
Building the Future of Philanthropy

The Psychology of Giving: A Journey Inside the Mind of your Donor

May 6, 2015 Kingston, Ontario

Leah Eustace, M.Phil., CFRE, ACFRE

Scott Fortnum, MA, CFRE, ACFRE


Building the Future of Philanthropy

be·hav·ior·al ec·o·nom·icsnouna method of economic analysis that applies psychological insights into human behavior to explain economic decision-making. (wikipedia)


Building the Future of Philanthropy@LeahEustace@SFortnum

Building the Future of Philanthropy

What are we going to talk about?

• How we make decisions – System 1 and 2– How we feel emotion

• Reciprocity• Social Proof/Consensus• Anchoring• Authority


Building the Future of Philanthropy@LeahEustace@SFortnum

Building the Future of Philanthropy@LeahEustace@SFortnum

Building the Future of Philanthropy@LeahEustace@SFortnum

Building the Future of Philanthropy@LeahEustace@SFortnum

Empathy is the ability to see the world as another person, to share and understand another person’s feelings, needs, concerns and/or emotional state.


Feeling Emotion

Building the Future of Philanthropy@LeahEustace@SFortnum

Feeling Emotion

Building the Future of Philanthropy@LeahEustace@SFortnum

Feeling Emotion

Building the Future of Philanthropy@LeahEustace@SFortnum

Building the Future of Philanthropy@LeahEustace@SFortnum

Building the Future of Philanthropy@LeahEustace@SFortnum

Building the Future of Philanthropy@LeahEustace@SFortnum

Building the Future of Philanthropy@LeahEustace@SFortnum


Building the Future of Philanthropy@LeahEustace@SFortnum

Building the Future of Philanthropy@LeahEustace@SFortnum

Social Proof

Building the Future of Philanthropy

The anchoring rule of thumb describes the common human tendency to rely too heavily on the first piece of information offered (the “anchor”) when making decisions. Once the anchor is set, decisions are then made by adjusting around the initial anchor, regardless of the legitimacy of the actual anchor.




Building the Future of Philanthropy@LeahEustace@SFortnum


Building the Future of Philanthropy@LeahEustace@SFortnum


Building the Future of Philanthropy@LeahEustace@SFortnum

So, why aren’t fundraisers applying more of the behavioral economics findings? Because, they too, and not only their donors, are using System 1.

They (not us of course), operate on autopilot (System 1). They do what is familiar, recognizable, likeable, what has worked in the past, what’s lower risk, what others are doing. It’s hard to step back and operate on pilot (System 2), especially if you are smart and successful.


Omar Mahmoud, Chief Market Knowledge - UNICEF International

Building the Future of Philanthropy

Leah Eustace, M.Phil., CFRE,ACFRE

@[email protected]

Scott Fortnum, MA, CFRE, ACFRE

@[email protected]


Say hello. Happy to chat!
