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Bushra, The MoTher of 2 Who Made her firsT $28,000 online While Working full TiMe

vault one: The Idea Vault

Bushra Hello. I am Bushra Azhar. I am the founder of The Persuasion Revolution, where I teach tiny businesses how to make big bucks using psychology of persuasion. I am a ZTL graduate, and I took ZTL in April, and since then, I have made $28,000, I have 2800 subscribers, and I have had the honor of working with 532 clients.

raMit Welcome. Now, I can’t wait to talk to you. You have a very unusual background. Let’s start with where we flew you in from today.

Bushra I came all the way from Saudi Arabia.

raMit All right.

Bushra Yeah.

raMit Well, it’s very exciting to see you.

Bushra Thank you.

raMit When I heard your story, I knew that we had to fly you here no matter where you were in the world.

Bushra Thank you.

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Bushra, The MoTher of 2 Who Made her firsT $28,000 online While Working full TiMe

vault one: The Idea Vault

raMit And it’s a thrill to meet you. You have had great, great results with Zero To Launch. And so I want to start by asking a little bit about you, because not only are you an entrepreneur, but you’re a mother. You didn’t necessarily have a lot of people around you supporting you as you started this business.

Bushra Yes.

raMit And, interestingly, you were already earning six figures...

Bushra Yes.

raMit a consultant, right?

Bushra Yes.

raMit So tell us a little bit about what your mindset is when you’re already earning six figures, you’re a mother of two, you know. You have a family, but they’re not necessarily supportive. They don’t even really understand...

Bushra Yes. Yes.

raMit ...what online business is.

Bushra Yeah.

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Bushra, The MoTher of 2 Who Made her firsT $28,000 online While Working full TiMe

vault one: The Idea Vault

raMit What is that like?

Bushra Okay, so it’s very interesting, because, like you said, I’m already making six figures. I am a corporate consultant, and I don’t really have any financial need to do work... you know, to do this.

But I am an expat living in Saudi Arabia, and one of my biggest pleasures is to be able to fly back home in Pakistan as often as I can.

raMit Um-hum.

Bushra And you cannot really do that when you have... and you’re kind of exchanging dollars for hours, you know? You’re a consultant. You have to be there physically.

So the whole idea of actually getting into online business, the biggest attraction that I had was that I can take my business wherever I want.

So when I started, I was kind of ashamed to tell others what I was doing, and...

raMit Why is that?

Bushra Okay, I’ll tell you why. So I registered... I had the idea, I registered the domain, and the very first subscriber that I got, her email address was [email protected]. And I was like, what sort of people am I attracting?

raMit Yeah.

Bushra I don’t want to be working with these people. You know, who the hell is this person?

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Bushra, The MoTher of 2 Who Made her firsT $28,000 online While Working full TiMe

vault one: The Idea Vault

raMit Because you’d been working in corporate consulting.

Bushra I had been working in corporate consulting.

raMit And that’s different than foxyfive.

Bushra Yes, foxyfiveways. And it was like, what the hell is going on?

And I... again, you know, I have huge credibility as a corporate consultant. I have a corporate blog, and I’ve run it for the last three years. It gets me a lot of local client leads. So when people Google my name, they land on my corporate blog. I’ve been featured in Forbes Fast Company, and I’ve all that, you know, really credible stuff going for me. And I didn’t want to kind of, you know, taint it...

raMit Yeah.

Bushra ...with something that’s not as credible. And a lot of the online businesses out there, especially those run by females, unfortunately are very “woowoo”, and, you know, they talk about things like “follow your bliss” and “follow your dreams.” And I didn’t want to have that kind of positioning for myself.

raMit Okay. Let’s talk about the concern there, because I think it’s a real one. You know, I shared that concern. When I first started learning about online business, particularly these certain things like ebooks and information products... I mean, look. To tell you the truth, I graduated from Stanford, okay? I have a graduate degree and undergraduate degree from there. My friends are working at places like Google...

Bushra Yeah.

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Bushra, The MoTher of 2 Who Made her firsT $28,000 online While Working full TiMe

vault one: The Idea Vault

raMit ... Facebook, MacKenzie.

