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Brian MoreDirector of IP Services

Visit to Varna University 17th March 2014

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Introduction09.00 Introduction to the University Group

09.15 Coventry University’s Entrepreneurial Business SupportLeadershipPhysical Space and IncubationTraining, Education, Mentoring and Business ToolsTime, Freedom and Expert SupportNetworks and Customers

10.15 Break10.25 Examples and Best Practice10.55 Questions and Answers11.00 Close


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Coventry University GroupCoventry University

Technology Park

Conference Centre

Teaching Schools and Faculties


Institutes and Grand Challenges

CU London Campus

CU College


CDS - Economic Development Projects


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• Wholly owned subsidiary of Coventry University, incorporated in July 1989.

• The Company’s principal activities consist of:– Delivery of funded projects on behalf of predominantly public sector

partners;– Exploitation of the company’s intellectual property into private sector

market opportunities– Development and management of the company’s property assets at

the technology park;– Support to the University’s applied research agenda through the

establishment and support of applied research institutes on the park• Generating an annual turnover of £14m.

Coventry University Enterprises Ltd:Background

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IntroductionCoventry University:Background

High quality education

Focused research programmes

A top university for working with business

Investing in Coventry£200 million plus development of campus

Post Graduate and BE buildings refurbished

Engineering and Computing building

New Science Super Lab

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IntroductionCoventry University:Background

24,000 students 5,000 international students from over 140 different countriesResearch ventures across the globeInternational business activity

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Pilot Feedback: Next Steps

Welcome to Coventry University Technology Park

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Technology Park and Corporate Services

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Technology Park and Corporate Services

• Technology Park– Property marketing, letting and facilities management services

and income generation for the Technology Park totalling 20,000 sq metres.

• The Innovation Centre• The Enterprise Centre• The Innovation Village• The Simulation Centre

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CUE Ltd – Specialist Institutes





yBusiness Support

Applied Research


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“HDTI is an open, flexible, and supportive environment where SMEs interact with

academics, students, healthcare practitioners and end-users ”

Seminar RoomsDesign WorkshopsSimulated Environments Home, workplace Usability Facilities & Observation Room Individual assessment – focus

groups, product interaction

Applied Research Offices Health, Design, Engineering & Technology

Field Trial Management Centre Supporting external field trials (further to simulated environments)

Pre-Incubation/Start-Up Units Office Space for new businesses

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Serious Games Institute

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Background• Commercial Development Services delivers economic

development programmes and innovative business support to SMEs mainly in the West Midlands Region;– International Business and Technology Transfer

• Assist Businesses to Internationalise• Undertake Technology Transfer to assist Economic Development

– Creativity and Enterprise• Support to high-growth and Innovative SMEs• Regionally recognised Innovation Programme Management and

business support expertise• Enable SMEs to develop their product and process capability

– Institute of Applied Entrepreneurship• Home to all enterprise and entrepreneurship activities at Coventry

University– Intellectual Property Services

• Intellectual Asset and IP Portfolio Management

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1. Significantly increase enterprise activity at Coventry University2. Better co-ordinate and maximise existing activities3. Drive targeted activity in areas of potential growth and strength4. Ensure the University maximises its potential income from all

enterprise activities

Vision:To be one of the UK's leading universities for company start-ups and licensing

Commitment:Backed by £2,850,000 per annum of Higher Education Innovation Fund money

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• Seminars, Webinars

• Website

• Staff and Student Portals

• Policy Documents

• Competitions and Grant Support

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Background Provide a quality ‘physical’ and ‘virtual’ environment.

The key components in developing, sustaining and growing a burgeoning Tech transfer industry .

A national best practice framework:

─ needed to ensure the sustainable and successful operation of business incubation

─ guide the governance and policy implications.

─ the operational plan to ensure delivery against the key objectives of creating a competitive tech transfer industry.

─ sharing innovations across academia, research bases and industry resulting in new and innovative products and services.

Providing hands on nurturing and support to realise the creation and development of sustainable and innovative enterprises.

Technology Park and Incubator Services

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Technology Park and Incubator Services

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• Intellectual Property Portfolio• Coventry University innovations enhance our daily lives, from the

pavements we walk on, cars we drive, clothes we wear, appliances in the home to health care products we use. Coventry University has Intellectual Property which is currently available for commercialisation, other patents, registered designs and trademarks are used or under development by customers covered by non disclosure agreements.

