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Version-1, rev- 3

Date: 07 June 2020

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Table of Contents

Sl. Page No.

Table of Contents

1. List of Abbreviations 4-5 2. Background 6 3. Methodology


4. Rating and reference Points and Label Design


5. Rating Guideline 10

Management and Planning 11

Project Site Management 13

Building Envelope Design 19

Water Management 22

Energy Management 26

Indoor Environment Quality 34

Construction Materials Management


Construction Health and Safety


Innovation 49

Bonus Points 51 6. BEEER Criteria and Points for Credit 53 7. BEEER Certification Process 55 8. Evaluation Procedure 56 9. Enlistment of Professionals 56 10. Certified Professionals 56 11. Accredited Professionals 56 12. Fees 57 13. Steering Committee 57 14. Technical Committee 57 15. Application Reviewers 57


Annexure 1: Project Registration Form 58

Annexure 2: Green Building Materials & Technologies (Examples)


Annexure 3: General guideline for Construction


Annexure 4: Application for the Reviewer 68

Annexure 5: Application for the Energy Auditors/M&V Professionals


End of Document 71

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List of Abbreviations

Acronyms Abbreviation

AC Air Conditioner

AHU Air Handling Unit

ASHRAE American Society of Heating, Refrigerating and Air-Conditioning


ATM Automated Teller Machine

BED Building Envelope Design

BEEER Building Energy Efficiency and Environment Rating

BFRI Bangladesh Forest Research Institute

BMS Building Management System

BNBC Bangladesh National Building Code

BOD Biological Oxygen Demand


BRTA Bangladesh Road Transport Authority

BUET Bangladesh University of Engineering and Technology

CH Construction Health

CM Construction Material

CNG Compressed Natural Gas

COP Coefficient of Performance

CSR Corporate Social Responsibility

DAP Detailed Area Plan

DD Demand Draft

DOE Department of Environment

DU Dhaka University

EAA Energy Audit and Accreditation

EE&C Energy Efficiency and Conservation

EECMP Energy Efficiency and Conservation Master Plan

EM Energy Management

EMS Energy Monitoring System

EPD Environmental Product Development

ETP Effluent Treatment Plant

GPS Global Positioning System

GWP Global Warming Potential

HBRI Housing and Building Research Institute

HCFC Hydrogen Chloro- Fluro Carbon

HVAC Heating Ventilation and Air Conditioning

IAB Institute of Architects Bangladesh

IE Indoor Environment

IFC International Finance Corporation

LCA Life Cycle Assessment

LED Light Emitting Diode

LPD Light Power Density

MAP Management and Planning

MGC Maximum Ground Coverage

MJ Mega- Joule

MRT Mass Rapid Transit

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NFPA National Fire Protection Association

NOC No Objection Certificate

ODS Ozone Depleting Substances

PV Photo Voltaic

RAJUK Rajdhani Unnayan Kartripakkha

REHAB Real Estate and Housing Association of Bangladesh

RE Renewable Energy

RMC Ready-Mix Concrete

RWTP Recycled Water Treatment Plant

SC Shading Coefficient

SHGC Solar Heat Gain Coefficient

SM Site Management

SREDA Sustainable and Renewable Energy Development Authority

SRI Solar Reflectance Index

STP Sewage Treatment Plant

TOR Terms of Reference

TR Ton of Refrigeration

UPVC Unplasticised polyvinyl chloride

VFD Variable Frequency Drive

VLT Visible Light Transmittance

VOC Volatile Organic Compounds

VRF Variable Refrigerant Flow

VRV Variable Refrigerant Volume

VVVF Variable- Voltage and Variable- Frequency

WPC Wood Plastic Composite

WWR Window-Wall Ratio

WWTP wastewater treatment plant

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1. Background

Bangladesh is a country highly prone to natural disasters and greatly exposed to the impacts of climate change (e.g. sea-level rise, cyclone, flood and rising temperatures) leading to increased stress on and vulnerability of various sectors. Particularly, the construction and building sector is seriously affected by rising temperatures and strongly determines the country’s pathway towards sustainable development. A considerable amount of resources (energy, water, material etc.) is being consumed both during the construction and operations phase of buildings. Bangladesh’s residential sector constituted more than 40% of the total electricity consumption, and the demand has increased ever since. Rising temperatures add further stress on the building sector resulting in higher energy demand and consumption in private and public buildings, as well as in increasing emission of GHG. Consequently, the saving of energy and resources during both the construction and consumption process in the building sector should be given high priority to cost-effectively reduce GHG emissions, ensure energy security and promote sustainable growth.

Experiences from neighbouring countries, such as India, rating or labeling systems for green buildings are an effective tool for incentivizing the construction sector and material suppliers to become greener by applying more sustainable building practices. In Bangladesh, green rating of buildings is still in a nascent stage due to the absence of a specific standard/ scheme that could help in promoting a wide-ranging application. The introduction of the green building concept is further hampered by the fact that the financial advantages of using more sustainable building practices and materials become only visible in the long run due to high investment costs. Conveying the immediate benefits and establishing a demand for green buildings thus requires a multi-dimensional approach. Aspects, such as raising awareness on pay-back periods, creating technical expertise of green building and their construction, or access to finance need to be considered and addressed. However, present construction systems in Bangladesh are not energy and water efficient which leads to high energy and water demand in the building sector. Electricity supply and consumption in the country has almost tripled in last decade. The main source of electricity is fossil fuels, accounting for 96% of the total output (Source Bangladesh Power Development Board (BPDB), leading to high GHG and intensive power generation. The energy consumption projection also depicts the required energy generation to be used in different sector.

1.1 Existing Policies:

The Dhaka Mahanagar Imarat Nirman Bidhimala -2008 mainly enforcing the building set back, floor area ratio, maximum ground coverage, mandatory open space which are mostly passive approach to reduce the energy use in building. But the buildings are not regulated or inspected for any active energy or water saving measures to reduce the demand.

The following are some examples of how poor building design leads to higher energy and water consumption:

Window selection is not based on the glass properties.

The air conditioning units are not regulated

Lighting systems are not designed with energy efficiency. Some buildings have excessive lights installed with no daylight control, which leads to lights

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remaining on in a day-lit room. Electric lighting generates heat which leads to more air conditioning load in buildings.

Water fittings such as taps and toilet flushes are not water efficient and lead to high water consumption with no added value.

In last decade the apartment units in Dhaka has increased almost 600%. The increase in the demand of new buildings mainly in the residential sector shows the potential impact of Energy and water use.

Presently there is no designated green building rating system for Bangladesh. Now a day's developers and factory owners are intents to having a green and energy efficient building. USGBC LEED certification is becoming popular rating system for high-end commercial and compliance textile factory building. More than 100 buildings already registered under USGBC LEED certification. Bangladesh Bank is promoting energy efficiency in buildings with soft loan facilities under their refinancing scheme. Single digit loan (maximum 9%) facilities are available for LEED certified factories. On the other hand Bangladesh National Building Code (BNBC) is being updated. The BNBC is mandatory and legal document for Buildings construction firm and owners, Architect, Engineers. The BNBC provides regulation and/or minimum requirement of building type (office, residence, commercial building, etc.), size (height, floor area), structure strength, indoor condition, construction material, etc.

The updated version of BNBC is proposed with addition of energy efficiency requirement of buildings in near future BNBC will be the core program for promoting EE&C in Buildings and contain the following requirement on building energy efficiency:

a. Heat insulation and/or ventilation performance of building envelope b. Energy efficiency of building equipment (HVAC, lighting, fans, hot water

supply, lift, escalator, renewable energy options) c. Water efficiency and management and Sanitation d. Roof gardening and vegetation.

On the other hand, The Housing and Building Research Institute developed a Recommendation for Green Building Code at 2012 with the technical assistance of IFC. Its target is not only on energy/water use efficiency but also on reduction of environmental impact caused by building construction, use and decommissioning. The survey for the Recommendation of Green Building Code it is found that the baseline energy consumption of Dhaka is about 277 kw/h/m2/ year. According to this study the Green Building Rating for upcoming new buildings will save 300MW energy per year which is equal to save setup of one power plant in each year.

1.2 SREDA: In May 2012 the government has established the Sustainable & Renewable Energy Development Authority (SREDA) as a national nodal organization for promoting demand-side energy efficiency and conservation (EE&C) in the country. As per the mandate, SREDA addressing the area of energy efficiency and renewable energies for the building sector, and is hence natural partner for the project and the activities. It is able to ensure access to relevant governmental bodies, as well as to financing institutions. It also has excellent relationships with other government bodies and important stakeholders (e.g. Department of Environment, Housing and Building Research Institute, Department of Architecture, Public Works Department, Bangladesh Bank, City Corporations Municipalities) that are relevant to the green building sector in Bangladesh.

1.3 EE&C Master Plan up to 2030

In 2016, SREDA has developed the Energy Efficiency & Conservation Master plan up to 2030. The Energy Efficiency & Conservation master Plan (EECMP) is a supreme plan of Bangladesh’s initiative on energy efficiency and conservation, of

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which preparation requirement is stipulated in the Energy Efficiency and Conservation Rules (2014). Under the EECMP, all the policies, programs, legal documents (Act, Rules, Regulations, Circulars or Standards etc.) and frameworks are to be established. The Master plan's aims to achieve this target through the adoption and implementation of EE&C regulatory measures: Energy Management Program (Energy Audit Program), EE Labeling Program and EE&C Buildings Program, and EE&C Financial Incentive Programs.