Bushra Um-hum.

raMit And here I am saying I want to start an online business? And I’m looking at some of the other stuff out there, and it’s sales pages this long. It’s got blinking images, and...

Bushra Yes. Yes.

raMit “Buy now or your life is going to be over!” And I’m thinking, like, what is going on here? My friends work in these amazing companies. Why would I ever tarnish my reputation?

Bushra Yeah.

raMit What I came to learn is that you can start an absolutely credible business. And in fact, I take pains... and we’ll talk about your business, as well. You know, I wrote a book. New York Times bestseller.

Bushra Yeah.

raMit I have people and fly them from around the world because that is the kind of credible business I want to run. What I came to learn was I can start an online business, but run it the way I want to.

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Bushra, The MoTher of 2 Who Made her firsT $28,000 online While Working full TiMe

vault one: The Idea Vault

Bushra Yeah.

raMit That means I select the clients who I work with. I don’t allow anyone with credit card debt to join my flagship programs, right? And you can do that if you run your business the way you want to do it.

Bushra Yeah.

raMit Okay. So let’s talk a little bit now about the six figures part. I find that very fascinating. So you have no need to earn more money, but you wanted to start moving towards the flexible lifestyle.

Bushra Yeah.

raMit So let’s pretend for a moment that you were able to do this. What would it mean for you to have a successful online business?

Bushra So yeah, flexibility is the reason that I started, but that’s not necessarily the reason I want to grow this further. Again, when you work in a B2C environment, which I already do now in my consulting business, you don’t see a lot of... you don’t see yourself impacting a lot of lives. But when you’re working with individuals, especially, you know, tiny businesses who are stuck on how to position themselves, and who are stuck on how to put themselves out there, how to ask for a sale, all of these tiny struggles.

And when you help them do that, the kind of gratitude and the kind of feedback that you get, it’s so gratifying.

raMit Love it. So you’re not only able to live a flexible lifestyle, but you can take what you know and scale it...

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Bushra, The MoTher of 2 Who Made her firsT $28,000 online While Working full TiMe

vault one: The Idea Vault

Bushra Yeah.

raMit many, many people.

Bushra Yeah.

raMit So you’ve taken other business courses. Now this, to me... I love talking about this, because I want an educated user base. That’s why I spend so much time and money sharing exactly what I do, because I don’t want to trick someone. I want them to know exactly what they’re getting.

Now, fortunately—or unfortunately—you had taken a number of other courses, okay? And then you joined ZTL. Tell us what your experience was taking some of these other online business courses.

Bushra So, yeah, one of the perks of having disposable income is that you kind of get used to blowing it on a lot of other courses.And really, if I had to put it in, you know, one sentence, it would be this: they would give you bits and pieces. So there are a lot of other online courses. Some of them are very, very popular. They would give you bits and pieces, but they would not give you the full picture.

raMit Give me an example.

Bushra Okay. So they would tell you... there would be, like, one full two-week session or module on how to create a website. Now, I really think—and you teach this in ZTL—website is just a very small piece of the overall puzzle. It is... essentially, it could actually be a non-issue, you know, when you look at the bigger picture. But spending two weeks on how to create a website or how to brief a website designer on creating a website... I think it’s a waste of resources. I think it’s a waste of energy.

And a new entrepreneur is buzzing with energy, you know, when they start their course. You need to give them something that is really meaty. Something that will give them tangible results. And ZTL does that. It does not waste time on non-essential, you know?

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Bushra, The MoTher of 2 Who Made her firsT $28,000 online While Working full TiMe

vault one: The Idea Vault

raMit So let’s talk about this, because I love it. You came into ZTL, and you were a little tired of what you had already learned.

Bushra Yeah.

raMit Well, I think in particular, there were some interesting things that you encountered in the women’s market. The women’s market in general tends to be a little less tactical than, say, the general business market, and there’s a little bit more focus on different topics. You used the term “woowoo.”

Bushra Yeah.

raMit What is that, and can you explain that?

Bushra So I’ll give you a very specific example. So I’ve seen other courses who would tell you... and by the way, not just other courses. There are still people in a lot of community forums who give this advice, and I think it’s really bad advice. Which is, you know, bring your whole self to your website. Show yourself in your work.

