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The Broadwater School Cricket Club was officially launched in May

Dear Parents

It is that time of year again when the stress levels of our year 11 rise rapidly and also

those of the staff as the GCSE written examinations are now in full swing. I have

been pleased with the positive attitudes shown by the students at this important

and challenging time. We wish them every success.

At a Governors’ meeting last week the Governors took the decision to apply for

academy status for the school. For those who were parents in 2011, you will

remember that we considered converting but decided to wait. Times have changed

and there are now more secondary schools that are academies both nationally and

within Surrey than local authority schools.


M AY 20 1 4

BROADWATER SCHOOL SUMMERS ROAD GODALMING SURREY GU7 3BW Telephone: 01483 414516 Fax: 01483 425782

Email: [email protected]

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For those not familiar with what an academy is, it is an independent school; directly

employing its own staff; responsible for its own land and buildings and in charge of

its own admissions. Academies are free from Local Authority control, are able to set

their own pay and conditions, are free from the National Curriculum, have greater

control over the budget and are able to spend money currently held back by the

Local Authority.

It is becoming increasingly clear that the local authority has much less control and

ability to support schools than it used to. Many of the central services that the local

authority used to provide free of charge, have now to be purchased either from

them or other providers.

I can assure all parents that becoming an academy will not change the ethos of

Broadwater School. It will in fact enable the school to be in a better position to

maintain our current ethos in the future, particularly if maintained schools are

forced to become an academy or join an academy chain that has all schools

following the same blueprint.

I believe that by becoming an academy we will be in a stronger position to provide

improved services for all of the students in the school. We will continue to have

links with the local authority, as we will continue purchase services from them, as

we do now.

I will continue to keep you updated on the progress towards becoming an academy

and I am happy to receive any comments in writing or by email.

At the end of this half term we will sadly be saying goodbye to our Site Manager

Richard Williams who is looking to resume his former business. I am sure you will

agree that Richard and his team have done an excellent job in recent years in

improving the fabric of the site. We all wish him well for the future.

Finally, we are delighted to announce that one of our students, Kieran Nash, has

been awarded the Fletcher Scholarship at Charterhouse School for September 2014

– well done Kieran.

Chris Lee


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Cricket Club Launch

Wednesday 7th May saw the official launch of Broadwater School’s Satellite Cricket

Project. Broadwater has been selected as a satellite school for cricket in the

Waverley district. Students had to apply in writing for a position on the committee

stating what role they would like and why. Following this students were allocated

roles depending on their strength of application. Over 20 students sit on the

committee and have jobs including treasurer, fund raisers, managing director,

secretary, journalist, photographer, web designer and many more.

Students have been given a grant from Surrey Cricket to launch a cricket club in

school to try and increase the number of students playing cricket, both in school and

the local community. The project will run until July next year. The committee have

targets to meet which include students having to take part in cricket courses, to

coach cricket, more students joining local cricket clubs, more students in the school

taking part in cricket and playing inter school matches. Students can spend the

money on equipment, trophies, badges and rewards to encourage an increase in

participation. The committee have to run the club as a business so that after funding

stops the club can continue to function. This is an exciting project and students are

already planning a Primary School Cricket Festival and inter house cricket during

National Cricket Week which is the week beginning 2nd June. Cricket coaching is

also taking place after school and at lunchtime. Students have already designed

posters and fliers to advertise the club, designed a cricket notice board, ordered

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equipment and contacted primary schools about the cricket festival. Students are

also shortly taking part in the cricket activators course.

A whole school sports assembly kicked the day off during which the cricket

committee did a presentation to launch the club. The special assembly also saw

students presented with certificates, cinema vouchers and school colours for their

hard work and commitment in sport so far this academic year. These were

presented by Hannah Beharry, Great British boxer, who is working with the school

on the Sky Living Project. Hannah did a fantastic motivational speech and will be

coming back into school after half term to work with the cricket committee on

target setting and achieving their goals.

Following on from this, morning lessons in lower school all had a cricket theme. At

break time the committee held a cake sale and raffle raising £80.00 pounds for the

cricket club funds. It was a fantastic start to this wonderful opportunity.

