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How did Boxter grow web traffic over 500% in one month?

A case study on a repeatable and actionable Growth Hacking system.

Current Business Problems

• How do you get a specific audience to visit a website and keep coming back?• How do you dramatically increase organic web traffic?• How do you increase social sharing and word of mouth?• How do you create repeatable and actionable steps to keep a company growing?

How does Boxter answer these questions? We saw an opportunity to take on these challenges head on, and this case study demonstrates the answers.

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Case Study Results

How do you get these results?

1. Assess channels

We examined every marketing channel that would reach the target audience (marketers). The top three choices ended up being Twitter, Social News sites and PR. Each one reaches millions of the target demographic.

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2. Customer development

We spoke to dozens of companies and surveyed the problems they were experiencing with online marketing and customer acquisition. What you want to find are pain points that are consistent and import-ant to your potential customers. By understanding their problems you can begin to determine what solutions they are looking for and which ones provide real value.

3. Quantify metrics

You need to track data points, so it’s possible to measure what works and how well it works. We chose two key measurement: the number of website visitors and the number of email collects.

4. User communities

There’s a great number of user communities online, so you need to narrow them down and prioritize them like you do with marketing channels. We identified two online communities that are very popular with marketers: and

5. Iterative testing

The next step is to iterate on the marketing strategy and adjust contin-uously based on the data collected. We released content and promot-ed the site while keeping track of metrics in relation to our efforts and adjusted accordingly.

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6. Reoccurring interaction

Once visitors start browsing the site it’s important to determine where they are coming from and what drives engagement. We engaged with our potential customers via phone and email once we collected their contact information, and then offered free consultations.

7. End with a goal

The end goal of this campaign was for companies to a request for a proposal for paid work and then close the contract. If a website does not have calls to action aligned with the goals of the company then there’s little point to driving traffic to the site. If the goal is more qualified leads and new customers, then it’s important that every step along the way is aligned with the overall end goals.

Boxter built the ACQUIRE system and apps to solve these problems.

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Update: 6 months later

Six months after this case study was completed we again collected all the data to add this addendum. As you can see in the graph above the web traffic did decrease after the one intensive month of ACQUIRE. But the next month had 210% more traffic (572 to 1,772 visitors) than before the campaign started. Over the next six months Boxter implemented a series of Content Marketing campaign that grew web traffic continuously.

The data illustrates how Boxter’s software optimizes growth over time and can be used to compliment online marketing efforts. Weekly reports were generated to guide the campaigns and ensure that the highest ROI was achieved. In May of 2015 the number of unique visitors to the website was 4,581.

• Average of 3 new leads per day

•Average monthly growth rate of 79%

•Average monthly cost = $10K

•Average value of new clients per month = $60K

•Average monthly ROI of Boxter = 6X

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A sustainable system for accelerating customer acquisition and increasing web traffic. This system requires no advertising and focuses on sustainable lean marketing that will keep working into the future. We developed this new technology to complement our three other marketing systems. This first case study produced a 500% increase in organic web traffic in one month.