I think this is great, but if you are running a business, then it isn’t about you. It is about the end user. So when you design your sales page, for example, and you design it from your perspective, you’re making a huge mistake. Yes, you are following your bliss, or you’re, you know, putting your whole self into your business, but that’s not doing anything to get people to buy from you.

raMit Right. So they’re spending a lot of time on their headshots, the beautiful design, talking about why I do this.

Bushra Yes.

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Bushra, The MoTher of 2 Who Made her firsT $28,000 online While Working full TiMe

vault one: The Idea Vault

raMit My bliss. And actually, some of those things are important.

Bushra Yeah.

raMit It is important to talk about why...

Bushra Yeah.

raMit ... you’re helping them, etc. But do you know that I went effectively 10 years of my business without having a real headshot? I mean, finally, only recently did I get some good headshots. I went eight years without doing SEO. I went eight to nine years without having a Facebook page.

Bushra Yeah.

raMit Guess what? The business grew.

Bushra Yes.

raMit So I love that you came in and you said, look, I’m not here to have a hobby. I don’t want people telling me, “Follow your passion! Find your bliss!” I want a business!

Bushra Yeah.

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Bushra, The MoTher of 2 Who Made her firsT $28,000 online While Working full TiMe

vault one: The Idea Vault

raMit Is that accurate?

Bushra Yes, absolutely. And, you know, that’s interesting you say this, because it’s... again, zero headshots. And I was just telling your team, I was like, the last time I look like this was when I got married. So maybe, you know, I was like, maybe I need to get married one more time, just to look like this again.

So like you said, yes, these things are important, but these are not what makes you money.

raMit Yes.

Bushra You know, at the end of the day, you have to sell something, and you have to sell something tangible.

raMit Okay, so let’s talk about that. Because you said... you talked about hobby businesses.

Bushra Yeah.

raMit And you mentioned that there’s a lot of people who talk about hobbies. Like, they’ll say you need a beautiful site.

Bushra Yeah.

raMit You need this, you need that. What’s the difference between a hobby business and a ZTL business?

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Bushra, The MoTher of 2 Who Made her firsT $28,000 online While Working full TiMe

vault one: The Idea Vault

Bushra So the way I see this is a hobby business is where you indulge yourself. You know, you indulge into what you enjoy doing.

raMit Um-hum.

Bushra And you indulge into it to such an extent that, you know, it’s enjoyable, yes. But you indulge into it to such an extent that the end user does not find any value in it. So they would come to your website, they see a lot about you and your story, and what you do, and what you enjoy doing. But they don’t see how that solves a problem that they have.

raMit Yeah.

Bushra Whereas in ZTL, your whole positioning, or your whole website, is all about them. So when they walk in, the very first sentence that... if someone follows ZTL to the T, the very first sentence that they would be hit with is something which is a red hot burning pain for them. So there is no way they could hit the back button. They can’t.

raMit They can’t.

Bushra It’s psychologically not possible to leave that website, you know? That’s beautiful.

raMit I love it. This is, in my opinion, profoundly respectful, to focus on the person who’s coming to the site.

Bushra Yeah.

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Bushra, The MoTher of 2 Who Made her firsT $28,000 online While Working full TiMe

vault one: The Idea Vault

raMit Look, I love talking about myself, all right? I could sit here and just film videos about myself and how great my hair looks all day. But we’re here to talk about the people watching the video. Why are they getting value out of it?

Bushra Yeah.

raMit Why are the people who are going to come to your site going to get value from something you offer?

And this is a profoundly different way to look at it, because it’s easy to say, “Oh, give them value.” It’s hard to get so deep in their heads, to do so much research, that you know that person better than they know themselves.

Bushra Yes. Yeah.

raMit All right. So you had gone through these other courses. Let’s talk about what happened when ZTL opened up. So ZTL opens up. How did you feel when you saw the chance to join?

Bushra Okay, so I came across ZTL. I was on your list for almost two years. You always came across as someone that I call... in my inner circle, I say that, you know, Ramit is delightfully obnoxious. So I like that...

raMit Wait, I think you added an extra word. Can we cut that last word out in editing, guys? Just... all right, go ahead.

