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Iskander Smit, @iskandr Couchmovies for Glass

Glass Explorers Meetup, March 28, 2014

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Experimenting with Glass

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Next generation mobile OS

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Glass is part of an overall trend towards now media and impulse shaped services

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Trigger design

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Key relationships/value propositions


Example values: Money, Power, Exposure, Experience, Love, Reputation, Rights, Attention, Trust, Service, Loyalty, Product, Information, Credits, Performance, Convenience






Key brand values

Date Design team

Inspired by the Value Network Canvas by 2012

value network map

Business objectives/KPI's

Journey stages

Value proposition

Mind to include pre-service, service consumption and post-service periods in your customer journey

Persona Objectives

Inspired by the Customer Journey Canvas by Mark Stickdorn & Jacob Schneider

Customer touchpoints

Emotional journey 2012

Company Date Design team

customer journey map

Place/time Actors Data

(Devices, networks, touchpoints, other people,...)


(Where does it come from? When? By whom? Does it change?)

(Location on time of day, weekday, weekend,...)

(What can be done with the data? What are the oppurtunities)

Conditions Trigger Result (end user) Result (business)

Base trigger



Mix of Lean Service Design tools Add context, add data Make a difference with trigger design

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couchmovies Branded Glass utility

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<T> <P> <T>

Cinema RSS recommendation engine

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[T] [>>]

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Beyond Minimal Viable Product

<T> <P> <T>

Add personal watch profile

Add social watching

Add second screen (IMDb trivia)Add personal movie profile

Add save to watchlist

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Check and share your experiences!

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Iskander Smit, [email protected], 06-24532388Thanks!

April 9, Rotterdam
