
___*NEW PARISHIONERS ___CHANGE OF ADDRESS ____MOVING Kindly complete the following and place in collection basket.

Name _________________________________________ Address _______________________________________ City _____________________ Postal Code ____________ Telephone _____________ E-mail _____________________________ Will you use offertory envelopes? ________ If “yes”, pick-up in the church entrance foyer next Sunday. Pick up @: St. Helen’s ____ St. Mark’s ____


Baptism: Available on Sundays at 1:00 pm. Call the parish office.

First Communion & Confirmation: Arranged through the schools.

If your child is not in a Catholic school or is not baptized in the Roman

Catholic Church, contact the parish office.

Reconciliation: Before or after each mass or by appointment.

Marriage: Six months notice; marriage prep required.

Anointing of the Sick: Please let us know when someone has a seri-

ous or prolonged illness or is to have surgery. This sacrament cele-

brates the healing of mind and body and the forgiveness of sins.

Catholic Funeral Rites: When a death occurs in your family, please

call the parish office and we will assist you in making the necessary

liturgical arrangements.

Pastor - Fr. Philip English Office Administration - Aggie Agnino ext. 115

E-mail - [email protected] Office - 905 562-7427 Fax - 905 562-7789

Website -

Mass Times Saturday 5 pm & Sundays @ 9 am - St. Helen’s Sunday 11 am - St. Mark School Gym, Beamsville

We welcome you and invite you to share in the spiritual and social activities of your parish.

S T . H E L E N C H U R C H 4157 Maple Grove Rd., PO Box 222

Vineland, Ontario L0R 2C0

Sunday February 16, 2014 ~ Sixth Sunday in Ordinary Time

Schools St. Mark School St. Edward School 4114 Mountain St. 2807 Fourth Ave. Beamsville, ON Jordan, ON Principal: Dean Stunt Principal: Adrian Bishop Phone: 905 563-9191 Phone: 905 562-5531

Opened - October 2, 1938 Established as a Parish - January 1, 1986

A Note of Thanks First and foremost, thank you to all who attended the Wine & Cheese social in January, organized to revive the St. Helen’s fundraising initiatives.

Fr. Philip was happy to see so many people come out to volunteer their time and talents to raising money for our new St. Helen’s church.

Many of you signed up to help out with specific areas of fundraising. In order to continue along this road there will be a meeting on Tues. Feb. 25, 2014 at 7:00 p.m. at St. Helen’s church. Everyone is invited to come and join a specific committee. Be prepared to take a leading role, or to share your specific ideas.

Please come out and offer your God given time and talents to build a church for generations to come.

Rose Luppino and Michelle Mackey

Stewardship of Treasure Date Offertory Fac.Maint. BFund Feb. 9 $3,009 $47 $11,270

“Give and it shall be given to you for the measure you measure with will be Measured back to you.” Luke 6:38

Thank you for your generosity and continued support. It is greatly appreciated.

St. Vincent de Paul Society - Please remember the work of the St. Vincent de Paul Society as the needs of the poor continue. Your spare change goes a long way to help needy individuals and

families in our community. Thank you for your continued generosity and prayers.

Sr. Ministry for the Sick and Homebound We have a TEAM of Extraordinary Lay Ministers willing to bring Communion at home. If you have a loved one who is sick and unable to come to church, please call the Parish Office or Frances @ 905-562-5475 and arrangements will be made to bring Holy Communion to your home.

CWL Retreat

Wednesday, March 26 or Saturday, March 29 Registration 8:15-9:00 - Cost: 42.00 (lunch included)

Place: Mount Carmel

Theme: Social Justice & Women of Faith Guest Speaker Sylvia Verde

Register by March 1st - Contact Piera 905 563-4594

Blessed Prayer Shawls Available The Prayer Shawl Ministry continues to create handcrafted shawls for parishioners, their families and friends who are coping with illness, loneliness, pain or trouble. During the past year, we have distributed many prayer shawls and lap blankets. The shawls are knitted with compassion and prayerfulness. They are available to anyone who needs one. Please call the office to request a shawl or lap blanket or if you would like to join this ministry. St. Catharines Right to Life Dinner: Saturday, February 22, 2014 at John-Michael’s Banquet Hall, Hwy. 58, Thorold. Reception 5:30 p.m., Dinner 6:30 p.m. Guest Speaker Michael Coren, Journalist for Life. Tickets: $45, Students $25, call Nancy 905-563-7096 or RTL office 905-684-7505.

St. Helen’s Church Raffle Lottery Tickets still available!!! Call the church office at 905-562-7427 or call Steve at 289-566-9090 Get your discounted tickets today!

