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Armada Global, Inc.

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Brazil Security Overview and Travel Assessment

June 2015

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The use of Armada Global's intelligence assessments constitutes the waiver from all liability for or by reason of any

damage, loss or injury to person and property, even injury resulting in death, which has been or may be sustained in

consequence of the recommendations made by Armada Global in its reports. Armada Global provides validated

security recommendations but cannot guarantee the health, safety, or security of any individual. Use of Armada's

assessments in planning or any other manner constitutes the waiver of all liability of Armada Global, Inc.

Executive Summary

Brazil, the largest country in South America, is a relatively safe destination for tourists; however,

despite increased security measures in response to hosting the 2014 FIFA World Cup and 2016

Olympics, Brazil continues to suffer from high crime rates. Although most violent crime is

targeted against locals, tourists can still fall victim to acts of violence. Tourists are also

particularly vulnerable to “crimes of opportunity,” such as pickpocketing and purse snatching,

and scams, such as being given counterfeit currency by vendors. Consequently, tourists should

maintain a heightened situational awareness while in country.

Nationwide anti-government demonstrations have continued since March 2015, and many have

been infiltrated by violent anarchist groups. Tourists should avoid areas where demonstrations

are taking place and plan alternative travel routes when affected. Organized crime, trafficking of

illegal drugs and timber, and land disputes have led to violent clashes between criminals and

police and locals. While these groups do not necessarily single out tourists, foreigners can still be

harmed in these violent encounters. Illegal logging and land disputes are of particular concern

and have sparked demonstrations and violent retaliation against activists.

When travelling in Brazil, tourists should also pay attention to roadway conditions. Most of

Brazil’s highways outside of cities are unpaved and are particularly dangerous during the rainy

season, which differs throughout the country.

Also, all tourists should practice standard health precautions, particularly to avoid mosquito

bites. The Center for Disease Control has issued Level 1 health notices for Brazil for Malaria,

Chikunyunga, and Dengue Fever; however, it must be noted that Dengue Fever in Brazil is

spreading with more than 750,000 cases as of May 2015, including 229 deaths.

Additionally, visitors to Brazil should be cautious of venomous snakes and spiders. While these

species are often secluded to dark, shrubby areas, rainstorms and construction can bring them

onto city streets and sidewalks. Hospital access is generally acceptable across Brazil. Due to the

country’s large size, the impact of these issues varies from region to region.

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Connecting Flights and Layovers

Travelling from the United States to Amizade’s service sites in Brazil may require flight

connections, usually with substantial layover durations. Travelers are advised to remain within

the airport terminal during these layovers. An assessment of possible connecting locations


A) Manaus, Amazonas

Eduardo Gomes International Airport was completely renovated in December 2013 in

preparation for the 2014 FIFA World Cup. As such, it is complete with all of the amenities

expected of a modern air passenger facility, including shopping, food courts, WiFi accessibility,

and even a pharmacy and medical center. The airport complex is patrolled by private guards and

police and should be considered safe. The airport is located about nine miles from the city center

of Manaus, which can be reached via public transportation, taxi, or private shuttle in about 45

minutes. If travelers leave the airport, they are advised to use a pre-arranged private shuttle or

one of the legitimate taxi services located in the airport. While independent taxis were banned

from the airport in 2013, some may continue to attempt to pick up passengers; travelers should

never accept a ride from a driver unaffiliated with one of the airport taxi services.

Manaus is frequently ranked one of the most dangerous cities in Brazil. According to the United

Nations Office of Drugs and Crime (UNODC), in 2013, Manaus’ homicide rate was 37.07 per

100,000 people. Comparatively, Pittsburgh’s homicide rate in 2013 was 14.6 per 100,000

people. The city suffers from high levels of gang activity and illegal drug trafficking, particularly

around the city’s densely populated shantytowns, or favelas, where different houses are often

painted varying colors corresponding to which type of drug that home sells. Travelers in Manaus

should avoid these areas. Travelers should try to stay in the Ponta Negra beach neighborhood in

the West part of the city where police presence and security is more robust. However, due to the

area’s attraction of tourists, pickpockets and other criminals may target travelers with bags,

jewelry, or those using ATMs. Throughout the city, travelers should also be aware of snakes,

especially during the city’s rainy season (December through May).

B) Belém, Pará

Val de Cans International Airport is one of Brazil’s most modern airports and is equipped with

amenities such as restaurants, shopping, showers and WiFi. Airport security includes private

guards and police who patrol both the terminal and parking areas. The airport is about seven

miles from downtown Belém, which can be reached via public transportation or cooperative taxi

services in about 30 minutes. If travelers leave the airport, they are advised to use a cooperative

taxi service located within the terminal. These are much safer than independent taxis and have

consistent fares.

