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Bot anic Gardens and Parks Authority

Annua l Report 2012/13

Celebrating our visitors

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Botanic Gardens and Parks Authority Annual Report 2012/13 The Botanic Gardens and Parks Authority Annual Report 2012/13 has been produced in accordance with the Public Sector Annual Report Framework.

© Botanic Gardens and Parks Authority 2013. This Annual Report is copyright and may be reproduced provided the source is acknowledged. All photographs within have been used with permission and remain the property of the BGPA or the contributors.

This report has been produced in electronic format and is available to download from the BGPA’s website as a whole or in sections in Word and PDF and can be made available in alternative formats on request. For hearing and/or speech impaired access, contact the National Relay Service TTY 133 677.

Enquiries regarding this report should be directed to: Botanic Gardens and Parks Authority Address: Fraser Avenue WEST PERTH WESTERN AUSTRALIA, 6005 Telephone: +61 8 9480 3617 Facsimile: +61 8 9322 5064 Email: [email protected] Internet: Front cover images (left to right): 1. Children enjoying The Tangle in Rio Tinto Naturescape Kings Park, photo courtesy of Lotterywest. 2. Young child enjoying activities during the 2012 Kings Park Festival, photo A Russell. 3. Families enjoy the natural environments of Bold Park and Kings Park and Botanic Garden, photo J D’Arcy. 4. More than 5.8 million people visited Kings Park and Botanic Garden during 2012/13, photo J D’Arcy.

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Statement of Compliance Hon Albert Jacob MLA Minister for Environment

In accordance with Section 63 of the Financial Management Act 2006, we hereby submit for your information and presentation to Parliament, the Annual Report of the Botanic Gardens and Parks Authority for the financial year ended 30 June 2013.

The Annual Report has been prepared in accordance with the provisions of the Financial Management Act 2006. Grant Robinson Deputy Chairman Botanic Gardens and Parks Authority Board of Management 11 September 2013 Hamish Jolly Member Botanic Gardens and Parks Authority Board of Management 11 September 2013

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Botanic Gardens and Parks Authority Annual Report 2012/13 ii

Chairman’s Report This past year has been another period of substantial activity and outcomes by the Botanic Gardens and Parks Authority (BGPA) that has provided significant benefits to the community and biodiversity outcomes locally and state-wide. The outstanding international reputation and quality activities of the BGPA also recognises the delivery of key outcomes disproportionate with the relative size of the organisation. The BGPA has continued the delivery of high quality facilities, activities and services to the local community, and to national and international visitors and other stakeholders. Key initiatives that

exemplify the excellence of the BGPA activities include the expanded public and school education program, bushland management, the year round presentation of the parklands and the Western Australian Botanic Garden, international consultancy activities and leadership in restoration. Bookings for Kings Park Education programs have continued to grow, by 30% from 2009/10 to 2010/11, by 24% in 2011/12, and by 72% in 2012/13. This is an outstanding and sustained increase by any measure and reflects the focus by the BGPA on delivering vital environmental and cultural education programs. The BGPA and the wider community continues to benefit from a number of sponsorships which provide medium to long term support for key projects. While each arrangement is unique, overall they are characterised by shared values with the BGPA, excellent communication and mutual benefit. Rio Tinto continues its excellent long-term support as naming sponsor of Rio Tinto Naturescape Kings Park (2008 – 2020). Now in its second year of operation, this facility has proven to be an immensely popular community asset for families and schools. This active sponsorship has provided a range of leveraging opportunities for Rio Tinto and several in-kind benefits to the BGPA in addition to the funding component of the agreement. The Water Corporation also continues its valued sponsorship (2009 – 2015) for Rio Tinto Naturescape Kings Park, with a focus on supporting environmental education. The 2012/13 year has seen the renewal of three existing sponsorships for a second term, demonstrating their strength and success to date:

• Variety WA has agreed to support the planned Stage Two development of the Saw Avenue Picnic Area, due for completion in mid-2014;

• Santos has been confirmed as Major Partner of the Kings Park Festival for the period 2013 – 2015 in the second term of its sponsorship agreement; and

• Synergy has confirmed its sponsorship of the highly popular Synergy Parkland (2012 - 2017). This area attracts in excess of one million visitors each year, providing excellent exposure to Synergy’s key market of local families.

