his alone, as

    well as pivotal to the existence of our very world.

    He points out that there is a bigger existence a divine plan or order of

    which is really impossible for one human to comprehend although we are still

    part of it. He asks Job: Who is this that obscures divine plans with words of

    ignorance (38:2)? And in a rather funny line he tells Job Gird up your loins like

    a man, I will question you, and you tell me the answers (38:3)! This is similar to a

    modern equivalent that would go something like this: Hang on to your pants and

    get ready to back up the statements youve been so sassy about making, big

    shot! [Personal interpretation]

    God proceeds and offers a series of breath taking questions: Were you

    there when I founded the earth? Tell me, if you have an understanding. Who

    determined its size; do you know? Who stretched out the measuring line for it?

    .And who shut within doors the sea when it burst forth from the womb. When I

    made the clouds its garment and thick darkness its swaddling bands? When I

    set limits for it and fastened the bar of its door. Have you ever in your lifetime

    commanded the morning and shown the dawn its place. Have you entered

    into the sources of the sea or walked about in the depths of the abyss? Tell

    me, if you know all: Which is the way to the dwelling place of light, and where is

    the abode of darkness. Out of whose womb comes the ice and who gives the

    hoarfrost its birth in the skies, Who puts wisdom in the heart. (Job 38: 4-36


    Job is literally struck speechless during this session. Who wouldnt be?

    God continues: Will we have arguing with the Almighty by the critic? Let him

    who would correct God give answer (40:2). Job then admits that he has

    questioned God once and then twice but no more, there is no human answer

    for the questions that are being asked, no matter how smart you are!

    Page 18 Page 19

  • He never turns his back or opts for other Gods. He does not use any of

    his resources to seek an alternative solution. He addresses and aims his

    comments and complaints at God the entire time. He does not look to his own

    understanding to solve his dilemma. He questions God and only God with

    honesty, albeit tinged with his frustration. Job realizes that whatever is

    happening, no one or nothing else in the universe can fix it.

    He is not distracted by the incredibly strong presence of people around

    him who have influence. He knows, in his being, that God is the provider and

    the rescuer no matter what is going on or how much he doesnt understand

    what is occurring. These qualities, in essence, are the demeanor of a child who

    knows that the parent is with them no matter how crazy things get. No wonder

    that Job is so favored by God that the Father proudly singles him out in the

    beginning of the narrative!

    Well then, taking this into account, what can we learn? Can we say that

    it is challenge? A challenge from God, for us to follow the same faith that Job

    had in his life? Is it a challenge for us to have the same unshaken relationship of

    faith with God that no matter how bad things end up in our life, we have no

    right to question God or more so, to blame God? Is it a challenge for us to have

    that greedy attachments to earthly wealth that even if we gain or lose it we still

    have the composure to be faithful? Is it a challenge for us to think not just wisely,

    but with a faithful understanding when it comes to being someone to others

    more so in giving them comfort? Is it a challenge to have that kind of relationship

    with God that God Himself, grants the human being, Job a dialogue on where

    the two of them could actually speak together? Are these our challenge? The

    answer my dear brothers and sisters is a big yes. It is our challenge.

    Therefore, this concept of life will shall be the destination of our journey.

    Not just for this recollection but hopefully for the rest of your life. For life itself is a

    journey and our lifes eventual ending is with God, for we are Gods property in

    the first place.

    After our analysis with the life of Job and his relationship with God, we can arrive

    to four individual yet succeeding points. They are;

    1. Job, know who he is, and he knows himself well. 2. Job, knows what he has in life and know that it all came from God. 3. Job, shows who he is to people around him in truth, which even if

    they see falsely he knows what the truth about him is.

    4. Job, so loved God and served God day by day that God Himself favors him.


    (After the introductory and orientation talk, the speaker can call another

    facilitator or speaker to discuss the house rules although, it is preferable that it is

    the Team Leader that should deliver. But if the Team Leader is the first speaker,

    another member of the group should be called.)

    In every game, activity, experiments or what so ever, there will always

    be rules. Rules that must be obeyed. They are set, regardless of how harsh they

    may seem, in order to facilitate a successful activity. In our recollection, there

    will also be set of rules for you to follow. Any violation of which will not be

    tolerated. They are;

    During Sessions/Talks:

    * Talk When Asked, if Not, Dont!

