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sup guys ! again one of the best programs there is ! i love his stuff really worth the read ! i really recommend session 2 was corrupt so i didn't really take notes of it.

ps2 : there is a product i downloaded from demonoid called pure perosnality it has a technique called conversation ninjitsu which i found pretty freaking awesome if you incorporate it with other techniques of conversation! i will post it with the other part of my conversation notes i am going to upload.

after this i am going to share all the routines i am using, and going to use in the future, palm reading, cold reading, soul gazing routines, ring in finger routine,... and a bunch of openers that i will be using. !

here are the notes: ! enjoy !

Bobby Rio conversation escalation notes:- Small talk cannot be avoided so I should take advantage of this fact and learn how to make small talk sexy - Why do guys struggle in this area? it’s because sometimes they can’t even open a girl, or the quickly loose steam after opening the conversation, they can’t move the conversation to a sexual level and they can’t get any further than that and they usually get stuck in the friend zone- Sometimes we do not approach because we do not know what to say, or completely running out of things to say and get stuck into the awkward silences.- One of the biggest fucked up things a guy can do when meeting a new minute is going into interview mode don’t, don’t do it ! - I should take the conversation to a sexual level once the conversation is on and flowing. Don’t go overload on rapport. Just when I see the horny look in her eyes escalate the conversation.- Everything can be faked except conversation( once I start talking everything will be revealed)- It’s not really what you say! It’s what I say underneath what I am saying and taking it to the next level. It’s all about small talk but doing it In a way that creates attraction

So what are the fundamentals of a good conversation?

So what are the big mistakes I am doing?- The 90/10 rules which means saying too much at the beginning of a conversation. Make the questions rhetorical questions and not ask interview mode! For example tell her a story about the question I asked before she even answers! ( ex: where are you from? I m from a town were … then let her answer)- Going into a conversation with a completely different energy level then the people I am talking to! So I should go in with a slightly higher energy level than the girl I am talking to - Speaking of rapport! A big mistake is not assuming rapport always assume rapport and talk to her as if I knew her forever. Talk to her that way( with the mindset I’ve

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been fucking her for a long time and she’s all over my dick )- Getting hung up on the idea of transitioning( the constant thinking of the how do I move the conversation to the next level), there are no smooth perfect transitions, there are very forgiving transitions( just go in the subject I want to talk about),don’t wait for smooth transitions just change the conversation myself( say I don’t want to talk about this right now)- Don’t ask questions, interview mode will put the burden on her! Don’t let her lead the interaction, I should be the one to lead the conversation, instead of questions make statements (for example instead of what kind of music do you like! say you I totally take you ask a kind of girl that listens to rap music) get the picture?! Good ok. my conversation should be like this “ what can u insert or comment or add to what I just said, instead of it being you answer my question)so think statements and try to avoid questions as much as possible- When it comes to flirting! Women want fun and not funny remember that. don’t make them think I am funny, just give them what they want and have fun with them( give them that nervous giggle)- Take off the social mask and assume rapport always( when I first meet somebody remove that mask and assume rapport, and be myself don’t act like I socially should act like what I would act like when I am in my comfort zone, besides I cannot experience real connection with the mask on) keep in mind display a cool vulnerability - Not having tactics ready! do not take on the personality to someone else, just have my own stories and tell them, know a formula to make her laugh instead of memorizing jokes, know tactics, know how to take it to the fun, so figure out the quickest way to get it to the fun, once I get it to the fun can get her to the sexual. Just be ready. Be me not someone else but be ready at the same time be equipped with my own tactics and knowing how to take it to the next level.

The first steps to take to improve my conversation:- Admitting that it will not get better on its own. Skills will not naturally improve unless I learn what works and implement it. Because the longer I wait the harder it becomes to change, get on this quickly. Nothing beats the fact that I cannot talk, the ability to talk is what will take me further in life than anything

- Work on my small talk( use some pop culture references, tell my own stories that I know they will impress and craft them when opportunity presents itself for me to tell it)

- Make small talk sexy, I do that by implementing some flirtatious banter, back and forth talking, and imitating, making fun of her voice while she talks. I want to subconsciously convey to her that I know the rules, I know how to play the game and I get it.

Ps: it takes knowledge( knowing what to do and say),practice(to get good at it),and

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evaluation of what works for me and what does not( to see what fits my personality what is getting me results and what is setting me back). So yes conversation can be learned but it needs the three things listed above.