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Chairman’s Report

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I take this opportunity to formally acknowledge the contribution of the Friends of Kings Park (FOKP), in this 20th Anniversary year, with two decades of dedicated support since its establishment in 1993. The FOKP’s advocacy and funding support for Kings Park and Botanic Garden, its practical contribution in a range of diverse activities ranging from the bushland, nursery, botanic garden, laboratory and community have been very significant and much appreciated. Its regular plant sales celebrate the wonder of Western Australia’s amazing flora, and provide plants to the community that are unavailable from most nurseries. Together, the Friends of Kings Park, with funding support from its partners, especially Lotterywest, have provided important grants for many facilities and activities over the years, including in the first decade; the Water Garden redevelopment and the Lotterywest Family Area in the 1990’s, and in the last ten years, the Lotterywest Federation Walkway, the Kings Park Festival and Rio Tinto Naturescape Kings Park. The ongoing dedication of the other four highly valued volunteer groups – the Friends of Bold Park Bushland Inc., the Kings Park Volunteer Guides, the Volunteer Master Gardeners, and the RSL’s Honour Avenue Committee - all deliver a wide range of valuable services within Bold Park or Kings Park and Botanic Garden that is also acknowledged and greatly appreciated by the Board. The BGPA could not deliver the services it does with such efficiency and effectiveness without the many thousands of hours of work donated annually by hundreds of active volunteers. I would also like to acknowledge the dedication of three long-serving Board members whose terms expired. Ms Corinne MacRae served for nine years and she remained passionate about bushland conservation in Bold Park and King Park and retained visitor focus throughout her term on the board. Professor John Considine served for over 18 years and provided knowledge and skills that added significant value to the deliberations of the Board especially in relation to bushland conservation and restoration, and plant development. Ms Clare Power served on the Board for 10 years and her knowledge and expertise in areas including legal matters, risk management and visitor experience also added great value to the Board. The Board warmly welcomed new members Ms Jacqui Purvis, Mr Brian Piesse and Professor Hans Lambers in 2012/13. Finally, I would also like to acknowledge the awarding of the Public Sector Medal to CEO Mark Webb in this year’s Australia Day Honours Awards. The Board appreciates the collaborative working relationship that it enjoys with the CEO and his Executive Team. I take this opportunity to sincerely thank all BGPA staff and volunteers, Hon Bill Marmion MLA, Minister for Environment; Water (until March 2013), Hon Albert Jacob MLA, Minister for Environment; Heritage (from April 2013), and staff from their office and my fellow Board members, past and present, for their invaluable contributions to the activities and outcomes of the BGPA. This has been another excellent year and I am proud to be part of this outstanding team.

Richard Simpson Chairman Botanic Gardens and Parks Authority Board of Management

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Statement of Compliance ................................................................................................ i Chairman’s Report .......................................................................................................... ii Overview ....................................................................................................................... 1

From the Chief Executive - The Year in Review ....................................................... 1 The Botanic Gardens and Parks Authority ................................................................. 5

Enabling and Administered Legislation .................................................................. 5 Legislation Impacting BGPA Activities ................................................................... 5 Responsible Minister .............................................................................................. 5 Organisational Structure ........................................................................................ 6

Outcome Based Management Framework ............................................................... 11 Changes to Outcome-Based Management Framework ....................................... 11 Shared Responsibilities with Other Agencies ...................................................... 11

