

• Solve analogy:– Mesopotamia : cuneiform = Egypt:_________

• List an example of how the Egyptians achieved each of the 5 characteristics of advanced civilizations?



• Describe the impact of geography on the Indus Valley civilization.

• Describe Indus Valley cities and culture.

• List theories about the decline of the Indus Valley civilization.

Geography of the Indian Subcontinent

• The Indus Valley is located on the subcontinent of India.

• Himalayas and Hindu Kush Mts. separate India from other lands.

• Three major regions:– Northern plain– Deccan plateau– Coastal plain


• Ganges-sacred river• Indus• Brahmaputra

– flooding- costs and benefits

Monsoon-Seasonal Wind• Summer monsoon-Wet season• Monsoon means wind that

changes direction with season.

• Monsoon is the seasonal weather pattern that dominates India. Means “season” in Arabic.


• Lifting due to Topography

produces orographic clouds

• When air is confronted by a mountain, it is lifted up and over the mountain, cooling as it rises.

• If the air cools to its saturation point, the water vapor condenses and a cloud forms.

Winter Monsoon

• Winter-Dry season– During the winter, the flow of air reverses.

The continent cools rapidly forming a large area of high pressure over north central Asia. Now the drier, colder air of the continent blows offshore creating the dry monsoon season.

Winter Monsoon


• The Indus Valley Civilization (3000BC–1500 BC)and matured around (2600BC–1900 BC)

• The mature phase of this civilization is known as the Harappan Civilization

Advanced Cities• Mohenjo-Daro - one of the

administrative centers of the ancient Indus Valley Civilization. .– The planning and

engineering showed the importance of the city to the people of the Indus valley.

• Harrappa – was built according to

plans of well-laid-out streets,

– differentiated living quarters

– flat-roofed brick houses, and fortified administrative or religious centers.

Advanced Cities

• Lothal

– was a trading center with its trade of beads, gems and valuable ornaments.

– had the world’s first dock.

– Lothal's people were responsible for the earliest-known portrayals of realism in art and sculpture.


Specialized workers

• Bronze workers that worked metals into jewelry, weapons or tools

• Bricklayers

• Scribes

• Merchants

Complex institutions

• This ancient civilization had a strong central government

• The Indus civilization had a polytheistic religion.• Certain animals and human figures were worshipped.

Writing and Record Keeping• The people of the Indus

Valley Civilization developed a writing system that we are still unable to read .

• Over 2,000 stone seals have been found

• These seals were in quadrangular shapes

• The most common seal found was of an unicorn.

• Those found in Indus Valley were similar to those found in Mesopotamia. (Which suggests …..what?)


One of the first early civilizations to have:- wide streets laid out in a grid pattern- plumbing- sewer system

The cities of the Indus Valley were well planned and had covered drains.Indus houses had protection against noise, odors, and thieves. Standardized weights and measures

Causes of Decline• Around 1750 B.C.,

Indus Valley civilization began to decline(become weaker).

• Scientists suggest 3 reasons:– Indus River may have

changed its course– overused land– invaders defeated

Indus Valley civilization


• Main religion in India, no founder but has roots in Aryan beliefs.

• Goal is to achieve enlightenment (moksha) and escape cycle of reincarnation

• Reincarnation- rebirth of soul in various forms, depending on karma

• Karma- means “to do” in Sanskrit Belief that every deed in this life affects a person’s fate in a future life.

Brahman- The world soul


• Has gone through many changes over the last 2,500 years

• Are today, free to choose the god(s) they worship.

• 3 different paths to achieveing moksha: – Path of right thinking– Path of right action– Path of religious devotion


• Ideas about karma and reincarnation strengthened the caste system.

• Dominated a person’s life:– What you ate– Personal cleanliness– Who you associated with– How one dressed

Hiindu Temple


• Began between Nepal and India in ~560 BC, as a rejection of the caste system.

• Founded by Siddhartha Gautama, a noble man who gave up all of his riches and went on a quest searching for religious truth and an end to life’s sufferings.

• 6-year journey in search of enlightenment (wisdom).


• Siddharta became known as “Buddha,”after achieving enlightenment and an understanding of the cause of suffering.

Buddhism- Origins & Beliefs

• The Four Noble Truths:– 1. Life is filled with suffering and sorrow.– 2. The cause of all suffering is people’s selfish

desire for the temporary pleasures of this world.– 3. The way to end all suffering is to end all

desires.– 4. The way to overcome such desires and

attain enlightenment is to follow the Eightfold Path.

Buddhism- Origins and Beliefs

• By following Eightfold Path anyone could reach Nirvana, which means release from selfishness and pain.

• Believe in reincarnation.• No gods, goal is

enlightenment.• Reject the caste