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Belém has become an important node in drug trafficking routes from Bolivia, Colombia, and

Peru into Brazil. Consequently, the city has experienced consistent increases in violent crime

related to the illicit trade. According to the UNODC, in 2013, Belém’s homicide rate was 53.06

per 100,000 people, compared to Pittsburgh’s 14.6 per 100,000 people. While most of these

crimes occur in the favelas of the city, the violence can also be found in the city’s tourist centers.

According to local media sources, in 2009, several groups of youths from the favelas attacked

tourists’ vehicles and began an altercation. Travelers should stay close to hotels and tourist

centers where there is greater security, such as Estacao das Docas and the Umarizal area.

Travelers should remain aware of their surroundings and avoid extravagant attire or carrying


C) Belo Horizonte, Minas Gerais

The Tancredo Neves-Confins International Airport in Belo Horizonte, Minas Gerais was

renovated in March 2014 and, as such, has modern amenities such as WiFi accessibility,

shopping, restaurants and banks. Private guards and police patrol the airport terminal and the

parking structures. Incidents of luggage theft have been reported; therefore, travelers should

make their way to the baggage claim area as quickly as possible and watch carefully for their

luggage. As the sixth largest city in Brazil, Belo Horizonte has a high crime rate; in 2013, its

homicide rate was 33.39 per 100,000 people compared to Pittsburgh’s 14.6 per 100,000 people.

However, most of this crime is concentrated in the city’s favelas, where gangs and drug

trafficking have led to increasing violence, and does not target foreign visitors.


Travelling throughout Brazil carries a variety of risks depending on the mode of transportation

and the distance travelled. This assessment focuses on both travel within service sites and

excursions away from the service site.

Inter-Site Travel

When travelling within Amizade’s service sites, volunteers will take transportation pre-arranged

by Amizade on-site staff. When travelling by vehicle, it is important to check roadway

conditions as many local roads are unpaved and suffer from potholes and sinkholes, especially

following rainstorms. Both service sites are prone to heavy flooding and landslides that often

block transit routes. Additionally, carjacking at stoplights is common in Brazil’s cities, both large

and small. It is recommended that travelers lock their doors and roll up windows to at least two

inches from the top to prevent someone from possibly reaching inside. If someone is

approaching your vehicle, check to see if traffic is clear and continue through the traffic light,

treating it as a stop sign. When travelling by boat, Amizade will primarily use vetted charter boat

services. In the event that volunteers are forced to travel by larger public line boats, volunteers

should stay as a group and hold onto their belongings carefully. As the line boats hold many

more people, pickpockets may single out foreign visitors with bags, jewelry or cameras. Boat

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accidents are not uncommon and volunteers should familiarize themselves with safety

procedures onboard the vessel. When travelling on foot, volunteers should stay as a group and

maintain heightened alertness. They should also look out for snakes and spiders, as both of

Amizade’s service sites are prone to large venomous populations of these creatures.

If volunteers decide to leave their housing during leisure time, they should notify Amizade staff

of their destination and whom they will be with. If travelling by foot, volunteers should stick to

main roads and avoid alleys and side streets, as these are often hotspots for criminal activity.

Volunteers should also remain vigilant when crossing streets as many drivers ignore “stop” and

“yield” signs. Volunteers can also reduce their risk of becoming a victim by alternating routes to

and from their housing. Public transportation and taxis are available; however, volunteers should

avoid crowded buses and independent taxi drivers. It is highly recommended that volunteers do

not use either motorcycle taxis or minibuses. Motorcycle taxi drivers often ignore traffic laws

and drive aggressively; many accidents have led to the deaths of both drivers and passengers.

Minibuses are often overcrowded and foreigners are targets of robbery, assault and even rape. In

2013, two U.S. students visiting Rio de Janeiro were held captive on a minibus, robbed, and men

onboard raped the female victim. While these incidents occur primarily in larger cities, they pose

a risk to anyone using minibuses in Brazil.