    * Write if asked, be honest and true!

    * Hear with your Ear, Listen with your Heart!

    1. This room will be your lecture room. All talks and activities shall be

    done inside this room except for those activities requiring other


    2. Before the talk will begin, a music Itodo Mo will be played. Once

    heard, every participants must hurry up to finish anything that they

    are doing and proceed to the lecture room before the music end.

    NO ONE MUST BE LATE! If any of the buddies are late, they shall do

    a punishment to be given by the speaker. (Punishments can include

    singing or dancing in front of all the participants.)

    During Breaks:

    1. There will only be breaks for snacks and dinner and all have time

    limits. Thus, other necessities like going to the toilet, retouching and

    others must be done within this time period.

    2. Once the Session/Talk begun, no one will be allowed to go out until

    the next break.

    3. Toilet breaks during talks will not be allowed except on emergency


    4. Snacks and Dinner are packed, this instruction had been given

    before the recollection so it is expected that everyone is prepared.

    No one will be allowed to leave the vicinity to buy any food. For

    those who do not have any food packed, please inform the


    5. There will be a designated Mess Area (Eating Area), everyone, by

    buddy are expected to be in that area only.

    Page 24 Page 21

  • These are the four important lessons that we can learn from the story of

    Job. These are principles that must serve as our guide in seeking a life with God.

    And for our recollection, these four shall serve as the main direction of our

    recollection. Simplifying them into our purpose, we have the four main direction

    of our recollection leading to our ultimate destination. (the speaker can write

    the following on the board one by one in the order presented or prepare an

    early visual aid. After this talk, the visual aids prepared must be posted on a side

    of the board and left there until the end of the recollection to serve as reminder

    for the next topics.))

    Take a look and read them carefully. Are you amenable to these? Do

    you want this to be our destination? We must. Therefore, let us see to it that we

    arrive on this destination.

    I am sure you want to know what are the topics, arent you? But, I cannot

    tell you. Instead, there is someone who will tell those to you. Do you want to know

    who he is? Lets watch this video.

    (Show Come and See Video. After the video, build the excitement in the

    participants by telling them that, if Jesus just tell the disciples to just come and

    see, they too must just come and see. A separate discussion of the video shall

    be given after the entire recollection.)

    Four Station Points

    1. A realization of who we are, as a person in truth.

    2. A realization of the things we have in life as gifts from


    3. A realization of who we are to others and how we must

    show ourselves to them. And,

    4. Understanding how to establish a daily life with God.

    Leading to,

    The Main Destination

    A Life in Faith, Growing Through Gods Blessings







































    Page 22 Page 23

  • Activity 2: Mapa at Bagahe; Expectations and Commitments

    Now that you have your travel buddies do you think you are now

    ready to go on a trip? Is everything set? We already have our destination right?

    (Do a recap) Now do you think we are ready to start the journey? No, we are

    not yet ready. There are still three important things that we must prepare. Any


    In any vacation, say you are going to a new place that you have not

    been yet before, what do you do? What do you need? (Ask them) Of course,

    we need first a Map, A luggage/baggage, and a drivers mindset. Right?

    So we have here THE MAP. (The speaker shall

    prepare a drawing of a map but with only the

    roads shown and an empty travelling bag the size

    of a one whole cartolina. See sample.)

    Now this map will serve as our guide as we go

    through this recollection. But as you noticed, it is

    empty, there are no markings of any sort. It is

    because, you will be the one to fill it up. This map

    shall hold your expectations in this recollection.

    Now, returning to your buddy sharing just a while

    ago, what are now your expectations in this


    For the speaker: Working out first with the map, the speaker must prepare a set of colored papers/bond paper cut into 3 inches by 6 inches and a marker. He then will ask the

    participants of their expectation. After working out with the given expectation, he will

    then interpret the answer into an establishment, building, landmark or any structure and

    draw it into the piece of paper. Example, if a participant answered that he expects to

    have a deeper spiritual growth, it can be interpreted into a drawing of a church. The

    following can be the their expectations and the corresponding interpretations;

    1. Spiritual Growth = A Church

    2. Personal Growth = A Beauty Parlor

    3. Family Relations = A House

    4. To Meet New Faces and Friends = A Bar

    5. To start a new journey with God = A Bus Stop/ A Bus

    6. To Unwind and Have Peace of Heart and Mind = A Park or Tress

    7. For Experience = A Bike

    8. To Have a Change of Old Ways = Two Arrow pointing at opposite direction or a U-

    turn sign.