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Section 1: Overview

From the Chief Executive - The Year in Review

The activities of the Botanic Gardens and Parks Authority (BGPA) are defined by the enthusiasm, professionalism and dedication of its staff and volunteers. While Kings Park and Botanic Garden, and Bold Park provide a wonderful and diverse focus for our activities, the local, national and international standing of the organisation is a direct result of the commitment of its staff and volunteers and the synergy between them. To our staff and volunteers, I acknowledge the thanks and appreciation of the Executive and the Board. Over the past 12 months, the BGPA has continued its delivery of

high quality facilities, activities and services to the local community, and to national and international stakeholders. Key initiatives that exemplify the high quality and excellence of the BGPA activities include the expanded public and school education program, international fee-for-service activities, and bushland management and leadership in restoration. There are many achievements detailed in this Annual Report that provide an overview of the varied activities of the BGPA. I commend the report to you. Some highlights from the past year include:

Awards and Recognition The Green Flag Award, was awarded to Kings Park and

Botanic Garden for its leading practices; in particular it’s outstanding volunteer program, high standard of safety, welcoming facilities, excellent management of the environment and historical features and sustainability practices, with places to play and relax.

The Infinity Award for a recycling program that has reduced the Kings Park’s green waste to zero, acknowledging the BGPA as a leader in innovation and waste reduction.

Kings Park and Botanic Garden was voted Perth's number one attraction on the global travel website Tripadvisor.

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Overview From the Chief Executive – The Year in Review

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Rio Tinto Naturescape Kings Park has earned BGPA landscape architects Plan E and construction contractors LD Total a series of awards for excellence in landscape design and construction.

The Place of Reflection in Kings Park received global recognition for its innovative design, featured on World Landscape Architecture website, and awards for excellence in design for landscape architects Plan E and Engineering Technology Consultants.

A Friends of Kings Park volunteer, Dr Tony Scalzo, won a prestigious Members of Parliament 2012 Volunteer Award for the Environment and was honoured as Volunteer of the Year.

Professor Kingsley Dixon, the BGPA Director Science was awarded the Linnean Medal in the field of Botany. He is only the second Australian to be awarded the medal, which is the premier annual award of the world's oldest learned Society devoted to biology.

Events Free and paid events are another way to broaden the

park’s visitor demographic and continue to demonstrate the importance of Kings Park and Botanic Garden as an outdoor event space. There are frequent requests for new events that need to be balanced against a range of existing uses for the park, and not all requests can be accommodated.

The 2012/13 Summer Event series provided a rich variety of concerts, theatre performances and outdoor cinema, attended by more than 86,000 visitors. The Perth International Arts Festival presented Scattered Light as part of the annual Perth Festival. The display attracted an estimated 200,000 visitors to Kings Park in February 2013.

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Overview From the Chief Executive – The Year in Review

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Community events continued to attract visitors to Kings Park and Botanic Garden including an estimated 620,000 people who attended the Kings Park Festival in September 2012; over 9,000 attended Islamic Eid events in August and October 2012; and about 45,000 who attended the April 2013 ANZAC Dawn Service at the State War Memorial.

International partnerships The BGPA continued its work on international consultancy

projects in the Middle East, especially in Saudi Arabia. A major feature of the work in Saudi Arabia is the development of plant establishment systems for arid environments that are low-cost and transferrable from the 16 hectare trial site to many tens and even hundreds of thousands of hectares across the Middle East.

Working with AGWEST International, the BGPA provide consultancy services related to horticulture, natural resource management, restoration and scientific research on a fee-for-service basis. These activities raise the profile of the BGPA and the expertise of its staff internationally, allow development opportunities for staff, deliver important environmental outcomes in other countries, and provide funding to support the BGPA’s vision and mission.

Bushland management and leadership in restoration Conservation and restoration programs in Kings Park and

Bold Park bushland are incremental, with each year’s activities building on activities of previous years. Continued improvements in bushland condition can be seen on-ground and as measured by key performance indicators contained in this report. Restoration of urban remnants is long term and needs regular input.

A key initiative in 2013/14 is the establishment of the Restoration Seedbank in Kings Park. With support and funding from the University of Western Australia and BHP Billiton, the Restoration Seedbank will directly benefit the bushland restoration programs in Bold Park and Kings Park, and provide practical and sustainable solutions for effective restoration of Western Australian landscapes.