Volunteers should also remain alert when accessing ATMs as they may be targeted. This

includes having their debit/credit cards cloned by a skimming device attached to the ATM or

being victims of “express kidnappings” in which criminals force victims to withdraw as much

money as possible before reaching the withdrawal limit. Volunteers should only use ATMs

attached to banks and avoid private ATMs. In the event that an attacker approaches a volunteer

on the street, it is highly recommended that volunteers do not resist. The U.S. government warns

travelers that muggers are likely armed with either a pistol or a knife and if a victim resists, it

may lead to injury or death. Volunteers should be particularly alert to ATM robberies during

local holidays and festivals. Additionally, due to an increase in robberies at ATMs, some

machines have been fitted with an anti-theft device that applies pink colored ink to the notes of

an ATM that has been tampered with. Any pink colored note automatically loses its value and

will not be accepted as legal tender. If a volunteer receives cash from an ATM with any pink

markings, speak to the bank immediately to receive new notes. If you are unable to access a bank

branch, get a receipt from the ATM showing the withdrawal and take it to the police station to

file a report.


Amizade volunteers may sometimes travel beyond the immediate vicinity of their service sites as

part of an organized excursion. It is recommended that transportation be organized with a private

shuttle or charter boat service. Brazil has one of the highest road accident rates in the world.

When travelling via highway, travelers should check local sources for flooding, roadway

washouts, accidents, or organized demonstrations that may block traffic. Many of the highways

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surrounding Amizade’s service sites are unpaved, making them prone to sinkholes. Additionally,

heavy rainfall turns many roads into mud, making them impassable. According to local media

reports, there have been several instances of large buses getting stuck on muddy highways

throughout the country. Rural highways also suffer from many accidents caused by high-speed

and wreckless driving. Tourists should familiarize themselves with local traffic signage as many

road signs are in Portuguese; for example, stop signs will say “Pare.” In the event of a traffic

accident, travelers should call “190,” which will direct them to an emergency line maintained by

the military police; dialing “192” will direct callers to ambulance services. Following the 2014

FIFA World Cup, Brazil also included “911” to its emergency phone line directory. Below is an

assessment of possible excursions offered to Amizade volunteers:

Volunteers will have the opportunity to travel to the Floresta Nacional do Tapajós (FLONA) and

Alter do Chão. Once at the reserve, volunteers will be able to explore via hiking trails. While no

incidents involving foreign visitors have occurred in the site, local police units do patrol the

reserve for illegal logging and drug trafficking. Volunteers should stay alert and follow

instructions given by police.

Alter do Chão is often called “the Caribbean of the Amazon,” known for its clear waters and

white sand beaches. It sits alongside the right bank of the Rio Tapajós. While this highways

around Alter do Chão are paved, several stretches have no shoulder, vehicles travel at high

speeds, and many drivers leaving Alter do Chão are drunk, which has led to several accidents

involving pedestrians walking along the side of the highway. On May 7, 2015, a bus ran over a

woman and her three children, resulting in the death of the woman and one of the children. The

accident generated revolt and the community set fire to the bus and blocked the highway with

tree branches in protest of the road conditions and unsafe driving behaviors of bus companies.

Local traffic police and military police responded to the accident and calmed the crowds; no bus

passengers were harmed. The Regional Director of the State Department of Transportation

(SETRANS) has scheduled emergency road repairs in response. Not only do traffic accidents

pose a threat to volunteers travelling on this highway, but also ongoing local protests against bus

traffic on the highway may block traffic. While it is highly unlikely that demonstrators will harm

passengers, these events are ongoing and may escalate in severity. Travelers should drive

carefully and pay close attention to changing road conditions and speed limits.

As a frequented site for tourists, Alter do Chão is relatively safe. The primary concern for

criminal activity is petty theft and pickpocketing. Volunteers should safeguard their bags and

valuables while at the beach or at shops. This is a particular issue on weekends when most

tourists visit the beaches. Stingrays are often a problem for swimmers while visiting the

community, especially in the afternoon and evening. Fortunately, they are very skittish, so it is

safe to swim where other large groups are also in the water. When entering and exiting the water,

swimmers should shuffle their feet to kick up clouds of sand, which will scare away lingering

stingrays. If stung, go to one of the beachfront hotels for first aid and then seek medical attention.

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Security Assessment: Brazil

Crime Rate

Brazil is often labeled as one of the

most dangerous countries in the

world because of its high crime

rates compared to other countries.

The U.S. Department of State rates

the crime threat for Brazil as

critical. In 2013, Brazil’s national

homicide count was 53,646 at a

rate of 26.5 per 100,000 people

according to the UNODC. In that

same year, the United States’

homicide count was 12,253 at a

rate of 3.8 per 100,000 people.

Brazil also suffers from

comparatively higher rates of

robbery and sexual assault.