1.4 Energy Efficiency & Conservation Buildings Program:

To ensure the energy efficiency in buildings, SREDA has developed the rating system for buildings and act as the implementation and execution body for the Building Energy Efficiency & Environment Rating (BEEER). The rating system will be voluntary at the initial stage. Moreover, it is based on certain baselines and calculation procedures in order to evaluate their impacts and to compare them. The rating systems that has been designed as a holistic approach to green buildings by taking the entire environmental footprint of buildings (e.g. water waste, resources) into account. In addition, social standards and working conditions will be assessed and aspects of, for instance, gender equality and rights of minorities and low-skilled workers will be rated. At present, poor working and safety conditions are prevalent in the construction sector, which primarily employs low-skilled workers and forces women to carry out labour intense and physically demanding tasks on the construction side. Through the consideration of social standards and working conditions, the BEEER will help to counteract these practices and transform the construction sector in a sustainable manner. In addition, training sessions and information for architects, developers, as well as for construction companies and suppliers will be provided to address the existing lack of awareness and know-how and build capacity. To ensure a comprehensive “greening” of Bangladesh’s building sector the program will support the integration and mainstreaming of green building considerations into national and municipal policies as well as public procurement. Furthermore, dialogues and cooperation between policy makers and financial institutions will be facilitated and financial institutions will be advised on the provision of green loan products for buildings.

The objective to which the program aims to contribute is to:

Promote green and sustainable building practices on the supply and demand side of Bangladesh’s construction sector;

Contribute to climate change mitigation by saving resources in the building sector while enhancing economic prosperity and competitiveness, as well as alleviating poverty by considering both green and social standards;

Establish a building energy efficiency and environmental rating systems serving as a standard/reference for green building construction practices;

Enhance sustainable consumption in the building sector through a rating system, providing consumer information and a distinctive grade for sustainable buildings;

Mobilize and capacitate key stakeholders to get involved in green building design and construction.

Promote green equipment and construction materials, fixtures and make the market ready.

Develop the capacity of architects and Engineers, Energy Managers & Energy Auditors in Green Construction.

Provide access to soft and subsidize loan facilities for green building developer and consumers.

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2. Methodology

3. Rating and reference Points and Label Design

Data collection

•Data collection from existing buildings covering different typologies

•Current building stock data in Dhaka

Analyzing the data

•Analyzing current construction techniques and mechanical and electrical systems

•Analyzing current water and energy consumption

Setting the baseline

•Building the baseline energy model for each building typology

•Calibrating the baseline with collected data

Sensitivity Analysis

•Review relevant internationl popular green building rating system

•Select the most effective measures, cost and perform the payback analysis

Selection of measures

•select the measures with early payback and feasible in Bangldadesh

•A final model with all measures considered together establishing the saving potential for rating

Certification level






100- 145

145 points

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4 Rating Guideline


Building Energy Efficiency &

Environment Rating

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Management and Planning

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01 :

Credit Title : Management and Planning

Credits Points Recognized Professional

Credit Number : MAP-1

Points for Credit : 2

Point options :

Goal : Proper Documentation, Submission, and Evaluation


: Professional Recognized//Enlisted/ by SREDA to be involved in the

rating application submission and Audit.

Eligible Professional will have minimum graduation degree in

Engineering or Architecture with 2 (two) years of Working

Experience in Building Design and Construction field

Should have Membership of Institute of Engineers or Institute

of Architects of Bangladesh or Any International Similar

Recognized Organization


Documents for


: Enlistment Certificate

Remarks : Mandatory Credit Point

02 :

Credit Title : Management and Planning

Credits Points Planning, Design & Approval

Credit Number : MAP-2

Points for Credit : 2

Point options :

Goal : To avoid unethical practice


: All Design of the project must done by registered Professionals

(Architects, Engineers, Planners, site supervisor) as per BNBC

All Design must be approved by concerned development

authorities or local bodies


Documents for


: Membership certificates of Professional bodies

Approved drawings by concerned authorities.

Land Use Clearance

Remarks : Mandatory Credit Point

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Project Site Management

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03 :

Credit Title : Project Site Management

Credits Points Assessment of the Site and Surroundings

Credit Number : SM 1

Points for Credit : 2

Point options :

Goal : To ensure proper utilization of site considering the surrounding context


: Analysis of the Site condition for proper design (Ecology, Hydrology, Vegetation, Flora and Fauna, Flood level and intensity, Climatic condition. Topography. Soils, transportation facilities, all kinds of sources of pollution)

Required Documents for Submission:

: Site Survey, Site Map, Drawings, Photographs etc.

Remarks :

04 :

Credit Title : Project Site Management

Credits Points Site selection

Credit Number : SM 2

Points for Credit : 2

Point options :

Goal : To encourage development in the planned area

(Developed or Planned area means: Land developed by government or

private development agency, company or by any person as per land

development rule and approved by the concerned government





Documents for


: Project Plan, Approval Documents, Photo Proof, Site management

Plan, Land Use Clearance.

Remarks :

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05 :

Credit Title : Project Site Management

Credits Points Site Improvement & Protect/Restore Habitat

Credit Number : SM 3

Points for Credit : 2 (comply at least 2 options)

Point options :

Goal : To ensure proper utilization of site preserving the natural quality


: Preserve Top Soil as per soil test report Protect existing Plants and trees with barriers & Fence Use Native or adapted vegetation Restore at least 50% of existing site (except building foot print

area) which are disturbed during construction


Documents for


: Photo Proof, Site management Plan, Soil Test Report

Remarks :

06 :

Credit Title : Project Site Management

Credits Points Open Space Management

Credit Number : SM 4

Points for Credit : 1

Point options :

Goal : To ensure proper utilization of site considering more openness, that encourages interaction with the environment and physical activities


: Provide 10% more of Mandatory open area at Ground (50% of the mandatory open area must be green or permeable paving)


Documents for


: landscape plan in detail, plant specifications submission

Remarks :

07 :

Credit Title : Project Site Management

Credits Points Rainwater Management During Construction at Site

Credit Number : SM5

Points for Credit : 2

Point options :

Goal : Manage the Rainwater during pre construction

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: Prepare Rainwater drainage plan for the site Make drain and sedimentation tank for construction period The construction site may cover with tent or Temporary shading

during basement construction and Earth Cutting to reduce the Water pumping.


Documents for


: Drawings Photo Evidence Periodic Inspection report by the enlisted consultants

Remarks :

08 :

Credit Title : Project Site Management

Credits Points Outdoor Light Control at Site & Surrounding

Credit Number : SM 7

Points for Credit : 1

Point options :

Goal : Reduction of Light Pollution


: Prepare Exterior lighting Layout plan Manufacturing data of lighting fixture Maintain LPD maximum 1.6 W/m2 in open outdoor area

(Except Signage & Security lighting) or

Lighting simulation report with the maximum LPD of 1.6 W/m2


Documents for


: Design and Drawings Lighting Test report Manufacturers Data sheet

Remarks :

09 :

Credit Title : Project Site Management

Credits Points Easy Access to the site

Credit Number : SM 8

Points for Credit : 1

Point options :

Goal : To Reduce CO2 foot print from daily life transportation


: Public transportation facilities (CNG auto Rickshaw Stoppage, Bus Stoppage, boat/ Ferry, Electrical vehicle stoppage) within 0.5 km walking distance

Rail station, Water vehicle terminal, MRT or BRT station within 1 km walking distance.


Documents for


: Layout plan with surrounding transportation facilities (location and detail bus lines, numbers and frequencies)

Satellite Maps Photo evidence

Remarks :

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10 :

Credit Title : Project Site Management

Credits Points Bicycle Parking

Credit Number : SM 9

Points for Credit : 2

Point options :

Goal : To Reduce CO2 foot print from daily life transportation


: Provision of at least 50% bicycle parking facilities of regular car parking requirements of commercial or residential buildings Or Provision of bicycle facilities for * % of regular worker of a factory or industry *(30% for up to 1000 worker, 15% up to 5000 workers and 10% for 10000 or more workers)

Changing room with shower facilities (for both Male and Female) as per BNBC


Documents for


: Layout plan with demarcation of bicycle parking area Floor plan with shower and changing room Demarcation of bicycle network within the site Occupancy details or Car parking details Photographs

Remarks :

11 :

Credit Title : Project Site Management

Credits Points Car Parking

Credit Number : SM 10

Points for Credit : 1+1 = 2

Point options : One point for each eligibility criteria

Goal : To Reduce CO2 foot print from daily life transportation and promote sharing of resources.


: Keeping parking facilities within minimum requirements by BNBC A. Provide 10% parking area for Low Emission Vehicle /Electric Car (Charging option will be integrated with the BMS network) B. Provide 10% parking area for Low Emission Vehicle at car pool

(Low Emission Vehicle means Electric Vehicles which are approved by BRTA or electric vehicle of Industrial/commercial use)


Documents for


: Drawings with Car parking layout for New Construction Photo Evidence for Existing Project

Remarks :

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12 :

Credit Title : Project Site Management

Credits Points Community services

Credit Number : SM 11

Points for Credit : 1- 2

Point options : 1 point for 5 facilities

2 points for 10 facilities.

Goal : Encourage to select the site near to the existing Community facilities to save transportation energy


: A) at least 5 facilities within 0.5 km radius Or

B) at least 10 facilities within 1 km radius Facilities are School, Health Facilities, Fire and Ambulance Service, swimming pool, ATM booth, Bank, Post office/ Courier service, Grocery shop, Medicine Shop, Medical Centre, Market Place, Super Mall, Park, Play ground, Child care, Mosque, Community Center.


Documents for


: site plan locating facilities Photo evidence Satellite images indicating distance.