2013 Income Tax Receipts - Income Tax Receipts

for the year 2013 are available this weekend.

Day Requested for Requested by

Monday No Morning Mass

Tuesday 8:30 am

† Cipro Family Intentions of Hendriks & deKoning Family Living & Deceased

Rolando & Maria Cipro Andy & Helen Hendriks

Wednesday 9:30 am

† Antonio & Carmela Guerriero Guerriero Family

Thursday 8:30 am

Erik Dix Marian Hyvonen

Friday 10:00 am

Menno Home † Maria & Gerald Murphy Paul Murphy

Saturday 5:00 pm

† Deceased family members of Sandy Fracchioni family

Sandy Fracchioni

Sunday 9:00 am

11:00 am

St. Mark School

For the People of St. Helen’s † Pietro & Orsola Elia & Lina Cipro

Andrea & Theresa Cipro

Year A Mass Intentions Feb 17 - 23

Note time

& Location

Sunday February 16, 2014 Sixth Sunday of Ordinary Time

Scripture The eyes of God are on those who fear him; he

understands man’s every deed. (Sirach 15:19) Be good to your servant, that I may live and keep

your words. (Psalm 119:17) We speak a wisdom to those who are mature, not

a wisdom of this age, (1Corinthians 2:6) Let your ‘Yes’ mean ‘Yes,’ and your ‘No’ mean

‘No.’ (Matthew 5:37) Reflection How do you discern God’s intention for you? Does the media and consumer culture have too

much influence over your choices? Do you consider your daily activity as fulfilling

God’s will? Do you start your day with prayer and end with

reflection? What parish ministry, talks, prayer groups could

be part of your spiritual journey? But as long as you pretend to live in pure autonomy, as your own master, without even a god to rule you, you will inevitably live as a servant to another man or as an alienated member of an organization. Paradoxically it is the acceptance of God that makes you free and delivers you from human tyranny, for when you serve God you are no longer permitted to alienate your spirit in human servitude.1 1Merton, Thomas New Seeds of Contemplation, New Directions: New York, 1961 p. 110. For the Ride Home by Ted Bergh © ParishVision LLC 2014.


BLESSED POPE JOHN PAUL II Brinkman Travel: April 22 – 29 with Bishop Bergie. Price is $2,845. For info see bulletin board at entrance to church, call 905-988-9100 or visit Niagara Travelplus: April 27 Cost $2,850 all inclusive with meals and taxes. For info call Victor LaFratta 905-935-5735 or email [email protected]


Powerful for regular parishioners; engaging for those searching for a faith home; captivating for young people. Come! Be energized! Invite someone! Do not miss this opportunity to hear one of the most dynamic and sought-after voices of our time! Saturday May 31st 9:00am – 1:30pm at St. Alfred’s Church. For info about the conference contact Caroline 905-401-6950. Tickets ($39.00) are available

at St. Helen’s Parish office. For more information and to register: call (905) 358-7611 or visit “Many are satisfied with carrying the Lord on their tongue, recounting His

marvels and praising Him with great ardor; others carry Him in their hearts with tender and loving affection, which becomes part and parcel of their lives, thinking of Him and speaking to Him. But these two ways of carrying the Lord do not amount to much if the third element of carrying Him in their arms by good works is missing. St Francis de Sales

Morning at the Movies

Join us in the church basement for coffee and a Movie Morning on Thursday February 20, 2014 @ 9:30 a.m. featuring The Reluctant Saint- The incredible true story of St. Joseph

of Cupertino “The Flying Friar”. Afterwards, stay for lunch - bring a sandwich to share for after the movie and soup will be provided.

Lift Jesus Higher Rally Saturday March 1st, 2014

Metro Convention Centre, North Building, 255 Front St. W Adults $20, Youth $ 10 (13-18)

For tickets or info 416-251-4255 Don't come alone - Remember to Evangelize

Blessed Prayer Shawls Available

The Prayer Shawl Ministry continues to create handcrafted shawls for parishioners, their families and friends who are coping with illness, loneliness, pain or trouble. During the past year, we have distributed many prayer shawls and lap blankets. The shawls are knitted with compassion and prayerfulness. They are available to anyone who needs one. Please call the office to request a shawl or lap blanket. We meet monthly and welcome new members.

Remember Your Parish ~ In Loving Memory Keep your love for your parish alive. Remember your

parish in your will and when recommending expressions of sympathy. In Memoriam Donations

to the Building Fund are appreciated and accepted

An Act of Love……. God, I love you with all my heart and Soul. I love my neighbour as myself. I ask forgiveness from those whom I have hurt and I forgive those who have injured me. Amen