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Overview From the Chief Executive – The Year in Review

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I appreciate the continued support of the Board of Management and especially its Chairman, Mr Richard Simpson. The Board’s governance and support has added significant value to the management of Kings Park and Botanic Garden and Bold Park, and to our overseas activities. The support of Ministers Hon Bill Marmion MLA (until March 2013) and Hon Albert Jacob (since April 2013) is also appreciated and acknowledged. I would like to also record my sincere thanks and appreciation to the BGPA Executive team especially Directors Marcelle Broderick, Lesley Hammersley and Kingsley Dixon, and Executive Officer Elizabeth Suttie.

Mark Webb Chief Executive Officer Botanic Gardens and Parks Authority

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The Botanic Gardens and Parks Authority The Botanic Gardens and Parks Authority (BGPA) is responsible for the care, control and management of Bold Park and Kings Park, including the Western Australian Botanic Garden. The functions that underpin that management of these parks include the provision of recreational and tourism services and facilities; conservation of natural landscapes and cultural heritage; plant management and display; biodiversity management; and research and educational programs.

Vision To create and provide world recognised botanic gardens and parks and to inspire the conservation of biological diversity.

Mission To conserve and enhance Kings Park and Botanic Garden and Bold Park with the community and to conserve biological diversity generally.

Enabling and Administered Legislation The BGPA is constituted under the Botanic Gardens and Parks Authority Act 1998 (the Act) for the care, control and management of Kings Park and Botanic Garden (Reserve A1720 except Perth Lots 64 and 65) and Bold Park (Reserve A45409). The BGPA was established under Part 2, Section 4 of the Botanic Gardens and Parks Authority Act 1998, and is responsible for administering the Botanic Gardens and Parks Regulations 1999, created under the provisions of Part 8 of the Act.

Legislation Impacting BGPA Activities In the performance of its functions and activities, the BGPA complies with all relevant legislation as required.

Responsible Minister The statutory responsibility for the BGPA is vested with the Minister for Environment, currently the Hon Albert Jacob MLA.

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Overview The Botanic Gardens and Parks Authority

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Organisational Structure Under the direction of the Chief Executive Officer, the vision, mission and services of the BGPA are delivered through three Directorates: Horticulture and Conservation, Business and Visitor Services, and Science. Each Directorate has a set of objectives designed to deliver the key services to Government: Service 1 - Customer Services and Cultural Heritage; and Service 2 - Biodiversity Conservation and Scientific Research.

BGPA Structure as at 30 June 2013

Administrative and Executive Support

- Bookings Office - Reception - Records Management

Aspects of Kings Park Finance Human Resources Online Communications Visitor Services

- Communications - Events - Kings Park Education - Park Management Team - Volunteers

Director Business and Visitor Services

Marcelle Broderick

Administrative and Technical Support Biodiversity Conservation

- Bushland Management Bold Park

- Visitor Services Bold Park - Bushland Management

Kings Park Contracts and Assets Engineer Horticultural Development Horticulture

- Arboriculture - Grounds and Infrastructure - Horticultural Displays - Herbarium - Nursery - Western Australian Seed

Technology Centre Information Systems

Chief Executive Officer Mark Webb

Board of Management

Minister for Environment

Executive Officer

Director Horticulture and Conservation

Lesley Hammersley

Administrative Support Biodiversity and Extensions Conservation Biotechnology Conservation Genetics Orchid Conservation Restoration Ecology Restoration Ecophysiology Seed Science and Restoration


Director Science Kingsley Dixon

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Overview The Botanic Gardens and Parks Authority

