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ESO 4 LOMCE Grammar AppendixReal English

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ContentsPages Suggested Use After:

4 Future Continuous, Revision of Future Tenses Getting Started

5 Relative Clauses Unit 2

6 Zero Conditional, Revision of Conditionals Unit 4

7 Temporals and Conditionals Unit 4

8 Reported Speech Unit 6

9 Revision of Modals Unit 7

10-11 Grammar Revision Unit 9

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1 Copy and complete the sentences in A with the verbs below. Use the Future Continuous. Then match A to B to make mini-dialogues.

watch•wait•lie•wear•cook•think noteat•notfly

A 1. I couldn’t get a plane ticket for Thursday, so

I home until Friday. 2. Don’t phone at 3.00. I the match. 3. Good luck at the audition. We of you. 4. Come at exactly 5.00. I for you. 5. We’re having 12 guests for dinner, so I all

afternoon. 6. At this time next week, we on the beach. 7. We’re going out tonight, so we at home. 8. You’ll recognise me. I a green dress.

B a. Are you having dinner at a restaurant? b. Really? What are you making? c. OK. We’ll see you then. d. Oh, that’s my favourite colour! e. Thanks a lot. f. That’s great. I’m not taking a holiday until

next month. g. OK. I’ll call you when it ends. h. OK. I’ll try not to be late.

2 Write sentences with the words below. Use the Future Continuous.

1. he / sleep / between 4.00 and 6.00 / . 2. what / they / do / at this time next week / ? 3. you / study / in five years’ time / ? 4. I / not arrive / until after midnight / . 5. she / watch TV / at 8.00 this evening / .

3 Complete the text messages with the verbs in brackets. Use will, be going to, the Present Continuous or the Future Continuous. There may be more than one correct answer.

We (play) basketball after school. Meet us at the basketball court at 3.00.

I (go) to bed early this evening because I’m really tired. Goodnight.

1 5

I’m sure you (have) a great time. See you when you get back.

Can I use your MP4 tomorrow or you (use) it?

2 6

I (take) Jimmy to the dentist this afternoon.

Don’t worry. I (help) you.3 7

Don’t phone between 2.00 and 4.00. I (study) at the library then.

What you (do) at 7.00? Can we meet then?

4 8

5 Choose the correct answers.

When we talk about an action in progress at a specific time in the future, we use the Future Continuous.We will be shopping all day.Lisa won’t be meeting us tomorrow.Will you be returning before midnight?

The Skype Way1. Are you going / Will you go abroad in the near future? Then 2. you’re probably going to use / you’ll probably use Skype to see and talk to your friends at home. Here are some other great uses for Skype:Starting next week, Julia Kaller 3. is going to start / will start learning the guitar. However, she 4. isn’t leaving / won’t be leaving her house since she 5. will be taking / is taking the lessons on Skype. People can take lessons on Skype in anything from cooking to Chinese. Ed Gallagher became completely blind at the age of 50. However, tomorrow he 6. is going / will go skiing – with the help

of Skype! As he skis, a friend 7. is guiding / will be guiding him from miles away, by looking at the webcam on Ed’s helmet and telling Ed, through a microphone, what’s around him. Student Mandy Murphy 8. is going to have / will have an operation next week. She 9. stays / will be staying in hospital

for a month. However, she won’t miss her lessons. During that time, she 10. will be using / is using Skype

to see and hear the lessons and participate as well.

Future Continuous

4 Copy and complete the sentences. Make them true for you. Use will, be going to, the Present Continuous or the Future Continuous.

1. This weekend, I . 2. I’m sure that soon, people . 3. Tonight, my friends . 4. I believe that communication . 5. At this time tomorrow, I . 6. When I’m older, I .

Revision of Future Tenses

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1 Copy and complete the sentences using the phrases below and a suitable relative pronoun.

isplayedonacourt•inventedthelightbulblooksafterthesick•belongstoItaly therearepyramids•peopledidn’thavecars thefirstmanwalkedonthemoon youcanuseacomputer

1. 20th July, 1969 was the date .