Session 1:-conversation the most important skill to cultivate it’s what I use the most during my life, I will always be using it and getting good at it will get me instant gratification. It is what will take me the furthest in life-pressure handicaps learning! So take it easy and practice in easy mode. Make it a habit so it becomes second nature. Use sparring practice which means take a technique and use it in low pressure environment that means with regular girls. There is no way to practice under pressure (when I am horny and with a girl I want and don’t want to mess up with) and no way to actually be emotionally detached from the outcome. So do sparring practice, practice on easy mode to be able to handle things under pressure because it is hard to practice under pressure and even nearly impossible. So master one skill at a time. It’s skill building when it doesn’t count. And do also shadow boxing! Which means visualize me using the new techniques I am using? -get comfortable letting certain phrases out of my mouth, and become used to reading reactions

Session 3:-Mindset that should underline my conversations: I am not trying to get sex, or convince them or maneuver my way into a sexual relationships, women already go out to have sex but they want nothing to do with it (they want a guy to lead them through it and take full responsibility for it) I am making her a favor when I approach her. I and she are plays in a game that we both want to play.realise that girls actually want it and like it.-change between threads freely, with no worries that she will pick up on it, lead the conversation, she likes that-throw sexual comments every now and then and fill into the time between with normal conversation that way she will know what I want and she will not be disoriented ( women are naturally sexual too).-do a time bridge after conversations, if I get positive results cool get the number do that also if she was neutral, if I get negative results walk away

Session 4:-be in tune to what a girl is feeling at all time.-see the right time to talk to her! -use baiting which means throw in a little pieces and wait for her to ask me a question-get out of my head and pay attention to the girl.-if I feel ok talking about something than it will become easy to become to the girl -get her invested in the conversation, and getting her personally invested in me -look for hook points in a conversation (when she rather wants me to stay then to go)-practice not talking too much nor too little. And try to accomplish a lot with a little, throw in some small clues that she will get curious and ask me questions about. Always try to accomplish the maximum with the minimum.-remember that I am not there to sell myself I am there to enjoy the conversation and have a good time-as soon as I feel that a girl is ready for taking flirting, start flirting but the sooner the

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better, do some frame tests and depending on the results either frame test more or start flirting.-use future projection from time to time (to put the frame that we are going to do something together in the future without actually asking her)-use some false interpretations from time to time too can use this to compliment them indirectly

-use this 4 step process a lot, first tell a little fun story about myself, the second step is to ask her if she has done something similar that she has done, third reward her for doing that, and the forth thing is future projecting about something I would do with her in the future.

Session 5:-if I still fear rejection when I open it will not go well (she will tell I am fearful if I am) be ok with rejection and don’t fear it accept it. I should think if she likes me great if she doesn’t I don’t really care.-be screening her personality all the time see if I would like being with her-there are three results when approaching! One getting rejected, two it’s on, three 20 mins of meaningless conversation.-have the blow me or blow me out mentality -use slight exaggeration, repetition, absurdaty… just use a little of each every once in a while -keep in mind if she is still standing there that means that she is attracted (or else she will make up an excuse and leave.)-don’t wait for signs of attraction to start touching the girl! And start touching her in the first 3 minutes. But turn that a little bit down in the day. Be very subtle at the begging, touch her on the shoulder, on the arm, the knee (all stage one kino) and when doing this read the reaction of the girl, there is some girls that will touch me back (good) some girls who will lean back away from the touch (bad), if she does not move back but no signal as well! Continue and move forward and proceed to stage two kino. Calibrate, there is nothing wrong in being aggressive but there is something wrong in not being aggressive (because I will end in the friend zone). Accept being rejected for being more aggressive than ending up in the friend zone and be seen as a pussy.-reward her when she compliments me( kino or whatever) say thank you and kino immediately , or say I know :P, or you’re not going to get in my pants keep trying baby, or be nonchalant and like cool thanks and talk about something else ( those convey that I get compliments all the time)

Ps: for every one hour I study pu stuff I need to go in flied 2 hours

Session 6:- Tease at any chance I can - Use cold reads! those are some attraction switches - I didn’t really understand what the fuck he was talking about but I understood

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that don’t use a method that does not conform to my personality.

Session 7:-as soon as I learn it practice it! It really digs down to speed of implementation -don’t search for the perfect state, or don’t wait for perfection and stop giving myself excuses and go out and do it -don’t focus too much on outer game instead, calibrate between inner and outer game.-use a two to one ratio between high pressure and low pressure practice ( shadow boxing and sparring )

The inner game of conversation skills:- Discipline, continue to practice every day ( find time to practice, make that time to practice, use the time I have, stick to my word have integrity, get dedicated to get better and improve )- Be motivated, get pumped and exited to start the conversations( make an intention to get better at this and remind myself at every approach opportunity, focus on building the skill it’s more important than any woman, take every chance to get better)- Mindsets, mental tricks I use to keep myself in the right mind frame when talking to women ( let myself become curious about others,)