Students raising money for the Cricket

Club funds.

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Thomson Reuters Visit

On Wednesday 14th May some of

year 7, 8, 9 and 10 had the

opportunity to speak to Bob

Schukai (MBE) who is the Global

Head of Mobile Technology and

Head of Advanced Product

Innovation at Thomson Reuters

who works in Atlanta in the

United States. Accompanying him

were two graduates, Tamara

Waltho and Rebecca Gray who

also work at Thomson Reuters, but are based at their Canary Wharf office in London.

Students were able to ask questions and were introduced to an initiative called

Cyber Champions which provides a focus on Social Media, optimising personal brand

(preparation for careers), Libel/slander, Sexting, Cyber Bullying and current trends.

Cyber Champions is about encouraging children to become ‘Cyber Prefects’ and

share their learning with peers and family. As well as raising awareness on how to

be safe and savvy online, the Cyber Champions are also representative business and

IT role models for the next generation. In turn the young professionals are

supported and mentored by ‘Cyber Guardians’, leaders in business or in positions of

expertise in their field. Tamara and Rebecca will be our mentors.

Mrs J Skeats, ICT

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Duke of Edinburgh Award Scheme

25 Bronze awards were presented at the Waverley Forum Awards Evening on April 28th; this is a great achievement with more awards completed by our students than ever before.

The practice expedition that took place at the end of April was a success for the 10 Silver and 26 Bronze participants. It was a bit wet and very windy but all our students showed excellent determination and team work.

The Bronze assessed expedition will take place from Monday 21st July – Tuesday 22nd July at High Ashurst in Dorking and the Silver assessed expedition will be from Thursday 3rd July – Saturday 5th July in the New Forest.

We would like to say a massive thank you to the Friends of Broadwater. The work of Moira West Brown and her team has meant we have secured funding for the scheme from them and also from Godalming Town Council. This has enabled us to purchase new rucksacks, trangia stoves, map cases and tents and means that Duke of Edinburgh can run as it should do as an award accessible to all.

Miss N Thomson

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English Department News As part of the English Language IGCSE Year 11 students were asked to write a short story between 500-800 words entitled ‘The Victims’. The quality of the work from the whole group was breathtaking and as a result we wanted to share a few with you. As you will see these stories would not look out of place next to published authors and I for one will be looking out for future works by our talented students. The full stories are available on the school website, on the English page, but here are a few tasters: ‘The Victims’ - Kieran Nash Squashed up against an armpit, crushed against the door, a suitcase wedged uncomfortably against my thigh, it was typical December day on the train. We’d been travelling for half an hour, our train being delayed due to signalling errors, leading it to be even hotter than it normally was; seething anger helped to heat up the steamy air even further. Several businessmen made the journey up and down the carriage, as if pacing was going to make the train move – whilst the irritating automatic voiceover droned away, apologising for delays. Signal was low, babies’ screams were high, and I was starving. Grumbling like a volcano, my stomach was erupting a boom box of noise around the train. The strange looks that I was attracting drove me towards the toilet. With difficulty, I began to struggle along the carriages. Reaching my destination, I gratefully burst right in, completely oblivious to the fact that I had just jumped the queue. I didn’t even notice the chagrin of the various strangers who had been waiting stoically in line. Once inside, I took a deep breath of fresh air (ironic that a toilet was the best smelling place on the train) and went about my business. A harrowing metal screech, swiftly followed by terrified screams resounded through the train. I was plunged into darkness. Read Kieran’s full story:

‘The Victims’ - Ava Naunton-Morrison

40 troop divisions were supposed to fight in the battle of the Somme. In the end only

five were sent. Nobody knows precisely how many men became casualties of the

Somme; there were too many. At a conservative estimate, over a million men from the

three armies involved, the British, French and the Germans were killed or wounded and

this is the story of one of those victims…

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That Monday morning was frosty and dark; it felt like a fitting metaphor for my

emotions as we were herded onto the train. We knew we would be joining the battle in

a few hours… Nobody said much; all of us were feeling sick with apprehension. The

heavy guns were grumbling menacingly in the distance, monsters waiting to feed… on


The first thing that hit me was the smell; it was sour, like stale human sweat. As we

marched towards our objective it felt like walking in “the shadow of the Valley of

Death”. We all knew our fate. Nobody spoke: not a single word, the only sound was the

squelch of our boots trudging through the thick, sticky and grey mud.