• University Spin-Outs (Examples)– Sprue Aegis -– Exilica -– Microcab -– Health Behaviour Research Ltd– Inocardia– Future Armour– Tortrix Ltd -

Intellectual Property Management

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Background• Institute of Applied Entrepreneurship: The focus of the Institute is on the

community of businesses located and supported by Coventry University––new business start-ups and developing existing businesses. The aims of the IAE are quite clear:

• To actively promote a culture of enterprise.• To unite and develop student run and locally run businesses. • To bring real support to the student body in relation to developing student

enterprise and their business ideas. • To deliver the right environment and support for business growth. • Through the IAE student and graduate start ups can receive full business

support and a shared office environment to collaborate and network with like minded entrepreneurs

• SPEED Plus (Student Placements for Entrepreneurs in Education) offers students and graduates from any course, the opportunity to develop their business ideas. The principle of the SPEED project is to give current students and graduates the opportunity develop a business idea in a supportive environment alongside their studies or after graduation

Institute of Applied Entrepreneurship

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Institute for Applied Entrepreneurship

Education Applied Research Entrepreneurship support

Add + Vantage® Systemic entrepreneurship


BA Enterprise and Entrepreneurship

Open Innovation SPEEd

Masters in Entrepreneurship

Eco innovation SEF

Professional Doctorate in Entrepreneurship

Business Incubators 4Front

Technology Transfer Schools Support

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Support Packages

Students SIB, Student Centre, SPEEd, MentoringStaff IP protection, pre-company

and post company support packages, access to venture capital

ERDF Graduates Creative Enterprise Project

Virtual Office 4FrontStart-ups Incubation and business supportBusinesses Hot desk

What is offered:Institute of Applied EntrepreneurshipGrants, specialist support, access to knowledge base

Free support for creative businesses & start ups: working in arts, design, performance, media existing West Midlands businesses or graduate start-ups

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Proof of concept grantThe APP Pull Competition

Here’s your chance to win up to £5,000 to design and get built an application for mobile devices. Coventry University in collaboration with the Serious Games Institute is offering 3 grants of £5,000 each for staff and students.

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Business Insights...Intellectual Property For BusinessDATE:  Thursday, 20 March 2014

TIME: 7.45am (Registration), 8.30am start until 11.00am (approx)VENUE: Coventry TechnoCentre, Coventry University Technology Park

 Intellectual Property(IP) is an important part of business operation but often quite easily overlooked, the

consequences of which can be costly!This informal FREE breakfast networking event will provide you with an overview of the importance of

applying IP to your business. 

With an expert from Coventry University who is passionate about IP and a young entrepreneur who has successfully gone through the process via the University's SPEED Plus programme, we hope that you

are able to join us to hear more about their experience and obtain some useful tips. 

To register your place, click here - [email protected]

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Idea Generation to Market

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A Software Tool to Support the Launch of New Products and Services to Market

Sustainable environments for a global, knowledge based economy

Tools and Techniques to support innovation

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Model of generic Stage-Gate® process used by large companies

Stage gates is a trade mark owned by Robert G Cooper and the Product Development Institute Inc.

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Concept Development




Gate 1

Gate 2

Gate 3

Gate 4

Customer NeedsIP AssessmentROI

Customer NeedsIP AssessmentROI

Customer NeedsIP AssessmentROI

Customer NeedsIP AssessmentROI


SME NPD ProcessInnov8Gate Tools SME-Innov8GatesGate Team

Validated SMEInnov8Gate® Stage Gate Methodology

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Useful tools 1. The Commercial Industrial Assessment Scorecard

A. Uniqueness of the technology, IP Protection

B. Readiness of the technology for market entry

C. The Building of a winning NPI Team

D. Intensity of Competition in the Market

E. Competitive Edge of your product or service

F. Ease of access to the Market

G. Customer conservatism

H. Value of the Accessible Market (VAM)

I. Anticipated profit margins (if considering a license, score on the anticipated royalty rate)J. Funding of the project

Each point is scored 1-10

Resulting 0-100

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Useful tools 1. C.I.A NPD Weighting Factors

A. Uniqueness of the technology, IP Protection 0.13

B. Readiness of the technology for market entry 0.08

C. The Building of a winning NPI Team 0.10

D. Intensity of Competition in the Market 0.09

E. Competitive Edge of your product or service 0.12

F. Ease of access to the Market 0.10

G. Customer conservatism 0.06

H. Value of the Accessible Market (VAM) 0.16

I. Anticipated profit margins 0.08

J. Funding of the project 0.08

Σ weighting factors = 1.00

Resulting Σ 0-10

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SMEInnov8gate® Tools

IP Tool

Profits Tool

Customer Tool

Technology issues (state of readiness, IP protection, USP) Customer issues(Acceptance, requirements and focus) Market issues (accessible market volume,route to market)

Standard financial metrics to track project progress and anticipated profit margins, Return on Investment, Internal Rate of Return, Breakeven

Listening carefully Understanding fully Delivering exactly

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Useful Tools 2. IP Health Check

Identification of all IP assets that are subject matter in a transaction

Confirmation of IP status, in force or pending, registered or unregistered

Examine scope of IP rights to ensure that they cover what the company wants to commercialise

Verify the validity of the IP assets to determine whether they can be upheld under attack

Check for the existence of any litigation involving the rights

Identification of licences under the rights, or restrictions, impacting on IP value

Identification of any third party right which may prevent commercialisation

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Useful Tools 3. Profit Tools

Standard financial metrics to track project financial progress and anticipated profit margins

o Return on Investment

o Internal Rate of Return

o Breakeven

o Net Present Value

o IP Value

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Useful Tools 4. Voice of the Customer (VoC)

The "voice of the customer" is a process used to capture the requirements/feedback from the customer (internal or external) to provide the customers with the best in class service/product quality. This process is all about being proactive and constantly innovative to capture the changing requirements of the customers with time.

