Download pptx - Black sails



Opening film analysis In the first frame it shows a low angle close up of the statue of a women's head , the statue has a very serious look as making her look inferior . It is very low key lighting making the white silhouette stand out of the darkness almost making her look as if she is a the good coming out of the darkness.In frame two it shows a mid shot of a white innocent looking women statue blowing a horn , her back is towards a canon which could represent danger or she could be sounding the horn to start a war because of cannon also being light. Although she is very innocent looking she is dressed as a man wearing what it looks like to be leather around her wrist. This makes me think that the statues are from a Roman/ Greek era .In frame five its shows a white statue of a women , she is carved to be beautiful dressed in a fancy dress and hair is styled big . However holding her is a black skeleton . This could mean that the women is pure but the is being corrupted by evil , I can tell this because of the colours but also skulls mean death and evil . It shows her facing in one direction and it looks as though the skeleton is trying to pull her to another . The frame is shown in low key lighting but its almost as if there is has been a spotlight placed over the women and skeleton , this is to show us they are the main focus .In frame six it is a long shot showing a statue of a man with very little on playing a instrument , he is shown sitting at the top of the platform and below him is a skeleton playing a drum . This is to show power and that good is always more over powering than evil . The instrument the ma is playing is shown to be elegant meaning the sound would probably be soft and soothing .whereas the skeleton is playing the drum and looks as though he is hitting it hard , this would probably sound very loud and not very comfortable to listen to . They are looking at each other as though it is a competition . In frame eight it again shows competition . The skeleton being evil and the man being good are competing up the flag post to get the sail , it looks as though the man is winning . The title is in big bold letters which are in capitals . They are silver and are in front of a dark background , this could be to represent mystery but also horror .Through out the opening it played music which sounded as though it was from a pirate era . However it was a lot faster and there was no singing .i could hear piano being played for the base line . It also sounded like there was violin being played through out .