Download pptx - Building scientific inquiry

  • 1. Infants through ElementaryBuilding ScientificInquiry

2. Robbie PolanEarly Childhood Childcare LiaisonAustin I S [email protected] 414 7487 3. What is Scientific Inquiry? National and State Standards Blooms Taxonomy Roles & Responsibilities Science Materials Matrix Creating the Environment Lets Explore! 4. What is Scientific Inquiry? How does this look in a diverse programwhich includes infants through school agechildren? 5. Building a Foundation for Inquiry * Develop Vocabulary *Encourage Questioning *Allow Time for Investigationsthat are Authentic *Provide Rich Tactile Experiences 6. Lets Begin at the End What do we expect our children to know by the end of 2nd grade? 7. Texas Science TEKSThe study of elementary science includesplanning and safely implementing classroomand outdoor investigations using scientificprocesses, including inquiry methods, analyzinginformation, making informed decisions, andusing tools to collect and record information,while addressing the major concepts andvocabulary, in the context of physical, earth, andlife sciences. Districts are encouraged tofacilitate classroom and outdoor investigationsfor at least 80% of instructional time. 8. National Science StandardsThe standards on inquiry highlight the ability to conductinquiry and develop understanding about scientificinquiry. Students at all grade levels and in every domainof science should have the opportunity to use scientificinquiry and develop the ability to think and act in waysassociated with inquiry, including asking questions,planning and conducting investigations, using appropriatetools and techniques to gather data, thinking criticallyand logically about relationships between evidence andexplanations, constructing and analyzing alternativeexplanations, and communicating scientific arguments. 9. Blooms Taxonomy 10. Provide materials that encourageexploration and questions throughoutthe classroom Plan learning experiences that areconceptually connected Look for spontaneous opportunities tosupport scientific thinkingOur responsibilities and challenges 11. Help children answer their ownquestions through inquiry Provide opportunities forcommunicating scientific ideas verbally,through drawing, writing, graphing Ask open-ended questions and planopen-ended activities that encouragechildren to describe, compare/contrast,predict, and explainOur responsibilities and challenges 12. The Inquiry Cycle1 Engage childrens Interest.2 Prepare to investigate.3 Investigate.4 Prepare to report.5 Report. 13. Inquiry Continuum-Dr. Karen Ostlund 14. Rousseau believed that childrenlearned from their curiosity and notfrom teacher intervention. 15. Throughout the day, does yourenvironment allow children to. Make observations using multiplesenses Compare and contrast the objectwith other things they know about Encourage collaborating andsharing ideas 16. Encourage questioning andexploring any unknowns Engage in deeper thinking andlearning, the children should not befocused on one right answer Are they having fun? 17. Science Centers in Pre-K 18. Science Materials Matrix 19. Now, lets explore! 20. Our YoungestLearners 21. Infants and toddlers are natural explorers andscientists. They are actively learning about thephysical and social world every day. 22. Three and FourYear-Olds 23. Preschool-aged children bring their sense ofwonder and curiosity about the world. Whetherwatching fish in an aquarium or using aflashlight to make bubbles, the child is engagedin finding out how the world works.-Kathleen Conezio 24. Scientist of the Week Scientist of the Week 25. Exploring WaterExploration leads to lessons in water flow andthen force and motion. 26. School AgeChildren 27. School-aged children are much moresophisticated and are able to direct their inquirybut may need scaffolding by the teacher. 28. Outdoor ExplorationsLiving and Nonliving 29. Advice from Frances and David Hawkins Start with nature. Seize the moment. Become a researcher alongside children. Become a researcher alongside adults. Think of your classroom as a laboratory. 30. Expect to be impressed!Science provides opportunitiesfor children to show off theirthinking, not just facts theyknow. 31. You can teach a student a lessonfor a day; but if you can teachhim to learn by creating curiosity,he will continue the learningprocess as long as he lives. -Clay P. Bedford