
Celebrating Genres

Celebrating GenresSomething for Everyone!

Genre defined a category of artistic, musical, or literary composition characterized by a particular style, form, or content Types of Genre: fantasyadventurebiographyPicture booksmysteryScience fictionpoetryGraphic novelsHistorical fiction

Books! Books! Books!Something to please and excite every reader!

MondayLets celebrate Graphic Novels!Lots of super heroes!

Wear a superhero T-shirt with your dress code pants, shorts, or skirt:

TuesdayLets celebrate Biography/Autobiography

Because we are Laura Ingalls Wilder, you might want to dress as she did:

Like this:

Or like another real-life person youve read about:

WednesdayScience Fiction Fantasy Celebrate Science FictionCelebrate Fantasy

There are limitless ways to dress to express your love forscience fiction

Oryour love for fantasy.

Thursday Celebration of Picture BooksIn other words

Fancy Nancy Day!!

Sodress to the nines!

FridayLets celebrate Adventure!

By becoming a pirate!

Celebrating genres! Which one is for YOU????

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