2. Egypt is the country . 3. Tennis is a sport . 4. Thomas Edison was the man . 5. Sardinia is an island . 6. An Internet café is a place . 7. A nurse is a person . 8. There was a time .

2 Copy and complete the second sentence so that it has a similar meaning to the first sentence, using the word given. You must use between two and five words, including the word given.

1. I never play violent computer games. which

I never play violent. 2. Mr Grant bought a house near the lake.

that The house is near the lake. 3. Beth is the girl with the white horse. whose Beth is the girl white. 4. They will never forget their wedding day.

got They will never forget the day married. 5. One of my brothers lives in Japan. who I have a in Japan. 6. Ted is staying at a hotel that is by the river.

wheRe The hotel is by the river. 7. I visited Paris last year and it is my favourite

city. visited Paris, , is my favourite city. 8. Sally has got a lot of patience and she is a good

teacher. patient Sally, , is a good teacher.

when the first man walked on the moon

computer games which are

Relative Clauses 3 Combine the two sentences using a non-defining clause. Make any necessary changes.

1. The blue-ringed octopus is poisonous. It lives in Australia.

2. Christina Aguilera became a mother in 2008.

She is a famous singer. 3. Joanna always wears nice clothes. Her mum is

a fashion designer. 4. Alton Towers is a theme park. It is in England. 5. Malta is a member of the European Union.

My pen-friend lives there. 6. Ancient Olympia attracts lots of visitors. It is

in the Peloponnese.

4 Copy and correct the sentences below. Correct the relative pronoun, add commas or take out the extra words, as necessary.

1. Susan who lives in Edinburgh is coming to stay with me next week.

2. Harry, which brother is my best friend, has just got a new surfboard.

3. That’s the restaurant where I had my party there. 4. Ice-skating is a sport which it requires a lot of

practice and patience. 5. People who they are afraid of heights should

not climb ladders. 6. Hawaii where Pirates in Love was filmed is a

group of tropical islands in the Pacific Ocean. 7. Sunflowers, that was painted by Van Gogh, is

my favourite painting.

5 Complete the text. Use who, which, where, when or whose.

The blue-ringed octopus, which lives in Australia, is poisonous.

When we describe people or things, we often use defining relative clauses to give essential (defining) information and non-defining relative clauses to add additional information.Deserts are places where there isn’t much water. (defining clause)Deserts, which are very hot, haven’t got much water. (non-defining clause) Note: The relative pronoun that is not used in non-defining clauses.

Chocolate used to be a food 1. only rich people could buy. But that changed in 1900, 2. Milton Hershey opened his chocolate factory. Hershey, 3. factory was in Pennsylvania, USA, brought the cocoa and sugar from New York, 4. wasn’t far away. Then he bought the milk 5. he needed from the farms nearby.

Hershey’s chocolate was not expensive and many people started buying it. Later, Hershey, 6. was always looking for new ideas, started making small pieces of chocolate 7. he put in silver paper. He called them “kisses” and soon they became very popular.

Hershey built a town for his workers and called it Hershey. Today, visitors to the town can visit Hershey’s Chocolate World, 8. they can learn how chocolate is made and go on a free tour.

America’s Favourite Chocolate

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1 Copy and complete the sentences with the verbs below. Use the Zero Conditional.

get•feel•fly•go•do•wear 1. If I study, I better in exams. 2. The ground wet if it rains. 3. If she to the London office, she takes the

train. 4. If athletes protective gear, they get hurt less

often. 5. If I do a lot of sport, I great. 6. You need a passport if you to another


Revision of Conditionals 2 Copy and complete the sentences with the verbs

in brackets. Use the Zero, First, Second or Third Conditional. Then choose the correct answer.

