Page 1: Broadheath NewsletterBroadheath Newsletter

Broadheath NewsletterBroadheath NewsletterBroadheath NewsletterBroadheath Newsletter 146th EDITION August 2010 146th EDITION August 2010 146th EDITION August 2010 146th EDITION August 2010

Produced on behalf of Lower Broadheath Parish


On-line at see page 2 for details

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Page 1 Cover

2 Index 3 Editorial Parish Council Notes 4 Round 1 to Lower Broadheath 5 Affordable Housing Wembley Cottage 5 Skittles at the Bell 6 Harriett Baldwin 7 The Chantry High School 8 Lower Broadheath Pre-School 9 Parish Plan Update 2010 / Christian Aid 10 Broadheath Primary School 11 Elgar Birthpalace Museum 12 Christ Church Rectors Letter 13 !! Showtime !! Events 14 Church Appeal / Christmas Bazaar 15 Services at Broadheath Church 16 Friends of Christchurch 17 LB Womens Institute / Operation Xmas Child 18 Broadheath & Rushwick WI 19 Gardening Society 20 Sunshine Club 21 Brownies Report 22 Brownies Pictures 23 Brownies Vacancies 24 Garden Fete / Letter from New Zealand 25 Nora Parson’s Day Centre 25 Teme Valley Children’s Centre 26 Useful Telephone Numbers

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EEEEditorialditorialditorialditorial So far the summer has been pretty good, albeit the last few days have been rather wet, although the rain was badly needed for the gardens. Hopefully, now that the school holidays are here the weather will improve! We hope you all have a wonderful summer.

Editors: Barbara (640139), Joyce (641025) E mail submissions for future issues can be sent to [email protected].

The deadline for copy for the November newsletter is October 15th 2010

Parish Council NotesParish Council NotesParish Council NotesParish Council Notes The change of government following the recent election has meant the scrapping of the Regional Spatial Strategy, ending the ‘top down’ planning process whereby Whitehall told local councils how many houses they had to provide. This in turn means that the threat of major development in our parish has been removed for the immediate future. However, it is too early to celebrate as no-one is yet sure what is going to replace the RSS. You can be assured that the Parish Council will be following developments closely and will fight to ensure that any development in the parish is in line with the wishes of the residents as stated in the Parish Plan Update. There is no meeting of the Parish Council in August so our next meeting will be on 6th September. Enjoy the summer, let’s hope it’s a good one.

Barbara Beard (Chairman) Mike Davis (Clerk)

01905640169 01684 569864 [email protected]

In order to find the Parish Council web site either use the fol-lowing address:- and select lower broadheath then ‘documents’ . Alternatively, go to the Google Search engine and enter:-

“Parish Website of Lower Broadheath”.


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Round 1 to Lower

Broadheath Regional Spatial Strategy scrapped

The scrapping of Regional Spatial Strategies by the Commu-nities and Local Government Secretary Eric Pickles MP on 6th July fulfills an election pledge by both Coalition parties. It signals an end to the ‘top down’ planning approach by the previous gov-ernment and is good news for the residents of Lower Broad-heath.

The planning application by Bloor Homes to build 4,000

houses on land between Lower Broadheath and Worcester is due for formal consideration by Malvern Hills District Council this au-tumn. If, as we anticipate, the Council rejects the application, the abolition of the RSS makes it unlikely that Bloors would succeed with any appeal. However, it’s too early to open the Champagne!

The new government has made it clear that it intends to en-courage the building of many more new homes across the coun-try and will incentivise local councils to do so through a new ‘Localism Bill’ to be introduced later this year. Mr Pickles states that “These incentives will encourage councils and communities to increase their aspirations for housing and economic growth, and to deliver sustainable development in keeping with the wishes of local villages, towns and cities.”

SaEV will continue its efforts to defend our village from over

development. We hope to be able to do this by working with, rather than against, MHDC and we shall take every opportunity to make a constructive contribution to whatever local plans are pro-duced. In the meantime, we shall continue to strengthen our ac-tivities and prepare for Round 2 – whenever that may come. We’ll keep you informed!

Paul Swinburn, Chairman, Save Elgar’s Village Action Group [email protected] (01905 333358


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Affordable Housing Wembley Cottage, Bell Lane.

Many of you will have noticed that work is now underway on the new

housing development at Wembley Cottage, Bell Lane. A condition of the

planning approval was that three affordable homes should be provided as

part of the project. The intention being that these should be undertaken

in partnership by the developer, Kendrick Homes and a Registered Hous-

ing Association. We are advised by the Festival Housing Group that nego-

tiations between them and Kendrick Homes are at an advanced stage of

negotiations and it is hoped that contracts will be exchanged shortly. The

scheme comprises a group of 2 bedroom cottages complete with private

gardens and grouped parking and will be offered to applicants on a

‘shared ownership’ basis.