According to the U.S. State

Department, these incidents

increase during December and

January due to a variety of factors

including: prison furloughs that allow for leave during holidays, a higher percentage of police

officers on annual leave during the holidays, and citizens receive a “thirteenth month” bonus that

leaves them with more disposable income. Foreigners are not entirely immune from these

crimes; many criminals may target foreign visitors because they are less likely to file a police

report and are less likely to return to the country to testify in criminal proceedings. In January

2015, four criminals attacked a Lebanese diplomat while he was in his vehicle en route to a local

shopping mall. He was hit on the head and suffered a broken nose and bruises. While most of

these violent crimes occur in major urban centers and are more likely to be aimed against locals,

a spatial analysis of homicides across Brazil shows intense clusters of violence around the

country’s smaller cities and in rural areas. National and State police forces are attempting to

reduce these crime rates by increasing the number of police and through programs targeting

centers of violence, such as the “favela pacification program.” However, it should be noted that

smaller cities and rural areas are only recently seeing increased police presence. Therefore,

travelers to Brazil should remain alert even when outside of major cities.

Homicide Rates in 2011 for Brazil's Municipalities

Source: Brookings Institution, Latin America Initiative;

October 2014

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Organized Crime and Illicit Trade

Gangs exist in Brazil’s large cities but also operate throughout the country and region. In major

cities, such as Rio de Janeiro and Sao Paulo, these gangs exist almost exclusively in the favelas

where police are not as present. These urban shantytowns offer a place of refuge to criminals and

a way of selling

illegally trafficked

drugs. To rid the

favelas of gangs,

federal and state

police forces have

begun moving into

the slums to arrest

gang leaders and

crack down on drug

sales; these efforts

often lead to gun

battles between

authorities and

criminals. This has

only been partially

successful with many

favelas still under the

control of gangs. In the

past, targets of gang

violence outside of the favelas included police stations, buses, official buildings, businesses, and

some tourist hubs. It is uncommon for gangs to get involved in petty crimes of theft or robbery

because it yields much less money than narcotic and weapons sales. However, while most gang

violence targets police or locals, foreigners have been victims in the past. Tourists should be

aware of suspicious groups of individuals that appear to be watching tourist or other affluent

areas. Visitors should also avoid going to restaurants or nightclubs that do not have security

personnel after nightfall. Additionally, tourists should avoid any travel into favelas where gangs

maintain considerable control. Foreigners should not attempt to purchase any form of illicit drugs

or narcotics (including cannabis) as it will attract the attention of gang-related dealers and

because all drugs and narcotics are illegal in Brazil.

Outside of major cities, organized crime has expanded its presence through a growing drug trade.

According to a Brazilian police intelligence report, the prison gang known as First Capital

Command (PCC) now has a presence in 21 of Brazil’s 27 states. A burgeoning market for

cocaine due to a growing middle class provides gangs with a huge source of revenue.

Additionally, Brazil’s porous borders, especially with Bolivia, Colombia and Peru, allow for

Growing PCC Influence in Brazil

Source: National Public Security Secretariat (SENASP); 2012

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easy transport of drugs between Brazil and the rest of South America. These trafficking routes

transport drugs and weapons throughout Brazil. Government response to this issue has included

deploying military and police forces to border regions. This has led to an increase in violent

altercations between gang traffickers and police in much of southern Brazil. Travelers should

avoid isolated areas, particularly along rivers or forests, as these are common places for drug

traffickers to operate.

Illegal Logging

Eco-trafficking in Brazil’s Amazon Rainforest is also a growing cause of violence in the country.

According to the Brazilian government, illegal logging accounts for 80 percent of all logging

activity in the country. The profits on illegally sold timber has created a powerful criminal class

operating in isolated corners of the Amazon but whose ties to organized crime groups throughout

the country have been increasing. These groups are known to use violence to silence informants

and activists. Between 2002 and 2013, at least 448 environmentalists and land rights activists

were murdered in Brazil, including foreigners. These homicides are often marked by the

extremely violent deaths of victims due to hired killers being required to bring proof of the kill to

their clients. In 2011, a couple was murdered for campaigning against illegal logging and

shutting down logging roads. Two assassins shot the couple in the head and removed an ear from

each of the corpses; a witness in the case was later found dead. Many activists blame impunity

and corruption for the violence, arguing authorities fail to thoroughly investigate these killings.