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Board of Management The Board of Management is the governing body of the BGPA. Appointed by the Minister for Environment, members meet on a regular basis to consider issues of a strategic and policy nature. The BGPA Audit Committee is a sub-committee of the Board established to assist the Board in the discharge of its responsibilities. The Committee provides a forum to deal with issues relating to the financial and performance reporting obligations of the Board. There were a number of changes in Board membership during the reporting year. Three new members were appointed when the terms of long-standing members Ms Corinne MacRae (term expired 30 June 2012), Professor John Considine (term expired 31 December 2012) and Ms Clare Power (term expired 31 December 2012) came to an end. Ms Jacqui Purvis commenced her appointment in July 2012; Professor Hans Lambers and Mr Brian Piesse commenced their terms in January 2013. The Board meets formally on a bi-monthly basis, meeting on six occasions during this reporting period. The 2013 Board of is made up of the following members:

Mr Richard Simpson Chairman 5 of 6 Meetings Mr Simpson was appointed to the BGPA Board of Management as the Chairman in 2002 and is also Chair of the BGPA Audit Committee. Mr Simpson has significant commercial and management experience in the financial services sector and over 20 years experience in providing investment banking advice to a range of corporate and government clients in Australia and internationally. He has worked in investment banks in London, Sydney, Melbourne and Perth. Mr Simpson was Chairman and Managing Director of Hartleys Limited from 2003 to 2008 and Head of Corporate Finance from 2002 to 2009. He remains a Director of Hartleys Limited. Mr Simpson was formally re-appointed to the Board in December 2011 until 31 December 2014.

Mr Grant Robinson Deputy Chairman 6 of 6 Meetings Mr Robinson has been a BGPA Board member since 2006 and is a partner at KPMG, with a focus on audit and assurance services. He has experience in a broad range of industry sectors, both listed and non-listed entities. Mr Robinson also assists the BGPA as a member of the BGPA Audit Committee. Mr Robinson was re-appointed to the Board in July 2012 until June 2015 and was appointed Deputy Chairman in January 2013.

BGPA Board of Management From Left to Right: Glen McLeod, Richard Simpson, Hamish Jolly, Tom Baddeley, Grant Robinson and Hans Lambers. Absent: Brian Piesse and Jacqui Purvis.

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Mr Tom Baddeley 5 of 6 Meetings Mr Baddeley was appointed to the BGPA Board in 2010 and is Manager, Government and Community Relations, WA and NT, at Australian energy company, Santos. He was previously Director WA of the Australian Petroleum Production and Exploration Association. Mr Baddeley was previously WA Director of the Committee for Economic Development of Australia and was a solicitor before moving into journalism. Mr Baddeley was re-appointed to the Board in April 2013 until 31 March 2015.

Mr Hamish Jolly 5 of 6 Meetings Mr Jolly is a Chartered Accountant with a diverse career in commerce, finance innovation and environment. He is currently a Director of Dunbar Harper Pty Ltd, Biogass Renewables Pty Ltd and Shark Mitigation Systems Pty Ltd. Hamish and has more than 20 years experience in executive leadership of diverse corporate, banking, international development and consulting businesses. Mr Jolly was re-appointed to the Board in April 2013 until April 2015. Professor Hans Lambers 3 of 3 Meetings Professor Lambers became the inaugural Head of School of Plant Biology at The University of Western Australia in 2002 and remains in the post today. In 2012, he was elected Fellow of the Australian Academy of Science. He is nationally and internationally renowned for his environment and conservation research. Professor Lambers was appointed for a three-year term from January 2013 to December 2015.

Mr Glen McLeod 6 of 6 Meetings Mr McLeod is an internationally recognised lawyer with a 35 year practice in environmental, planning and government law. His skills include project management, litigation and strategic planning in approval processes and he has expertise in climate change and renewable energy sectors, ports, international trade, probity and procurement. Mr McLeod was appointed to the Board in June 2012 until June 2015.

Mr Brian Piesse 1 of 3 Meetings Mr Piesse has over 20 years experience in executive management and market and business development within agricultural and other industries. He is currently the Managing Director and owner of a private company and holds positions on advisory boards, including the South West Development Commission and Edith Cowan University Advisory Board. Mr Piesse was appointed for a three-year term from January 2013 to December 2015.