To my horror, what I had believed to be clumps of mud suddenly came alive. Rats!

Unnervingly, they took no account of our presence, insolently weaving in and out of our


Read Ava’s full story:

‘The Victims’ – Abi Waller

Dark clouds circle menacingly over the city of Harbridge, doing nothing to alleviate the

constant sense of claustrophobia suffocating area, with its looming office blocks and

towering skyscrapers. Rain begins to fall; first a drizzle, then a torrent - droplets

hammering down on my car's windscreen, the repetitive drumming only adding to my

pounding headache, amassed after a long day's work.

I check my wristwatch. Seven forty-five, it reads. An hour and fifteen minutes is more

than enough time to get some food and get home. Knocking back the rest of my coffee,

I turn the key in the ignition. A grating spluttering sound erupts from underneath the

bonnet, like a cat coughing up a hairball.

Oh no. Not now, please, not now.

Leaving the dry warmth of the car, I wrench the bonnet open. Immediately, my nostrils

are assaulted by a sudden surge of acrid black smoke. The fumes sting my eyes, burn my

throat and clog my lungs. I stumble back in confusion, unable to see, twisting around

and falling onto the unforgiving concrete behind me. I right myself and slam the car's

hood down, before waving away the rest of the smoke with my jacket. Smoke can’t be a

good omen...

Read Abi’s full story: Mrs Matthews, Deputy Head and English Teacher

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PE Department News

Wednesday 14th May saw the Annual Year 1 Multi Skills Festival take place at Broadwater. Approximately 140 Year 1 pupils from Farncombe Infants, Moss Lane, Chilworth Infants and Loseley Fields Junior schools took part in the festival. Pupils participated in multi skills based activities which ran on a circuit basis, ensuring all pupils had a go at lots of different sports stations. Around 30 Year 8 and 9 students from Broadwater were leaders on each of the stations and showed the younger pupils what to do and helped to coach them. The Young Leaders did an amazing job and had an excellent rapport with the younger pupils. They were excellent ambassadors for the school. The year 1 pupils thoroughly enjoyed the afternoon and we hope to run the event again next year.

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This year we have entered a tennis league and started playing inter school tennis matches. So far Year 8, 9 and 10 students have played schools including St Catherines, Woking High and the Royal School. No team wins so far but some exceptional individual performances. A special mention to Lizzie Rhodes in Year 8 who has been awesome!

A reminder that cricket practice is on Tuesday after school with a local cricket coach and tennis after school on a Wednesday with a local tennis coach. Both sessions are free to all years. Just come along and enjoy! Rounders practice is taking place on most lunch times for all year groups and we have lots of matches coming up so come and join in. Well done to the Young Cricket Leaders involved in umpiring and scoring for the local primary cricket festival held just before half term. They were given a brief training session and then helped to run the event held at Farncombe Cricket Club, giving up their time after school. Well done. The inter house competition is very close this year. This term we have had inter house rounders and next term we will have inter house tennis and cricket. On 15th May, we took part in a volleyball competition which years 9 and 10 really enjoyed. The week beginning the 2nd June is the start of National School Cricket Week and we have lots planned! This includes inter house sport, a primary school festival, an after school training session on Tuesday and a cricket activators course. Students need to keep their eyes on the notice boards to ensure they get involved and don’t miss out. The Year 8 girls’ cricket team played in the Surrey Outdoor Cricket Tournament last Monday 12th May at Cranleigh School. There were 10 schools there from all over Surrey. They did really well and learnt a great deal in a short space of time. We lost 2 matches but won our third beating Ash Manor. Well done to:- Morgen Powney, Jenna Broad, Mollie Stewart, Lizzie Rhodes, Innes Perry, Issy Davis, Ellie Appleton, Kerry Jones and Elena Fletcher.