Bushra Sorry.

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Bushra, The MoTher of 2 Who Made her firsT $28,000 online While Working full TiMe

vault one: The Idea Vault

raMit You said “delightful”? Okay, got it.

Bushra So this is how I talk about you, is like, he is delightfully obnoxious. And I really like that about you.

So when you opened up a course, I was interested, yes. I was very, very intrigued by the sales pitch. You know, I’m very analytical. So I went to the sales page. I was sold onto the idea. But because I had been bitten so many times before, I went in, and I was like, okay, let me sign up for this. But I made a promise to myself that if this gives me the same woo woo BS... if it tells me to do the same things that I’ve seen before, I will ask for a refund. So, you know, I was like, I’m very clear this is how it’s going to be.

raMit Okay.

Bushra And, you know, it did not turn out to be that way at all.

raMit Why’s that?

Bushra So the very first thing that you talk about, the absolute first thing that you talk about, which is the idea mapping, it was such a huge “aha” moment for me. Because you are telling me that... you’re telling me something, by the way, that I already knew, but I did not... I had not internalized that message. So you were telling me as if you’re talking to me, Bushra. You’re already making so much money selling something in a B2C environment. Why can’t you take the exact same thing and put it in a B2B environment, and in an online business?

And no one else tells you that. They don’t tell you that you can use something, a skill that you already have, and make it into a viable, profitable business.

raMit Very good insight. Because a lot of people are hesitant to commit to an online business because they think, you know, I’m not a marketing analyst. I don’t know how to teach dogs to walk while you cover up their eyes and they’re blindfolded. Like, you already have skills that could viably be turned into an online business.

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Bushra, The MoTher of 2 Who Made her firsT $28,000 online While Working full TiMe

vault one: The Idea Vault

Bushra Yeah. Yeah. Yeah.

raMit So you’re a six figure earner already. You join, and in the first module, you’re like, wow, learned something new. Like you, I hate the idea of joining a course and just hearing the same stuff I’ve seen over and over.

Bushra Yeah.

raMit Oh, learn how to understand your customer, dadada. Set up a website. Email strategy. I want deeper.

Bushra Yeah.

raMit I want more. I want not only the entry level strategies to understand how to find the right idea and position it, but I want advanced strategies.

Bushra Yeah.

raMit So what else did you learn in the course?

Bushra Okay. So the immersion strategy, where you dig down deep and try to understand what are the, you know, barriers and limitations and the burning pains of your ideal buyer. I have used it, and I’ve found it so useful.Because now, not a day goes by before I receive an email or a message where people tell me, you know, “It’s like you’re reading my mind.” I really feel that I am reading their mind.

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Bushra, The MoTher of 2 Who Made her firsT $28,000 online While Working full TiMe

vault one: The Idea Vault

raMit Yeah.

Bushra Because I’ve, you know, dig down so deep into their mindset that I really know them probably better than they know themselves.

raMit Okay.

Bushra And that’s huge for me.

raMit What surprised you about the course? And I ask you specifically because you’ve taken a lot of other courses.

Bushra Yeah.

raMit So you know what some other people offer, even some very well-known people.

Bushra Yeah.

raMit What surprised you about ZTL?

Bushra So ZTL would not be... one of the examples that... I’ve talked about this with one of my blog subscribers, and I was telling them, I was like, when you come to ZTL, don’t expect to find out, you know, how to get 1000 subscribers in 10 days, for example. So you don’t get any specific gimmicks or any specific tactics that anyone can use and make a profitable six figure income.

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Bushra, The MoTher of 2 Who Made her firsT $28,000 online While Working full TiMe

vault one: The Idea Vault

You get a full framework.

So, you know, you have the full framework. Anyone who takes ZTL can actually bring their own flavor to the game. You have the strategy, and we know for a fact that it works. You know, you have made it work, and other people have made it work. So there is no doubt that it does not work.

With gimmicks and, you know, tactics, my biggest argument is that sometimes it works, sometimes it doesn’t. Whereas a strategy or a framework that’s proven, it always works.

raMit So for example, the idea is, you know, I could give you a specific blog post to write.

