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Definition:Brainstorming: a group problem-solving technique that involves the spontaneous contribution of ideas from all members of the group; also : the mulling over of ideas by one or more individuals in an attempt to devise or find a solution to a problem.

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In his book Applied Imagination, BBDO Co-Founder Alex Faickney Osborn, ‘the original MadMan’, wrote positively about it.

In it, Osborn defined four rules to brainstorm productively:• No criticism of ideas• Go for large quantities of ideas• Build on each others ideas• Encourage wild and exaggerated ideas

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If you want a creative idea, it should be approached from different angles. Think of it as a reverse prism: a spectrum of colors (different angles) reflecting white light (a pure idea or solution)

First Step: Get a diverse group

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Before Brainstorming, let the team know what the aim and topic of the brainstorm will be,and ask them to play with it for a day or two before the brainstorm -especially in their shower!

Second Step: Prepare to Brainstorm

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Third Step: Get out of your office or usual work place

Go with your team to a place uncluttered by previous work. A living room, lounge, or garden would be nice. This is to get people more comfortable and relaxed, the idea is for everyoneto be in a happy and creative mindset. Don’t forget to bring a whiteboard!

Image: Google’s Zurich Office

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Fourth Step: Embrace your inner child

We all remember being seven-year olds, at least we know we were playful and creative, and Nothing seemed impossible. This child must be awakened. Take your team on a time-machine, give ‘stickers’ and candies around, play a fun children’s game, be creative!

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Fifth Step: Get out of your comfort zone

Other than defining your aim and time limit, there are to be no boundaries, get out of the box. Enter your creative stream. Write the first association, be as out of the box as possible, this will make people smile and feel comfortable sharing their thoughts.

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Sixth Step: Sticky Notes!

Once the brainstorm reaches the time-limit, it’s time to take out the sticky notes and categorize.Create lists/categories and place each thought accordingly and democratically.

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This isn’t just a team-building exercise; the ideas brainstormed have value and should be applied. Create a document summarizing the main points, distribute it, ask for feedback, and get to work.

Happy Brainstorming,Viva the Knowledge Revolution!Follow us @WikiBrains