    9. Other expectations will depend on the participants. In case that the participants

    gives very little answers, the speaker must be the one to add other vital


    For Personal Belongings:



    During the entire recollection. Anyone who brought

    them any of the mentioned items must be surrendered

    to the facilitators during registration. It will be returned

    after the recollection. In case that your phone rings, a

    designated facilitator will answer the call for you and

    if the matter is important or an emergency, you will be

    notified. Text messages will not be read.

    2. Digital cameras are tolerable, but still must be

    surrendered to the facilitators in some activities. There

    are activities that must not be taken any pictures for

    your privacy.

    3. In order to avoid anyone losing any item, NO ONE will

    be allowed to enter the holding room where your

    personal belongings such as bags are kept except

    during breaks. Still, a facilitator will be of watch.

    4. Only ball pens, towels, handkerchief and water bottles

    are can be brought during the sessions.

    Sleeping Rules (For Module 2):

    1. Everyone is expected to bring with them their own

    beddings. No one will be allowed to go home

    regardless of how near the house may be.

    2. There will be a designated and separated sleeping

    quarters for both genders. Gays can sleep with the girls

    as well as lesbians.

    3. Lights Off will be at 11:30 in the evening. Before that

    time, there will be 30 minutes of preparation. After that,

    everyone must be on their quarters and ready to sleep.

    4. In the military service, anyone caught doing any

    monkey business after TAPS is punished by standing by

    the hallway until morning.

    Other rules can be set by the organizers depending on the

    situation present.

    Page 28 Page 25

  • Notes:







































    Activity 1: Magkasama Tayo; The Bola Gaan Game

    In every journey, it is always more fun if you are travelling with

    someone else. A travel buddy so to speak. Someone who you can share your

    experience with and workout the challenges along the way. Thus, in this journey

    of yours, you are to have your own travel buddies. We will identify who that

    would be through a game. Here are the mechanics.

    1. The Facilitators have a box filled with compound words like Kape-

    Gatas, Putot Dinuguan, Marian and Dingdong, Etc.. You shall pick

    one and in a given time, you shall find the other participant that

    completes the word.

    2. The buddies shall be the partners during the activities of the entire

    recollection. They must sit side by side during talks and even during

    breaks. Each buddy must be responsible for his buddy.

    3. After everyone got their buddies, (in case of an odd numbered

    group, a trio can be made.) you will be given five minutes to know

    each other by answering the following questions.

    a. I am _____________.

    b. Who lived at _________________.

    c. I am expecting in this recollection that _____________.

    d. I am willing to contribute ______________.

    4. After the given time, the game can begin.

    5. Settling down the participants, all of the facilitators shall now line up

    in front. The team leader will hold a ball, and starting from him/her,

    he must introduce himself by answering the same questions. Then

    after his turn, he shall pass the ball to the next facilitators doing

    thereafter the same introduction and the cycle shall continue until

    all the facilitators had introduce themselves.

    6. After which, the ball will now be passed to the participants but now,

    with a music played. The ball shall be passed around while the music

    plays, but when it stops, the buddies holding the ball shall stand and

    introduce themselves with the same format. And the game shall go

    on until all are done.

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  • Notes:




































    Now that we have our map, the

    next thing that we need is a luggage or our

    TRAVELLING BAG. Now just like any travel,

    we bring a lot of stuff. We bring clothes,

    hygiene kit, money etc. in our recollection,

    we too shall bring with us our travelling bag

    filled with our belongings. And as you can

    see, our bag is also empty just like the map.

    It is because you will fill this up by your


    In your sharing again with your

    buddy, what are the things that you are

    willing to contribute for the success of this

    recollection? What are the things that you

    are going to do? What are the things that

    you can offer?