Remarks :

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Building Envelope Design

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13 :

Credit Title : Building Envelope Design

Credits Points Daylight

Credit Number : BED 1

Points for Credit : 2-4

Point options :

Point Window Opening

(Percentage of Net Floor Area/Room Area)

2 25%

4 50%

Goal : To ensure optimum daylight performance and save energy


: Minimum 50 Lux level natural daylight at regular occupation/workable area. The daylight level must not create glare or over light. Option 1: Daylight Modeling through annual computer simulations that spatial daylight autonomy for regularly occupied floor area. Option 2: Data collection by using data logger in a existing space or building


Documents for


: Architectural Drawings Glazing Details or Manufacture data sheet Door window schedule Day Lighting simulation report Data logging Report

Remarks :

14 :

Credit Title : Building Envelope Design

Credits Points Naturally Ventilated Spaces for Passive Design Building

Credit Number : BED 2

Points for Credit : 6

Point options :

Goal : To maximize naturally ventilated spaces and comfortable indoor environment


: Summer. For Passive Design the indoor air temperature must maintain 40C below outdoor temperature in summer with Relative Humidity Maximum 65%.

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Winter For Passive Design the indoor air temperature must maintain upper than 15 C

Determine the outdoor air opening and space configuration requirements using the natural ventilation procedure – cross ventilation, stack ventilation, double opening ventilation, wind-induced ventilation, etc.

Monitor CO2 concentrations within all densely occupied spaces. CO2 monitors must be between 3 and 6 feet above the floor


Documents for


: Natural ventilation design calculations. Measurement Data in Both Summer and winter/ Simulation

Report Occupancy Information

Remarks : Optional Points and Only applicable For Passive Design

15 :

Credit Title : Building Envelope Design

Credits Points Building Orientation

Credit Number : BED 3

Points for Credit : 1

Point options :

Goal : To emphasize on Building Orientation for maximum exposure to natural wind flow and daylight


: Determine the building orientation. The general orientation is north-south, ensuring that all major openings are in line with


Documents for


: Architectural Drawings

Remarks : Optional Points and Only applicable For Passive Design

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Water Management

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16 :

Credit Title : Water Management

Credits Points Water Metering

Credit Number : WM1

Points for Credit : 1

Point options :

Goal : To measure water consumption to reduce energy and resource footprint.


: Install water meter/ prepaid water meter for the Building.


Documents for


: Water Consumption data Monthly basis for at least 3 months.

Remarks : Mandatory

17 :

Credit Title : Water Management

Credits Points Water Use Reduction in Outdoor

Credit Number : WM2

Points for Credit : 1-2

Point options : 1 point for water use reduction

2 points for using recycled water

Goal : To Reduce water use in Outdoor and reuse of water


: Provide proper drainage system Prevent leakage during irrigation Reduce water demand in 50% by using native and less

maintenance plants & landscape over the baseline case Use recycle water from STP or WWTP Minimize storm water run-off from site by reducing hard paving

on site


Documents for


: Detail landscape plan List of landscape species Data of Drip irrigation system Plumbing drawings showing the recycled water for Irrigation STP/ETP/WWTP Design

Remarks :

18 :

Credit Title : Water Management

Credits Points Water Use Reduction in Indoor

Credit Number : WM3

Points for Credit : 1-8

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Point options :

Percentage reduction Points

25% 2

30% 3

35% 4

40% 5

45% 6

50% 8

Goal : To reduce water use in Indoor


: Water consumption reduction by % from the baseline. Base calculations on the volumes and flow rates shown in Table

Fixture or Fitting Baseline (SI units)

Toilet (water closet) 8/6 lpf (Duel Flush)

Urinal 4 lpf

Public Toilet faucet 3 lpm at 400 kPa

Private Toilet faucet 9 lpm at 400 kPa

Kitchen faucet 9 lpm at 400 kPa

Faucet for Ablution 3 lpm at 400 kPa

Shower head 12 lpm at 500 kPa per shower stall

Hand Shower 8 lpm at 415 kPa * Standards for appliances: SREDA Rated Appliance / Equipments or equivalent ** Standards for appliances (Kitchen ware, Commercial washing Machine, Lavatory Equipments ) Reference standards (Any Internationally Accepted Green Building Rating System)


Documents for


: Manufacturers Cut Sheet indicating flow/flush rates Plumbing drawings showing the recycled water for Flushing STP / ETP / WWTP Design

Remarks : Mandatory

19 :

Credit Title : Water Management

Credits Points Water Reduction in Cooling Towers & Air conditioners

Credit Number : WM4

Points for Credit : 1

Point options :

Goal : To reduce potable water in building services

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: Use a minimum 20% (of demand) recycled non potable water in cooling tower. The water quality must maintain as per the requirements of the building service system


Documents for


: Plumbing drawings showing the recycled water for cooling tower


Remarks :

20 :

Credit Title : Water Management

Credits Points Rain Water Harvesting from Building

Credit Number : WM5

Points for Credit : 3

Point options :

Goal : To utilize naturally available water


: Rain water harvesting system design with the consideration of runoff from the roof as well as the project site (hardscape). The run-off from a roof or concrete shall be a maximum of 80-90%

Consider 80% of Rainwater Storage Facilities commensurate with the size of Roof Area Roof Area (*) % of collected rain (daily average) *Roof Area Up to 5000 sft 10% , Upto 10000 sft 5% , Upto 50000 sft 2%, Up to 100000 sft 1%, more than 100000 sft 0.5%

Use collected rainwater in Toilet flush, Gardening, Fire fighting water storage. and

Recharge rain water to below ground with filtration or grease/oil trapping system


Documents for


: Plumbing drawings showing the rain water collection and use in buildings

RWTP Design Layout plan and Design of Recharge well/Rainwater Storage


Remarks :

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Energy Management

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21 :

Credit Title : Energy Management

Credits Points Energy Metering

Credit Number : EM1

Points for Credit : 1

Point options :

Goal : To Measure the Energy Consumptions


: Install smart Energy meter for the Building/ Unit/Tenant basis


Documents for


: Connection Certificate form Electricity Utility Agency/ Companies.

Remarks : Mandatory

22 :

Credit Title : Energy Management

Credits Points Minimum Energy Performance

Credit Number : EM2

Points for Credit : 5

Point options :

Goal : To perform minimum level of energy efficiency


: Minimum Energy Saving of 5 % from building system and envelops. Compared with the baseline (Renewable Energy is Excluded). Comply minimum requirements of BNBC preferably Or ASHRAE Standard 90.1-2010.


Documents for


: Mechanical, Electrical and Plumbing Design

Power and Energy Load Calculation

Single line Diagram for STP/ETP/WWTP

Bus Bar energy saving comparative and calculation

Chiller capacity and AHUs Capacity (if any)

Steam Load calculation (if any)

Chiller gas detail information

Details of VFD installed on AHUs

Calculation and backup for energy efficient process for machines equipment etc.

Lighting floor plan and cut sheet of interior lighting fixtures

Technical details/ manufacturer data sheet for chillers, AHU, Boiler etc

Updated HVAC layout with details of the systems

Remarks : Mandatory

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23 :

Credit Title : Energy Management

Credits Points Heat Island Effect Reduction at Site / Roof

Credit Number : SM 6

Points for Credit : 1 + 1 = 2

Point options : One point for A, One point for B & 2 point for both A&B

Goal : To reduce Heat gain from horizontal surfaces.


: Eligibility : A) Non roof

Use plants that provide shade over paving areas (including playgrounds)

Provide shade with solar PV/ Water Heater panels Provide shade with architectural devices shade with vegetated Use at least 50% of pavement area open-grid pavement


B) Roof Use roofing materials or Paint that have an SRI equal to

or greater than 80. 70% of open roof area should be vegetated roof or solar

thermal collectors, photovoltaic Covering Or

A minimum of 75% of outdoor parking area cover by energy generation systems, such as solar thermal collectors, photovoltaic, etc.


Documents for


: Submit the Lab Data sheet of Materials for SRI Value Submit Drawings and Photo evidence of Vegetation or covered


Remarks :

24 :

Credit Title : Energy Management

Credits Points Measurement and Verifications

Credit Number : EM3

Points for Credit : 3

Point options :

Goal : To ensure compliance of desired requirement of performance


: Complete the commissioning process activities for mechanical, electrical, plumbing, and renewable energy systems and assemblies in accordance with BNBC, Part-8, Chapter-2 (Air-condition, Heating and Ventilation) preferably Or

ASHRAE Guideline 0–2005 and ASHRAE Guideline 1.1–2007 for HVAC & R systems, as they relate to energy, water, indoor

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environmental quality, and durability. M&V agency must complete the following: Review contractor submittals Verify inclusion of systems manual requirements in

construction documents Verify inclusion of operator and occupant training

requirements in construction documents Verify systems manual updates and delivery Verify operator and occupant training delivery and

effectiveness Verify seasonal testing Review building operations 6 months after substantial

completion Develop an on-going commissioning plan

Measurement and Verification should be done by any third party Measurement and verification agency or SREDA Certified Energy Auditor and will check the following issues.

Mechanical, Electrical and Plumbing Design

Power and Energy Load Calculation

Single line Diagram for STP/ETP/WWTP

Bus Bar energy saving comparative and calculation

Chiller capacity and AHUs Capacity (if any)

Steam Load calculation (if any)

Chiller gas detail information

Details of VFD installed on AHUs

Calculation and backup for energy efficient process for machines equipment etc.

Lighting floor plan and cut sheet of interior lighting fixtures

Technical details/ manufacturer data sheet for chillers, AHU, Boiler etc

Updated HVAC layout.