Bushra Yeah.

raMit And you could write it, and it will work for a while. But let’s say there’s 10,000 other people who are using that same thing.

Bushra Yes. Yeah.

raMit That’s going to lose its effectiveness...

Bushra Yes. Yeah.

raMit ... at a certain point. However, we can give you scripts that work. That’s a tactical example.

Bushra Yeah.

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vault one: The Idea Vault

raMit And we can say, “This is a great way to engage in customer research.”

Bushra Yeah.

raMit That’s important. So you copy and paste that email.

Bushra Yeah.

raMit You know it works.

Bushra Yeah.

raMit But the larger part is the strategy.

Bushra Yes.

raMit Here’s what you’re doing right now.

Bushra Yeah.

raMit Here’s what you need to do. Get this many subscribers. Great. That’s called passing the green light benchmark.

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Bushra, The MoTher of 2 Who Made her firsT $28,000 online While Working full TiMe

vault one: The Idea Vault

Bushra Yes.

raMit Boom, move on to the next step.

Bushra Yeah.

raMit So you know exactly where you are at any given time...

Bushra Yeah.

raMit ... and you’re not wondering, do I have enough traffic? Do I have enough subscribers? Is my conversion rate too high?

Bushra Yeah.

raMit Is my idea bad?

Bushra Yeah.

raMit You know if your idea is good because you’ve passed the green light benchmark.

Bushra Yes.

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vault one: The Idea Vault

raMit Okay?

Bushra Yes.

raMit So you go through the course. And now, of course, I want to talk about your results. This is my favorite part.

Bushra Yeah.

raMit All right. We’re not here to talk about woowoo. We’re not here to talk about how I made you feel and how I love my parents. We’re going to talk business!

All right, let’s start with the tangibles.

Bushra Okay.

raMit Take us through the numbers.

Bushra Okay. So I took the course eight months ago, and as of now, my total revenue is $28,000.

raMit Amazing.

Bushra I am at 2800 subscribers, and I have worked with 532 clients up until now. So, yeah, these are my results.

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vault one: The Idea Vault

raMit Amazing. Well, let’s pull out a little context from those numbers.

Bushra Yeah.

raMit Very impressive. Eight months, nearly $30,000. And what I really love about that is 2800 subscribers. That’s not a huge number.

Bushra That’s not at all.

raMit That really goes to show, one of the misconceptions people has is, you know, I have to have 100,000 subscribers...

Bushra Yeah.

raMit ... to make this a real business.

Bushra Yeah.

raMit No way.

Bushra Yeah.

raMit So you’re doing $30k in revenue, and that’s just in your first few months.

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vault one: The Idea Vault

Bushra Yes.

raMit And growth accelerates as you go on.

Bushra Yes. Yes.

raMit Amazing. Does it surprise you to know the numbers that you’re getting in just eight months?

Bushra Sometimes it’s kind of unreal, because... it’s interesting that you mention the list size, because a lot of people who bought from me, the very first course that I developed, and which was, like, completely following ZTL to the T. So everything that you asked me to do, I did. And there were people who bought from me, and they emailed me to say, “We had never heard about you. We landed on your sales page, and we bought on the spot.”

raMit Amazing.

Bushra Actually, one of the people in the ZTL group, she said, she was like, “I’m not an impulsive buyer. I have never done this before. But I clicked on your link, and I’ve never heard of you, and I bought on the spot.”

raMit Okay.

Bushra So this was like...

raMit That’s magic.

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vault one: The Idea Vault

Bushra Yeah.

raMit Except you know how the magic is done.

Bushra Yes. Yes.

raMit All right, so you mentioned something that I want to talk about. You said, “I did every single thing you said.”

Bushra Yes.

raMit Now, I have a phrase called “trust the system.”

Bushra Yes.

raMit And it’s there for a reason, because we know for a fact, an undeniable fact, that this material works. We’ve tested it to grow our revenue to millions of dollars. We’ve tested this material in over 34 industries. We know it works, all right? We’ve tested every element of it rigorously.

But what’s interesting is sometimes people come in... you know, it’s like you get a personal trainer, and then this trainer says, you know, “Okay, let’s do 10 minutes on the treadmill.”

“Eh, how about just five?”