One of Festival Housing Group’s Development Managers, Andy War-

ner will be attending the Parish Council meeting on the 6th September to

explain the proposals and if you are interested please try and attend. Al-

ternatively you may phone Karen Laydon on 01684 579437 to register

your interest.

The recent ‘Parish Plan Update 2010’ indicated a need for such devel-

opment within the parish.

Barbara Beard, Chairman of Lower Broadheath Parish Council.

Skittles at the Bell The Friends of Broadheath Church are holding a

Skittles Evening at the Bell Inn on Saturday

25th September at 7pm. Tickets are £8.50 to

include a basket meal and are available from

Colin and Margaret Kennard 640776

These evenings are always well-supported so buy

your tickets early!


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Harriett Baldwin, the new Member of Parliament for the con-stituency of West Worcestershire writes: One of the first things the new government has done is to abol-ish the Regional Spatial Strategy, which means that the three South Worcestershire Councils no longer need to find green field space for 25,500 homes in Malvern Hills, Worcester and Wychavon. This was done by writing immediately to council leaders explaining that government plans could be considered a “material consideration” for planning purposes. In the future, it will be the decision of local people and their rep-resentatives to develop planning assumptions that are democ-ratically supported. Of course, new homes need to be built, but the decisions on these homes should be made in the local council, working closely with parishes. Developers will still be lodging planning applications with the local council, but if the plans are not supported by locally de-veloped plans, then they can be rejected without the fear of ex-pensive appeals succeeding. In the current tough spending environment, the County Council has been told that the £46 million that they were planning to spend on transport infrastructure between 2011 and 2016 is likely to be reduced in October’s Comprehensive Spending Re-view. I know that the County Council will be reviewing their spending plans on transport and no doubt residents of Lower Broadheath will want to let their County Council know what their key priorities are for transport spending. I am holding a constituency surgery every Friday at 5pm. The location rotates around the constituency, and details can be found on my website Constituents may also write to the House of Commons, Lon-don, SW1A 0AA and e-mail to [email protected] July 26th 2010 6

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The Chantry High School

Extracts from the Spring/Summer 2010 Newsletter

Drama ‘Back Across the Fields’, this year’s production, was a re-sounding success. Congratulations have been received from all over Worcester shire. The production will soon be avail-able on DVD,

Mathematics The Maths Team Challenge took place at Wolverhampton at the end of April. The competition was stiff and The Chantry team came a very respectable 10th out of 25 teams in total. Also, Intermediate Maths Challenge saw a year 9 student go through to the next round. This is an excellent achievement for such a young competitor.

Fantasy Football News Mr. Jowett’s team won the first Chantry Fantasy Football League. Well done to all concerned!

A Climbing Star Congratulations to Natasha Allcock, on becoming the 11 to 13 Midlands Climbing Champion .

Library Learning Centre A small group of year 8 pupils went to Nunnery Wood High School to see author Cathy Cassidy who writes for teenage readers. She was entertaining and engaging and as a conse-quence the pupils have been inspired to write a review to be published in the Worcester News Kidzone website.

Chess and dominoes have also proved to be popular activities along with ‘Manga’ art.

Friends Sheila Hassell, who is a member of Friends would like to en-courage other parents/guardians to join this very worthwhile group. The group supports the work of the school by helping with activities such as the Duke of Edinburgh Award. It also helps in fund raising and meets monthly. The meetings offer an opportunity to get involved in discussions on topics such as uniform, homework, bullying. The meetings are very enlightening as well, because they provide a means of know-ing what is going on in school; because as many of you al-ready know, not all pupils are very efficient when it comes to delivering information from school to home! 7

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Fund Raising

The generosity of Chantry students continues to be out-standing:

The final total raised for SPORT RELIEF was £1149.75 while year 8 students finally raised an amazing £3500 for St Rich-ard’s Hospice.

National Kidney Patients’ Association

More donations of stamps and foreign coins will be gratefully received.

School Sponsors

The school wishes to thank sponsors. A full list of sponsors is published in each newsletter in acknowledgement of their valuable contributions. Additional sponsors would be appre-ciated. If you are interested in becoming a sponsor please contact Dave Darling, Business manager.

Paula Weaver

Lower Broadheath Pre-School

Charity Number – 1033563

Located in the village hall, opposite the school, and catering for children aged 2 to 5 years. We are open during the school term on Monday, Tuesday, Thursday, Friday (9am to 3pm) for all chil-dren and on Wednesday (9 am to 1pm) for children turning 4 within the academic year only.

