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  • Blame it all on the French! A corruption of a Garth Brooks Song
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  • Blame it on the French! Blame it all on New France- Their desire to advance And control the Ohio Val-ley. The British said, No, The French are the foe. George was the one to tell French to leave. Jumonville he surprised, But the Frenchie survived, Until Half-Kings hatchet took aim, And the tomahawk flew Said, Frenchie your life is through. And washed his hands in his brains!
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  • George started this wars first phases When Jumonville was downed. George built a new fort right away, Things were not Okay. Fort Necessity received no praises, Cause it was too soggy of an oasis. So George surrendered in disgraces.
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  • Well, Braddock was wrong, Although the Redcoats were strong, Washington had been there before, Everything is not right, Frenchies sneak when they fight, George warned there would be more gore. Braddocks team Thought marching was keen Ignored Georges advice but then, The French did attack Washington took over because Braddock had been done in!
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  • 'Cause weve got French in western places Washington saves the day And lost two horses in the foray Braddock was NOT okay George was brave in the enemies faces Buried Braddock with-out any traces Oh weve got French in western places
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  • Cause weve got French in western places Where the colonists claim that the British Empire still holds sway And things are not okay So we wiped away all Frenchie traces And made Ft. Duquesne our new basis Now therere NO French in Western places.
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  • But we dont like those British aces Saying Pay British taxes, but representatives- NO WAY. That is NOT okay So George will erase all British traces Making this U.S.- American spaces! Cause weve got George in American places.
