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By: Sharoline Galva














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FEMALE DIVERSITY Many women dislike or are unhappy with their body image.

Women are all different ages, shapes, colors, and sizes.

So why do we feel the need to fit a cookie cutter mold of

what we believe is the “ideal” and “perfect” woman?

Why do we feel the need to change who we are,

and what we look like?

Is it our friends and families? If so why do they

Think you need to look different?

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WHY WOMEN WANT TO CHANGE We want to be treated differently by others. Women feel they must change physically in order for others to want to

approach or befriend them

We want to attract a companion or partner. Women often want to change because they believe it will attract a

potential partner.

We want employment possibilities. Women often believe that “attractive” women often get chosen over an

“unattractive” woman for a job even if the “unattractive” woman is better qualified . Some women have even been fired from a job because of weight gain.

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IS THE MEDIA TO BLAME? Society at large has always indicated the standards of “beauty”

With the help of the media and cosmetic industries.

Advertisements make false promises of becoming more

alluring to men, and having more friends to sell products.

They achieve this by showing images of “beautiful”

Women to make you feel as though this is the ideal

image you must fit, in order to be considered

“attractive”. This then will & can only be achieved

by buying their products.

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MEDIA OVERDRIVE Advertisements have manipulated society for many years. However in the twenty first century media has gone into

overdrive. The average American sees 3,000 ads a day. With the

majority being fashion and beauty ads. we are constantly bombarded with Ad’s on Billboards, TV,

Magazine. Internet even your own clothing. It’s impossible to go anywhere without someone trying to sell something to you.

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IMAGE ALTERATION Women portrayed in the media are

almost always airbrushed.

This creates a false illusion and is an unattainable “beauty” that not even the women portrayed actually fit.

Many women especially young girls are unaware of this, and how constant exposure can turn into a belief that this illusion is reality.

The cosmetic industries success is because they make us believe we can never look good enough without their product/s.

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YOUTH AND BODY IMAGE Many girls are exposed to these

negative unrealistic messages at a young age.

This leads to several disorders and need to reach an unrealistic image of what they believe they should look like.

Barbie is and example of an unrealistic woman who's proportions are far from the average woman yet many young girls see this as a standard they must reach to be “beautiful”.

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EATING DISORDERS AnorexiaRefusal to maintain a healthy body weight and an obsessive fear of

gaining weight. Often coupled with a distorted self image

BulimiaPerson binges on food or has regular episodes of over eating and feels a

loss of control. The affected person then vomits to prevent

weight gain.

These are just two of the many eating disorders that have

horrible side effects to your body such as cardiovascular problems,

lack of menstrual cycle, anemia, kidney dysfunctions, irregular heart rhythm

Even death.

Eating disorders are caused because of body image


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SEEK HELP Seek professional help if an eating disorder

has become out of control.

National Eating Disorder Association (NEDA)Hotline 1-800-931-2237

Family and FriendsAlways give constructive support

Parents: Teach your children about the effects of the media. Help them maintain a healthy body weight and to always be happy with

who they are and what they look like.

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Always remember media and the negative effects it has on women.

No one has the right to tell you what beauty is. Everyone is different and that is what makes each individual so unique and beautiful.

Learn to Love yourself because you are BEAUTIFUL.

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QUOTE “Everyone talks about diversity, but if

everyone has to fit a certain mold, well, that’s not wanting diversity. It’s asking people to change who they really are.”

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DISCUSSION Do you think ads like Dove’s real women

and lane Bryant are helping change the way society views “beauty” in the media?