The pre-school offers a secure, fun environment for the children to learn through play and facilities include a large hall for the many and varied activities, access to outside play and an allot-ment in which the children grow their own produce.

For more information on session availability or to arrange a visit please contact Sue Connor (Acting Manager) on 07929432266 during school hours or Anne-Marie Coomber (Committee Secretary) on 01905 641 566, e-mail [email protected] outside school hours.


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Copies of the Parish Plan Update are now available free of charge

from the Post Office. It describes the work undertaken with your help to

hopefully overturn the dictate for large scale development proposed for

the parish. It will also help our locally elected councilors to only support

limited growth by a ‘bottom up approach’ to housing need and planning

proposed by the current government.

Reference documents in support of the Update are available for in-

spection only, at either the Post Office or at the home of the Vice Chair-

man, Paul Simmonds, Green Hedges, Bell Lane. (Tel: 01905 640122). Al-

ternatively they may be viewed on line at the Parish Council web site.

The Update also shows the progress that has been made on issues in-

cluded in the original Parish Plan produced in 2007.Copies of this docu-

ment are also available at the Post Office

Barbara Beard

Chairman of Lower Broadheath Parish Council

18th June 2010.


Christian Aid collection.

Many thanks to all who contributed to the recent collection and especially to those who collected envelopes. The village raised the grand total of just over £400, which is a great effort and similar to last year. Veronica Swinburn.

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BBBBroadheath Primary Schoolroadheath Primary Schoolroadheath Primary Schoolroadheath Primary School

This will be my last newsletter to you and I would like to express my thanks

to all in the community who have supported me over the last four years. I am

moving on to work part-time as a Consultant in schools and am looking for-

ward to the new challenge and more time to be in my home and garden.

I was delighted by the response we had to the School Carnival (sorry,date was

changed to fit in with an England World Cup match) and it was lovely to see

so many people supporting the children. We all had a fabulous time and it

will stay in our memories for ever. So many of our families came in to help us

during the school day and over the Working Weekend that I cannot mention

them all but we saw an awful lot of talented people.

The school has been successful in many areas over the summer. The foot-

ballers won the League for the third year running, and also the Small Schools

Cup again this year. The young Year 3-4 Tennis players won the shield at The

Chantry and the cricketers won the Malvern area Year 6 Cricket Tournament

which took them to New Road, where they were defeated but played well.

We have had two very successful trips to London for Years 5 and 6. The first

took us to see The Lion King and the second saw us being guided around The

Houses of Parliament, lunching in St. James’ Park and walking around to see

Buckingham Palace. In the afternoon we went to The Natural History Mu-

seum. The other years took trips out to West Malvern Outdoor Centre, The

Cathedral and Bishops Wood Environmental Centre.

The children in Class 3 who have been learning the cornet played at Christo-

pher Whitehead in a three school Concert. We have many children learning

the guitar now and some successes with the violin.

The school has been very pleased with the KS2 SATS results this year, with

the best results for many years and more Level 5’s in English especially. Well

done to all those who worked so hard for this success. Leavers this year are

moving to The Chantry, Christopher Whitehead and King’s School. Good

Luck and I hope you have many happy memories of Broadheath.

Over the summer you will see workmen in the school again and the side en-

trance is being dug up to replace some drains and the tarmac. We hope this

may alleviate the flooding problems. I am sure you will support Mr. Hackley

as he takes over as Acting Head before the arrival of Mrs Sue Bennett in

January, 2011 and I hope to return to see you at some of the social occasions

organised by the PTA, who have always done sterling work for the benefit of

the children of the school.

With best wishes, Jenny Taylor (Headteacher)


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NNNNews From The Elgar Birthplace Museumews From The Elgar Birthplace Museumews From The Elgar Birthplace Museumews From The Elgar Birthplace Museum

Elgar Festival Report

As you all know on the 30th and 31st May the Museum celebrated the 75th anniversary of the historic decision on behalf of the City of Worcester and the composer’s daughter Carice, to purchase the cottage as a permanent memorial to Worcester’s most famous musical son.

The Museum and in particular the Carice Elgar Room was deco-rated with flags, balloons and bunting in the traditional red, white and blue and hosted a varied programme of music and en-tertainment over the two days. The highlight for visitors was however Margaret Elgar who spoke about her memories of Sir Edward Elgar and her family.

As usual our team of invaluable volunteers worked hard over the two days serving refreshments, selling plants, looking after the car park and most importantly introducing visitors to the works of Sir Edward Elgar.