Documents for


: M&V Reports Audit Reports

Remarks :

25 :

Credit Title : Energy Management

Credits Points Advanced Energy performance

Credit Number : EM4

Points for Credit : 6-20

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Point options :

Optimize the energy performance by Interior and Exterior Lighting power Density (LPD) reduction Improvement of Thermal performance of building envelope Energy efficient HVAC systems

6% 6

7% 7

8% 8

9% 9

10% 10

15% 11

20% 12

24% 13

28% 14

30% 15

34% 16

38% 17

42% 18

46% 19

50% 20

Goal : To achieve higher levels of energy performance.


: Follow the criteria Minimum Energy Performance to demonstrate a percentage improvement in the proposed building performance rating compared with the baseline. Points are awarded according to Table


Documents for


: Reports of efficiency measures during the design process and account for the results in design decision making.

Energy simulation Report of Efficiency

Analyze efficiency measures, focusing on load reduction and HVAC-related strategies (passive measures are acceptable) appropriate for the facility.

Remarks : Only Applicable for Air Conditioned Space / Building

27 :

Credit Title : Energy Management

Credits Points Renewable Energy Incorporation

Credit Number : EM6

Points for Credit : 1- 10

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Point options :

Generation Percentage of Demand Load


5%-9% 1

10%-19% 2



30%- 49% 4

50% - 99 % 5

100% (Net Zero Building)


Goal : To reduce the environmental and economic harms associated with fossil fuel


: Generate on site or Invest Energy using renewable sources (Solar PV, Wind, Bio gas, Hydro, Waste to Energy) by using roof top, Walls, Vacant land etc.


Documents for


: Annual energy usage and cost information Proof of load sanction by utilities Investment information and generation of energy from

Renewable sources

Remarks : Mandatory

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Credit Title : Energy Management

Credits Points Management of Refrigeration & Air-conditioning system

Credit Number : EM7

Points for Credit : 3

Point options :

Goal : To reduce the environmental and economic harms associated with GHG emission.


: Air-conditioning accounts for more than 50% of the total electricity costs in a centrally air-conditioned building. Hence the efficiency of a HVAC system is of prime importance. The heart of the HVAC system is the chiller and hence it is important to procure an efficient chiller system. Refrigerant used for the cooling system should be non-CFC and non-HCFC and with low Global Warming potential (GWP). The cooling equipment shall meet or exceed the minimum efficiency requirement as stated in the table below. Table–Minimum energy efficiency requirements for chilling packages

Air-cooled air conditioner

<5.4 TR 1.23

5.4 TR and < 11.4 TR 1.10

11.4 TR and < 20 TR 1.15

32 | P a g e

29 :

Description Capacity Input kW/TR

Air cooled chillers including condenser

All Capacities 1.25

Air cooled chillers without condenser

All Capacities 1.13

Water cooled, electrical operated positive displacement (Reciprocating) chillers

All capacities 0.83

Water cooled electrical operated positive displacement (rotary screw and scroll) chillers

<150 TR 0.79

≥150 TR and 300 TR


≥300 TR 0.64

Water cooled electrically operat d centrifugal chillers

<150 TR 0.70

≥150 TR and 300 TR


≥300 TR 0.57

Air cooled absorption single effect chillers

All Capacities N/A

Water cooled absorption single effect chillers

All Capacities N/A

Water cooled absorption double effect (indir ct fired) chillers

All Capacities N/A

Water cooled absorption double effect (Direct fired) Chillers

All Capacities N/A

20 TR 1.28

Evaporating water-cooled air conditioners

<5.4 TR 1.04

5.4 TR and < 11.4 TR 1.03

11.4 TR and 20 TR 1.08 1.15

20 TR 1.29

Air-cooled condenser units

11.4 TR 1.18

Water-cooled or evaporating condenser units

11.4 TR


For AC systems above 5.4 TR in capacity it is recommended that a refrigerant leakage check record book is kept and Maximum 10% of leakage per annum is allowable


Documents for


: Performance data sheet Catalogs Refrigerant leakage check record

Remarks :

33 | P a g e

Credit Title : Energy Management

Credits Points Green power

Credit Number : EM8

Points for Credit : 1-2

Point options :

% Green Power Point

20 % to 49 % 1

50 % ~ 2

Goal : To reduce the environmental and economic harms associated with conventional power system.


: A minimum 5 years contract of purchasing green power from any government or private utility company/ supplier.


Documents for


: Contract document BMS report

Remarks :

34 | P a g e

Indoor Environment Quality

35 | P a g e

30 :

Credit Title : Indoor Environment

Credits Points Ventilation

Credit Number : IE 1

Points for Credit : 1

Point options :

Goal : To ensure proper ventilation and comfortable indoor environment.


: All living space should have proper ventilation for Active mode.

1. For Active ventilation comply minimum requirements of BNBC, Part-8, Chaper-2 (Air-condition, Heating and Ventilation) preferably

Or ASHRAE Standard 62.1, Sections 4–7, Ventilation for Acceptable Indoor Air Quality (with errata)

2. Monitor CO2 concentrations within all densely occupied

spaces. CO2 monitors must be between 3 and 6 feet above the floor


Documents for


: Design and Ventilation Calculation Data Occupancy information

Remarks :

31 :

Credit Title : Indoor Environment

Credits Points Tobacco / Smoke Control

Credit Number : IE 2

Points for Credit : 1

Point options :

Goal : To ensure Tobacco pollution free indoor space


: Zero exposure to tobacco smoke for non-smokers Exclusive ventilation for smoking rooms with proper awareness

and signage as per Government law and Policy


Documents for


: Put a signage of non-smoking at visual level Design and layout of smoke zone Photo evidence.

Remarks :

36 | P a g e

32 :

Credit Title : Indoor Environment

Credits Points Less Emitting Materials

Credit Number : IE 3

Points for Credit : 1- 2

Point options :

Point Percentage of Materials Use of Total quantity

1 50%- 79%

2 80%-100%

Goal : To ensure Low VOC in Indoor Environment


: All interior finishing products (Paint, Tiles, Veneer wood, Particle Board) o Paint - Maximum VOC level 10g/L o Veneer & particle board- Free of Added urea formal dehydrate o Adhesive/Sealants - Maximum VOC level 10g/L

All products must have the VOC free certification from any Internationally accredited lab.


Documents for


: Manufacturer data sheet Lab report (VOC emission) of Product. Materials inventory

Remarks :

33 :

Credit Title : Indoor Environment

Credits Points Lighting at Interior Space

Credit Number : IE5

Points for Credit : 1

Point options :

Goal : To ensure minimum required light use and save energy


: For at least 90% of individual occupant spaces, provide individual lighting controls that enable occupants to adjust the lighting to suit their individual tasks and preferences, with at least three lighting levels or scenes (on, off, midlevel). (Midlevel is 30% to 70% of the maximum illumination level)

Day light contributions are excluded.

For all shared multi occupant spaces, meet the following

requirements. o Have in place multi zone control systems that enable occupants

to adjust the lighting to meet group needs and preferences, with at least three lighting levels or scenes (on, off, midlevel).

37 | P a g e

Design reference for Lighting Power Density (LPD):

Space LPD (W/m2)

Offices 9

Retail Buildings 13

Hotels 9

Hospitals 11

Apartments 7

Schools 11

Covered parking 3

Open and outdoor parking 1.6

Factory Building As per the Activity


Documents for


: Design information of lighting control- Location, specifications

Remarks :

34 :

Credit Title : Indoor Environment

Credits Points Acoustics Quality

Credit Number : IE 7

Points for Credit : 1

Point options :

Goal : To Restrict noise generation form appliances


: BNBC, Part-8, Chaper-2 (Air-condition, Heating and Ventilation) and Chapter-3 (Building Acoustics) Or Provide Proper Insulation for noise protection from Generator,

Air-conditioning Unit, the maximum limit of noise is 15 dB for Indoor space.


Documents for


: Noise level measurement data Insulation design and Documents

Remarks :

35 :

Credit Title : Indoor Environment

Credits Points Clean Cooking (Homes)

Credit Number : IE 8

Points for Credit : 1

Point options :

Goal : To Restrict noise generation form appliances

38 | P a g e


: Use tire 4 cooking solution on Indoor space Use Fuel free of SOx and NOx For Gas and Fire Fuel, Use proper exhaust system both for

cook stove and cooking place For Electric Cooker the maximum wattage for single burner will

be less than 1.2 kw Comply the ventilation and thermal comfort requirements of

BNBC, Part-8, Chaper-2 (Air-condition, Heating and Ventilation)


Documents for


: Manufacturer Data Sheet of Cook stoves Efficiency and pollution level lab test reports of the stove

Remarks :

39 | P a g e

Construction Materials Management

40 | P a g e

36 :

Credit Title : Construction Materials Management

Credits Points Reuse of Existing Building Materials

Credit Number : CM 1

Points for Credit : 1-5

Point options : 5 points for option A 4 Points for option B 1-3 Points for option C 5 Points for option D

Goal : Reuse or preserve construction materials to reduce energy footprint for materials production


: A. Full Preservation / Restoration/ Revitalization of Existing Heritage Building which are declared Heritage Building by appropriate Authority (City Development Authorities, City Corporations, Municipalities, Department of Archeology.)

B. Keep at least 70%, by surface area, of the existing building

structure, envelop, and interior. The building must be renovated to a state of productive use

C. Reuse or salvage building materials from off site or on site as a

percentage of the surface area, as listed in Table.