And it’s like, if you trusted this person, you would trust that they are doing this for a reason.

Bushra Yeah. Yeah.

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vault one: The Idea Vault

raMit So I insist that people trust the system and don’t deviate.

Bushra Yeah.

raMit So tell me what went through your head. You know, did you... were you tempted to do something else? Tell me about that.

Bushra So I wasn’t tempted up until the point where I had to price it.

raMit Ah.

Bushra And I was like, this... two reasons, you know? I charge a lot of money in my consulting, and here I am selling a program for $49. So, like, this makes me feel really cheap, A.

B, I was like, you know, a lot of people will actually think that it’s crappy because it’s at this price point. And there were actually people who said that. It was like, “We went through your sales page. We loved it. We saw the price point, and then we’re like, what’s the catch?”

raMit Yeah.

Bushra How can it be at this price point? But I kind of decided to bite the bullet and, you know... and really, in retrospect, I think it was great that I put it at that price point. Number one, because of the number of people that I got to work with. So 532 people in total. And number two, because it created a lot of impulsive buyers. It encourages a lot of impulsive buyers.

raMit So you can see that many of the decisions we tell you about...

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vault one: The Idea Vault

Bushra Yes.

raMit ... are decisions that were made for reasons that are not immediately obvious.

Bushra Yes.

raMit You know, there’s a great story about cryptographers. Around the 1970s or 1980s, the cryptographers in America were going to design a standard for encryption. For, you know, making things secure. And all of a sudden, the NSA, which is the...

Bushra Yeah.

raMit ... National Security Agency, they employ the largest number of mathematicians in the world. And they kind of knocked on the door and said, “Hey, guys. We saw your encryption standard, but we recommend you change a couple of things.”

And everyone in the public was very skeptical. They said, “They’re trying to get a back door into our systems.”

Bushra Yeah.

raMit “They’re trying to weaken this encryption standard.” And so they put the best mathematicians on it, and they finally said, “Okay, we’ll do what the NSA says.”

Twenty years later, they discovered that the NSA had actually strengthened their encryption standard. The NSA knew, 20 years before everyone else, that there was a weakness in that standard, and they said, “Hey, guys, why don’t you just make a couple changes?”

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vault one: The Idea Vault

Well, we’ve been doing this a long time. We have tens of thousands of students. We’ve seen millions and millions of data points. So when we suggest something, there might just be a reason for doing it.

And I want to commend you for trusting the system, because now you start to see the benefits.

Bushra Yeah.

raMit “Wait a minute. I have 532 buyers? Hmm, I wonder what I can do with that.”

Bushra Yeah.

raMit “By the way, I got really interesting data on my conversion rates.”

Bushra Yeah.

raMit “By the way, now I know what it takes to go from a $49 product to a product 10 times that.”

Bushra Yeah. Yeah. Yeah.

raMit Well done.

Bushra Yeah. Thank you.

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vault one: The Idea Vault

raMit All right. Okay. Now we’ve talked about the numbers. Those are great. I’m really happy for you. But I want to talk about the intangible results that you got from ZTL. Talk us through what it means to you to now have a successful online business.

Bushra Okay, so in the consulting world, you know, it takes forever to close a sale. You know, you go through one round of pitches, and then you go through another round, and, you know, there’s a lot of going back and forth. And the speed with which an online transaction happens is... it’s mind-boggling to me even now.

And for... you know, the first time I actually made a sale, my husband was like, you know, “Why would anyone pay you? They’ve never met you.” You know, it’s... the whole idea of someone trusting you so much, trusting you with their money, no matter what the amount is, it’s mind-boggling.

So there is that element, which surprises me every single day. I was flying in to New York, and when I got off the plane, I had made 15 sales. And I was like, what is happening? It’s unbelievable that I... you know, the time that it took to fly here, I made 15 sales. So there is that element.

My parents, who have always been very supportive of me, but they haven’t prayed for me ever since, you know, I was taking all those exams, and I was in the university. So now every time I release a program, my mom is like, “Okay, so what is the number that you want to... what is the target number?” I will say, you know, 500 sales. And every day, she would call me. She’s like,

“How many sales have you made?” Because she was like, “I need to pray. I’m going for my prayer. How many have you made? What number do you want to get to?”