The Festival proved a great success. We had nearly 400 visitors over the two days and raised a £1,000 for the Museum. The in-valuable exposure meant that the work of the museum and the music of Elgar were put firmly in the spotlight. It also brought many people to the museum who would not otherwise have ven-tured in and I know many left wanting to know more about what goes on out at Lower Broadheath.

Facebook and Twitter

The Museum has finally moved into the 21st Century and setup Facebook and Twitter sites. This is a brilliant way of keeping in touch and letting us know what you think about the Museum. The Elgar Birthplace Museum can be found on Twitter and on Facebook Alternatively there are links on our website

Mary Duffy Marketing


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The Rectory

The Cathedral is holding an exhibition in Au-gust about ‘Sporting Heroes’ with all sorts of memorabilia, on all sorts of sports.

This got me thinking about ‘heroes’ and not just the sporting variety. Granted lately, we have had a feast or overindulgence of sport depending on your outlook! Of course, one person’s hero, is another person’s villain - the final cer-tainly highlighted that!!

The thing with sport, as with most things, is that it’s impor-tant to get involved. If we just stay at one point on the sideline, we may see the wonderful shot or stroke but will miss the wider view. The amazing pass that ‘made’ the goal etc.

We can’t be aware of the wider context, the facts and factors that influence the game and often the result from our limiting position.

You may think you know the ‘rules’ but they change and are adjusted as time, understanding and skills develop. They no longer ‘bully-off’ on the 25 yards line in hockey as they did in my day [which is probably a good thing as my ‘still’ damaged finger witnesses!!].

Being involved doesn’t mean you have to run around – al-though a bit more exercise would do us all good I’m sure – but it does mean our understanding and enjoyment will be increased, we can make an informed comment and contribution to what-ever it is we are interested in.

Let’s not assume we ‘know’ how the game is played now be-cause we once were involved. Let’s get involved again, and re-ignite the flame – you don’t have to be the ‘hero’ but be there for heroes are usually in a team.

Enjoy the summer and all you do. Sherry


CHRIST CHURCH Lower Broadheath

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Saturday 23rd October

Hijinx Theatre Company - Ill Met by Moonlight

A tale of magic and evil spirits and a more than passing nod to Shakespeare’s ‘A Midsummer Night’s Dream’.

Guardian Review of first tour of Ill Met by Moonlight “A script of great beauty and skill, a passionate tale of love and magic Watch out for ticket details or contact Mike on 640139 for info.

(In aid of Christ Church Funds)

Sunday 12th December

The Fairgame Theatre Company - Cinderella

Not your traditional panto, but a beautifully rich tale of family rela-tionships, grief and first love all deliciously jumbled up with danger-ously big flares and disco with a capital D. From down-at-heart to the heart and soul of the party, Cinderella’s timeless story, combined with a lyrical script directed by Greg Banks, diamond-encrusted

tunes and a live band on stage, all ensure a high-energy, moving and unforgettable night. (Platform boots optional!).

A lovely family show on your doorstep in the run-up to Christmas!

Watch out for ticket details or contact Mike on 640139 for info (In aid of Christ Church Funds)

!!! Professional Theatre at Lower Broadheath !!!

At Broadheath Theatre of Dreams ( aka Village Hall )


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Improvements at Christ Church

We have long been aware that our lovely building lacks a few basic

amenities, such as a toilet and kitchen! Now plans are underway to install

a toilet and kitchen in the area at present used as a vestry, and the space

at the rear of the pews made into a reception area thus enabling more

events to be held in the church. It is envisaged that a ‘Coffee Stop’ will be

open on a daily basis, enabling the parents and grandparents to socialise

as they wait for the children at school or pre-school. Also, many of the

residents who live alone will find a place to meet old friends and make

new ones.

The vestry will be relocated upstairs and a beautiful etched glass screen

will separate the gallery from the main body of the church.

All this of course will cost money and although grants have been applied

for there will still be a considerable amount to be raised before we can

start. We need your support to achieve our goal. We have many fund-

raising events planned ( see opposite ) and our annual Autumn Appeal

will be also be given to this project, so when you receive your gift day en-


tax, sign the gift aid declaration – every penny helps!

Should you wish to give a specific donation, perhaps in memory of a loved one, your name can be entered into a Benefactors Book. For more information call Mike on 640139.

CHRISTMAS BAZAAR Saturday 20th November 2.00 pm, in the Village Hall

Father Christmas, Cakes Preserves Gifts Tombola

Christmas stall and more...


