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Bring Me The Horizon

Bring Me the Horizon is a British rock band from Sheffield, Yorkshire. Formed in 2003, the group currently consists of lead vocalist Leonardo Smith, lead guitarist Joey Bird, bassist Ozzy, drummer Smudge and back up singer and bass Tad Pohl the 3rd. The original style of the band was Deathcore music, then through a more diverse metal style and finally to the present day with their newest album their music is less aggressive rock style.

But here is my question how far is too far? The music style of Bring Me The Horizon has varied from album to album and this has made a three way split in their fans. The original fans were introduced to Bring Me The Horizon as a Deathcore band. Notably the cover of the Slipknot song Eyeless brought the band some success within the Deathcore scene. This made them the next big thing in the Deathcore scene, rivalling bands like Suicide Silence who is one of the biggest Deathcore bands going.

However even though the success the band had the second album Suicide Season the band left the Deathcore genre and went diverse metal, every song had its own theme and not belonging to one style. This gave Bring Me The Horizon some popularity in other genres and the band getting introduced to more people, even thought the style changed the band still had the feel of Bring Me The Horizon and fans learned to accept the new way of Bring Me The Horizon.

Now we have the New Age Bring Me The Horizon fans, as I like to call them. This generation of Bring Me The Horizon fans were introduced through the albums sempiternal and That’s The Spirit. This is where Bring Me The Horizon has lost the feel of what they were. However looking at the albums the downfall of Bring Me The Horizon started with Sempiternal, the album itself was ok and had some memorable songs such as Empire and Shadow Moses, but not all the songs on the album followed the Bring Me The Horizon theme and the older fans could not agree on if the album was good or not.

Finally we have That’s The Spirit album this is the album in which I believe Bring Me The Horizon have lost their way. The Demo song Drowned was met with mixed opinions, but people were still waiting for release of the full album before making their opinion. Then September 11th came and the full album was released and this is where the split between fans is most notable. With the genre of the newest album noticeably not fitting any of the themes of the past albums and losing the metal vibe of Bring Me The Horizon this is where a lot of anger is coming from with the older fans. The newest album you can easily see where the inspiration came from majorly Linkin Park and in the other light Linkin Park is a good band. However when Linkin Park releases an album it always feels like Linkin Park not something different like the Bring Me The Horizon album.

What is the future for Bring Me The Horizon? As we seen in That’s The Spirit album Bring Me The Horizon has left the metal genre and turned more to the rock genre. Older fans may have to either adapt to the change or find a new band to listen to, because the way this album is showing we are no longer going to get the Bring Me The Horizon that they were introduced to. So as in my question how far is too far? Will they lose their original fans and popularity within the metal scene? or will they compensate with new fans from the rock genre?

What do you think about Bring Me The Horizon?

Joseph Gooding age 18I personally believe the new Bring Me The Horizon is going to be a success, with the change of the genre it shows maturity of the band. They are no longer kids and have a more mature taste in their music and is it really a sell out if it is what they want to do?

Samantha Jefferies Age 24My problem with the new Bring Me The Horizon is not with the new songs but the idea that the image of Bring Me The Horizon is already set and if a new band performed these songs they would be more accepted. But because it is Bring Me The Horizon it just doesn’t feel right.

Amanda Morris Age 25Complete sell out after the first album the band lost their identity and tried to become a mix of genres.

Mathew Ogden Age 17Personally I think the new Bring Me The Horizon are bad and the first album doesn’t deserve its popularity and Suicide Season and Sempiternal are the only good albums they have produced.

It seems as though the fans have a mixed opinion on the direction of Bring Me The Horizon and if the band are any good or not. The time you joined the Bring Me The Horizon fandom seems to have an impact on your outlook of the new direction of the band. My final statement is are they sellouts?