Percentage of Reused materials


25% 1

40% 2

60% 3

D. For new buildings, conduct a life-cycle assessment of the

project’s structure and enclosure that demonstrates a minimum of 10% reduction, compared with a baseline building, in following impact categories listed below, one of which must be global warming potential. Select at least three of the following impact categories for reduction: global warming potential (greenhouse gases), in CO2; depletion of the stratospheric ozone layer, in kg CFC-11; formation of tropospheric ozone, in kg NOx, kg O3 eq, or kg

ethane; and depletion of nonrenewable energy resources, in MJ.


Documents for


: A. Evidence of Historic project Design & Drawings Photo evidence


41 | P a g e

Design & Drawings Photo evidence Calculation Sheet


Design & Drawings Photo evidence Calculation Sheet

D. LCA Documents

Remarks :

37 :

Credit Title : Construction Materials Management

Credits Points Certified Building Materials

Credit Number : CM 2

Points for Credit : 3+1=4

Point options : A2 points for eligibility A 1 points for eligibility B points for compliance of both eligibility

Goal : To encourage Cleaner production of Construction materials


: A . For New Construction : At least Four main construction material itself have the life cycle Assessment or Environmental Product Development (EPD) Certified Materials Certification (at least 50 years life cycle) Brick, Tile, Cement, RMC, Steel, Wood, Particle Board, Glass

Or For interior space and Existing Building, 5 types of furniture (5 no each type) should have EPD certificate B. At least Four main construction material should be procured from BEEER or Similar International green rated Factory.


Documents for


: EPD Certificate evidence of the Materials or

Lifecycle assessment report of materials

B Certification proof of the Factory and materials porches agreement copy.

Remarks :

38 :

Credit Title : Construction Materials Management

Credits Points Energy Efficient Building Construction Materials

Credit Number : CM 3

Points for Credit : 2

Point options :

42 | P a g e

Goal : To encourage use of energy efficient environment friendly building construction materials


: Use of low energy/energy efficient technologies and construction materials. Alternative Bricks, Compressed Stabalized Earth Blocks, Thermal Blocks, Low Emission Glass, Photovoltaic Glass, etc.


Documents for


: Manufacturer cut sheet Lab test reports of the product Quantity

Remarks :

39 :

Credit Title : Construction Materials Management

Credits Points Efficient Construction Technology

Credit Number : CM 4

Points for Credit : 2

Point options :

Goal : To reduce the time of construction by adopting and efficient technology


: Pre-cast construction Ready mix concrete


Documents for


: Bill of Quantities (BOQ) Schedule of Requirements Measurement book

Remarks :

40 :

Credit Title : Construction Materials Management

Credits Points Construction and Demolition Waste Management

Credit Number : CM 5

Points for Credit : 1-2

Point options : 1 point for 50% waste Recycling

2 Points for 75% of Waste Recycling

Goal : To encourage reduction in waste and use of recycled building materials during construction

43 | P a g e


: Recycle the Generated waste during construction of a project or Building. (the generated construction waste must be less than 1000 kg/ft2 of built up area)


Documents for


: Inventory of the generated waste and recycling quantity

Photo evidence

Remarks :

41 :

Credit Title : Construction Materials Management

Credits Points Recycle Content of Materials

Credit Number : CM 6

Points for Credit : 1 + 1 = 2

Point options : 1 point for 10% of Recycle content of the Construction Materials

(cement, steel, glass, plastic materials, etc.) (Recycle content refers to the construction materials produced with 10% of recycled ingredients when it was produced. Example: Fly Ash based cement, rod with recycled steel raw materials, Glass with recycled raw materials, particle board with waste materials, etc.)

1 Point for 10% recycle materials of total construction materials should be used in construction (cost based) (use of construction waste materials i.e. Brick, Steel, Wood as recycled materials)

Goal : To encourage use of recycle elements for construction materials production


: Use Construction Materials Produced with Recycling Process or

Content of Fly ash or similar materials Use waste construction material that produce during construction


Documents for


: Manufacturer cut sheet Lab test reports of the product

Remarks :

42 :

Credit Title : Construction Materials Management

Credits Points Mercury & Lead Pollution Reduction

Credit Number : CM 7

Points for Credit : 1

44 | P a g e

Point options :

Goal : To encourage use of non hazardous construction materials


: Use of Mercury free Light and Bulbs and Lead free Paint materials.

(90% of lightings and all interior and exterior paint except heat proof coating and special paint and sealants)


Documents for


: Manufacturer cut sheet Lab test reports of the product Quantity

Remarks :

43 :

Credit Title : Construction Materials Management

Credits Points Rapidly Renewable Materials

Credit Number : CM 8

Points for Credit : 1

Point options :

Goal : To encourage use of rapid growing plants and protect forest


: Use materials with rapidly growing plants Particle Board, WPC, veneer boards etc made without Urea Formal de hydrate

(Full quantity of particle or veneer boards with minimum quantity of 500 sft) and certified from Bangladesh Forest Research Institute (BFRI) or any International Similar Organization).


Documents for


: Manufacturer cut sheet Lab test reports of the product Quantity

Remarks :

44 :

Credit Title : Construction Materials Management

Credits Points Certified Wood

Credit Number : CM 9

Points for Credit : 1

Point options :

Goal : To encourage use of wood which are supplied from wood firm and short life cycle and protect Natural Forest


: Wood Certified from Bangladesh Forest Research institute or any International Similar Organization (The Plant Maturity Life is within 15 Years)

(80% of door / window frame plank)

45 | P a g e


Documents for


: Certificate form concerned authority Quantity

Remarks :

45 :

Credit Title : Construction Materials Management

Credits Points Local and Regional Materials

Credit Number : CM 10

Points for Credit : 1-2

Point options : 1 point for 30% Regional Materials of total construction materials value

2 point for 60% Regional Materials of total construction materials value

Goal : To encourage use of regional and local construction materials to reduce the energy costs of transportation


: Use Regional Construction Materials (materials manufactured / assembled within Bangladesh)


Documents for


: Factory Location and Information

Remarks :

46 :

Credit Title : Construction Materials Management

Credits Points Whole Building Lifecycle Assessment

Credit Number : CM 11

Points for Credit : 5

Point options :

Goal : Ensure Less Environmental Impact of the Building from the Construction Period to the Demolition


: Perform LCA of The Building


Documents for


: LCA Certificate

Remarks :

46 | P a g e

Construction Health and Safety

47 | P a g e

47 :

Credit Title : Construction Health and Safety

Credits Points Safety Equipments, Signage and Emergency Equipments at Site

Credit Number : CH 1

Points for Credit : 1-2

Point options : 1 point for compliance of any one option 2 points for compliance of both options

Goal : Ensure Less Environmental Impact of the Building from Construction Period to Demolition


: A Provide all kinds of Safety vest, noise & welding protection

equipment to all construction workers Preserve instant firefighting equipment and first aid box at site Arrange safety training for worker at least once in every 3

month Mark with safety and quotation signage, emergency light,

emergency exit during construction Provide temporary railing or barrier to stair, lift core, parapet

area. Assign a Physician for regular health checkup once in a month

and emergency response period. Provide Fencing around the site of 3 m height Provide safety Net both horizontal and Vertical direction for

construction above 20ft height, B

Provide Group Insurance for all construction workers


Documents for


: Location and Layout drawings Equipment lists

A Worker lists Photo evidence

B Proof of group Insurance policy documents


48 :

Credit Title : Construction Health and Safety

Credits Points On site Accommodation during Construction

Credit Number : CH 2

Points for Credit : 1-2

Point options : 1 point for compliance of any one option 2 points for compliance of both options

Goal : Ensure Less Environmental Impact of the Building from Construction Period to Demolition

48 | P a g e


: Provide separate accommodation for Regular Construction workers or 20% of Pick Required Construction Worker

Provide separate accommodation for female construction worker with separate latrines and urinals as per applicable standards (10% of Regular worker)

Provide onsite cooking and Dining facilities for workers Provide clean drinking water


Documents for


: Worker lists Photo evidence Layout plan of accommodation, toilet and dining facilities

Remarks : Applicable for building floor area more than 20000 sft

49 :

Credit Title : Construction Health and Safety

Credits Points Operation and maintenance Safety

Credit Number : CH 3

Points for Credit : 1+1= 2

Point options : 1 point for compliance of eligibility 1 and 1 point for compliance of eligibility 2

Goal : Ensure Safety during the Operation Period of the building


: 1. Design Fire Safety information (Drawings) as Per BNBC part 4 / NFPA

Fire Drill 2. Use non-ODS and non-HFC fire fighting equipments


Documents for


: 3. Equipment Lists with Supplier Cut sheet 4. Detail Drawings and Design of Safety 5. Safety Signs as per Drawings and List with

Photographs. 6. Fire Drill Report (not more than 3 month old) from

Fire Service and Civil Defense Department.


49 | P a g e


50 | P a g e

50 :

Credit Title : Innovation

Credits Points Innovation

Credit Number :

Points for Credit : 5

Point options :

Goal : Ensure Safety during the Operation Period of the building


: Innovative activities


Documents for


: a. Environmental Awareness Program at 5 Schools b. National and International Seminar and Workshop c. Display and of EE&C activities d. Use if Innovative Technique and Technology e. Innovation Transportation f. Information Collection and Discrimination g. ETC.