In March 2015, the Brazilian government launched a new Environmental Operations Unit, made

up of primarily military police, posted as strategic points along smuggling trails in the Amazon

Rainforest to fight illegal logging. Volunteers should be attentive to their surroundings and avoid

areas where police may be carrying out anti-logging operations. If volunteers are witness to

crimes such as these, it is imperative that they cooperate with police but that they also contact the

U.S. Embassy for legal advice. While it is unlikely that volunteers will be targeted, volunteers

should remain conscious that advocating for environmental issues might draw the attention of

these criminal groups.

Nationwide Demonstrations and Civil Unrest

Since early 2015, demonstrations have been taking place throughout Brazil to protest against

corruption and increases in costs to basic services. Protests were triggered by revelations that

members of Brazilian President Dilma Rousseff’s Workers’ Party had accepted bribes from the

state-owned energy company Petrobras during a period when President Rousseff was on the

company’s board of directors. Initial protests occurred on March 15 with protestors’ numbers

being estimated between 1,000,000 and 2,000,000 nationwide. On April 12, the U.S. Embassy in

Brasilia issued a consular security message to U.S. citizens in Brazil to warn them to stay away

from demonstrations and large gatherings. While most of these demonstrations remained

peaceful, violence did occur in a few instances. It should be noted that some demonstrations in

the past have been infiltrated by anarchist groups, such as the Black Bloc. This group often

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organizes its operations on social media sites and wears black clothing and black bananas/masks

to demonstrations. These agitators sparked violent clashes between demonstrators and

authorities. Volunteers should avoid demonstrations and making comments that may incite

hostility towards them.

Land Reform and Indigenous Populations

Unequal distribution of land serves as a major flashpoint in relations between several groups in

Brazil. Multinational corporations have been given priority access to arable land by government

legislation, which has sparked resistance movements from workers groups and indigenous

populations. The Landless Rural Workers’ Movement (MST) aims to reclaim large swaths of

agriculturally rich land from large corporate holdings and reallocate it to groups of small

farmers. MST lawyers fight in courts to gain a legal claim to properties that meet government

requirements for redistribution, but squatter communities are also often established on these

lands, a process referred to as “land invasions.” These communities have experienced violent

clashes with large landowners and police trying to evict them from the lands. There have been

several instances of landless farmers being murdered by groups connected to land-owning

entities. MST has also staged demonstrations at public and corporate institutions, which often

lead to violent skirmishes between protestors and police. Volunteers should stay away from

squatter communities and MST demonstrations as they may be targeted by anti-land reform


Land reform issues have also been entangled in the protection of the ancestral lands of Brazil’s

indigenous populations, primarily in the north and center-west areas of the country. Since the

passing of the 1988 constitution, Brazil has demarcated 557 indigenous territories, and another

100 are still being reviewed. Many of the recognized territories have been affected by

deforestation and mass development, particularly the construction of hydroelectric dams in the

Amazon. Indigenous communities have lobbied the government and have held protests against

these projects. Further, they have also seized hostages and burned several buses. However, this

violence has been targeted against local employees of development corporations. Groups fighting

to have their land claims recognized by the government have also participated in “land

invasions.” This has led to the murder of several indigenous community members by local

farmers and clashes with police trying to remove squatters from disputed lands. These groups

have also organized demonstrations in major cities throughout Brazil. While advocating for

indigenous populations is not generally unpopular or dangerous, publicly supporting land reform

may draw attention to volunteers.

Terrorism in the Tri-Border Area (TBA)

Media reports have claimed the existence of extremist groups, such as al-Qai’da, HAMAS, and

Hezbollah, in the Tri-Border Area (TBA) of Brazil, Argentina and Paraguay. These groups have

reportedly used the area as a base for raising revenues through illicit trafficking. A history of

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lawlessness has made the TBA an ideal location for extremist groups to increase their presence

in the Western Hemisphere. Additionally, a sizeable Arab population in the region, mostly

Lebanese immigrants, has provided these

groups local support and has made it

harder for authorities to separate

extremists from locals. While no credible

evidence can be found that these groups

operate beyond financial interests in the

region, they may target large festivals or

sporting tournaments, such as the 2016

Olympics. However, according to the

U.S. Department of State, no significant

threat from terrorism inside Brazil

currently exists, and increased counter-

terrorism efforts by Brazilian authorities

has reportedly reduced the presence of

extremist groups. These groups’ operations are unlikely to extend beyond the TBA region and

further into Brazil due a greater presence of law enforcement and reduced local support.

However, due to the high level of crime and drug trafficking activities, foreigners are advised

against travelling to the TBA.


Many Brazilian cities are built into the side of steep valleys and have several precipitous slopes.