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Services at broadheath ChurchServices at broadheath ChurchServices at broadheath ChurchServices at broadheath Church

1st August Trinity 9 11am Parish Communion 8th August T rinity 10 11am All Age Worship 15th August BVM 11am Family Communion 22nd August Trinity 12 11am Morning Prayer 5th September Trinity 14 11am Parish Communion 12th September Trinity 15 11am All Age Worship 19th September Trinity 16 11am Family Communion 26th September Trinity 17 11am Back to Church Sunday 3rd October Harvest 11am Parish Communion 10th October Trinity 19 11am All Age Worship 17th October Trinity 20 11am Parish Communion 24th October Trinity 21 11am Morning Prayer 31st October Benefice Communion at 10am at Christ Church 7th November 11am Parish Communion 14th November 10.50am Remembrance Service 21st November 11am Family Communion 28th November 11am Morning Prayer

FrFrFrFrom the Registersom the Registersom the Registersom the Registers

BaptismsBaptismsBaptismsBaptisms 18th July Holly Elizabeth Hayes

Marriages Marriages Marriages Marriages 17th July Victoria Hill and Sean Walker

RenewaRenewaRenewaRenewal of vowsl of vowsl of vowsl of vows 1st July Tim and Annelene Hall


Rector Rev. Sherry Bloomer 01905 339455

Churchwardens Mr Michael Beard 01905 640139 Mr Bernard Smith 01905 640881 Licensed Lay Minister Mrs Barbara Beard 01905 640139


29th August Benefice Communion at 10am

at St David’s

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FFFFriends ofriends ofriends ofriends of

Christ ChurchChrist ChurchChrist ChurchChrist Church

I hope you have been enjoying the warm sunny days we have been experiencing for a number of weeks now, although I must admit it is a little too much for some of us. With cooler evenings gradually approaching our minds will turn to a fund raising activity to help maintain our cash reserves to assist with any necessary expenditure required for the upkeep of our church.

On the 8th June we held our Annual General Meeting in the Vil-lage Hall, which was attended by a minority of members. The Chairman, Mr. Peter Huguet, outlined the activities of ‘The Friends’, the funds raised and the repaired on which it has been spent. This received an appreciative vote of thanks from Mr. Mike Beard (Churchwarden).

A suggestion was made that in view of the negligible interest rates on any investments made by the Friends could not some of the credit balance be invested in premium bonds, thereby allow-ing a greater return of interest. Our Treasurer, Mrs. Joyce Wilson has communicated with the Charity Commission direct, who re-plied that as we are a charitable organisation we are not allowed to participate. In effect this means that any funds we have will not be increased by the addition of other forms of income, so we appeal to parishioners to support us in any of our fund-raising activities.

Our committee was voted in en bloc for a further term of office but our treasurer has stated her intention of resigning her posi-tion which will lead to a vacancy, Consequently we are asking for a volunteer from our membership. If you are interested please contact Joyce Wilson, 01905 641025 for details. Eddie Hobday Vice-Chairman 640061


Can you help? The Friends of Broadheath Church need a new Treasurer

If you are interested please contact Joyce Wilson 01905

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LLLLower Broadheath WIower Broadheath WIower Broadheath WIower Broadheath WI

In May we had a talk from Ray Sturdy on ‘Remembering the Swinging

60’. This brought back many memories including some things we had for-

gotten .

On the longest day of the year, we finally managed (after having to cancel

in 2008 & 2009) to go to Grafton Wood for a walk with Mr & Mrs Tilt.

We spent nearly 2 hours in the wood looking at the various trees, bushes,

orchids etc and being told about the management of the area. We then had

coffee at a member’s house in Himbleton.

On behalf of four local WIs I had the opportunity to attend the National

WI AGM at the Cardiff International Arena. Despite being apprehensive

about going, I had an enjoyable time listening to four very good speakers.


August 16th Meet for Boules – then a drink in ‘The Bell’

September 20th ‘Witley Court’

October 18th Annual Meeting.

New members and visitors are always welcome. We meet on the third

Monday of the month usually at 7.45pm in the small hall.

Secretary 640776

Joyce Wilson

OPERATION CHRISTMAS CHILD Just a gentle reminder...... I’ll be collecting the shoe boxes

again this year. While you’re planning your Christmas shopping

list, or enjoying the sales please consider a few items suitable

for the shoe boxes. I’ll let you know nearer the time where you

can get your leaflets from, and when I need to collect them in


If you have any questions though, please do not hesitate to con-

tact me 640391.