1. If I turn on the tv / air conditioner, the room (get) too cold.

2. She would get in shape if she (run) on the treadmill / skateboard.

3. Keith would have got to school faster if he (ride) his bike / bus.

4. If you (leave) a message on my Mp4 / mobile phone, I will get back to you.

5. I (not bake) a cake unless the technician repairs the fridge / oven.

6. If Mary bought a dishwasher / blender, washing up (be) easier.

7. If you had used a webcam / browsed the web, you (find) a lot of information.

8. I can’t see the board if I (not wear) my glasses / necklace.

3 Copy and complete the sentences. Use the words in bold. Then tick (3) the sentences that are true for you.

1. If I have time today, visit / my grandparents

2. If I were rich, give / money to the poor 3. If I lived in the USA, go / to Disney World

every week 4. If I buy a book in English, my parents /

be happy 5. If I hadn’t gone to school today,

sleep / all day 6. If I exercise too much, my legs / hurt

I will visit my grandparents.

4 Write conditional sentences with the words below. There may be more than one correct answer.

1. if / you / play / tomorrow / I / watch / the match / .

2. how / you / feel / if / you / get / a medal / ? 3. we / play / basketball / tomorrow / unless / it /

rain / . 4. if / we / not lose / the game / yesterday / we /

play / in the championship / . 5. a player / win / if / he / get / the lowest score / ?

5 What do the sentences below mean? Choose the correct answer.

1. Alice might have come to the party if she had had the car.

a. Alice came to the party. b. Alice didn’t come to the party. 2. Sandy would be healthier if she didn’t eat so

much chocolate. a. Sandy eats a lot of chocolate. b. Sandy doesn’t eat a lot of chocolate. 3. We won’t go to the beach tomorrow unless it

is sunny. a. We will go to the beach even if it rains. b. We will go to the beach if it’s sunny. 4. If the firefighters hadn’t come, the house

would have burned down. a. The house has burned down. b. The firefighters put out the fire. 5. We could have seen the play better if we had

sat nearer the stage. a. We had seats near the stage. b. We didn’t have seats near the stage. 6. If you wear a sweater, you won’t be cold. a. You should wear a sweater. b. You shouldn’t wear a sweater.

6 Copy and complete the sentences with the Zero, First, Second or Third Conditional so that they are true for you.

1. If I were a professional athlete, . 2. If Spain hadn’t won the World Cup in 2010, . 3. If my favourite team wins a game, . 4. I usually enjoy watching sport if . 5. If I exercise three times a week, . 6. If the weather hadn’t been so bad yesterday, . 7. if I were a time traveller. 8. If you smoke, .

When we talk about general truths, we use the Zero Conditional.If we want cheap vegetables, we go to the market.

Zero Conditional

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1 Match A to B to make sentences.

A 1. If you are lonely, 2. I won’t watch TV 3. If you had worn a coat, 4. If I were you, 5. The police officer won’t give up 6. If fewer people drove cars, 7. As soon as I find Jim’s number, 8. If it hadn’t rained,

B a. until he catches the dangerous criminal. b. I would study harder. c. the party could have been outside. d. you should call a friend. e. unless there is an interesting programme on. f. you wouldn’t have got wet. g. there would be less traffic. h. I will call him.

2 Copy and complete the sentences with the correct form of the verbs in brackets.

1. I (miss) you if you move to London. 2. What would you do if you (not have)

homework today? 3. I (not talk) to John if he hadn’t called me. 4. As soon as I see Mr Brown, I (give) him the

message. 5. you (can eat) pizza every day if you lived

in Italy?

3 Copy and complete the second sentence so it means the same as the first. Use no more than three words.

1. I went to bed late, so I was tired the next morning.

If I to bed late, I wouldn’t have been tired the following morning.

2. Kevin can’t do his maths homework because he can’t find his calculator.

Kevin his maths homework if he found his calculator.

3. We will finish our work and then go out. We will go out we finish our work. 4. If you fix the vacuum cleaner, I will clean the

carpets. I won’t clean the carpets you fix the vacuum

cleaner. 5. Since she hadn’t saved enough money, she

didn’t buy a new mobile phone. She a new mobile phone if she had saved

enough money.

