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BraincationPresented by,Bhavin PatelObjectiveTo understand braincation, its effects and ways to overcome it.

There is an increasing intolerance for nothingness and boredom, and that in turn, creates a state where the brain is constantly searching for something to do. This can lead to extreme frustration-Malini Krishnan, psychologist How it affects your healthBrain overload

Social isolation

Sleep cycle disturbances

Square eyes because of constantly looking at screensDo you know???5 biggest travel tech trends..Theres an App for ThatWi-Fi in the SkyInteractive MapsTravel Goes SocialBraincation

BenefitsIncreased attention spanA 2008 study by University of Michigan psychologists found that walking outside or even just looking at pictures of natural settings improves directed attention, the ability to concentrate on a task. Put another way: nature restores our ability to focus.

Better memoryThe same study supported previous experiments showing that being in nature improves memoryby 20 percent when it came to recalling a series of numbers.Reduced stressOffice workers with views of trees and flowers reported lower stress levels, higher job satisfaction, and fewer physical ailments than colleagues with views of buildings, according to a 1989 study by the University of Michigan.

Improved moodIn a 1991 study by Texas A&M psychologists, subjects who viewed scenes of water or trees reported a much quicker return to a positive mood after a stressful event than those who viewed urban scenes.

Greater creativity In a pilot study this March, psychologists found that students in an Outward Bound course showed a 40 percent boost in frontal-lobe activitywhich is linked to creativity after four days in the backcountry.

ExamplesSome of the hotels proofing areas to prevent wi-fi waves from getting through,

Quincy in Washington DC has a be unplugged package,

On palm island and young island guest booking for de-tech packages will be asked to handover their electronics devices at check in and can avail services of life coach if they need.BibliographyTimes life, a supplement of Sunday TOI, page 3, June 16, 2013 Thank you!!!