Many thanks

Fi Cox


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BBBBroadheath with Rushwick WIroadheath with Rushwick WIroadheath with Rushwick WIroadheath with Rushwick WI

We were greatly entertained at the June meeting by Jill Fraser, who gave a very amusing account of surviving in a vicarage when you are not the Vicar. After moving into an old former vicarage in the heart of the country, Jill, her husband and young family were shocked to discover that the villagers expected to continue to carry out the duties undertaken by the Vicar when the property was still owned by the Church, These included helping to keep the playground tidy, joining the flower rota, holding a summer fete in the garden and ensuring carol singers were rewarded with mulled wine and mince pies—an event which expanded into a very popular entertainment for the whole village. This adventure inspired Jill’s book ‘More Tea Less Vicar.’

Once again the weather was unfavourable for the July Garden Meeting, but this did not mar the event as a very happy afternoon was spent at the home of Audrey Smith. Joyce Wilson gave a comprehensive report on her attendance as a delegate at the AGM in Cardiff when the resolution on labelling food with the country of origin was passed by an overwhelming vote of 99.13% in fa-vour. Alison Reynolds described how much she and fellow member Kath Horton enjoyed the lovely Bursary Lunch held at the Hun-dred House, Great Witley.

Florence Rees, who had been accompanied by Gill Love, gave a vivid account of a moving and amazing experience on their trip to the National Arboretum with the elgar Group. The memorial made her feel very proud and she strongly recommended a visit to others who had not yet been.

The usual splendid tea was enjoyed by all and the afternoon ended with a generous raffle.

The next meeting will be on Wednesday 8th September at 2.30pm on Broadheath Memorial Hall when the speaker will be Mr. D. Pundham of St. Richard’s Hospice with a talk entitled ‘It must be a virus’.Visitors and new members warmly welcomed. Further de-tails from the Sec. G Love—01905 428255 Daphne Hopkins


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I find it difficult to pin down or to describe, but there is something charm-ing and unique about enthusiastic vegetable growers and allotmenteers. Nothing illustrated this better than the April meeting which was billed as a Vegetable Road Show, “featuring” three members of the National Vegeta-ble Society. Each came from a different part of the Midlands but they are used to long distances of travelling in order to communicate their huge enthusiasm for vegetable growing. Now I know how to produce spanking new potatoes for Christmas Day! But there were many other good tips and the question-and-answer session went well.

Our May speaker was Carol Smith, who had entered a Show Garden at Chelsea a few years ago. What a labour of love! The amount of work and planning in the initial submission to the RHS to be allowed to exhibit is daunting enough, but the vagaries of the weather can produce nightmare scenario in the run-up to the event. Will they flower in time? Will they survive the journey? Will the plot be finished in time for the judges? The demands are endless, and the expense, and unless one is fortunate enough to obtain a gold, the rewards-beyond personal satisfaction- are few. But what an achievement to be able to pull it off!

The evening outing in June was a visit to Orleton House Gardens, Stanford Bridge, near Tenbury Wells. We were blessed with a lovely evening to visit this quite extraordinary garden which has been created over the last 15 years by Jenny and John Hughes. It is only open to the public for three months each summer because of the type and style of planting but it is well worth several visits. There is tremendous variety in planting and the roses, geraniums and alliums along with many other herbaceous plants provide a breathtaking show. Proceeds from their openings go to the Na-tional Gardens Scheme which provides funding for a number of cancer charities.

The Annual Gardening Society Show is on Saturday, September 4th . De-spite the appalling summer last year we had good entries. Despite the long drought this year we are hoping for even better entries! It is never too early to start your planning. The entry form accompanies this bulletin. Ian Edynbry (Hon. Secretary)