Temporals and Conditionals 4 Complete the text with the verbs in brackets. Use the Zero, First, Second or Third Conditional or a time clause.

5 Copy and complete the sentences using the correct affirmative or negative form of the verbs in brackets.

1. Anna loves big dogs but she lives in a small flat. If Anna (live) in a bigger flat, she (buy) a

big dog. 2. The forest is home to many unusual animals

and plants that could not survive a forest fire. If there (be) a forest fire, it (destroy)

many unusual animals and plants. 3. Chocolate always melts in hot weather. If you (leave) chocolate in the sun, it (melt). 4. We used all the cheese at lunch, so it wasn’t

possible to make pizza last night. If we (use) all the cheese at lunch, we

(can / make) pizza last night. 5. I don’t mind lending you my book, but I want

you to promise that you’ll give it back next week. I (lend) you my book as long as you

(promise) to give it back next week. 6. I will see Julie tonight, so I can tell her my

good news then. I (tell) Julie my good news when I (see)

her tonight.

In the 1970s, an executive for Sony, who had to travel a lot for business, thought his flights 1. (be) more pleasant if he 2. (have) a way to listen to his favourite music on the aeroplane. So he invented the Sony Walkman.

In the 1980s, a six-year-old girl won a contest for inventing cat food in the shape of a spoon. She 3. (not think) of the idea if she 4. (not hate) washing spoons.

How do new inventors come up with new ideas? One inventor said, “When I 5. (not like) how something works, I 6. (think) of ways to improve it. I often draw pictures of strange things. If you 7. (do) this a lot, it 8. (help) you to see things in a new way.”

What problem 9. you (try) to solve if you

10. (be) an inventor?

Solvi n g Problems

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1 Copy and complete the second sentence so that it has a similar meaning to the first sentence, using the word given. You must use between two and five words, including the word given.

1. “Eat all the vegetables on your plates,” Mrs Smith said to her children. toLd

Mrs Smith all the vegetables on their plates. 2. “Why don’t you take a taxi home?” Laura said.

sUggested Laura a taxi home. 3. “Don’t stay out late,” my mother said. not My mother warned late. 4. “Sue doesn’t laugh at my jokes,” Peter said.

neveR Peter said at his jokes. 5. “Do you like my hat?” Jane asked her brother.

he Jane asked her brother her hat. 6. “What are you studying next year?” she asked

me. i She asked me the following year. 7. “I’ll come this evening at 8.00 pm,” Dan

offered. to Dan offered evening at 8.00 pm.

2 Copy and complete the sentences in reported speech.

1. “I’m not going on holiday this week,” Tina said to Sue.

Tina told . 2. “Don’t sit on the wet paint!” John said to

Andrew. John warned . 3. “I can help you next weekend,” said Holly. Holly offered . 4. “We should study tonight,” Karin said to Jane. Karin suggested . 5. “I will explain everything to you tomorrow,”

said Peter. Peter offered . 6. “Does the film start at 8.30 pm?” asked Lucy. Lucy asked .

3 Choose a suitable reporting verb. Then rewrite the statements in reported speech.

Reported Speech

My little sister is always taking my things.1.

Anne complained / admitted

We don’t open on Saturday mornings.2.

shop assistant ordered / explained

3.Don’t come home late!

Dad admitted / warned

4.My mother can't drive us to school today.

Jane told / suggested

5.I’ll lend you my MP3 player if yours breaks.

my friend explained / offered

We use reported speech to report different types of statements.Statement

“I want to go on safari.”He said that he wanted to go on safari.Question

“Does he speak English?”She asked if / whether he spoke English.“What do you want to do now?”He asked what we wanted to do then.Command

“Move your car now!”He told us to move our car then.Suggestion

“You should buy your new computer here.”He suggested that we buy our new computer there.Offer

“I’ll help you with your homework tomorrow.”She offered to help me with my homework the next day.

