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By: The Magical John Lorusso, The Marvelous Nick

Grammatica, and The Mischievous Christina


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What Is BullyingBullying is any ongoing physical or

Verbal mistreatment where there is:

an imbalance of power and the

victim (target) is exposed repeatedly

to negative actions on the part of one or

more other students.

It involves a power imbalance between Bully and Victim: Number, Size, Status, Role, Culture, Ethnicity.

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Did You KnowThe Word Bully used to mean the total opposite of what it means nowFive hundred years ago, it meant friend, family member or sweetheart

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Characteristics of a BullyExcited by their bully behaviorEnjoy feelings of power and controlEnjoy causing painCan be any oneLack of compassion and empathy for their targetsCan be all shapes and sizes

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Characteristics of VictimsPassiveQuiet, anxious & insecureTend to try to become normalThey may have lower self-esteem and be more prone to depression because they think about the attacks more.Provocative• Reactive, clumsy, impulsive, irritating, annoying• Attempt to fight or answer back when attacked, but not effectively• Often hyperactive, have difficulty concentrating and act in ways that irritate others• These kids might try to make the bullies laugh

by making themselves look bad.

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VictimsGender. Boys and girls are equally likely to report being victimized.Age. Children in lower grades are more likely to be victims of older bullies, whereas children in higher grades are more likely to be victims of same-age bullies. Younger students experience more direct bullying, whereas older students experience more indirect bullying like cyber bullying.Physical appearance. They to tend to be young and smaller in size.Self-esteem/Depression. Both boys and girls who are victimized report symptoms of depression such as sadness and loss of interest in activities and sports.Anxiety. Boys and girls who are victims report symptoms of anxiety, such as a state of mental or emotional strain or suspense, fears, and worries.

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Reasons why bullies bullySomething or someone is making them feel insecure, therefore they bully to make themselves feel better

• They could have something going on in their family.

• They might not feel like they are getting enough attention from parents or teachers.

• They might have watched their parents or older siblings get their way by being angry and pushy.

• Maybe they are also bullied.

• They might be spoiled by their parents.

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What Should Parents Do?Ask the child directly. Most of the time children do not want to tell their parents due to embarrassment, or fear that the bullies will retaliate if they tell. Look for signs such as a fear of going to school, lack of friends, sadness, anger, as well as increased fearfulness and anxiety.Talk with the school immediately to make sure your child is safeMake sure the school know so they can keep a keen eye out for when the bullying partakes

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If you are a bully, here are some ways to stop

Apologize to people that you have bullied, and follow it up by being friendly.

They might not trust you right away, but eventually they will see that you have changed.

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Why Others let it happenThe bully I someone others look up to and want to hang out withThey want to side with the bully because it makes them feel strongThey're entertained by the bully

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Are You A BullyDoes it make you feel better to other people or take their thingsDo you sometimes use your size and strength to get your way

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Reasons why kids get bullied

Doesn’t fit inPhysical weaknessMinorityFacial AppearanceClothingEmotionalOverweightGood Grades

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Bullying – You Decide?

Jennifer recently broke up with her boyfriend Andrew. Andrew is now dating Melissa. Jennifer convinces all of her friends not to speak or hang out with Melissa anymore. Is this bullying?When John walks in the hallway to his class, Chris repeatedly knocks his books out of his hand everyday. Is this bullying?

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What Students in TZHS say of bullying

Sydney Strauss answered some questions about bullying.1.Are you aware of bullying? – Yes2.Have you seen bullying and did someone or yourself do anything about it? – Yes, I've seen people break up a fight.3.What are the outcomes of bullying? – Some people commit suicide.4.What can we do to stop it? – More people can help if they see anyone being bullied.5.Do schools do enough to stop it?- No they should have people talk to us in school about it.

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Another interview from TZHS

Kristie Catalano answered some questions on bullying.1.Are you aware of bullying? –Yes2.Have you seen bulling and did someone or yourself do anything about it?- Yes I have and someone else stood up for them.3.What are outcomes of bullying? –Depression and suicide.4.What can we do to stop it? – Set up organizations for bullying.5.Do schools do enough to stop bullying? – Not really.

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When our parents were kids was bullying the same?

Bullying happened when our parents were kids but not as serious as it is today.Back then they didn’t have cell phones, computers and other technology devises that we have today.Cyber bullying is one of the biggest ways kids are bullied today because kids can say the meanest things over a computer instead of in person.

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What are the similarities between bullying then and now?

When you hear bullying you think the big kid in the class picking on the little kid in class like you see in shows. Its been like that since our parents were kids too. In ways they are similar how there are fights and cliques that don’t get along with other groups. Kids are grown up to learning about bullying even than so parents do understand what happens even though there cases weren't as serious as they are today.

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