The outer game of conversation skills:Small talk secrets: -always provide bait when answering a question or making a statement (example when someone asks me where are you from don’t just say I m from Lebanon! say I m from Lebanon the only country where u can go from the beach to skiing in less than 4 hours but nobody actually do that: P, add meat to everything that people can bate on)-when introducing someone always say someone about him, whether a statement, a silly comment or whatever (hey this is jenny the pretty one: P, or whatever, it should be smooth and breaks the ice)-look for key words coming out of a woman’s mouth, learn to spot the topics that excite her and jump on those topics, learn to pick up on what she says and likes and expand on it) -parroting, parrot back the last word she said (ex she says she said I went to a fantastic run I say fantastic Han!)-research weird stories or funny stories and use them when conversation comes low or awkward and talking stops)

Now the big guns:- Storytelling, practice that and use it often, make a story collection a personal story connection and craft them to become even better and tell them when the time presents itself. be visual and descriptive, use body language, face expressins,pauses,voicetone variation, living the emotion,elment of surprise…, start strong and end great, develop different stories for different moods- Grounding! Show her that I am human give her a sneak peak of behind the curtains,

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tell her things that make me seem human, let her in on little glimpses of the real me- When we find mutual interest, future project the experience, make indefinite plans without setting a date in a vague way, she will imagine a time in the future with me. say we need to do that one day - Teasing! This is the used to spark the attraction, it makes her know that I am fun at heart, and gives room for kino, its playground childish fun things and it’s great because it is under the radar. Examples, picking on her, overly bragging, pretending to give her a high five and leave her hanging, imitating something she has said, pointing out the face she does when she is angry at someone, playfully taking her hand and pushing it into some guys ass that is standing inform of her, playfully push her, playfully competing with her, imitating something she just said, imitating a facial expression she has just made .practice by teasing everyone- Never answer a question directly unless it’s NO! - Role playing, creating an imaginary scenario or a persona that both of us can play together, lead with the roles and let her follow and play along.- Cold reading! Read the special report about the cold reading! And get good at using the first ones first and add some of my own personality in it.- Learn palm reading! The special report as well.- Sexual framing! Use it far enough in the conversation. Introduce a sexual intent early on in the conversation. By this I make them know that it is ok for them to show me this side of them to me ( I can use covers to wedge these sexual framing in remember the Halloween party example.)

Building rapport (ps I never want to build too much rapport I do not want to end up in the friend zone.):-find some mutual interest, a common ground that we both like early on in the conversation, ask opinion related question and open ended questions.-look for hooks which are something that she enjoys talking about. But don’t dwell too much about the topic. Don’t get deep report on one topic; get some rapport on multiple topics.-when I since that she does not want to talk about something just drop it and don’t talk about any more-calibrate, always calibrate every situation is different. So remember rapport depends on the girl, some girls needs more rapport, some girls needs less rapport. And it depends on what do I want from the situation.

Some tactics:- Active listening, get that out of her head that I am there to pick her up. Don’t lose the vibe of me picking her up. So sit back and wait and listen to her whole message and don’t react directly, let her finish her sentence. That makes her think that I am listening.

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- Amplify repeat back to her showing her that I understand her, so repeat the main points that she said in different wording. That shows her that I listened and understood her- Empathy, is saying I understand how you feel without me feeling it, I do that by state how I imagine how she would have felt. Or comment on how she feels on something in particular.- Captioning, later on in the night remember something she said earlier and say it, or a joke or whatever just let her know I remember what she told me before.- Mirroring! Showing her a reflection of herself or what is going on, use her trance words the words that she use and feed it back to her- Pacing, is pacing her reality, bring what is happening into light the obvious, bring out the elephant in the room- Unmasking! Showing her that I have a life outside of the venue we are in, unmasking that social mask, in a calculated way which leads her to unmask herself as well and this gives the feeling that I have known her for ages. - Show some cool vulnerability, tell her something that is slightly embarrassing which makes me look kind of cool- Give her some approval a little bit, by giving her an indirect compliment, remember the structure of how I should compliment.- Use some cold reading, tell her general statements that personalize her - Use matching, get my voice tone, pauses and tempo in sync with hers

The obstacles:-awkward silences, we make them awkward (with friends silence is not awkward) so ho do I defuse awkward silence? By humor, say for example wow this is pretty awkward someone has to say something quick: P. make a joke about it. Or I can change location. Or have canned responses.

-when she is very closed off and not opening up. Make sure that I myself am open, or comment or her own closeness. And bring out into the open. Or ask her hey are you cold?-too much rapport, she starts telling me too much. Don’t let her get too comfortable. Use humor to diffuse the situation. Or just be blunt about it

Ps: can pick right back up at that rapport level I left at the last time I saw her