Their winding and uneven streets are often constructed with large flat stones. Travelers should

walk carefully as it is easy to suffer an injury from falling over these uneven surfaces. The streets

are particularly dangerous during and following rainstorms when the wet stones are very

slippery. Landslides and flooding are a concern during the rainy season. Roads can often become

impassable for extended periods of time and may prevent volunteers from travelling.

Health Concerns

Dengue Fever

Dengue Fever is a viral illness spread through mosquito bites. Dengue has rapidly spread

throughout Brazil following a recent drought that caused many to fill buckets of water, which

attracted infected mosquitos. The Center for Disease Control (CDC) currently has a Level 1

Watch issued for Brazil for Dengue. Though most infected people do not get sick or have only

mild symptoms, Dengue can be a severe and sometimes fatal illness. Symptoms can take up to

two weeks to develop. Mild Dengue symptoms include fever, headache, eye pain, muscle and

joint pain, nausea, vomiting, or rash. Even if mild symptoms cease, this may be the beginning of

severe Dengue. Symptoms of severe Dengue that volunteers should look for are intense stomach

Tri-Border Area

Source: Library of Congress; 2010

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pain, repeated vomiting, abnormal bleeding from the nose or gums, vomiting blood or blood in

the stool, drowsiness or irritability, clammy skin, or difficulty breathing. If volunteers develop

any of these symptoms, they should be taken to an emergency room immediately. Follow the

CDC’s Dengue Fever website for updates and warnings: CDC Travel Notices

There is no medicine or vaccine to prevent Dengue; the only measure of protection is preventing

mosquito bites. Mosquito bites can be prevented by the following methods:

Use an insect repellent with an approved active ingredient (DEET, Picaridin, OLE or

PMD, IR3535).

Treat clothing and gear with Permethrin.

Cover exposed skin with long sleeves and pants.

Stay in a screened or air-conditioned room. In rooms exposed to the outdoors, use a

mosquito net.

Empty containers of standing water and keep trash containers closed.


The CDC maintains a Level 1 Watch for Chikungunya for all of Brazil. Symptoms usually begin

3-7 days after being infected and include headache, muscle pain, joint swelling, or rash.

Chikungunya does not often result in death, but the symptoms can be severe and debilitating,

especially for those with diabetes or high blood pressure. While most people begin to feel better

in about a week, it is recommended those experiencing symptoms seek medical attention, as

many of the symptoms may also be signs of Dengue Fever. Taking steps to avoid mosquito bites,

as outlined above, can help prevent Chikungunya.


Malaria is a serious and sometimes fatal illness carried by mosquitos that is prevalent in tropical

and sub-tropical climates. The CDC has issued a Level 1 Watch for Malaria in Brazil. Symptoms

of Malaria can take several weeks or months to begin and include fever, chills, headache, sweats,

fatigue, nausea, and vomiting. Travelers to Malaria zones should see a doctor if they experience

these symptoms up to a year after returning to the United States. Travelers can protect

themselves from being infected by taking antimalarial drugs, obtained from a doctor in the U.S.

prior to travelling, and preventing mosquito bites. Travelers can learn more about Malaria

prevention at the CDC’s Malaria website: CDC Malaria


The CDC recommends the following vaccinations for those travelling to Brazil:

Update routine vaccinations such as MMR, Chickenpox, Polio, Flu, and Tetanus

Hepatitis A


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Hepatitis B



Yellow Fever

Venomous Animals

Brazil is home to several of the world’s most venomous species. Travelers to Brazil should be

aware of these animals and what to do if they encounter one. Armada recommends that travelers

in Brazil do not attempt to handle any animal that is unfamiliar. For those doing extensive

travelling in the Amazon region, refer to this link for a list of dangerous animals to be aware of:

The Amazon's Dangerous Animals. Below are some of the species visitors should be most

concerned with.

The Brazilian Wandering Spider, also known as the “Armed Spider” or “Banana Spider,” is

listed as the world’s most poisonous spider. This spider can grow legs up to six inches long and

is usually hairy, brown, and has a dark spot on its body. They are called “wandering” spiders

because they do not weave webs but wander on forest floors at night, seeking prey. During the

day, they hide in dark crevices or under

logs and are often found inside of houses

and cars. Volunteers should check

bedding, bags, shoes, and vehicles for

spiders that may be hiding. While these

spiders normally only attack out of

defense, they can become aggressive

during the summer months when they

are mating. Although their venom is

extremely toxic, death from a bite is

quite rare. This is because little venom is

usually released during a bite and

because an antivenin is available at hospitals. Initial symptoms from a bite include severe

burning at the site of the bite, extreme sweating, and goose bumps. Within 30 minutes,

symptoms can include erratic heartbeat, fluctuating blood pressure, abdominal cramping, blurred

vision, and nausea. In males, a bite can induce a painful erection that lasts several hours. If

bitten, volunteers should seek medical attention immediately.