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Useful Tools 4. Voice of the Customer (VoC)

The "voice of the customer" is the term used to describe the stated and un-stated needs or requirements of the customer. The voice of the customer can be captured in a variety of ways: Direct discussion or interviews, surveys, focus groups, customer specifications, observation, warranty data, field reports, complaint logs, etc.

This data is used to identify the quality attributes needed for a supplied component or material to incorporate in the process or product.

Definition from the iSix Sigma website

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Pre company registration support package

Intellectual Property Protection

COAP or similar commercial/exploitation assessment

Exploring commercial feasibility, proof of concept and market grants

Company incorporation procedures

Financial Support Package worth in the region of£10,000 to £35,000

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Post company registration support package

IP Patent costs (up to national phase) Provision of Company Directors and Company Secretary Preparation of Venture Capital ‘elevator pitches’, funding

and grant applications Business Plan Writing Legal support and document retention R&D Facilities/Laboratories/Offices Asset Management

Financial Support Package in the region of £30,000 to £75,000

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Post company registration support package

Use of University Facilities

R&D Facilities/Laboratories/Offices 1% equity per £5,000 of charge i.e. £10,000 per

annum for a laboratory equates to 2% equity

Teaching Relief Scheme

Teaching relief at 1% equity per £5,000 of FEC of replacement i.e. £25,000 for 2 days per week for a year equates to 5% equity

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Case Study – Exilica Limited

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Case Study – Exilica Limited Gate 2 Dimension Score Weighted

ScoreSummary recommendations for next gate

A Uniqueness of technology 4 0.52 File PCT application after 12 months of UK priority date

B Readiness of technology 2 0.16 Validate internal characterisation of the performance of the particles by external analysis company

C NPI Team 4 0.40 Recruit Managing and Financial Directors for the company

D Intensity of competition 6 0.54 Monitor the changes to 4 or 5 companies with 2 similar technologies, each with inferior characteristics

E Competitive edge of product 6 0.72 Technical performance needs refining and optimisation to maintain USPs

F Ease of access 5 0.50 Five major customers need attention to develop products. MD to pursue these leads

G Customer conservatism 7 0.42 Control and manage expectations of customers to new and emerging technology - ongoing

H Value of accessible market 8 1.28 Four market areas have been analysed and show substantial potential , refine expectations

I Anticipated profit margins 6 0.48 Confirm following the process intensification and up-scaling development phase

J Funding of the project 4 0.32 Development stage is covered by grant funds, need to prepare the business for A stage venture capital injection of equity - priority

Total 52 5.34

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Dimension Score Weighted Score

Summary recommendations for next gate

A Uniqueness of technology 6 0.78 Continue with patents and trade marks to be registered

B Readiness of technology 8 0.64 Technology is ready for market. Process up scale refinements to be completed

C NPI Team 8 0.80 Recruit agents and distributors

D Intensity of competition 7 0.63 Well financed start-up company released a similar product backed by bundle of patents. Confirm our superior USPs to customers

E Competitive edge of product 7 0.84 Technical performance USPs identified and cost to produce in bulk confirmed as competitive

F Ease of access 8 0.80 Confirm no legal , political, health, safety or environmental issues would prevent sales globally

G Customer conservatism 7 0.42 Aggressively drive new markets in light of global recession

H Value of accessible market 10 1.60 Target the five market areas which have been analysed and show substantial potential

I Anticipated profit margins 6 0.48 Drive up profit margins from toll manufacture

J Funding of the project 9 0.72 Prepare for B share capital injection and revenue from sales

Total 76 7.71

Case Study - Exilica Limited gate 4

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Case Study - Exilica

Leadership Interim MD, Financial Director, Grant support

Space Free laboratory space for 3 yearsTwo days per week buy-out of academic

Training Medici Fellowship Programme, Mini MBA

Support Investor pitch, £500,000, business planning

Customers 25 contacts, research sales, Joint Development

Networking International conferences and trade shows

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What success looks like

• Market Capt £24,000,000• Securities in issue 38,508,895• Sector Wholesale of Electrical

Household Appliances

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Thank you for Listening Question and Answer session