Remarks :

51 | P a g e

Bonus Points

52 | P a g e

51 :

Credit Title : Bonus Points

Credits Points CSR

Credit Number :

Points for Credit : 2

Point options :

Goal : Encourage Social Responsibility

Eligibility : CSR activities on EE&C/RE


Documents for


: 1. CSR Plan 2. Activity Photo Proof 3. Write-up

Remarks :

Total 145 points

53 | P a g e

BEEER Criteria and Points for Credit – At a Glance

The rating system is comprised of 51 credits divided in 10 categories. Each credit defines a specific requirement for the building and assigns credit points based on compliance level. The total value of aggregated credit points is 145. Score by category is the following:

Category Credit No.

Description Points Remarks

Management and Planning

1 Recognized Professional 2 Mandatory

2 Planning, Design & Approval

2 Mandatory

Project Site Management

3 Assessment of the Site and Surroundings 2

4 Site Selection 2

5 Site Improvement & Protect/Restore Habitat


6 Open Space Management 1

7 Rainwater Management during Construction at Site


8 Outdoor Light Control at Site & Surrounding


9 Easy Access to the site 1

10 Bicycle Parking 2

11 Car Parking 1+1=2

12 Community services


Building Envelope Design

13 Daylight 2- 4

14. Naturally Ventilated Spaces for Passive Design Building


15. Building Orientation for Passive Design Building


Water Management

16 Water Metering 1 Mandatory

17 Water Use Reduction in Outdoor 1-2

18 Water Reduction in Indoor 1-8 Mandatory

19 Water Reduction in Cooling Towers & Air conditioners


20 Rain Water Harvesting from Building


Energy Management

21 Energy Metering 1 Mandatory

22 Minimum Energy Performance 5 Mandatory

23 Heat Island Effect Reduction at Site / Roof 1+1=2

24 Measurement and Verifications 3

25 Advanced Energy Performance 6-20

26 Demand Response 5

27 Renewable Energy Incorporation 1-5 Mandatory

28 Management of Refrigeration & Air-conditioning system


29 Green power


Indoor Environment

30 Ventilation 1

31 Tobacco / Smoke Control 1

32 Less Emitting Materials 1-2

33 Lighting at Interior Space 1

34 Acoustics Quality 1

35 Clean Cooking (Homes) 1

54 | P a g e

Category Credit No.

Description Points Remarks

Construction Materials Management

36 Reuse of Existing Building Materials 1-5

37 Certified Building Materials 3+1=4

38 Energy Efficient Construction Materials 2

39 Efficient Construction Technology 2

40 Construction and Demolition Waste Management


41 Recycle Content of Materials 1+1=2

42 Mercury & Lead Pollution Reduction 1

43 Rapidly Renewable Materials 1

44 Certified Wood 1

45 Local and Regional Construction Materials


46 Whole Building Lifecycle Assessment 5

Construction Health and Safety

47 Safety Equipments, Signage and Emergency Equipments at Site

1-2 Mandatory

48 On site Accommodation during Construction


49 Operation and maintenance Safety 1+1=2 Mandatory

Innovation 50 Innovation 5

Bonus Points 51 CSR 2

Total 145

55 | P a g e

10. BEEER Certification Process

A. For new construction

Sl Activity Responsibility Remarks

1 Registration Applicant Online registration

2 Design & Documents Submission Applicant

3 Measurement and Verification report submission by 3rd Party

Independent SREDA Enlisted Auditor appointed by Applicant

4 Certification Fees Applicant

5 Analysis and Review SREDA Designated Institute

6 Initial Point Award BEEER Secretariat, SREDA

7 Review Application (If any) Applicant

8 Review and Final Point Award BEEER Technical Committee, SREDA

9 BEEER Certification Award with Stars for 5 Years Period





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56 | P a g e

B. For Existing Building or Certification Extension

Sl Activity Responsibility Remarks

1 Registration & Certification Fees (If New Application) or Renewal Fees for Existing Certified Building


2 1 (One) Day Training

3 Design & Documents Submission Applicant New Application

4 Measurement and Verification report submission by 3rd Party

Independent SREDA Enlisted Auditor appointed by Applicant

Existing Building & New Application

5 Analysis and Review for Certification

SREDA Designated Institute

6 Initial Point Award BEEER Secretariat, SREDA

7 Review Application (If any) Applicant

8 Review and Final Point Award BEEER Technical Committee, SREDA

9 BEEER Certification Award with Stars for next 5 Years Period


Evaluation Procedure;

1. BEEER assessment team will have a preliminary meeting with the project team to brief on the assessment process and criteria

2. Request for relevant reports and documentary proofs to substantiate the subsequent submissions.

3. Commence actual assessment which will include design and documentary reviews as well as site verification.

4. Documentary evidences are to be submitted at the end of the assessment. 5. Upon completion of the assessment, the Panel of Assessors will make

recommendation to the BEEER Accreditation Board on the level of certification to be awarded to the project.

6. The BEEER Accreditation Board after making their own assessment and will recommend to the Board of Directors of the BEER to award appropriate level of rating.

Enlistment of Professionals:

There will be two types of Professionals for BEEER

1. Certified Professional

2. Accredited Professionals

Certified Professionals:

Professionals from any discipline may have a short training on BEEER and sit for a 25 marks exam. Certified professionals will only take part the knowledge sharing and best practice

Accredited Professionals: Professional from Engineering or Architecture Background

57 | P a g e


1. 10,000.00 Registration Fees

2. 1 tk per sft. up to 2 lac sft floor area

3. 0.5 tk per sft floor area more then 2 lac sft.

4. Minimum certification fees 1lac taka.

Steering Committee:

There shall be a Steering Committee for BEEER

1. Chairman, Sustainable and Renewable Energy Development Authority (Chair)

2. Representative from Power Division 3. Representative from Ministry of Housing and Public Works 4. Representative from ASHRE Bangladesh Chapter 5. Representative from Department of Environment 6. Representative from Dhaka City Corporation 7. Representative from Housing and Building Research Institute 8. Representative Bangladesh Bank 9. Representative from Energy Institute, DU 10. Representative from Department of Architecture, BUET 11. Representative Institute of Architects Bangladesh 12. Representative Institute of Engineers Bangladesh 13. Representative from Bangladesh Institute of Planners 14. Representative from REHAB 15. Director EE&C/ EAA, Sustainable and Renewable Energy Development

Authority (Member Secretary)

TOR of Steering Committee: 1. Decide a Fee Structure 2. Endorse the Rating 3. Recommend incentives and awards to the Government 4. Endorse modifications/upgrades periodically

Technical Committee

1. Representative from Sustainable and Renewable Energy Development Authority (Member, EE&C) (Chair)

2. Representative from Department of Architecture, Government of Bangladesh

3. Representative from Public Works Department, Government of Bangladesh 4. Representative from RAJUK, Government of Bangladesh 5. Representative from Dhaka City Corporation 6. Representative from Department of Architecture, BUET 7. Representative from Institute of Energy, DU 8. Representative from Mechanical Engineering Department, BUET 9. Representative from EEE Department, BUET 10. Representative from ASHRAE, Bangladesh, Chapter 11. Representative form HBRI, Dhaka. 12. Representative from SREDA (Member Secretary)

TOR of Technical Committee:

Provide technical advice to the team on modification and upgradation of the BEEER Framework

Application Reviewers:

SREDA will prepare and Maintain a List of Reviewer, The Eligibility Criteria of Reviewer is same as the SREDA Accredited Professional. A Single Project will be Reviewed by at least Three and Maximum Five Professionals (Architect, Mechanical Engineer & Electrical Engineer)

58 | P a g e

Annexure 1: Project Registration Form

Building Energy and Environment Rating BEEER System: Project Registration

General Project Information

Project Name:


Post Code: GPS Coordinate:

Project Details

Site Area:

Total Built-up Area (excluding Parking Area): No. of buildings within site:

Date of Construction Commencement :

Date of Construction Completion: No. of Buildings:

Developer/ Owner's Contact Information

Primary Contact




Office Address:

Post Code:

Telephone Number:

Mobile Number:

Email ID:

Membership No:

59 | P a g e

Project Coordinator Contact Information




Address :

Post Code:

Telephone Number:

Mobile Number:

Primary Email ID :

Secondary Email ID :

Architect Contact Information


Organization: *Address:

Telephone Number:

*Mobile Number:

*Email ID: Website: IAB Membership No:

Green Building Consultant Contact Information


Organisation / Copmany : Address:

Telephone Number:

Mobile Number:

Email ID : Website: *SREDA Registration Number:

60 | P a g e

61 | P a g e

Annexure-2 Green Building Materials & Technologies (Examples):

Equipment Name Specification

Air Conditioning System Chillers with COP>=5. Cooling towersand closed circuit fluid coolers: These shall have variable speed drives for controlling the fans. Hydronic System Design and Control: HVAChydronic systems having a total pump system power exceeding7.5 kW shall have variable speed drives. Air handling units: The air handling units which are more than 7.5 kW shall be designed with variable speed drives with variable air volumes boxes. VRV or VRF system Provission for Fresh air supply

Low- E-Glass * Double Glazing *Solar Heat Gain Coefficient *Visible Light Transmittance (VLT) LCA Certificate

Lift / Escalator Escalator–the escalator must be fitted with controls to reduce speed or to stop when no traffic is detected. Escalators shall be designed with one of the energy saving features as described below:

1. Reduced speed control: The escalator shall change

to a slower speed when no activity has been

detected for a period of a maximum of three (3)

minutes. Detection shall be by photocell activation

at the top and bottom landing areas.