    For the speaker:

    Just like what is done with the map, the same concept will be done in

    here only this time it will be the participants commitments that will be given a drawn

    interpretation. Examples are;

    1. Contribute time = A watch or a Clock

    2. Contribute Himself = Clothing or Clothes

    3. Con his heart / attention = A Heart Shape Figure

    4. Con his prayers = A Bible

    5. Con his experiences in life = A Book with the word Diary written

    on it.

    6. Con his food with other participants = A Lunch Box

    7. Con his Ears for Listening = A Speaker or Headset

    8. Other answers of the participants contribution.

    After the discussion on the commitments, the speaker will proceed to another

    aspect of travel, the Sign Posts.

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  • Right now, we already have our map with

    your target locations to visit that are your

    expectations and our travelling bag filled with

    our belongings needed for our travel that are

    our commitments. But if you think we are ready

    to move forward, there is still one thing that we

    have to consider. In every journey, no one can

    arrive to their destination if they are not mindful

    of the signs on the road. Unmindful, we might

    get lost.

    Road Signs are important reminders as you

    drive in the road. They provide us with safety

    tips that ensures an accident free and hustle

    free travel. In our recollection, we also have

    similar signs. These are reminders to keep us

    aware of the things that we have to consider in

    our journey. Reminders such as, (the speaker

    must show the individual signs one by one as it

    is discussed).

    1. Listen, first on our sign post is the sign Listen. And listening involves

    more than just the ears but also the heart. Remember that in this

    recollection we are to discuss topics that are designed to evaluate

    your life, your status, and direction. That is why, we want you to listen

    carefully and understand every bit of idea we are giving you.

    Listening does not only include listening to us speakers but also to

    your co participants. There are activities wherein you will be asked to

    talk and share, thus it is important to listen carefully.

    2. Silence, listening involves silence. The session will be effective if you

    know how to be silent in times that you are asked. Silence, when

    someone is talking is a sign of respect to the speakers and the


    3. Respect, next to silence is respect. Respect to co participants, the

    speakers and the facilitators. It can be shown by not doing any

    unnecessary and annoying actions during the sessions. Also, this

    room we are in is holy, we have just made it holy by the ritual we

    made inviting God to join us. Thus, you must respect this room every

    time you are inside.

    4. Honesty, we also want you to be honest, in what you say and in

    what you share for it is the only way that this recollection will be


    5. Time, another is we want you to be conscious of time. Be punctual

    during every session.

    6. Togetherness (the crossing man sign), in this recollection be mindful

    that you have your buddies. Meaning you are to journey in this

    recollection together. Do not let your buddy be alone. He should

    be your companion in this activity.

    7. 100%, in this activity we demand your 100 percent attention and

    participation. All of the activities are designed to reach our goal,

    they can be uncomfortable for first timers but be assured and trust

    us that these activities are necessary to help you.

    8. Confidentiality, of all reminders, this is the most important. We

    expect that you will treat everything we do here to be private and

    with confidentiality. Since we will deal with your life and the life of

    your co participants, it is important that what you have heard and

    experienced be kept inside your hearts and not be vulgarly shared

    in malice.

    There, we have the sign post, we expect that you will be kept reminded

    by these pointers. At this point, to further deepen your consciousness of what

    we are going through, we would like to show you this video. (Show Over

    Speeding Video) (After the video get the participants reaction on what they

    have seen and work out on that with the following pointers)

    The video is TV Advertisement circulated in Australia after an alarming

    increase of roadside accidents involving negligence of the drivers and over

    speeding. In Australia, more people are killed in road accidents every year just

    because of the drivers negligence of road safety measures and signs. It is

    evident that negligence or not being focused on where you are going as well

    as speeding up towards it will actually lead you to nowhere.

    As we have talked about, you are now in a journey, this recollection is

    your journey through your life. We know that maybe you are thinking that you

    have other more fun things to do outside. And this is but a boring requirement

    for graduation but we ask you to reconsider. At this point, make the decision.

    Will you be negligent and over speed?

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  • Also, there are those actions that we know we are doing. Like, always

    saying bad/foul words and being rude to others end up being interpreted as a

    bad guy. Like, not saying po or opo, not greeting someone, not saying

    please and thank you and others makes others say that we are ill-mannered

    walang ugali. (Sight other examples.)