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5 year 8 students represented Broadwater at the Surrey School Games in Leatherhead competing in a Boccia Competition against 8 other schools. The competition was very good with some very strong players. Our students started very well but made some errors against the stronger players and finished 6th overall. Special mention to Jake Boxall and Maria Giles who showed fantastic accuracy in their throws and well done to Charlotte Downes, Caleb Gidley and Reece Brown for their performances. The year 9 cricket team started their season with a good performance against Rodborough after winning the toss and choosing to bat first. They gave the visiting side a relatively high score to chase but it wasn’t quite enough. Jay Lawson, Jack Fuller and Hugo Laurence put in good individual performances while batting. David Voller was excellent when bowling taking 2 wickets in his final over. Well done to all the players and hopefully we will get a win in the next match.

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15 students represented Broadwater at the Waverley Athletics Trials hosted at Charterhouse School on the 13th May. This was a great chance for talented students to compete against the very best in Waverley. The students all performed well and enjoyed the experience of such a high profile event. Scott MacKenzie came first in 100m with a time of 11.8 seconds and 1st in 200m with 25.00 seconds. Jay Lawson came 2nd in Triple Jump, distance was 10.83m. Louis Rutledge came 2nd in Shot Put, distance was 9.04m. Ollie Dunn in Javelin came 1st with a distance of 40.64m. Will Kirk came 3rd in Discus with a distance of 24.45m. Hannah Lawson came second in 800m with a time of 3.19 mins and also came 2nd in Triple Jump with a distance of 8.25m. Well done to Scott MacKenzie, Jay Lawson and Ollie Dunn who all won their events and will compete later in the year to represent Surrey. NEW YOUNG AMBASSADORS FOR SPORT WANTED! If you are in Year 9 and are interested in becoming one of our Sports Ambassadors please speak to Mrs Fowler. We need two keen and enthusiastic students to take on this role which involves promoting sport and helping out the P.E department, as well as a training day outside of school. All applicants welcome, girls and boys. Mr Stuart Cook and Mrs Kerry Fowler PE Department

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Welcome to our new prefect teams!

While it is with sadness that we say goodbye to our year 11 prefects, who have done

a wonderful job of supporting the staff and students of the school over the last year,

we are delighted to announce our new prefect teams for 2014-2015.

These students had to go through a rigorous selection process where they had to

apply, go through an interview, and complete a monitoring period before they

gained the position of prefect. Each Leader of Achievement then asked for students

to nominate themselves for senior prefect. This meant that they had to make a

speech in House assembly, explaining why they deserved to be a senior prefect. The

students and tutors of each house then voted for who they felt would make the best

House Captain. This took a lot of courage and we would like to thank all students

who put themselves forward. The results are below:

Aquila Prefects Ibrahim McGinty – House Captain

Jevon Napper – Deputy House Captain

Phillipa Pritchard – Deputy House Captain

Alice Needell

Anna Bradshaw

Brandon Ware

Ellen Gaff

Hannah Marshall

Katherine Warner

Michelle Law

Sam Lowe

Simona Stefanova

Sophie Berry

Will Edwards

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Pegasus Prefects Megan Broad – House Captain

Josh Elliott – Deputy House Captain

Holly Parrish – Deputy House Captain

Daniel Chapman

Henry De Kretser

Raven Habgood-Brown

Chloe Holcombe

Grace Hutson

Daniel Kneller

Molly Lawn

Hannah Lawson

Summer Marshall

Luca Reina

Georgia Sewrey

Jenny Squire

Phoenix Prefects Ben Hodgson – House Captain

Nathan Morris – Deputy House Captain

Tom Brennan – Deputy House Captain

William Akehurst

Sam Siviers

Rory Sellick

Rachel Woodger

Nathan Staniford

Matti Fletcher

Mark Coleman

Luke Jones

Joshua Lintott

Joel Gidley

Emma Chevrat

Daniel Pink

Abi Pritchard

Miss Regan (Aquila) Mrs Looseley (Pegasus) Ms Thompson (Phoenix)

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Godalming College Courses Awards Congratulations to the following Y11 college students who have been awarded the following certificates: Media: Orson Habgood-Brown – Outstanding Determination Media: Rachel Woodger - Outstanding Determination Italian: Katherine Warner – Outstanding Effort Italian: Kyarah Betker– Outstanding Effort Italian: Hannah Marshall – Outstanding Achievement Italian: Sarah Tribe – Outstanding Achievement Business: Katherine Warner – Outstanding Performance


Now the warm weather is

approaching please remind

students to bring in a bottle

for water every day.