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The Bothrops Alternatus species of pit viper, also locally known as “Urutu” or “Jararaca,” is an

extremely venomous snake that is found frequently in southeastern Brazil. It is usually a light or

dark brown color with staggered dark spots on

its body. While it primarily stays in jungle

areas, it often enters homes searching for prey

in both agricultural and urban areas. It is

known for its aggressive nature and is quick

to strike those who approach it. Volunteers

should check under furniture and in vehicles

for these snakes and, if found, should call

local authorities to have the animal safely

removed. Bites from this snake have led to

several deaths; however, an antivenin exists

but must be applied quickly to lessen long-

term complications. Symptoms from a bite

can include swelling and burning around the

site of the bite and can also lead to paralysis.

Additionally, travelers should be aware that Coral snakes, mostly found in the Amazon area, are

extremely venomous and should not be handled. These snakes, however, are not common in

well-trafficked areas. If bitten, volunteers should seek medical attention immediately. Victims

should wash the wound area with soap and water and keep the affected area raised. If possible,

take a photo of the snake to help medical staff identify the species. A complete list of venomous

snakes in Brazil can be found here: WHO Venomous Snake List

The Lonomia Obliqua caterpillar is very poisonous

and found throughout southern Brazil. Its

protective coloring allows this animal to blend in

to the bark on trees. Even if travelers try to avoid

these caterpillars, they often get exposed to its

venom when leaning against a tree and

unknowingly brush up against a caterpillar.

Travelers should be extremely cautious when

travelling through wooded areas and be

particularly careful of leaning against trees and

structures. Exposure to this animal’s venom can

bring severe internal bleeding, renal failure, and hemolysis. If skin comes into contact with

multiple caterpillars, enough venom is released that death can occur. Volunteers going on hikes

are advised to bring antiseptic and duct tape in case of exposure. Clean the wound with antiseptic

and apply tape to the wound, remove the tape to pull out any remaining hairs from the caterpillar.

Immediately seek medical attention if exposed. An antivenin does exist but depending on the

time between exposure and treatment, blood transfusions may be required.

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Medical Facilities

Hospitals and emergency medical services are available in Amizade’s service locations. In

remote locations, municipal hospitals generally have better emergency treatment than private

hospitals. Since public hospitals are free and usually better equipped to handle emergencies,

these municipal hospitals can often be overcrowded. It is advised to go the municipal hospitals

for emergencies and private hospitals for ambulatory (“walk-in”) injuries. While private

hospitals have fees, the wait to be treated will likely be shorter. In smaller cities, medical

facilities are poorer. While their physicians are usually well-trained, due to funding constraints,

they are not always able to provide the treatment they are trained to give. It is also recommended

to acquire evacuation insurance. In remote regions, medical evacuation systems are unrefined

and often very expensive. Travelers should ensure they have medical insurance that is accepted

in Brazil, as private medical facilities can be quite expensive without insurance.

Alternative Medical Facilities

In the event of injuries that require extensive medical attention beyond that of local capacities,

travelers should be aware of the nearest medical facilities. Included in this assessment are

hospitals in several major Brazilian cities.

Manaus, Amazonas

Manaus is home to several hospitals that meet Western standards of healthcare. One facility that

Armada recommends for those travelling in the area is Hospital Santa Júlia. It is located at

Avenida Ayrão 507 and its phone number is +55 (92) 3233-9693. This hospital offers a 24-hour

emergency room with ambulance service and several non-emergency services, including oral and

plastic surgery. It is home to well-trained physicians, many coming from the United States and

Western Europe. This hospital also has cooperative agreements with several Western health

insurance companies.

Belém, Pará

Belém has several teaching and research hospitals and is often recognized for its top medical

facilities. Many of these facilities meet or exceed Western standards of healthcare. Armada

recommends those travelling to Belém for medical attention go to Hospital Porto Dias. It is

located on Avenida Almirante Barroso and its phone number is +55 (91) 3184-9999. This facility

has a 24-hour emergency room with ambulance service and offers many preventative and non-

emergency health services, such as ophthalmology and oncology. Its staff includes physicians

well trained in a variety of specialties, giving patients access to a full spectrum of medical


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Belo Horizonte, Minas Gerais

Belo Horizonte is home to a 21st century healthcare system that attracts many well-trained

physicians from around Brazil, the United States and Western Europe. For foreigners seeking

medical care in Belo Horizonte, Armada recommends Hospital Felício Rocho. Its emergency

room is located at Rua Timbiras 3585 and its phone number is +55 (31) 3514-7000. The facility

is home to several specialty clinics, including one for infectious diseases. The hospital has

received several international awards and accreditations for its services.

