
BMS’ partner, the Uganda Christian Lawyers Fraternity (UCLF), is a faith-

based organisation seeking to uphold justice for all.

UCLF’s mission statement is rooted in Proverbs 31: 9 “Speak up and judge fairly, defend the rights of the poor and needy”.

UCLF seeks to help and legally defend people – no matter their age, gender, religious or ethnic background by…


Informing and educating people about the law and their rights.

Representing, advising and giving a voice to those who are unfairly disadvantaged in society.

Making sure that fair laws and policies that adhere to Christian beliefs are implemented. 

Discipling law students and lawyers so that they stand for justice and integrity within the legal profession of Uganda.


UCLF believes that everyone is innocent until proven guilty.

Faced with a complicated legal system, many people are wrongly imprisoned or held for lengthy periods awaiting trial. They do not

have a voice unless they are represented by an advocate.

UCLF wants to give them a voice, teach them their rights

and be their advocate.


UCLF also holds workshops and teaches people who have had their land unlawfully

confiscated about their legal rights…

… so that widows, children and the vulnerable who have been displaced can

keep their homes and land.

UCLF went from around 300 beneficiaries of their justice ministry per year in 2002…

… to 40,000 per year by 2009, making it perhaps the most

widely-used access to justice group in Uganda.

Please pray that this important legal work is able to continue

and grow so that God’s justice is brought to the poor and needy

of Uganda.

Thank you
