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Page 1: Breaking Bad Breath Myths


Page 2: Breaking Bad Breath Myths

Here is a quick roundup of the common misconceptions about bad breath:

Mouthwash is enough to get rid of bacteria

Mouthwash alone is not enough to kill the bad breath-causing bacteria. As a matter of fact, it may even

worsen the condition when not done with other oral hygiene practices. Alcohol-based mouthwash only

dries up the mouth and induces the rapid

spread of plaque and bacteria. This goes the

same with breath mints.

Some food types must be avoided

While foods that contain garlic or onion may cause bad breath,

they should not be avoided altogether. Consumers only have to

rinse their mouth immediately after eating or brush and floss their

teeth. The foul smell would dissipate quicker. It is best not let the

mouth dry as it only encourages bacterial growth.

Page 3: Breaking Bad Breath Myths

Brushing teeth completely eliminate foul breath

Brushing the teeth helps get rid of loose particles in the mouth, removes plaque, and keeps the mouth

fresh and healthy. In some cases, though, brushing does not entirely eliminate foul breath. When it

comes to this, a person might be suffering from a more serious dental problem. Consulting a dental

specialist is necessary.

The stomach is always the source of bad breath

Bad breath is not always a result of digestive problems. Sometimes, it is because of the spoiled food

stuck in the teeth, or in some cases, a mix of both. Nevertheless, it is still best to talk to oral health

professionals to know how to treat bad breath.

Bad breath may be a natural thing, but it does not have to linger for a

long time. With good dental health practices, a person may have

fresh breath and be more confident.