Brasilia, Federal District

As the capital of Brazil, Brasilia is home to some of the country’s best healthcare. For those

travelling to the city for medical attention, Armada recommends Hospital Daher. It is one of the

most well respected hospitals in Brazil because of its quality of care and medical technology. It

is located at SHIS QI 07 Conj. F in the Lago Sul neighborhood and its phone number is +55 (61)

3248-4848. Most known for its plastic surgery services, the facility also provides patients access

to a full spectrum of medical services. The hospital also has several cooperative agreements with

several Western health insurance companies.

Rio de Janeiro, Rio de Janeiro

Rio de Janeiro is the second largest city in Brazil and attracts millions of tourists each year.

Consequently, its healthcare system is one of the best in the world. For those travelling to Rio de

Janeiro for medical attention, Armada recommends Casa de Saúde São José. It is located at

Macedo Sobrinho 21 in the Humaitá neighborhood and its phone number is +55 (21) 2538-7626.

This facility is popular with Western expatriates living in the area because of its international

patient section with English-speaking staff. While it has a long history in specializing in cardiac

care, the hospital has physicians who specialize in a wide variety of medical fields.

Security Recommendations

Deteriorating road conditions and reduced police presence make remote regions particularly

dangerous for travelers. Additionally, the threat from eco-related criminal activity operating

throughout Brazil is a legitimate concern. To mitigate these concerns, Armada recommends that

Amizade consider hiring a local vetted security transportation service, for both overland and

river travel, who can direct travelers away from areas of concern.

In the event of a deteriorating security situation, Armada recommends traveling to a nearby safe

site to seek support. Depending on the nature of the incident, the closest police station may be

the preferred location; however, during demonstrations, police stations may be targets. In the

event of a large-scale security concern, Amizade volunteers and personnel should travel to the

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nearest metropolitan area and seek shelter in a Western hotel. Once relocated, remain in shelter

and avoid unnecessary travel outside of the hotel until the situation is resolved.

Armada advises all travelers to practice the following security awareness techniques:

Be cognizant of your surroundings

Avoid predictable patterns

Do not dress extravagantly or wear expensive jewelry

Travel in groups

Use only trusted transportation nodes (arranged by western hotel, for example)

Do not hail street cabs

Prior to your trip, register with the U.S. Department of State’s Smart Traveler Enrollment

Program ( and if travelling with a smartphone, download the

Smart Traveler app (available on iOS and Android).

Ensure you have proper vaccinations and have registered for travel insurance and medical

evacuation coverage

Emergency Contact Information

Local Emergency Phone Numbers

Police- Dial “190”

Ambulance- Dial “192”

Fire- Dial “193”

U.S. Diplomatic Missions

U.S. Embassy Brasilia

SES 801- Avenida das Nacoes, Lote 03

70403-900 - Brasilia, DF Brazil

Telephone: +(55)(61) 3312-7000

Emergency After-Hours Telephone: +(55)(61) 3312-7400

Fax: (61) 3312-7651

[email protected]

U.S. Consulate General Rio de Janeiro

Avenida Presidente Wilson, 147, Castelo

20030-020, Rio de Janeiro, RJ Brazil

Telephone: +(55)(21) 3823-2000

Emergency After-Hours Telephone: +(55)(21) 3823-2029

Fax: +(55)(21) 3823-2093

[email protected]

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U.S. Consulate General Sao Paulo

Rua Henri Dunant, 500,

Chacara Santo Antonio,

04709-110 - Sao Paulo, SP Brazil

Telephone: +(55)(11) 3250-5000

Emergency After-Hours Telephone: +(55)(11) 3250-5373

Fax: +(55)(11) 3250-5159

[email protected]

U.S. Consulate General Recife

Rua Goncalves Maia, 163, Boa Vista

50070-060 - Recife, PE Brazil

Telephone: +(55)(81) 3416-3050 or +(55)(81) 3416-3080

Emergency After-Hours Telephone: +(55)(81) 3416-3060 or +(55)(81) 9916-9470

Fax: +(55)(81) 3231-1906

[email protected]