Ms Jacqui Purvis 5 of 6 Meetings Ms Purvis has extensive experience in environmental consultancy and is passionate about providing the community with conservation based initiatives through education and consultation. Ms Purvis was appointed for a three-year term from July 2012 to July 2015.

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Professor John Considine 2 of 3 Meetings Professor Considine was a BGPA Board member since 1994 and he was also a member of the BGPA’s Audit Committee. Professor Considine’s term expired 31 December 2012.

Ms Clare Power 3 of 3 Meetings Ms Power was appointed to the BGPA Board in 2002 and held the role of Deputy Chair. Ms Power’s term expired 31 December 2012.

Senior Officers

Mark Webb BSc. Agric (Hons), Post Grad. Cert. Cross-Sector Partnerships Chief Executive Officer Mark Webb was appointed Chief Executive Officer of the Botanic Gardens and Parks Authority on 23 November 2004. Mr Webb joined the BGPA in October 1998 as Director, Living Collections. He has extensive experience in horticultural research, public and private sector management and business. He is a member of the International Society for Horticultural Science and sits on a number of local, national and international committees and boards.

Lesley Hammersley B (App. Sci) Env. Hort. Director, Horticulture and Conservation Lesley Hammersley joined the BGPA in December 2000 as Manager Biodiversity Conservation and was formally appointed as Director Horticulture and Conservation in October 2010, after fulfilling the role in an acting capacity for the previous 14 months. Ms Hammersley is responsible for all on-ground activities in Kings Park and Botanic Garden and Bold Park including bushland conservation and management, all horticultural activities, cultural heritage, asset and infrastructure management and the management of capital works projects and other developments. Prior to joining the BGPA, Ms Hammersley had many years experience managing a botanic garden and involvement with plant nurseries and landscape development in private enterprise.

Marcelle Broderick BSw, MSW (Policy and Administration), Grad. Cert. Public Sector Management Director, Business and Visitor Services Marcelle Broderick joined the BGPA in January 1998 and is responsible for the visitor services functions, incorporating park management, volunteers, education, events, website and corporate communications and Aspects of Kings Park gallery shop. The Directorate led by Ms Broderick is also responsible for all internal business and corporate services, governance, planning and reporting, and external business development, including partnerships, agreements, leases and licences. Prior to joining the BGPA, Ms Broderick worked for many years in a number of private and public sector organisations with varied responsibilities including corporate services, social research, community development, employee support and organisational change.

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Professor Kingsley Dixon PhD Director, Science Kingsley Dixon has worked in public sector research for 30 years and leads a team of scientists in leading edge scientific research that underpins the conservation and restoration of Western Australian biodiversity. The Science Directorate, under Dr Dixon’s direction, is responsible for undertaking research and investigation in Western Australian flora and biological diversity.

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Outcome Based Management Framework The BGPA has aligned its activities and outcomes with the relevant goal and strategic outcomes of the State, ensuring collaboration and co-ordination of service delivery.

The BGPA’s Strategic Plan 2009-2014 identifies the functions, vision and mission statements, core business and guiding principles, which are the key elements in delivering its agency-level government desired outcomes.

Changes to Outcome-Based Management Framework The BGPA’s Outcome-Based Management Framework did not change during 2012/13.

Shared Responsibilities with Other Agencies The BGPA did not formally share any responsibilities with other agencies in 2012/13.

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Botanic Gardens and Parks Authority

2012-13 Annual Report

Contact Details:

Kings Park and Botanic Garden Fraser Avenue, West Perth

Western Australia, 6005 Telephone: +618 9480 3600 Facsimile: +618 9322 5064

Aspects of Kings Park Fraser Avenue, West Perth

Western Australia, 6005 Telephone: +618 9480 3900 Facsimile: +618 9480 3911

Bold Park 165 Perry Lakes Drive, Floreat

Western Australia, 6014 Telephone: +618 9387 0800 Facsimile: +618 9387 0899

Email: [email protected] Website: