Page 1: Brunel desis attachment 2 projects presentation

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Unearthing Hidden Assets through Community Co-design & Co-production

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Brunel University, Keele University, University of Leicester and Open University

Themes: public services, social services

Newcastle upon Tyne, Stoke on Trent, Shinfield and Tidworth

Page 2: Brunel desis attachment 2 projects presentation

Context: Co-design and co-production have potential to assist people in identifying and utilizing assets in their communities (e.g. skills, and social networks) to solve problems, address community needs and create new opportunities in a sustainable and inclusive manner.

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Project: We collaborate with four communities to find out how best to assist them uncovering and unlocking the potential of theirs assets. New knowledge will be captured through four community-led projects in four different locations

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Design Role: To introduce creative tools and techniques that could help people see their communities in the new ways and think positively and creatively on how to put community assets into good use.

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Artefact Cafe researches the possibilities that enable people to design and create their own artafacts

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Brunel University, Horizon

Themes: Enterprises


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Context: With the emergence of DIYing – the Artefact Café is about enabling people’s creativity in a more formalised way by finding out what tools and knowledge people need to embody their ideas

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Project: We are examining the effectiveness of currently available digital and fabrication technologies for the potential of creating a mini-revolution in user-led open design and the ways in which products and services are designed and consumed

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Design role: In the context of product design, companies are also now recognizing the wisdom of the crowd and increasingly seek to tap into this global knowledge base as well as local insights through crowdsourcing and or open sourcing strategy