Please bring in your Active Kids vouchers to the

school as soon as possible – thank you!

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Art and Design

Technology News What a busy few months it has been for the Art and DT faculty. The

year 11’s completed controlled assessment in Art, Resistant Materials, Food and Graphics and the final Art GCSE exam has already been

and gone. The students’ final outcomes were of a very high standard and many were outstanding. I have included some photos from

across all the areas.

Good luck to all of our year 11 students in their upcoming exams!

Also well done to those year 8 food students that took part in this term’s cupcake decorating challenge, some of the best we’ve seen!

Mrs Pearson-Jury

Head of Art and DT Faculty

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Art and Design Technology News

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Art and Design Technology News

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Friends of Broadwater School

[email protected]

Good luck to all students currently taking GCSE exams!

Social Gathering - Please Join Us - All Welcome!

The Friends are gathering on Tuesday 10th June, 7pm at Wetherspoons in Godalming. There's no agenda nor action items! Take the opportunity to get to know some other parents/staff & enjoy a relaxed evening out. Send Moira your name & phone number (email above or leave a message at Reception) if you plan to come along, so we can let you know where to find us! Hope to see you there!

Upcoming Events/Fundraisers

We'd appreciate donations of any outgrown/unwanted uniform (blazers, trousers, skirts, shirts/blouses, jumpers, ties, PE

kit & bags etc). We accept items in any condition: items that cannot be sold, will be added to the next textile recycling collection. Please mark bags '2nd Hand Uniform', and hand them in at Reception as soon as possible - so we can prepare them for a sale at the New

Intake evening on Wednesday 2nd July.

Textile Donations Please continue to put any unwanted clothing &

textiles to one side for the summer term collection: 7th-18th July. We will send out a parentmail reminder nearer the time. Thank you to the parent whose employer donated a large number of unwanted computer bags to include in our next collection!

Oliver Drama Production – 10th

& 11th


The Friends will be selling refreshments and popcorn during the interval on both evenings.

Summer Concert & Presentation Evening – 22nd


We will be holding a raffle for an International/World Cup themed hamper and selling refreshments.

If you can donate an item for the raffle, please leave it at Reception – marked 'Friends Raffle'. If you can help serve

refreshments at either event, please email us or leave a message with Reception.



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Please join us – it's free & easy! Raise money for our

school (at no cost to you!) whenever you shop online.

Use the link below & choose Broadwater School, Godalming

as your 'good cause'.

Thanks to those who are already taking part and raised £75.38 for the school last



2nd Hand Uniform Sale To all who donated to and bought from the 2nd Hand Uniform sale during Y8 Academic Profiling - THANK YOU! The sale was a huge success, generated a lot of goodwill and raised £151.50 for the school!

Can you help serve refreshments during an event, donate a raffle prize, help prepare 2nd hand uniform for sale or fill our vacant position of Secretary? We'd appreciate your support. Please email [email protected] or leave your details at school reception.

School Wish List

Many thanks to Godalming Town Council for a grant of £545 to fund expedition equipment for the school's Duke of Edinburgh's award program! It has been used to purchase the following items on the School's wish list:

Rucksacks, Map Holders & Camping Stoves for the Duke of Edinburgh's Award programme.

Next Friends' Meeting Our Annual General Meeting will be held on Tuesday 16th September at 6:30pm in Room 15/Learn Centre and will be followed by a short committee meeting. More details to follow in the July issue of the Broadwater News.

Wishing you a safe and enjoyable half term!