4 Correct the mistakes. Write the correct sentence in your notebook.

1. He suggested me to go to the theatre on Saturday night. 7

2. He asked if they take the bus to school. 7 3. She asked me phone her the minute I got

home. 7 4. My father asked if why I hadn’t finished my

homework. 7 5. Mary said that she is enjoying her holiday in

France. 7

He suggested that I go to the theatre onSaturday night.

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1 Read the sentences in A. Then choose the best continuation from B.

A B 1. Jack should arrive early for the exam. a. That’s my advice. b. It’s definite. 2. You can’t finish that book in an hour. a. You need permission. b. It’s impossible. 3. We may go to the mountains this summer. a. It’s definite. b. We hope someone will invite us. 4. The children were able to help us. a. They have time now. b. They had free time. 5. Betty couldn’t go on the trip. a. It’s what we expected. b. It wasn’t possible. 6. Can we order a taxi for you? a. We want to help. b. Do you allow it? 7. You mustn’t drive fast in the city. a. It’s not necessary. b. It’s against the law. 8. David doesn’t have to eat now. a. He doesn’t want to. b. It’s not allowed. 9. They might not be at home. a. They had to go out. b. Let’s knock at the door and see. 10. Thanks for coming. You must come a. You have no choice. b. We look forward to it. again soon.

2 Choose the correct modal in bold to complete the text.

Revision of Modals

3 Correct the mistakes. Write the correct sentence in your notebook.

1. It’s too dark in here now. I won’t see a thing! 2. You should be tired after working so many hours. 3. Although I didn’t have a map, I can find the museum quite easily. 4. You mustn’t come to work tomorrow. It’s a public holiday. 5. We don’t have to reserve a table. The restaurant will be closed.

4 What would you say in the following situations? Copy and complete the sentences.

1. Your friend looks worried because she doesn’t understand the homework. “You don’t need to .” 2. Your friend says he’s got an exam tomorrow. “You should .” 3. Your friend looks tired. He has just returned from a long journey. “You really must .” 4. Your friend tells you a story, but you don’t believe it. “That story can’t .” 5. Your friend is worried about an exam and asks you for some study tips. “You might .”

In order to keep fit, everyone 1. should / is able to / might do some form of exercise or sport in their free time. People 2. must / can / should choose from a wide variety of activities. Some take up sports such as basketball or tennis, while others 3. must / will / might prefer aerobics, walking or jogging. The important thing is to exercise regularly. At the same time, you 4. mustn’t / don’t need to / can’t push your body to do more than it 5. has to / is able to / could do. According to doctors, too much exercise can damage your health and 6. should / is able to / may even contribute to diseases such as osteoporosis – a disease of the bones. Doctors say that they 7. have to / might / mustn’t treat too many sports injuries and eating disorders connected to fitness. Some teenagers think that they 8. might / can’t / don’t have to be slim and fit unless they exercise all the time. We 9. might / should / can all look after our bodies, but we 10. don’t need to / couldn’t / may not become so obsessive about our fitness that we damage our health.

Keeping Fit

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Parents and teachers often say that children 1. (seem) to grow up more quickly nowadays. It is certainly true that their interests and opinions are different from those of children who 2. (live) 20 years ago. Recently, research 3. (do) to find out what children today are interested in. Two thousand children were asked questions, and their answers show that children’s lives 4, (change) quite a lot. Today’s children 5. (not spend) as much time playing with dolls or toys as their parents did when they 6. (be) young. Of course in the past children 7. (not play) video games because they 8. (not invent). Another change is that children 9. (become) more interested in their appearance. Most nine year olds 10. (use) beauty products like hair gel, and their pocket money 11. (often / spend) on clothes and make-up, rather than on toys or sweets. Children used to say things like, “When I grow up, I 12. (be) a train driver, a policeman or a nurse.” Today, many of them hope that they 13. (become) famous. But children also care about more serious problems – more than 80 per cent are worried about the dangers of drugs and cigarettes.