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SSSSUNSHINE CLUB UNSHINE CLUB UNSHINE CLUB UNSHINE CLUB April’s speaker was retired Chief Superintendent Brian Humphreys, who explained the intricacies and development of the use of fingerprinting as an aid to catch criminals. It does seem quite extraordinary that given the billions of people who now inhabit our planet, each person has a unique fingerprint. Happily for the law-abiding, and unhappily for the criminal, such is the power of computers that matching fingerprints is now infi-nitely easier than the long and laborious task it used to be. And what about DNA identification? That's a whole new ball game! We also had the Annual Easter Bonnet Competition. There were nine entries-a re-cord. The winner was Jean Gosling, one of our newer members, with a stunning creation which must have taken hours. Dora Portman was a close runner-up. Summer is the time to get out but I always have great concerns about the weather. No need to worry this year! In May, we had a coach trip to the Black Country Museum, a venue well worth several visits. Cobbled streets, old gas lights, and no obvious signs of the dreaded health and safety restrictions (although it is clear that great care has been taken). The experience was a delightful step into the past. However, it has to be said that the Victorian schoolroom was rather disappointing. Although the old rote tables were exhibited around the room, it seemed very doubtful that “our teacher”, herself no more than thirty, and dressed beautifully in Victorian garb, could cope with the irregular numbers of the money system we were all brought up with and still remember, let alone the complications of Imperial weights and measures! I think we were all hoping to have a chance to exercise our memories but this was not to be. For example, what is today's value of thirteen and a half guin-eas? How many hundredweight are there in half a ton? How many rods, poles or perches are there in the length of a cricket pitch?!! Notwith-standing, a ride on the old tram, a boat trip into the mine and visits to various shops selling a range of goods now unobtainable, provided great interest. Once in a while, the weather for our Summer Garden Party in June comes up to expectations and this year it was absolutely superb. A seat in the shade was an absolute necessity. Bridge rolls, homemade scones with jam and cream, cakes and strawberries (with more cream) helped down with cups of tea all went peaceably, and was preceded by an amble round the garden, accompanied by the gentle sound of the small water-falls and fountains in the water garden. This is a tradition we should like to keep whether or not the Sunshine Club continues next year. Happily, all members were able to come-numbers are now up to 24. The bank balance is looking quite healthy so hopefully somebody will volunteer to take over the Club next year and, like us, enjoy this most rewarding task. Ian and Ruth, Joint Hosts. (01905-640096)


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The summer is here already. We have had a hectic few weeks behind the

scenes at Brownies. In the last newsletter we informed you that Playful

Penguin (Karen) will be leaving at the end of term and to ensure that

Brownies carried on we needed more adult helpers. To the rescue has

come Diving Dolphin (Sheila Hassell) and Angi Stones (Thank-you La-

dies!). Brownies will be back in September!

In May the girls enjoyed a day at Aztec Watersports as part of their 100

adventure badge. The weather was cool and rainy but it didn’t deter the

girls from having fun.

Also in May, 14 of the Brownies attended camp where the theme was

party, this was to enable me to gain my camp licence (don’t know the re-

sult yet!) The girls thoroughly enjoyed making their costume from recy-

clable materials which led to a fashion show followed by the after party

disco which was then followed by a PJ party! Phew, we did manage to

squeeze in a water fight, I’m a brownie get me out of here and a camp fire

with songs!

We have managed to incorporate the camp badge and the designer

badge this term which most of the girls have gained.

Our final meeting before the hols took place on Wednesday 14th July.

The girls decided that they would like a Bowling party. We attended

Worcester Bowling for a game and said goodbye to Karen(Playful Pen-

guin), Gabby Baldacchino, Florence Andrews, Olivia Fletcher, Hannah

Vale, Megan Bebber, Ellie Beniams and Clara Beniams. Some of the girls

are going on to guides,some to scouts and some moving out of the area.

At the end of July, 30 Brownies from our district, (6 from our pack and

myself) will be descending on PGL at Borreatton Park. Are we looking

forward to that or what!!

How we got on will be passed on in the next newsletter.

Now that we have the means to carry on we are looking for more

Brownies to join our happy pack! If you have a daughter or are interested

in joining Brownies and aged between 7-10 years then please phone

01905 640740 for more information.

Finally, a. huge thank-you to Karen who has supported me for years,

and all the brownies and parents for their continued support.

Carole Edmonds Swimming Starfish.

(See our internet version Newsletter for photos - ed )


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1st Lower Broadheath brownies requires your help. We need girls! Girls that are aged between 7 & 10 years old , who like to have fun, to learn new things, make new friends and to keep girl guiding going for another 100years. If you do have free time on a Wednesday evening 6 –7 :15pm and occasional weekends then the brownies need you !

If you are interested then please contact Carole Edmonds 01905 640740 drop in to Broadheath Vil-lage hall. Our first meeting back will be 8th September 2010.

need youneed youneed youneed you


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TA big "thank you" to everyone who supported or in any way con-

tributed to the garden fete at Torrington, Bell Lane, on Saturday

afternoon 10 July. Organised by Elim Pentecostal Church, Lowes-

moor, this was a great afternoon of family fun to aid the church's

continuing support to local 'on the ground' Christian charities in

Haiti who are struggling to bring relief to those still so seriously

affected by last January's earthquake, and for needy children at

the 'Word of Life' school in a remote area of Brazil. Over £500

was raised that afternoon, for which we are extremely grateful.