2. Use on demand: The escalator shall shut down

when no activity has been detected for a period of

a maximum of fifteen (15) minutes. Use on demand

escalators must be designed with energy efficient

soft start technology. The escalator shall start

automatically when required; the activation shall be

by photocells installed in the top and bottom landing


B. Elevator (lift) - Elevator (lift) must be provided with controls to reduce the energy demand. To meet this requirement, the following features must be incorporated in traction drive elevators:

1. Use of AC Variable-Voltage and Variable-

Frequency (VVVF) drives on non-hydraulic


2. The lift car uses energy-efficient lighting and display

lighting i.e. an average lamp efficacy, across all

fittings in the car, of >55 lamp lumens/ circuit watt

and lighting switches off after the lift has been

inactive for a period of a maximum of five (5)


3. The lifts operate in a stand-by condition during off-

peak periods. For example, the power side of the

lift controller and other operating equipment such

as lift car lighting, user displays, and ventilation fans

switch off when the lift has been inactive for a

period of a maximum of five (5) minutes.

62 | P a g e

LCA Certificate

Solar power system

STP Improved and Automated Sewerage treatment Plant

Fresh air supply & mechanical Vent

Mechanical ventilation and Blower in Basement Floors and Fresh air supply system in habitable floor *Variable speed derive fan & motor unit

Hot Water system Solar Water Heater

Water Fixture Water efficient fittings include faucets, showerheads and flushes that use less water in order to perform the same function of cleaning as effectively as standard models. Water efficiency is an important aspect, especially as fresh water resources are increasingly getting depleted at a rate faster that they are replenished. Use of efficient plumbing fixtures, sensors, auto control valves, aerators, flow control and pressure-reducing devices can result in significant reduction in water consumption.

lighting LED lights Limitation of Lighting Power Density (LPD) will help to design the lighting system in the most efficient way and reduce the lighting and cooling load in the buildings.

Sensors Occupancy Sensors , Day light sensors

Automation *Building Monitoring System (BMS) or * Energy Monitoring System (EMS)

Masonry Materials Concrete Hollow Blocks, Interlocking Concrete Block, light weight Cellular Concrete And with EPD Certification

Paint Low Volatile Organic Compounds (VOC) paint (VOC level <10g/L ) with EPD Certification

Steel Reinforcement steel from the energy efficient factories

The Factory should have energy audit report from national / International Certifying agency

<10% Recycle Materials content And with EPD Certification

Ready mix concrete Natural Stone chips as course aggregate

Gross emission level per kg of production should > 1.5 kg of Carbone

The Factory should have energy audit report from national / International Certifying agency

Should have recycle content or fly ash. And with EPD Certification

Wood Certified Wood (Plant life less than 15 years) From BFRI

UPVC window frame Window frame made of UPVC (Curtain and Sliding windows) And with EPD Certification

Insulation Roof top Insulation & heat reflective paint or insulation blokes Solar Radiation Index value >78 And with EPD Certification

63 | P a g e

Annexure-3 General guideline for Construction

64 | P a g e

Annexure 4: Application for the Reviewer

µg Kvh©vejx (Activities) wPÎ (Figure)

1 cÖKí ’vb wbe©vPb ( selection of project Place)

W¨vc I ivRDK KZ©„K f~wg e¨envi bxwZgvjv Abymib Ki‡Z

n‡e|Have to follow the rules of DAP and


2 cÖKí GjvKv‡Z we`¨gvb feb mn Ab¨vb¨ ’vcbvi aiY mn

e„‡¶i weeib mn mvBU c­ vb cÖ¯‘Z KiY Ges G msµš— Qwe


Preparation of site plan containing the

information of the existing buildings/

establishments, trees of the project area and

saving the related photos

3 cÖK‡í cÖ‡ek c_ mn iv¯—vi Ae¯’vb mvBU c­ v‡b ms‡hvhb

Ki‡Z n‡e Ges cÖK‡íi byb¨Zg 100 wgt †iwWqv‡m we`¨gvb

mKj ’vcbv I cÖvK…wZi †j AvDU c­ vb w`‡Z n‡e|

Layout of the roads with the entrance of the

project area will be included in the site plan and

Layout of the establishments situated within the

minimum100 m radius of the project area

will/should be included in the site plan

cÖKí GjvKv‡Z we`¨gvb MvQ hZUv m¤¢e msi¶Y Ki‡Z n‡e

wbg©vb Kv‡Ri mgq wbivcËv †eówb cÖ vb Ki‡Z n‡e

Trees in the project area should be preserved as

much as possible and the security fence

surrounding the site should be provided

4 cÖKí GjvKv‡Z gvwU Lb‡bi mgq Dcwifv‡Mi De©i gvwU

msi¶Y Ki‡Z n‡e Ges Zv †X‡K ivL‡Z n‡e| cieZ©x‡Z

evMvb Kivi mgq Kv‡R jvMv‡Z n‡e|

During soil excavation in the project area, fertile

soil should be preserved and covered properly

for the future use of doing gardening in the site

5 mvB‡Ui Rjve×Zv wbim‡b h_vh_ cvwb wb®‹vkb e¨e ’v ivL‡Z

n‡e Ges cÖ‡qvR‡b †mwW‡g›Ukb U¨vs&K wbg©vY Ki‡Z n‡e

To resolve the water logging of the site, Water

drainage system should be kept and sedimentation

tank should be built if necessary


65 | P a g e

1. Title Reviewer

2. Name of the Applicant: (FirstName)…………..........(MiddleName)………................(Last


3. Father's Name : ………………..

6 mvBU n‡Z gvwU cwien‡bi mgq †X‡K cwienb Ki‡Z n‡e

Ges PvKv cwi¯‹vi K‡i cwienb Ki‡Z n‡e hv‡ZK‡i iv¯—vq

gvwU bv c‡o|

Soil from the site should be transported by covering

it properly. To keep the road clean, during transit

wheels of the vehicle should be properly cleaned up

7 wbg©vY mvgMÖx iv¯—v I dzUcv‡_ ivLv hvv‡ebv mvB‡U wbw`©ó

¯’v‡b ivL‡Z n‡e| wbivcËv myPK wb‡`k©bv ivL‡Z n‡e|

Construction materials should be kept at

specific places not on the road and pavement

sites. Security instructions should be kept in the


8 cytb e¨envi †hvM¨ wbg©vY mvgMÖx c„_K fv‡e msi¶Y, e¨envi

I cytb e¨env‡ii Rb¨ weµq Ki‡Z n‡e | G msµvš— Z_¨

msi¶Y Ki‡Z n‡e|

Reusable building materials should be kept

separately for future use or sell. Information

regarding those should be registered properly.

9 AveR©bv aiY Abyhvqx c„_K fv‡e mvB‡U msi¶Y Ki‡Z n‡e

According to the garbage type, the garbage should be stored separately

10 cwi‡ek evÜe wbg©vY mvgMÖx †hgb, d¬vBGm wgwkªZ R¡vjvbx

mvkªqx †cvov‡bv BU, KswµU n‡jve­K, d¬vBGm wgwkªZ

wm‡g›U, BZ¨vw` e¨envi Ki‡Z n‡e

Environmentally friendly building materials, such as fuel saving fly ash mixed bricks, concrete hollow block, fly ash ,mixed cement etc. should be used.

66 | P a g e

11 h_v m¤¢e ’vbxq (500 wKwg Gi g‡a¨) fv‡e cÖvc¨ wbg©vY

mvgMÖx e¨envi Ki‡Z n‡e Ges cwienb e¨vq n«vm Ki‡Z n‡e|

As far as possible, local (within about 500 km) building and construction materials should be used and the transportation cost should be reduced.

12 wbg©vY K‡R wbivcËv †eóbx w`‡Z n‡e Ges mKj Kg©x †K

‡nj‡gU, eyU I †mdwU †eë mieivn Ki‡Z n‡e|

The security fence should be provided during construction period and all the workers should be provided with helmets, boots and safety belts.

13 wbg©vY kªwgK I Kg©Pvwi‡`i Rb¨ ¯v¯’ m¤§Z Uq‡jU,

†MvmjLvbv I wekªvgvMv‡ii e¨e ’v ivL‡Z n‡e|

Arrangements of healthy/ hygienic bathrooms and

restrooms should be provided for construction

workers and employees

14 wbg©vY Kv‡Ri mgq kã ylY †iva K‡&í e¨e¯’v MÖnY Ki‡Z n‡e

Ges cwi‡ek AvBb Abyhvqx gvb gvÎvi g‡a¨ ivL‡Z n‡e|

(UvBjm, iW BZ¨vw` KvUvi mgq kã n«v‡mi e¨e ’v MÖnY

Ki‡Z n‡e|)

During the construction work, measures have to be taken for the purpose of preventing sound pollution and to be kept in standard level according to environmental law. (Necessary steps should be taken to reduce sound pollution during cutting tiles, rods etc.)

15 evB‡ii Avewk¨K Db¥y³ ’vb mg~n Nvm I ’vbxq MvQ Øviv

Av”Qvw`Z Ki‡Z n‡e|

The outer open spaces must be covered by grass and local trees.

16 fe‡bi †em‡g‡›U Av‡jvevZv‡mi e¨e¯’v ivL‡Z n‡e Ges

b·vq mshy³ Ki‡Z n‡e|

The basement of the building should be

ventilated with proper lighting system & the

layout of the basement should be included in the


67 | P a g e

17 fe‡bi cqwb®‹vkb e¨e ’v AKz‡c›U †jvW Abyhvqx b·vq

mshy³ Ki‡Z n‡e Ges Zij c`v‡_© gvbgvÎv weIwW 50 Gi

g‡a¨ ivL‡Z n‡e| (†mcwUK U¨vsK/ GmwUwc) ’cb Ki‡Z


Building sanitation system should be attached to the

drawing accordance with occupant load and the

amount of fluid content should be kept within the

BOD 50. (Septic tank / STP)

18 fe‡b cwi‡ek evÜe hvb evnb †hgb evB mvB‡Kj, B‡jKwUªK

Kvi Gi cvwK©s Gi e¨e ’v ivK‡Z n‡e|

Parking for environment friendly vehicles (like

Bicycle, electric car) should be provided in the

building premise.