Children Today

1 Answer the questions. Use full sentences.

1. What do you do every day after school? 2. What are you doing now? 3. What kind of day did you have yesterday? 4. What is the strangest food you’ve ever eaten? 5. What would you do if you found �100? 6. What are you going to do next weekend? 7. Where can you buy the coolest clothes in your town or city? 8. What subjects are taught in your school?

2 Copy the sentences. Underline the time expression in each sentence. Then circle the correct tense.

1. My parents had already left / has already been left by the time I arrived. 2. I think / am thinking it would be a good idea to take my cousin to the funfair later. 3. My friend is going to paint / has painted her bedroom next weekend. 4. I have studied / had studied French for three years before I moved to Paris. 5. Paul said that he didn’t go / hadn’t gone to school the day before. 6. Debbie is still ill today, so she won’t come / doesn’t come to the meeting this afternoon. 7. Have you seen / Did you see the painting of the Mona Lisa when you were in Paris? 8. While my neighbour was working / worked in the garden, somebody was breaking / broke into her car. 9. We didn’t eat / haven’t eaten anything since early this morning.

3 Copy and complete the sentences using the time expressions below.

recently•bythetime•as•since•just•ago•thisafternoon•seldom•for 1. Helen has told me the good news! 2. There is very little rain in the desert. It rains there. 3. Our guest will be arriving at 4.00 . 4. Did dinosaurs really exist millions of years ? 5. I was opening the window, I knocked over a plant. 6. I have known Vicky I started primary school. 7. Chris has been a footballer a few years now. 8. Have you read any good books ? 9. Julie arrived, we had already started eating.

4 Complete the article using the correct form of the verbs in brackets.

Grammar Revision

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5 Complete the second sentence so that it has a similar meaning to the first sentence, using the word given. You must use between two and five words, including the word given.

1. Gayle intends to be a teacher when she finishes university. going Gayle a teacher after she finishes university. 2. It’s been two years since I moved to London. liveD I for two years. 3. Tony has finally succeeded in getting a job. successful Tony in getting a job. 4. They opened a new swimming pool in our village last week. Was A new swimming pool in our village last week. 5. She doesn’t visit her cousins in Australia very often. HarDly She her cousins in Australia. 6. Is it really necessary for me to finish everything today? Have Do everything today? 7. The last time Judy saw John was December. since Judy December. 8. How long have you been studying French? start When French?

6 Read the text and decide which answer, A, B, C or D, best fits each space.

1. ..... ever considered jumping off a bridge? Probably not. But on Bridge Day, a special festival 2. ..... is held in Fayetteville, USA every October, people 3. ..... from all over the world to jump off the town’s famous bridge.

Bridge Day first 4. ..... in 1980 and over the years, it 5. ..... into a major tourist attraction. On this day, thousands of tourists watch in 6. ..... as the participants climb on the jumping platform, look down and then jump off the bridge.

This extreme sport is called BASE jumping because people jump to the ground from a fixed base, such as a building or a bridge. 7. ..... from a fixed base is much 8. ..... dangerous than skydiving because you jump from a lower height. Timing is essential. This means that you can only enjoy a few seconds of free fall before you 9. ..... to open your parachute. Most people find it hard 10. ..... why anyone would want to risk his or her life for a few minutes of fun, but BASE jumpers think 11. ..... . For them, it is the thrill that 12. ..... it all worthwhile.

Go Jump Off a


1. a Have you B You have c Were you D Are you 2. a where B which c when D that it 3. a are coming B came c come D have come 4. a is starting B starts c started D had started 5. a has turned B will turn c is turning D turns 6. a amazing B amazement c amazingly D amazed 7. a Jump B To be jumping c Jumps D Jumping 8. a more B the most c very D too 9. a must B able c have D should 10. a to understand B understanding c understand D understandable 11. a different B differently c differ D difference 12. a make B are making c have made D makes

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