And I love this, you know?

raMit Your mom is a conversion strategist. I love it.

Bushra Oh my gosh, she is. And, you know, though, so my first target was 300 sales, and she was... I was at 280, and she was like, “You know, maybe I need to pray a little harder, because you need to crack 300.” So, and my parents, they are really... they don’t understand what this is all about, but they love the fact that I am working with people from all over the world.

raMit Yeah.

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vault one: The Idea Vault

Bushra And, you know, this... they made... you know, they finally, after all these years, have a reason to be proud of, even if they don’t know what this is all about.

raMit Amazing.

Bushra So this is, you know, really amazing.

raMit It’s very rewarding to be able to get good at something and then not stop there, but to actually be able to share it with the rest of the world.

Bushra Yeah.

raMit You know, like you, I’ll come home from dinner or going to the gym, and I just see, oh my God, you know, six people joined. Or sometimes it’s 60.

Bushra Yeah.

raMit And it’s staggering to me, because here’s the crazy part: some of the things that they’re joining, I created years and years ago.

Bushra Yes. Yes.

raMit But I’m proud of them.

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vault one: The Idea Vault

Bushra Yeah.

raMit And I know that they stand the test of time. So whether it’s created in 2009, you know, 2014, and it can be two years later, five years later, it’s still adding value to the world.

Bushra Yeah.

raMit And how do I know? Because one of the hardest ways to get people to show you that they value it is to pull out their wallet.

Bushra Yes.

raMit And so you know if they pull out their wallet... you’re not ever going to trick anybody. People are really smart. They’re going to pull out their wallet when they find value.

Bushra Yes.

raMit And I’m... I think it’s amazing that you’ve taken your skills and, in just a few months, shared with over 500 people who have clearly known that you’re showing them value.

Bushra Yeah. Thank you.

raMit Awesome job.

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vault one: The Idea Vault

Bushra Thank you.

raMit Okay, so final questions here. The people watching. You know, I’ve been inspired by what a unique situation that you are in. You are a mother, you’re a wife, already a six figure earner, already very successful financially. And you’ve already been through a lot of other online courses, which didn’t really help...

Bushra Yeah.

raMit ... you as much as you wanted. And so you said, “I’m coming here, and I’m here to do business.” Not to play. Not to do affirmations.

Bushra Yeah.

raMit To run a business. And you’ve done that. You’ve done an amazing job.

What would you tell the people here who are on the fence about joining Zero To Launch?

Bushra Yeah. So, like you said, I was very skeptical when I signed up. So, you know, I know you’re the quality of your work.

One of the problems with having such good quality of free content is that people think, you know, I already know everything that he has given to me for free. Why should I pay money?

So I would actually... I had actually thought that, okay, I am signing up for the program. So if it does not get me the value that I’m looking for, every month when I’ll be hit with the installment, I would probably die a little inside. And now every month that I do get, you know, the payment installment for ZTL, I actually, it makes me really happy, because I have made it many times over. You know, not just the investment, but the whole... you know, the intangible results that I’ve gotten. I am like... it makes me really happy to make that payment.

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So a lot of people who are on the fence, I think the only reason they would be on the fence could be probably that they think that they cannot afford it, or they think that it’s just going to be like all the other programs, or they think that they know everything.

So if they are one of those people who think that they know everything, and if they are cocksure about what they think they know, then probably, you know, they should reconsider investing into ZTL. Because if you’re not willing to question the status quo, if you’re not willing to transform your mindset, then ZTL is not for you.

If you’ve taken other programs, you will find new elements in ZTL. I am the sort of person who is more rigid, but I really had to force myself to change my mindset. If you are that rigid, then maybe ZTL is not for you. But if you are open for change, if you are open to experiment, if you’re open to trusting the system, then absolutely, it’s a no-brainer, you know? I would recommend it to anyone, and I have been recommending it to everyone on my website, to my subscribers.

Because a lot of people do ask me, you know, “How do you know all of these things?” And I tell them I know it because I’ve learned it from the best. So, yeah.

raMit Thank you so much for coming here.

Bushra Thank you so much, Ramit, for having me.