We would specially like to thank Veronica Swinburn, ably assisted

by Shirley Crompton, for coming along to judge the 'Best Dressed

Welly' competition.

revor & Jan McAvoy

Letter From New Zealand Letter From New Zealand Letter From New Zealand Letter From New Zealand This has been the coldest winter since I This has been the coldest winter since I This has been the coldest winter since I This has been the coldest winter since I arrived here in July arrived here in July arrived here in July arrived here in July 1988. Today is wet and very windy 1988. Today is wet and very windy 1988. Today is wet and very windy 1988. Today is wet and very windy ---- not the best weather for not the best weather for not the best weather for not the best weather for an important rugby match tonight between the Aan important rugby match tonight between the Aan important rugby match tonight between the Aan important rugby match tonight between the All Blacks ll Blacks ll Blacks ll Blacks (New Zealand) and South Africa. (New Zealand) and South Africa. (New Zealand) and South Africa. (New Zealand) and South Africa. I am delighted to hear that the threat of hundreds of new I am delighted to hear that the threat of hundreds of new I am delighted to hear that the threat of hundreds of new I am delighted to hear that the threat of hundreds of new houses in Lower Broadheath houses in Lower Broadheath houses in Lower Broadheath houses in Lower Broadheath has been ended. Congratulations has been ended. Congratulations has been ended. Congratulations has been ended. Congratulations to those who worked so hard to fight the danger of ruining the to those who worked so hard to fight the danger of ruining the to those who worked so hard to fight the danger of ruining the to those who worked so hard to fight the danger of ruining the village. village. village. village. I hope you are enjoyingI hope you are enjoyingI hope you are enjoyingI hope you are enjoying warm summer weather. warm summer weather. warm summer weather. warm summer weather. Best wishes,Best wishes,Best wishes,Best wishes, Dorothy RickettsDorothy RickettsDorothy RickettsDorothy Ricketts Ps. The All Blacks won.Ps. The All Blacks won.Ps. The All Blacks won.Ps. The All Blacks won.


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FRIENDS OF NORA PARSONS DAY CENTRE Anyone who is concerned to see that that the Nora Parsons Day Centre continues with its valuable work is invited to become a FRIEND. In return for a number of benefits a FRIEND undertakes to make a small annual contribution of £5 – or more if you can af-ford it. If you would like to become a FRIEND of the Centre at Wichen-ford please contact Bob Whyatt on 01886 822298 or Dag Smith on 01905 641071 and request a DONOR FRIEND form. Many thanks in anticipation.

Janet Dale, Secretary


As many of you know, Teme Valley Children’s Centre has hosted two successful Table Top sales at Abberley Village Hall this year. The sales have given local people he opportunity to buy and sell children’s and babies’ clothing, toys and equipment. Nearly all the sellers have made a good profit and the buyers have been able to find plenty of quality items at bargain prices. Having the ‘Coffee Haven’ at the sale has also proved to be a great suc-cess—people are able to enjoy a drink and slice of cake whilst meeting new people and chatting to staff. Perhaps you would like to see for yourself and visit our next sale on Saturday 25th September at Abberley Village Hall from 11.30am—1pm. Admission is just 50p and it is worth getting there early as previ-ous experience has shown that the bargains are snapped up quickly! Teme Valley Children’s Centre is one of eight across the county to be run by Banardo’s Children’s Charity in partnership with Worcestershire County Council. To help improve the life chances for pre-school children For more information phone the Centre on 01886 812982 or email Tasha on [email protected]


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Parish Council Chairman: Barbara Beard, Tel 01905 640139 Clerk: Mike Davis Tel 01684 569864 Vice Chairman: Paul Simmonds. Tel 01905 640122 Other Members: Roger Bass Tel 01905 641105 Miranda Davies. Tel 01905 333562 Alan Forrest. Tel 01905 333258 Adrian Parry. Tel 01905 640589 Julie Plant. Tel 01905 333253 Maurice Wedd. Tel 01905 640861 Neil Fox Tel 07767672471 Veronica Swinburn.Tel 01905 333358

Malvern Hills District Council Members: Don Hull Tel 01905 425136 Aubrey Tarbuc Tel 01905 640849

Worcestershire County Council Member: Alwyn Davies. Tel 01886 888263

West Mercia Police: Sarah Ransome-Williams Tel 0845 7444888 Ext 66610

Schools: Broadheath Cof E Primary School. Tel 01905 640285 Chantry High School, Martley. Tel 01886 887100 Broadheath Pre-School. Tel 01905 641566 (out of school hours)

Local Councils: Malvern Hills District Council. Tel 01684 862151 Worcestershire County Council. Tel 01905 763763 Village Hall Bookings Manager Tel.01905 640727 (Alan Williams)

Mobile Library The Mobile Library visits Broadheath every third Monday

‘The Bell’ 10.20 –10.50 Crown Meadow 11.00 –11.30

Grange Road 11.35—11.50 Peachley Gardens 11.55—12.15