    Also, even the simple acts we think unrecognizable becomes big

    pictures in the eyes of sensitive persons. Like, not helping during group activities,

    clean ups, waking away when a work is to be given turns out to be irresponsible

    acts for others. Even mannerisms like, picking up your nose, raising eyebrows,

    scratching unlikely parts of your body and many more all creates an opportunity

    for others to say something. All actions we do turns out to be reflections of our

    personality being seen by others and given interpretations.

    This makes the comments we heard from others to be relatively true of

    who we are. But still, relatively.

    This will now lead us to the issue of Personality Communication.

    What is Personality Communication? It is an idea based on how we make

    others understand our true personality by way of communication true actions

    and words.

    From the two words,

    Personality: Your attitude, essence of ones self, morals, values or The

    fullness of who you are

    Communication: the process of exchange of ideas, thoughts,

    information between two or more individual via an understandable media.

    Therefore, Personality Communication is the exchange of someones

    fullness as a person between two or more individual. The truth about the person

    is the one being shown by the person, the truth reflects in his actions thus, the

    interpretations made by others ends up to be the real meaning. No


    We can now say in logic that,

    Misconceptions are based on actions we do, seen or heard by others.

    Then, the actions we do are reflections of who we are.

    Therefore, Misconceptions are the reflections of who we are to others.


    CYCLE 1: ME, MYSELF AND I? Misconception and Personality


    For the Speaker: Before starting this talk, it would be good if you would

    ask the participants to recall and try to discuss what was the previous talks was

    and work on that for a few minutes.

    We are now in the real part of our recollection. The previous topics are

    preparation for the next three topics and subsequently, it will lead to our climax.

    The next three topics will revolve on the evaluation of yourself, the way you see

    your life and your relationship to God. Just like in any bus ride, theres always

    that bumpy ride and in our recollection, the next topics will be bumpy. So I

    hope that you are ready to take it.

    Before we start we are going to have an activity, this is entitled Ako?

    Hindi! Sila Sila! in the first activity that we did, you introduce yourselves to your

    buddies and to the rest. Now, we are going to have a different form of self-


    Activity 3: Ako? Hindi, Sila Sila; Turn the Table Game.


    1. The participants will be grouped into 5 to 6 pairs or buddies. Each

    group will then be given a designated area within the lecture room

    to sit down and form a small circle.

    2. They will then face the center of each of their circles and look at

    every one of their group mates for a few minutes.

    3. Then, opening up the first page of their Recollection Diary on the

    page with the title What I See, is What I Say. In there, they are to

    fill the blank phrase What I See of ________________? With the

    owners name.

    4. Once done, the participants will now pass the diary on that same

    page opened, to the participant sitting next to him clockwise. Then,

    on the diary on their hand, the participants are to write a One

    Word or a Short Phrase about their initial impression of the owner

    of that diary. Just one word or phrase. Be it negative or positive.

    5. Then, the paper will be passed to the next participant on the group

    turning clockwise and the one holding the paper will again write his

    impression of the owner. Continue and repeat the process until the

    paper returns back to the owner.

    6. To make it exciting and faster, a lively music can be played. The

    participants should be done before the music ends.

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    For the speaker: the next discussion will be a deepening of the activity just made.

    There are suggested guide questions below, you can use them to extract the

    participant answer and impose unto them the logic of the activity. It will be up

    to you on how you will work out with their answers. It is important to get the deep

    emotions of the participants as the questions are asked. For some of the

    questions, you can ask one participant to defend his/her point and allow that

    to be rebutted by another. At some point, the discussion can end up to a

    debate or argument, it is ok, but control their reactions.

    Let us now analyze what are written on your diaries. Let me ask a few


    1. What can you read from what your group mates had written

    on your diary?

    2. Are there flatteries, or are there good to hear comments?

    3. Are there criticisms or a little bit negative to read?

    4. What are more numerous, the flatteries or the criticisms?

    5. What do you feel about it?

    6. Do you accept what was written? Why?

    7. Do you agree to their impressions? Why?

    8. Do you think that what they had written means you or does it

    support who you really are? Why?

    9. If not, Why?

    The words we hear or read about our self affects us so much is it not? We

    feel bad every time we hear negative comments about ourselves. Or any

    comment that we find not exactly true, or in contrast to who we think we are.