
Brian Clifford Supervisory Hazardous Materials Officer

Federal Bureau of Investigation Technical Hazards Response Unit

Obstacles Multiple Manufacturers Multiple Systems Multiple Masks Fit testing Training

Needs Combination Respirators ▪ APR / PAPR ▪ SCBA

Single Mask Modularity End to End Solution

Risk Based Response vs. Protocol Based Response

Hazard Risk Assessment Use of Detection and Monitoring Characterize the atmosphere Drives respiratory protection and PPE decisions Actively monitor the atmosphere for changes

Tactical Environment SWAT Teams Hostage Rescue Team

Technical Environment CBRN / HAZMAT Operations Hazardous Forensic Evidence Collection Explosives / IED / Render Safe Operations

Interest in Combination Unit Respirators YES

Minimum and Maximum certifications YES

Useful Applications Tactical entries EOD / Render Safe Forensic Evidence Collection CBRN Hazardous Materials Operations Decontamination Operations