The Friends of Broadwater School

@FriendsofBWS [email protected]

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Emotional Literacy Drop-in Sessions will be held during lunchtimes from 12:45 – 1:05 pm,

Monday to Thursday in Rm 108 Intervention Room. Miss Walters

Visit to the Kia Oval

On the 24th April, a group of students went to the Kia Oval in London, to take part in

a day of different cricket activities. First off, we all practised our bowling technique

and received a few top tips off the Surrey and Hampshire disability cricket players,

before having a tour of the grounds. After lunch, a game of table cricket was played,

followed by a session focusing on fielding skills. All the students thoroughly enjoyed

the day out and were particularly impressed to see a one legged bowler/fielder in


Mrs S Alford

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A Fond Farewell from your Site Manager After five years (almost to the day) of working at Broadwater School, I have decided to hang up my hammer and spanner and move on to other challenges.

I came to Broadwater in June 2009 from running my own installation business, having never worked in a school environment before and it really was a job that I could sink my teeth into. There was so much that needed to be done, I almost didn’t know where to start.

The very first thing that struck me most about the school was the friendliness of the staff – that remains true right up to today – I was made to feel very welcome and even before I had been offered the post, I really felt as if I belonged with the team.

With brilliant support from Chris Lee, Lynne Edwards and the Board of Governors, we have made huge changes to the school environment and also the way that we do things and it has led to a more productive and efficient maintenance department and school. I hope all of you and the students have experienced some of the benefits of these changes in one way or another.

I would like to take this opportunity to thank all of my team, Ollie, Bill, Melvyn and Sean, who have always been supportive and keen to help out with all of our various building and grounds projects, despite working under some rather arduous conditions at times – all done with great dedication and good humour ……. lads….. I will miss you! I will also miss the ladies in the Admin department; Lynne, Sandra, Lindsay, Sally, Karen and Carole – who despite my best efforts at thwarting their systems with my version of the paperwork and procedures, have managed to keep me on the straight and narrow and no doubt, will be looking forward to breaking in my replacement (particularly Lindsay )! Also a heartfelt farewell to our school staff, too many to mention, whose friendship and humour I will always remember….particularly Karen Hatcher , whose first impressions on me will last a lifetime…. So, new horizons beckon – I will be staying within the construction industry and I know that I leave the school in very capable hands, there are still projects to be undertaken and many more challenges to be faced but the staff will handle them brilliantly – as always. Finally, may I wish you and the students all the very best for the future and I look forward to seeing some excellent GCSE results in August – we have some of the best students and staff in Surrey – of that there is no doubt. Richard Williams, Site Manager

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Please keep this newsletter as a reminder of important dates. Dates can be subject

to change – please check the calendar on the website for new/ updated events.


Friday 23rd MUFTI DAY. School closes for half-term at 3.20pm


HALF TERM: May 27th to 30th


Monday 2nd Return to school – Week B

Monday 2nd Y8 Geography Trip 1 to Juniper Hall

Wednesday 4th Y8 Geography Trip 2 to Juniper Hall

Monday 9th Interhouse Tennis week begins

Tuesday 10th Friends Social Gathering 7pm Wetherspoons

Thursday 12th Y9 Academic Reports to Parents

Monday 16th Year 10 Exams begin

Monday 23rd Year 7 Exams begin

Thursday 26th Year 11 Prom/Boat Trip – Coaches depart from school at 5.30pm,

return at 12.30am approx.

Monday 30th INSET DAY


Wednesday 2nd New intake day/ evening

Thursday 3rd D of E Silver Expedition (2 nights)

Monday 7th Friends Textile Collection begins (to 18th July)

Tuesday 8th School Sports Day

Thursday 10th School Production of ‘Oliver’

Friday 11th School Production of ‘Oliver’

Tuesday 15th Y7, 8 & 10 Academic Reports to Parents

Thursday 17th ACADEMIC PROFILING Year 7 Focus, from 1.05 –

5.10pm. School closes for students at 1.00pm

Monday 21st D of E Bronze Expedition (1 night)

Tuesday 22nd Summer Concert & Presentation Evening

Wednesday 23rd School closes at 12.45pm for the Summer Holidays


Thursday 21st GCSE Results available at the school 10am – 12 noon


Tuesday 2nd INSET DAY

Wednesday 3rd Return to school Autumn Term

Tuesday 16th Friends PTA Meeting 6.30pm