19 fe‡bi cwðg, c~e© I `w¶Y cv‡k¦©i ewn‡`qv‡j KvP e¨envi

Ki‡j Zv †hb Kg Zvc cwievnx nq †m fv‡e jvMv‡Z n‡e|

cÖ‡qvR‡b mvb †mW e¨envi Kiv‡h‡Z cv‡i A_ev Kv‡Pi

†`qv‡jvi cwigvb Abymv‡i Kv‡Pi †mvjvi wnU †MBb

†KvBwd‡m›U A_ev †kwWs †KvBwd‡m›U Gi Dci wfwË K‡i

Kv‡Pi e¨envi Ki‡Z n‡e|

WWR SHGC SC 10 0.85 0.98

20 0.6 0.69

30 0.5 0.57

40 0.4 0.46

50 0.35 0.4

60 0.33 0.38

70 0.31 0.36

80 0.3 0.34

90 0.27 0.31

Window to Wall Ratio (WWR) and Solar Heat Gain Coefficient of Glass Equation:Solar Heat Gain Coefficient and Shading Coefficient Calculations

SHGC = SC × 0.87

In order to keep the flexibility with the design team with regard to WWR,Error! Reference source not found.and Error! Reference source not how the WWR and Glazing performance must be selected in all building types. For example if a building has 40% WWR then the corresponding Solar Heat Gain Coefficient (SHGC) of the glazing must be lower than 0.40.

68 | P a g e


20 fe‡b Kv‡Vi e¨envi h_vm¤¢e Kg Ki‡Z n‡e Ges †hmKj

Dw™¢‡`i Rxeb Kvj Kg †m mKj KvV e¨envi Ki‡Z n‡e| G

Qvov cvwU©‡Kj †evW©, wfwbqvi †evW©, BDwcwfwm `iRv,

Rvbvjvi †d«g e¨envi Kiv ‡h‡iZ cv‡i|

The use of wood in the building should be as low as

possible and the wood of tress having short life span

should be used. Apart from this, particle board,

veneer board, UPVC door, window frame can be


21 fe‡bi Qv` n‡Z e„wói cvwb msi¶Y Ki‡Z n‡e Ges Zv

cwi‡kvab K‡i †mP, Mvwo †avqv I Uq‡jU d¬v‡m e¨envi Kiv

†h‡Zcv‡i| G msµvš— we¯—vwiZ b·v Av‡e`‡bi mgq mshy³

Ki‡Z n‡e|

Rain water should be stored from the roof of the

building and it can be used for irrigation, car

wash and toilets. Detailed design related to this

should be attached during the application.

22 fe‡b cvwb mvkªqx wdKPvi e¨envi Ki‡Z n‡e|

Water saving fixtures should be used Type of fixtures Quanti

ty Unit

Water closets Dual Flush (6/4)

liters/flushing cycle (full/low)

Shower 9.5 liters/min at 500 kPa

Hand wash taps 6 liters/min at 400 kPa

Kitchen/pantry faucets 6 liters/min at 400 kPa

23 Af¨š—‡i Kg fjvUvBj AM©vwbK K¤úvDÛ Gi is, wm‡j›U

BZ¨vw` e¨envi Ki‡Z n‡e|

Low VOC contained Paint, Cement should be


24 - fe‡b we y¨r mvkªqx evwZ e¨envi Ki‡Z n‡e Ges

evB‡i wbgœgywL †mW mnKv‡i e¨envi Ki‡Z n‡e

hv‡Z K‡i Av‡jv ylY bv N‡U|

- cÖ‡qvR‡b AKz‡cwÝ †mÝi ms‡hvRb Ki‡Z n‡e|

- Gj B wW evwZ e¨envi Ki‡Z n‡e|

- Energy Efficient lighting systems

should be used and to avoid light

pollution, downward canopy/shed may

be used with the light.

- Occupancy sensor should be used if


- LED lights should be used

69 | P a g e

4. Mother’s Name: ………………..................................................................................


5. Present Address : Village/House/ Flat


Road/Block/Sector____________________________ Police

Station__________________________ Post Office


District__________________ Post Code____________________

Contact Number (land line)_____________ _________(cell

phone)___________e-mail Address ___________________

6. Permanent Address:


ector________________________ Police

Station__________________________ Post Office


District__________________ Post Code____________________

25 fe‡b wkZZvc wbqš¿Y hš¿ I wjd&U †gwkb we`¨yr mvkªqx n‡Z


Ges G msµvš— Z_¨ I cwi‡ek MZ QvocÎ MÖn‡Yi c~‡e©

`vwLj Ki‡Z n‡e|

Energy Efficient Air Conditioning

system and Lift should be installed in the

building and related information should be

submitted before getting the environmental

NOC from DOE

26 fe‡bi Qv‡` Zvc cÖwZ‡ivaK e¨e ’v ivL‡Z n‡e|

- wnUcÖ“d †KvwUs

- RjQv`

- n‡jv e­K e¨envi

The heat resistant system should be kept in the ceiling of the building.

- Heat proof coating - Water Roof - Use of hollow block

27 fe‡bi Qv‡` Db¥y³ ’v‡b evMvb Ki‡Z n‡e|

Gardening should be done in the open spaces of

the rooftop of the building

28 fe‡b e¨eüZ we y¨r †Rbv‡iUi n‡Z kã ylY I evhy `ylY

cÖwZ‡ivaK e¨e ’v MÖnY Ki‡Z n‡e|

Preventive system should be kept to avoid

sound and air pollution from generator system

(for electricity)

29 cÖ‡qvR‡b weKí wiwbDGej GbvwR© ev ‡mŠikw³ e¨envi Kiv


If necessary, alternative fuel like renewable

energy & solar energy can be used

70 | P a g e

Contact Number (land line)_____________ _________

7. Date of Birth ........../...../.....(dd/mm/yyyy)

8. Nationality : ...................

9. National ID number:

10. Sex: Male ( ) / Female ( ) / Other ( )

11. Employment Status: Employed ( ) Self Employed ( ) Unemployed ( )

12. Present Job information ( if



Organization (Company) Name........ ..................................

Contact Telephone (Office).............................................................,

Fax....................................., Office Address:..................................

13. Total Work Experience :.................Years ............. Months .......................

14. Written Examination

Centre preferred:


15. Academic Qualification:

Sl.No. Name of Degree Subjects/Branch Year of Passing Board/ University

16. Work Experience (s):



Name of Employer/


Designation Year Name of Work (Max.

50 characters Only)

From To


17. DD. No.: ....................... Amount (Taka): ..........................Date: ....................... Bank Name:



I hereby declare that all the information given in the application form and enclosures are true to

the best of my knowledge. I agree to the condition that if any information or any statement is found to

be incorrect, my admission to the examination would be cancelled or may liable to cancellation of my

Certificate afterwards. I also abide by the examination rules and conditions as mentioned in the


Date: .........................



* Note: supporting duplicate documents must be enclosed with the Form

For Office Use Only

Received on:.................................... Sl.No: .....................................Received by (Signature):……………..

Examined the Filled in Form and the attached documents and found correct or liable for rejection for the

following reasons:


Examined by: (Name& Signature)

71 | P a g e

72 | P a g e

Annexure 5: Application for the Energy Auditors/ M&V Professionals

1. Title Energy Auditors/ M&V Professionals

2. Name of the Applicant: (FirstName)…………..........(MiddleName)………................(Last


3. Father's Name : ………………..


4. Mother’s Name: ………………..................................................................................


5. Present Address : Village/House/ Flat


Road/Block/Sector____________________________ Police

Station__________________________ Post Office


District__________________ Post Code____________________

Contact Number (land line)_____________ _________(cell

phone)___________e-mail Address ___________________

6. Permanent Address:


ector________________________ Police

Station__________________________ Post Office


District__________________ Post Code____________________

Contact Number (land line)_____________ _________

7. Date of Birth ........../...../.....(dd/mm/yyyy)

8. Nationality : ...................

9. National ID number:

10. Sex: Male ( ) / Female ( ) / Other ( )

11. Employment Status: Employed ( ) Self Employed ( ) Unemployed ( )

12. Present Job information ( if



Organization (Company)Name........ ..................................

Contact Telephone (Office).............................................................,

Fax.....................................,Office Address:..................................

13. Total Work Experience :.................Years ............. Months .......................

14. Written Examination

Centre preferred:


15. Academic Qualification:

Sl.No. Name of Degree Subjects/Branch Year of Passing Board/ University

16. Work Experience (s):



Name of Employer/


Designation Year Name of Work (Max. 50

characters Only)


73 | P a g e

From To


17. DD. No.: ....................... Amount (Taka): ..........................Date: ....................... Bank Name:



I hereby declare that all the information given in the application form and enclosures are true to

the best of my knowledge. I agree to the condition that if any information or any statement is found to

be incorrect, my admission to the examination would be cancelled or may liable to cancellation of my

Certificate afterwards. I also abide by the examination rules and conditions as mentioned in the


Date: .........................



* Note: supporting duplicate documents must be enclosed with the Form

For Office Use Only

Received on:.................................... Sl.No: .....................................Received by (Signature):……………..

Examined the Filled in Form and the attached documents and found correct or liable for rejection for the

following reasons:


Examined by: (Name & Signature)
